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1、 分 類 號: H315 單位代碼: 單位代碼:10190 研究生學號: 研究生學號: 201411014 密 級: 無 碩 士 學 位 論 文 A Cognitive A Cognitive Comparative Comparative Study of the Semantic Study of the Semanti

2、c Extension of English and Chinese Human Extension of English and Chinese Human-Body Body-Part Terms Part Terms: : The Case of “HEAD The Case of “HEAD/TOU /TOU” 英漢人體詞匯語義擴展的認知比較研究 英漢人體詞匯語義擴展的認知比較研究—以“HEAD/ “HEAD/頭”為例 為例

3、研 究 生 姓 名 研 究 生 姓 名 : 馮 香 雪 專 業(yè): 外國語言學及應用語言學 外國語言學及應用語言學 指導教師 指導教師及職稱 及職稱: 趙 紅 路 (教 (教 授) 授) 培 養(yǎng) 單 位: 長春工業(yè)大學 長春工業(yè)大學 2017 年 6 月研 究 生 學 位 論 文

4、 I Abstract With the development of society, language, as the communicative tool, also develops all the time. As a result, semantic extension phenomenon has come into being and it is ubiquitous in all kinds of languages.

5、 Semantic extension phenomenon leads to polysemy which is the inevitable result of human being?s cognition. The process of semantic extension is realized mainly by metaphor, metonymy and their interaction while among the

6、m, metaphor and metonymy are the basic tools of cognition which play essential roles in the process of people recognizing the world. Metaphor contains two domains: one is target domain and the other is source domain. Tar

7、get domain is abstract and strange for people; on the contrary, source domain is concrete and familiar for people. Metaphor is a cognitive process, in order to understand it better; the characteristics of source domain a

8、re mapped to the target domain. Metonymy mapping includes one domain in which people tend to use more highlight, more easily cognitive and memorial parts to replace the whole or the other parts of the whole. Metaphor and

9、 metonymy always interweave with each other and function together in people?s cognitive process. In daily life, the author finds people create a large number of polysemy, especially related to human being?s body-part; fo

10、r example, “山頭”,桌腿”,“山腰”, “河口”, “head of a table”, “face of a watch” and “eye of a needle” etc. Therefore, human-body-part terms are the ideal objects to study the semantic extension phenomenon. The thesis adopts both qu

11、alitative and quantitative analysis methods. As for the data collection, with the help of Chinese Language Material Database, English and Chinese dictionaries which are published by authoritative publishing house and the

12、 internet, the author has collected enough phrases, idioms, slangs about “HEAD/TOU”. The thesis mainly employs the theories of metaphor, metonymy, image schema and metaphtonymy to study the semantic extension phenomenon,

13、 with the purpose of revealing the cognitive mechanism of polysemy and exploring the way of applying the theories to the process of semantic extension. At first, the thesis mainly introduces the related semantic theories

14、, and then analyzes the relationships between different items of “HEAD/TOU” and how it produces the polysemy phenomenon in detail. In Chapter One, the author introduces the related research findings in human-body-part te

15、rms and the limitations. In Chapter Two, the author introduces the related theories and methodology. In Chapter Three, the author analyzes the semantic extension of “HEAD/TOU” based on the cognitive theories and sums up


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