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1、1,孫子兵法 之 營銷戰(zhàn)略,,2,Management by Objectives目標性管理,What is Strategy?什么是戰(zhàn)略?,3,The 3 Components of Winning Strategies成功戰(zhàn)略的3大組件,The Goal/ Objective目標The Resources Needed所需資源The Responses from Customers and Competitors

2、客戶及競爭對手的反應(yīng),4,The Goal/ Objective目標,Why this goal/ objective?為什么要達到這個目標?How to achieve it?如何達到?What information is required?需要什么信息?What skills are needed?需要哪方面的技能?How to monitor progress?如何監(jiān)控進度?,5,The Resources

3、Needed所需資源,Manpower人力資源Equipment設(shè)備Materials材料Funds資金Marketing exposure市場曝光Network人際網(wǎng)絡(luò),6,The Responses from Customers and Competitors客戶及競爭對手的反應(yīng),PEST政治、經(jīng)濟、社會、科技 因素Customers' receptivity客戶的接受程度Competit

4、ors' reactions競爭對手的反應(yīng)Others其他,7,業(yè)績… …企業(yè)之命脈,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。,Sales... ...the lifeblood of a company, a matter of "life and death", survival or extinction. Indeed, something that needs to be studied, appli

5、ed and re-modified consistently.,8,Formulating Your Strategy擬定戰(zhàn)略,道:企業(yè)之愿景也The Way/ Vision天:時事大環(huán)境也 The Climate地:市場、區(qū)域、客戶群體、實地情況也 The Ground將:銷售領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力也 The Leadership and People法:方法、技能也 The Methods and Processes,9,改變

6、中的環(huán)境The Changing Environment,客戶現(xiàn)在跟五年前相比有什么區(qū)別?What are the differences in customers now compared to 5 years ago?客戶五年后跟現(xiàn)在對比又將有什么區(qū)別?What will be some of the differences in customers 5 years from now?,10,What Do Custome

7、rs Expect from Sales People?客戶對銷售員有什么期望?,Be personally accountable for customers’ results為客戶的績效承擔(dān)個人責(zé)任Understand customers’ business了解客戶的商務(wù)模式Proactively provide advice for customers主動為客戶提出建議Suggest the right soluti

8、ons that solve customers’ problems提出能解決客戶困惑的有效方案Be easily accessible客戶能隨時聯(lián)系上Be creative in responding to customers’ needs能為客戶的需求提出有創(chuàng)意的解決方法,Source: HR Chally,11,Blue Ocean vs. Red Ocean Strategy 藍海 vs. 紅海戰(zhàn)略,Tradition

9、al Circus vs. Cirque du Soleil一般馬戲團 vs. 太陽馬戲團Traditional Bakery vs. Bread Talk一般面包店 vs. 面包新語Traditional Computers vs. Dell一般電腦企業(yè) vs. 戴爾電腦Ordinary vs. iPods一般MP3機 vs. iPodNormal Motels/ Hostels vs. Home Inns/ Mote

10、l 168 一般招待所 vs. 如家/ 莫泰,12,Price of Product vs. Cost of Purchase產(chǎn)品價格 vs. 購買成本,13,Price vs. Value價格 vs. 價值,14,What is the Value of Water?,水 值多少錢?,15,What do Your Customers Value?你的客戶會珍惜什么價值呢?,A Value is NOT a Real Value

11、 UNLESS the Customer Wants It!客戶所不惜的就不是真正的價值,16,What Customers Want, Generally客戶一般要的是什么?,Same value, lower cost相同價值,更低成本Same cost, better value相同成本,更優(yōu)質(zhì)的價值Customised to needs量身訂造,17,How does Your Customer Perceive

12、 You? 你的客戶對你抱持什么態(tài)度?,,,,,,,,Strategic Importance of Seller’s Products 賣方產(chǎn)品的戰(zhàn)略重要性,Difficulty of Obtaining Substitutes 獲得替代品的困難程度,,,Source:Huthwaite,Hi 高,Lo 低,Lo 低,Hi 高,18,How do you measure Leadership Effectiveness?,您將

13、如何衡量領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力的績效?,19,How Good Leaders can Add Value優(yōu)秀領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者是如何增加價值的,Getting team members to go the extra mile willingly讓隊員自愿地作額外的付出(行千里而不勞者,行于無人之地也)Inspire team members to generate more creative solutions啟發(fā)隊員,使他們能夠更富有創(chuàng)意地解決問題

14、Motivating team members to take initiative with the appropriate actions激勵隊員,使他們能夠自主地采取合適的措施與行動,20,Sun Tzu's 5 Criteria for Leadership孫子兵法將者5律,智Intelligence and Wisdom信Trust and Respect仁Compassion勇Courage嚴D

15、iscipline and Control,21,智Intelligence and Wisdom,Analytical Intelligence分析能力Understands trends and numbers了解趨勢與數(shù)字Good at problem solving善于解決問題Draws accurate conclusions達到準確的判斷Practical Intelligence學(xué)以致用的能力Unde

16、rstands wide-ranging knowledge學(xué)識淵博Knows where to look for the right information知道如何找尋信息Identifies the right context for the right application知道在什么場合運用什么方式來解決問題Creative Intelligence創(chuàng)造力Sees new perspectives that ot

17、hers don't看到他人所看不到的觀點Thinks laterally側(cè)向思維Generates innovative solutions營造創(chuàng)新方案,22,信Trust and Respect,Trust in the leaders' decisions信任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的決策Trust in the leaders' intentions信任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的意圖Authority is given,

18、but respect is earned權(quán)利是加于的,但尊重是贏取的Lead by example以身作則,23,仁Compassion,Understands the needs and aspirations of your team members了解各個隊員的需求及奮斗目標Makes each sales person the best sales person she can ever be讓每一個銷售隊員成為

19、最優(yōu)秀的銷售員,24,勇Courage,Making decisions that team members dislike作出讓團隊不高興的決策Making decisions that management dislikes作出讓管理層不認同的決策Taking action付出行動,25,嚴Discipline and Control,To discipline others, discipline yourself

20、first嚴己寬人Control is ALSO about catching other doing the RIGHT things監(jiān)控也包括“抓”到對方做對事,26,Who is the Best Sales Person?哪位是最優(yōu)秀的業(yè)務(wù)員?,27,Who is the Best Sales Person?哪位是最優(yōu)秀的業(yè)務(wù)員?,28,Who is the Best Sales Person?哪位是最優(yōu)秀的業(yè)

21、務(wù)員?,29,Who is the Best Sales Person?哪位是最優(yōu)秀的業(yè)務(wù)員?,30,What will be Your Advice to Salesman A, B and C?你會給業(yè)務(wù)員A、B及C什么建議呢?,31,Who Are Some of The Leaders in You Admire誰是你你最仰慕的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)們,What makes you admire them?你為什么會仰慕他們?,32,T

22、raits of Good Leaders 優(yōu)質(zhì)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的特征,Ambition 雄心壯志Tenacity 堅韌不拔Self-confidence 沉著自信Psychological Openness 心胸豁達Realism 腳踏實地Appetite for Learning 勤奮好學(xué),33,How do you measure Leadership Effectiveness?,您將如何衡量領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力的績效?,34,How Goo

23、d Leaders can Add Value優(yōu)秀領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者是如何增加價值的,Getting team members to go the extra mile willingly讓隊員自愿地作額外的付出(行千里而不勞者,行于無人之地也)Inspire team members to generate more creative solutions啟發(fā)隊員,使他們能夠更富有創(chuàng)意地解決問題Motivating team member

24、s to take initiative with the appropriate actions激勵隊員,使他們能夠自主地采取合適的措施與行動,35,Why Not Build a High-Performing Sales Team Instead?為什么不組建一個優(yōu)秀的銷售團隊取而代之 ?,Compare the best performing sales person(s) with the rest (the middle

25、 and worst performing) in your company在公司內(nèi)部將業(yè)績最好的銷售人員(們)與其他銷售人員(業(yè)績平平或最差的銷售人員)進行比較 Find out what are the qualities or behaviours that are ONLY present in the best people, which the rest are not doing找出前者身上獨有的(或后者身上缺乏的)

26、素質(zhì)或工作方法,36,Why Not Build a High-Performing Sales Team Instead?為什么不組建一個優(yōu)秀的銷售團隊取而代之 ?,Structure the interview processes where you look for past performance whereby the candidate has demonstrated such ideal qualities or be

27、haviours回顧在過去的招聘過程中能夠顯示應(yīng)聘者此類優(yōu)秀素質(zhì)或工作方法的環(huán)節(jié),并對其進行強化 If the qualities or behaviours can be learnt, structure your sales training such that everyone on your team can learn and internalise them如果這些優(yōu)秀素質(zhì)或工作方法可以通過學(xué)習(xí)來獲得,那么強化銷售培

28、訓(xùn),使得團隊每個成員都掌握它們,37,Are Sales People Motivated by Money Only?銷售人員是否只會被金錢所激勵?,If Not, What Else?如果不是,那還有什么能激勵銷售人員的呢?,38,What Might Motivate Sales People?什么能夠激勵業(yè)務(wù)員?,Money金錢Achievement成就Recognition認可Relationship關(guān)系

29、Prestige聲望Good environment to grow良好成長環(huán)境Autonomy自主自由Purpose有所目的Others其他,39,Brainstorming your motivation plan如何激勵你的團隊的腦力風(fēng)暴,Increase incentives and commissions增加獎金與傭金Introduce a competition引進銷售競賽Give recogni

30、tion for the right behaviour針對正確的行為給于贊賞Give them a bright, positive future vision if they succeed給他們畫一幅非常輝煌的愿景,40,What REALLY Motivates People什么真正能夠激勵他人,Consequence后果,41,Types of Consequences不同的后果,Positive 正面Immed

31、iate 立刻Certain 明確Negative 負面Immediate 立刻Certain 明確Positive 正面Immediate 立刻Uncertain 不明確Positive 正面Future 未來Certain 明確Negative 負面Future 未來Certain 明確Negative 負面Immediate 立刻Uncertain 不明確Positive 正面Future 未來

32、Uncertain 不明確Negative 負面Future 未來Uncertain 不明確,Source:Daniels & Daniels 2007,42,Re-Configuring Your Sales Incentives重新設(shè)計你的銷售獎金制度,Reward more for improvements insales performance, and less for mere re-ordering增

33、加對銷售績效有所提高的獎金,而減少一般重復(fù)購買的獎金Implement group bonuses if team work is needed如需鼓勵團隊合作,實施團隊獎金Give recognition for improvement in sales processes針對銷售流程及技巧的改進給于認可與贊賞,43,Case Study 1案例1,You have 3 top sales staff who contrib

34、ute significantly to your total sales revenue你有3位業(yè)績出色的業(yè)務(wù)員。他們的業(yè)績占據(jù)公司總業(yè)績的大部分However, each one of them has got different problems但是他們沒一人都有一些毛病:“A” gives a lot of discounts to the extent that you don’t make much profits

35、“A” 在價錢方面打很多折,基本上導(dǎo)致公司利潤少了許多“B” is great in closing sales, but never provide any form of after-sales service“B” 簽單能力特強,但從來不為客戶作任何售后服務(wù)“C” generates sales only from2-3 existing customers, and has not gained a single new

36、customer in the last 3 years“C”則只跟2-3位老客戶做銷售,而且在之前3年都沒有引進新客戶What would you do?你會怎么做?,44,Challenges in Sales Management銷售管理遇到的挑戰(zhàn),Less than 15% of superstar salespeople succeed in management 少于15%的頂尖銷售人員能夠成為稱職的經(jīng)理Most

37、people leave their jobs because they could not get along with their supervisors大部分離職的員工都是因為無法與上級融洽相處而這么做的Only 19% of effective new business developers are effective at maintaining long-term customers只有19%的新客戶開拓人員能夠與客戶

38、保持長遠良好關(guān)系Less than 15% of key account managers are comfortable developing new businesses只有15%的客戶經(jīng)理對發(fā)展新客戶感到適意,45,Challenges in Sales Management銷售管理遇到的挑戰(zhàn),Nearly 65% of salespeople who fail could have succeeded in the rig

39、ht type of sales position for their skills將近65%的表現(xiàn)欠佳的業(yè)務(wù)員能在更合適的銷售崗位上創(chuàng)造更優(yōu)越的業(yè)績Nearly 70% of strong customer support and service staff are able to maintain customer relationships將近70%的客服人員能夠與客戶保持良好長久關(guān)系60% of sales posit

40、ion failures are related to individuals with the wrong skills for the position60%的銷售人員無法勝任其職是因為個人技能與崗位不匹配,46,Why Give Recognition?為何要給于贊賞?,47,Definition of Culture文化的定義,Things people do unconsciously人們無意中做的事情,48,創(chuàng)建你

41、的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)文化Creating Your Leadership Culture,行為Behaviour,,反應(yīng)Response,期望Expectation,效果Effect,,,,49,創(chuàng)建你的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)文化Creating Your Leadership Culture,行為Behaviour,,反應(yīng)Response,期望Expectation,效果Effect,,,,,,文化Culture – “這里做事的方式”“th

42、e way things are done around here”,,,50,Positive Feedback正面反饋,Context情景Action行為Result結(jié)果,51,Corrective Feedback糾正反饋,Context情景Actual action實際行為Result結(jié)果Expected action預(yù)期行為Result (enhanced)結(jié)果(優(yōu)化),52,Moti

43、vating Staff激勵員工,Happy Staff vs. Hungry Staff快樂的員工和饑餓的員工Who will be more motivated?誰更有工作動力?The question is how we keep staff hungry問題是我們?nèi)绾巫寙T工保持饑餓At the same time, we need to feed them as well同時,我們要喂養(yǎng)他們What do we fe

44、ed or staff with?我們該如何喂養(yǎng)他們呢?,53,Case Study 2案例2,Sam is a new sales person and showed a lot of promise during his initial training with the company. When he went on his work, he also put in lots of effort. Still, after

45、 3 months, there wasn’t any results generated. What would you do?Sam是一位新業(yè)務(wù)員,并在入職培訓(xùn)的時候表現(xiàn)優(yōu)異。他正式工作時也非常投入。但在三個月以后,他仍然沒有任何業(yè)績。你會怎么做?,54,“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”“重復(fù)做同樣的事情

46、卻期望不同的結(jié)果”,Definition of Insanity愚癡的定義,55,Case Study 3案例3,Susan was one of your better sales persons. Unfortunately, she hasn’t been producing much results lately. When asked about her performance, she replied that t

47、he customers just need a little longer time to make the decision this year. What would you do?Susan是你團隊里較為優(yōu)秀的業(yè)務(wù)員。不幸的是,她最近業(yè)績欠佳。當(dāng)你問她情況時,她說客戶今年會比以往需要更長一點的時間作決定。你會怎么做?,56,Active Listening 聆聽,Always allow the other person t

48、o finish talking before passing any judgments待別人敘述完再闡明自己的觀點Ask clarifying questions讓別人闡明問題Listen with your ears, eyes and emotions使用你的耳、眼及感覺來聆聽,57,Case Study 4案例4,Simon has been in touch with a prospect for quite som

49、e time. He has seen their decision makers, their technical buyers and even end-users. While responses are positive, there was no further progress. What questions would you ask?Simon跟進了一家客戶已經(jīng)有段時間。他一見過對方的決策者、技術(shù)人員甚至使用者。盡管

50、反饋良好,但始終裹足不前。你會向他提問什么問題?,58,You Know Your Sales Process Is Outdated When . . .您何時發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的銷售流程已經(jīng)過時?,Your reps interact mostly with customers‘ purchasing departments您的銷售員只與顧客的采購部門聯(lián)系最為密切 The entire sales discussion revolves

51、around price整個銷售談判都圍繞著價格Sales training is mostly exercise-based training that shows reps how not to take no for an answer銷售培訓(xùn)的目的是灌輸銷售人員不接受 “不” Management is constantly adjusting the incentive schemes管理總是圍繞獎金措施的調(diào)整,59

52、,You Know Your Sales Process Is Outdated When . . .您何時發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的銷售流程已經(jīng)過時?,The sales force that is spread too thin is reorganized to focus more intensely on customers已經(jīng)人手不足的銷售團隊需要將更多的精力花在顧客身上 Salespeople are not included in

53、the design of the company's offering銷售人員沒有參與到公司銷售方案的制定中 There is little thought of or interaction with your customers‘ customers忽視了與顧客的顧客溝通Your salespeople are internally focused銷售人員不接受外來信息 Sales management is

54、convinced it is doing a good job銷售管理層自我感覺良好,60,Action Planning行動計劃,61,What Next?下一步該怎么做?,What should I do more of?我們哪方面應(yīng)該多做一些?What should I do less of? 我們哪方面應(yīng)該少做一些?What should I start doing?我們該開始做什么?What should


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