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1、,教師教學(xué)技能訓(xùn)練,,,,導(dǎo)課技能,2,本學(xué)期教學(xué)內(nèi)容大綱,教學(xué)設(shè)計技能,聽說讀寫不同課型教學(xué)技能,,,板書技能,知識呈現(xiàn)、操練技能,,第一章 英語教案寫作技能,Content,目錄,1.Definition of Lesson Planning,,,A lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what t

2、hey hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it.,2. The Importance of Lesson Planning,Teaching is a dynamic activities performed in and out of class, so a well-prepared lesson plan can aid language teachers in

3、a number of the following ways:,1) A clear lesson plan makes the teachers aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.,2) It helps teachers distinguish the various stages of a lesson and accordingly arrange the

4、 different difficulty levels.,3) Proper lesson planning gives teachers the opportunity to anticipate potential problems.,4) Good lesson planning gives teachers confidence in class.,5) By lesson planning, teachers also be

5、come aware of the teaching aids that are needed.,6) Lesson planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism.7) Lesson planning will enable the teacher to improve class timing.8) Lesson planning is an aid to co

6、ntinuing development,3. Principles for Good Lesson Planning,Generally speaking, there are five basic principles which can guide good lesson planning.,1) Aim: the realistic goals for the lesson.,2) Variety: planning a num

7、ber of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students.,,,computer science

8、教學(xué)片斷1 在導(dǎo)入環(huán)節(jié),教師采取提問的方式教授詞匯,遇到新詞或者讀不準的詞,采取教師領(lǐng)讀,全體學(xué)生跟讀的方式進行教授。T: Look, this is a … and that is a … S: …2 教師利用教學(xué)軟件呈現(xiàn)半控制性的提示語,先是教師和基礎(chǔ)較好的學(xué)生來呈現(xiàn),之后小組練習。What is this/ that? It’s a/an…Is there a…?

9、 Yes, there is…/no, there isn’t. Is it a …?/and, is it…?3. 讓學(xué)生拿出課前布置的作業(yè),用英語知識來講解信息技術(shù),在實際運用中掌握語言S1:How do you do the homework on the computer?S2: First, switch on the computer. Look, just like this.

10、S1: oh, switch on the computer first, what do you do then?…4. 學(xué)生分小組進行現(xiàn)場操作,以小組匯報的模式,或小組共同呈現(xiàn),根據(jù)學(xué)生的實際水平讓學(xué)生選擇適合自己的學(xué)習方式,口頭呈現(xiàn)計算機的操作方式和英語說明書。S1: look, this is our work. Do you want to know how to do this?S2: first, click th

11、e symbol.S3: then, write this in the box…,,,,,,,義務(wù)教育是全民教育的重要組成部分,義務(wù)教育階段的英語課程應(yīng)面向全體學(xué)生。課程要體現(xiàn)以學(xué)生為主體的思想, 在教學(xué)目標、教學(xué)內(nèi)容、教學(xué)過程、教學(xué)評價和教學(xué)資源的利用與開發(fā)等方面都應(yīng)考慮全體學(xué)生的發(fā)展需求,課程應(yīng)成為學(xué)生在教師指導(dǎo)下構(gòu)建知識、發(fā)展技能、拓展視野、活躍思維、展現(xiàn)個性的過程。英語學(xué)習在很大程度上是個性化的活動,學(xué)習者由于年齡、性格、認

12、知方式、生活環(huán)境等方面的差異而具有不同的學(xué)習需求和學(xué)習特點。只有最大限度地滿足個體需求才有可能獲得最大化的整體教學(xué)效益。 因此,教師要在充分了解學(xué)生個體差異和不同需求的基礎(chǔ)上,在教學(xué)方法、教學(xué)內(nèi)容以及教學(xué)評價等方面做到靈活多樣,力求使每個學(xué)生都有所收益。,,,,,3) Flexibility: preparing some extra and alternative tasks and activities as the class d

13、oes not always go according to the plan so that teachers always have the options to cope with the unexpected situations rather than being the slaves of written plans or one methodology.,4) Learnability: the contents and

14、tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students.,5) Linkage: the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are someway linked with one another.,4. Co

15、mponents of a lesson plan,Macro Planning vs. Micro Planning,Macro planning is planning over a longer period of time. It is often done by a group of teachers who are teach the same course.,Micro planning is planning for a

16、 specific unit or a lesson. Teachers may have different ways of writing their own lesson plans.,Micro planning should based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on.,,Macro planning,Mi

17、cro planning,,Whole course planning,,One semester planning,,Half a semester planning,,Unit planning,,Lesson planning,Macro planning is not writing lesson plans fro specific lessons but rather helping teachers get overall

18、 view about the course. It involves the following:,1) Knowing about the profession,2) Knowing about the institution,3) Knowing about the learners,4) Knowing about the curriculum/syllabus,5) Knowing about the textbook,6)

19、Knowing about the objectives,Components of a lesson plan,Background information,Teaching objectives,Teaching method,Stages and procedures,Key points and difficult points,assignments,Teacher’s after-class reflection,,,,,,

20、,,,,The design of the blackboard,Teaching aids,5.課程目標結(jié)構(gòu)Framework of objectives,,Framework of objectives,1、語言知識:語音,詞匯,語法,功能,話題。Language knowledge: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, functions and topics2、語言技能:聽說讀寫。Langua

21、ge skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing3、情感態(tài)度:動機興趣,自信意志,合作精神,祖國意識,國際視野 Affect: motivation and interest, confidence, collaboration and international perspectives. 4、學(xué)習策略:認知策略,調(diào)控策略,交際策略,資源策略。Learning strate

22、gies: cognitive, self-management, communication and resource.5、文化意識:文化知識,文化理解,跨文化交際意識和能力。Cultural awareness: cultural knowledge, cultural understanding, cross-cultural communication, awareness and ability.,(一)注重素質(zhì)教育,

23、 體現(xiàn)語言學(xué)習對學(xué)生發(fā)展的價值,,義務(wù)教育階段英語課程的首要目的是為學(xué)生發(fā)展綜合語言運用能力打基礎(chǔ),為他們繼續(xù)學(xué)習英語和未來職業(yè)選擇創(chuàng)造有利條件。同時,英語課程有利于學(xué)生體驗中外文化差異,豐富思維方式,增進國際理解,提高人文素養(yǎng)。英語教育應(yīng)做到 與 并重,使學(xué)生在英語學(xué)習過程中既能夠發(fā)展綜合語言運用能力,又能夠?qū)W會如何學(xué)習,養(yǎng)成良好的意志品質(zhì)和合作意識,學(xué)習如何處理人與人、人與社會、人與自然的基

24、本關(guān)系,形成創(chuàng)新意識,發(fā)展科學(xué)精神,從而全面提高綜合素質(zhì)。,人文性,工具性,,交流 + 工具思維,,,,T: now, I have a question: if you have a lot of money, does that mean you’ll be happy?Many students say yes, and some have different opinions:S1: money is not

25、 the only thing.S2: money can buy everything except friendship.…T: I’m happy though I’m not very rich. But I think if I had a lot of money, I would do many things.Then Miss Lu talks about some diseases, such as SARS,

26、 AIDS and cancer.T: there are many people suffering these diseases. It’s a pity! I think if I had a lot of money, for example, a million dollars, I would give it to the medical research centre. What would you do if you

27、had a million dollars?,,,積極的情感教育關(guān)愛他人,,,Teaching objectives should focus on the learners’ performance rather than the teachers’.,Teaching objectives should emphasize on language skills, knowledge, affects, strategies and

28、 culture awareness in order to lay a good foundation for continuing development. (abilities, not linguistic knowledge or concrete activities),案例一,PEP BOOK3 Unit Two ( Part B: Let’s talk) Teaching aims: 1. Aims on th

29、e knowledge (1) To enable the children to grasp the usage of the single and plural forms of the stationeries. (2) To enable the children to understand and speak: “My school bag is heavy. What’s in it? Thank you so much

30、.” Make sure that the children can use these sentences in real situations. 2. Aims on the abilities (1) To develop the children’s abilities of listening and speaking. (2) To train the children’s ability of working in

31、groups. (3) To foster the children’s ability of communication and their innovation. 3. Aims on the emotion (1) To keep the children conscious of good co-operation and proper competition. (2) To lead the children to s

32、how their love to the poor.,從教師的角度出發(fā),“使學(xué)生…” “發(fā)展學(xué)生的…” “訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的…” “培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的…”,目標主體均為教師,目標描述過于模糊和寬泛。一節(jié)課或者一個單元中出現(xiàn)的新單詞和新的表達法往往不止一項。教師要列出要求學(xué)生掌握的具體詞匯,否則學(xué)生會因目標詞匯過多而產(chǎn)生畏懼心理。,目標過于寬泛,沒有明確提出培養(yǎng)或提高何種閱讀技能和聽的能力。這類目標沒有可操作性,不可測。,知識目標:熟練掌握家庭成員名稱

33、和運用人稱代詞和物主代詞。能力目標: 1.培養(yǎng)學(xué)生交際與表達能力 2.培養(yǎng)學(xué)生閱讀能力與寫作能力 3.培養(yǎng)學(xué)生互相關(guān)心與幫助的習慣德育目標:教育學(xué)生熱愛家庭成員,熱愛祖國母親,教學(xué)目標(案例1),知識目標(1)通過兒歌,復(fù)習單詞1-10。(2)通過卡片,實物引出句型“ How Many… are there ?”并學(xué)習回答。(3)通過各種手段強化學(xué)習句型 “How Many…?”并進行拓展學(xué)習。能力目標(1) 培養(yǎng)學(xué)

34、生初步運用語言進行交際的能力。(2)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生樂于聽、說,善于聽、說的能力。(3)通過興趣活動培養(yǎng)學(xué)生樂于學(xué)習英語的興趣。(4)通過興趣活動培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的自信心和勇于展示自我的能力。情感目標 在游戲和競爭中培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的合作精神和競爭意識,讓學(xué)生更熱愛班集體、熱愛生活。,教學(xué)目標(案例2),(一)知識技能目標1.學(xué)生能掌握astronaut, detective, president, principal, profe

35、ssor這五個職業(yè)詞匯。2.學(xué)生能使用目標句型“Will you be a/an…? Yes, I will. /No, I won’t.”,“What will you be in the future? I will be a/an ….”(二)情感態(tài)度目標學(xué)生對“未來”充滿憧憬。,教學(xué)目標(案例3),教學(xué)目標設(shè)計-案例3 (修改稿),(一)知識目標 學(xué)生能聽懂并辨認astronaut, detective, pres

36、ident, principal, professor這五個職業(yè)詞匯(二)技能目標 在適當情景中,學(xué)生能應(yīng)用本課學(xué)習的職業(yè)詞匯和以往學(xué)過的語言,交流 對未來職業(yè)及居住地的設(shè)想。如 -What will you be in the future? -I will be a/an …. -Where will you live in the future? -I will live …(三) 情感態(tài)度目標對

37、未來職業(yè)充滿憧憬。,,A udienceB ehaviorC onditionD egree,Teaching objectives(sample 1),Original:Enable students to talk about festivals and customs in English and express or support an opinion with suitable expressionsRevised:

38、 After the functional practice (C), the students (A) will be able to say (B) fluently (D), the names of some important festivals in English, and say what people often do on these holidays.Questions to check: what’s the

39、English for 圣誕節(jié)?What do people do on Christmas?,Teaching objectives(sample2),Original version: Help students learn to read science writing and know about scientists and their work,Teaching objectives (sample2),Revis

40、ed version:Through reading and explanation (C), students (A) will be able to summarize the main contents of the passage (B), orally/in writing (C), from memory (D).Ways to check: ask students sum up the contents. Or as

41、k them to write out the contents.,Teaching objectives,Behavioral verbs (a to z) Analyze, apply, arrange, assembleBuildCategorize, choose, classify, compareDeduce, define, demonstrateEstimate, evaluate, explainGen

42、erate, graphIdentify, indicateLabel, locate,Teaching objectives,Make, match, measure, modifyName Operate, order, organize, outlinePredict, prepare, present, pronounceRead, reconstruct, reduce, reviseSelect, solve,


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