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1、A Course of E-C and C-E Translation,1,2,Contents,直譯和意譯,1,6,7,,2,3,,直譯與意譯 Literal Translation and Free Translation,4,Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.,三個和尚沒水吃.,5,Literal translation,Literal translation,

2、also called word-for-word translation, is ideally the segmentation of the source language text into individual words and target language rendering of those word-segments one at a time. This ideal is often literally impos

3、sible.,6,Literal translation,For example, an inflected word in an agglutinative source language can almost never be replaced with a single word in an isolative target language, and, even when literally possible, the resu

4、lt is often unreadable.,7,Literal translation,Hence most so-called literal translations are in fact compromises with the ideal: looser renditions that replace individual source language words with individual target langu

5、age words wherever possible, and cling as closely as possible to the source language word order in the target language (Baker 2001: 125).,8,Free translation,Free translation, also known as sense-for-sense translation, em

6、phasizes transfer of the meaning or "spirit" of a source text over accurate reproduction of the original wording.,9,Free translation,The purpose of sense-for-sense translation is to accommodate the needs of the

7、 target language reader by producing a text which conforms to the linguistic and textual norms of the target language and culture and which does not therefore sound "foreign" (Shirttleworth & Cowie 1997:151

8、).,10,Summary,By the 1980's, Chinese scholars seem to have reached a general consensus which favors literal translation wherever possible and free translation whenever literal translation is not a good choice. Transl

9、ation practice has proven that literal translation and free translation are not contradictory but complementary.,11,,直譯法:把忠實于原文的內(nèi)容放在第一位,把忠實于原文的形式放在第二位,把通順的譯文形式放在第三位。,12,,意譯法:把忠實于原文的內(nèi)容放在第一位,把通順的譯文形式放在第二位,不拘泥于原文的形式。,13,,硬譯

10、法:如果不忠實于原文的內(nèi)容,只忠實于原文的形式,那就不是直譯,而是硬譯,如魯迅批評過的把 the milky way(天河,銀河)譯成“牛奶路”。,14,,濫譯法:如果不忠實于原文的內(nèi)容,只追求通順的譯文形式,那也不是意譯,而是濫譯,如把rub one’s hands “搓自己的雙手”譯成“摩拳擦掌"。濫譯是翻譯中的自由主義。,15,,無論直譯、意譯,都要符合“忠實、通順”的標準(許淵沖1984: 5)當譯文的形式和原文的形

11、式一致的時候,就無所謂直譯、意譯。如把Disasters never come single 譯成“禍不單行”,內(nèi)容和形式都忠實于原文,既可以說是直譯,也可以說是意譯。當譯文的形式和原文的形式不一致的時候,就有直譯或意譯的問題,而且直譯可以有程度不同的直譯,意譯也可以有程度不同的意譯,如:,16,,He had about as much chance of getting a job as of being chosen mayor

12、 of Chicago. (J. London)(1)他找到工作的機會和當選芝加哥市長的機會幾乎差不多。(直譯的程度最大) (2)他要找到工作簡直跟要當選芝加哥市長同樣困難。(直譯的程度減少,意譯的程度增加)(3)他找到工作的機會簡直微乎其微。(意譯的程度最大),17,To sum up,所謂直譯,就是既保持原文內(nèi)容、又保持原文形式的翻譯方法或翻譯文字。譯文的語言(或目的語)與原文的語言(或始發(fā)語)常常用相同的表達形式來體現(xiàn)同


14、the moon 直譯:月亮意譯:玉兔(?東升);金兔;白兔;蟾宮(?折桂);月桂〈一輪?);嬋娟(但愿人長久,千里共?〈宋?蘇軾詞〉);水鏡;陰宗;夜光;素壁,21,,2)月亮直譯:the moon意譯:celestial body, heavenly body, planet, secondary planet, planetoid; orb of night, moon goddess; green cheese

15、; sailor‘s friend; Diana,Luna, Phoebe, Cynthia; queen of heaven, queen of night (Shakespeare) ; queen and huntress, chaste and fair (B. Johnson),22,,3) the sun 直譯:太陽意譯:火輪(?飛出客心驚〈唐‘韓愈詩〉);金烏(?西墜);金輪;紅輪; 紅鏡(炎炎?東方升〈唐.李賀詩〉

16、);赤玉盤;玉彈(一丸?東飛來《宋?楊萬里詩》);陽烏,23,,4)太陽 直譯:the sun意譯:star of day, day-star, solar disk, solar orb; orb, sphere, fireball, ball of fire; eye of heaven, luminary, great luminary, light of the day, lamp of the day, source o

17、f light, heaven’s bright light, giver of light; old sol; Helios, Apollo, Hyperion, Mithras, Sham ash ; the god of life and poesy and light (Byron),24,,5) thin直譯:瘦意譯:清癯【qu】(面容?);清減;尤羸【wang lei】(相貌?);干癟(?老頭);形銷骨立;皮包骨頭;一

18、把骨頭\骨頭架子,25,,6)瘦直譯:thin, lanky , lean意評:slim; skinny; scraggy; lank; spare; gaunt; bony; wan; rangy; skeletal; scrawny; delicate; wasted; haggard ;emaciated; rawboned; shriveled; wizened; rickety ;spindling; pinched; s

19、tarved; starved-looking; flesh less; twiggy (像細枝的);weedy ; as thin as a reed (蘆稈);,26,,as thin as a lath (板條);as thin as six o'clock; as slender as a thread; too thin to throw a shadow; be a bag of bones; skin-and-bo

20、nes; looking like a plucked chicken; undersized; underweight; undernourished; undergrown; underfed,27,,7) fat 直譯:胖意譯:富態(tài)(胎)(長得?〉;肥實;胖乎乎;胖墩墩;面團團;團頭團腦;心廣體胖[pan];豐滿;豐盈;豐腴【yu]充盈;肉頭(小手?得很);臃腫;癡肥;虛胖;大腹便【pian】便;腦滿腸肥,28,,8)胖直

21、譯:fat意譯:portly (肥胖的;魁梧的〈常指年長者〉);stout (矮胖的,強壯的);obese (過度胖,;corpulent; fleshy; potbellied; beefy; brawny; abdominous; solid; plump (豐滿的);plumpish; rotund ( 圓胖的,圓狀的);burly; unwieldy ; heavy ; husky ; puffy ; weighty ; pu

22、rsy ;,29,,porcine; swollen ; tumid ; hypertrophied ; inflated; ponderous; lumpish; dilated; distended; tubby 桶狀的,肥圓的;矮胖的);chubby; podgy (矮胖的)(podge-矮胖的人〉;round; paunchy (大腹便便的)(paunch :肚子,大肚);corporational (大肚子的);well-fe

23、d; round-bellied; beer-bellicd; as fat as a pig; on the heavy; on the plump; in need of dieting; in need of reducing,30,直譯意譯成語,1) to kill two birds with one stone 直譯:一石二鳥意譯:一箭雙雕;一舉兩得;一并兩用兒2) to flog a dead horse 直譯:

24、鞭打死馬意譯:白費力;徒勞;白搭;枉然;徒然;事后在作無益的議論,31,,3) a drop in the bucket 直譯:一桶水中的一滴意譯:滄海一粟;太倉一粟;九牛一毛;微不足道;微乎其微;不足掛齒;不值一提;不起眼;渺小,32,,4) to teach a pig to play on a flute 直譯:教豬吹笛意譯:對牛彈琴;做荒謬的事情;做不可能做到的事情5) 過街老鼠直譯:(like) a rat

25、crossing the street意譯:the object of universal condemnation; a bad man hated by everybody,33,,6) 門庭若市直譯:The courtyard is like a market.意譯:a much visited house; a busy town; bustling; crowded,34,,7) 望梅止渴直譯:to gaze

26、at plums to quench one's thirst意譯:to console oneself with false hopes; to feed on fancies (illusion); imagined satisfaction; a Barmecide feast(《一千零一夜》中,一個口惠而實不至的人物),35,,8)危如累卵直譯:as dangerous as a pile of eggs意譯:

27、hazardous in the extreme; great insecurity; in a precarious (critical) condition; at stake [risk / hazard]; in peril [jeopardy / danger]; dangerous; perilous; critical; hazardous; precarious; insecure; jeopardous; risky;

28、 unsafe ; touchy,36,直譯意譯諺語,1) A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse, 直譯:點頭也好,眨眼也好,示意盲馬,同樣無效。意譯:犟漢難勸,狂人難喻。2) The worst wheel of a cart creaks most. 直譯:最壞的車輪最會咯吱響。意譯:(A)才學(xué)最差,叫喊最響;出力最少,抱怨最忙, (B)能貓不叫,叫貓不能,37,,3)山

29、雨欲來風滿樓直譯:The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains. 意譯:A turbulent situation foretells a big event. //Coming events cast their shadows before.,38,,4)樹倒猢猻散:直譯:When the tree falls, t

30、he monkeys scatter. 意譯:Members run away when the family [constitution] falls // When an influential person falls from power, his hangers-on disperse. // Rats leave a sinking ship.,39,直譯意譯句子,1) And I do not mistrust the

31、future; I do not fear (1) what is ahead. For our problems are (2) large, but our (3) heart is (4) larger. (5) Our challenges are (6) great, but our will is greater. And if our flaws are (7) endless, God's love is tru

32、ly (8) boundless.直譯(按字面詞義):而我不是不相信未來;我不害怕(1)即將來臨的事情。因為我們的問題是(2)大的,但是我們的(3)心(4) 更大。(5)我們的挑戰(zhàn)是(6)大的,但是我們的決心更大。如果我們的缺點是(7)沒完沒了的,上帝的愛是真正的(8)無窮無盡的。,40,,1) And I do not mistrust the future; I do not fear (1) what is ahead. For

33、 our problems are (2) large, but our (3) heart is (4) larger. (5) Our challenges are (6) great, but our will is greater. And if our flaws are (7) endless, God's love is truly (8) boundless.意譯(按實際同義):我并非不信任未來;我并不害怕(1

34、)我們面臨的問題:我們的問題(2)很多,但我們的(3)心胸(4)更寬廣; (5)我們面臨的挑戰(zhàn)(6)很嚴峻,但我們的決心更大。如果說我們的弊病(7)層出不窮的話,那么上帝的愛更是真正的(8) 廣袤無邊。,41,,2) The mantle of your high office has been placed on your shoulder at a time when the world at large and this Orga

35、nization are going through an exceptionally critical phase.直譯(按原句型);正當全世界和本組織處于一個異常危急的時期中,這個崇高職務(wù)的重擔落到了你的肩上。意譯(改動句型):整個世界和本組織正經(jīng)歷著一個異常危急的時期。在這樣一個時期中,這個崇高的職務(wù)的重擔落到了你的肩上。,42,,(在這一例句中,直譯保留了原文上下句的鮮明對比,優(yōu)于意譯),43,,3)靜夜思(李白)床前明月

36、光,疑是地上霜。舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉(xiāng)。,44,,直譯:In the still of the nightI descry bright moonlight in front of my bed. I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head. I yearn, while stoo

37、ping, for my homeland more.(徐忠杰)譯,45,,死譯:Quiet Night ThoughtBedside bright moonlightIs suspected to be frost on the floor.Raising head to watch the bright moon, Lowering head to think of the hometown.,46,,意譯:Nostal

38、giaA splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost? I raise my eyes to the moon, the same moon. As scenes long past come to mind, my eyes fall again on the splash of white, and my heart aches for home. (翁顯良譯),47,,(上

39、面一共有3種譯文,其中第二種譯文過于機械死板,完全按照原文的字面一字一字地硬譯,而第三種譯文完全不顧原文的形式,故意把這首詩譯成了散文形式。雖信不達,其忠實程度遠不及第一首既信又達的直譯。),48,,4)革命是解放生產(chǎn)力,改革也是解放生產(chǎn)力。直譯;Revolution emancipates productive forces, so does reform.意譯:Revolution means the emancipation

40、 of the productive forces, and so does reform 。(上面的直譯是形似而神不似,而上面的意譯是形不似卻神似,而且是地道的英語,是一個優(yōu)于直譯的譯文。),49,,一般說來,可以直譯的成分可以意譯,可以意譯的成分也可以直譯, 但在特定的上下文中,直譯與意譯之間總會有一個優(yōu)劣問題。譯者往往可通過比較在兩者中挑選比較合適的一個,但是,由于文化對語言的影響,有些語言成分只能意譯,而不能直譯,這主要體現(xiàn)

41、在受本國文化影響最深的成語和諺語上面。在這種情況下,按字面意義翻譯的就不再是直譯,而是死譯。請看下面的例子。,50,,1) hand in glove with意譯:和一…狼狽為奸(死譯:戴著手套和…一合作)2) once in a blue moon意譯:千載難逢(死譯:一個藍色月亮里的一次),51,,3) 亂七八糟意譯:at sixes and sevens(死譯:seven disorders and eight

42、 chaos),52,,4)招風惹草意譯:look for trouble(死譯:invite wind to exasperate the grass),53,,5) It is a long lane that has no turning.意譯:路必有彎;事情必有轉(zhuǎn)機。(常用于安慰灰心喪氣的人等場合。(死譯:沒有轉(zhuǎn)彎的小巷的確是一條很長的小巷。),54,,6) It is an ill bird that fouls

43、its own nest. 意譯:家丑不可外揚,,(死譯:弄臟自己巢的鳥的確是一只壞鳥。)7) 表壯不如里壯 《紅樓夢》,第六十八回意譯:A sound wife counts for more than a sound husband. (死譯:The external strength is not so much as the internal strength.),55,,外甥打燈籠——照舅(舊)意譯:act

44、according to the old ways(死澤:The nephew carrying a lantern ― showing the way for his uncle (doing things in the old fashion)),56,,直譯與意譯是翻譯中一個非?;A(chǔ)的理論問題,也是各種翻譯方法研究的出發(fā)點。 一個篇章、一部作品的翻譯一般都要涉及直譯與意譯,不同的篇章、不同的作品在直譯與意譯的程度上自然會有所不同

45、。一般說來,法律文獻、政治文獻、學(xué)術(shù)文獻、新聞報道要求有更多字面對應(yīng)準確性很強的直譯,而歌詞、詩詞、抒情散文、舞臺或電影劇本、小說、傳記則要求使用更多不求字面對應(yīng),只求可讀性的意譯,在翻譯中能否恰如其分地把握好直譯與意譯的程度顯示了 一個譯者翻譯水平的高低。提高這方面的水平需要不斷的實踐和不斷的理論學(xué)習(xí)。,57,,,58,,Foreignizing Translation (異化翻譯)and Domesticating T

46、ranslation (歸化翻譯),59,Foreignization,Foreignization is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.,60,Foreignizatio

47、n,This method is "an ethnodeviant pressure on target-language cultural values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad" to have alien reading experience.

48、,61,Foreignization,(異化譯法是偏離民族主義的,對譯入語文化價值施加壓力,使其關(guān)注外語文本的語言和文化差異,把讀者帶入外國情景,體驗外國人的閱讀感受)。,62,Foreignization,換言之,異化譯法要求譯者向原文作者靠攏,采取原文作者使用的表達方式傳達原文的內(nèi)容,如把to kill two birds with one stone “一石兩鳥”,把all roads lead to Rome譯為“條條大路通羅馬

49、“,63,Foreignization,Such a strategy would entail not only a freedom from absolute obedience to target linguistic and textual constraints, but also where appropriate the selection of non-fluent, opaque style and the delib

50、erate inclusion of source language REALIA示教實物 or target language ARCHAISMS (Shuttleworth & Cowie 1997: 59).,64,Domestication,Domestication is a strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to min

51、imize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers.,65,,This method is "an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values, bringing the author back home",66,,歸化

52、譯法采取民族中心主義的態(tài)度,使外語文本符合譯入語的文化價值觀,把原作者帶入譯入語文化 .換言之,歸化譯法要求譯者向譯文讀者靠攏,采取譯文讀者習(xí)慣的譯語表達方式傳達原文的內(nèi)容。,67,,如把kill two birds with one stone譯為"一箭雙雕"、"一舉兩得",把grow like mushrooms譯為"雨后春筍",把All roads lead to Rom

53、e譯為"殊途同歸"等都是歸化譯法。,68,,翻譯中"歸化"和"異化"不僅是不矛盾的,而且是互為補充的。文化移植需要多種方法和模式。應(yīng)用翻譯的目的論理論skopos theory,對翻譯中涉及的各種因素作綜合的分析,譯者既可采用"歸化"的原則和方法,也可采用"異化"的原則和方法。,69,,至于在譯文中必須保留哪些源語文化,怎樣保留,哪些源語

54、文化的因素又必須作出調(diào)整以適應(yīng)目的語文化,都可在對作者意圖、翻譯目的、文本類型和讀者對象等因素分析的基礎(chǔ)上作出選擇。對譯者來說,重要的是在翻譯過程中要有深刻的文化意識,即意識到兩種文化的異同。,70,,必須指出兩點。一是不論在當代或在歷史上,以目的語文化為歸宿的原則似乎是占了上風。這是因為評論家和出版商往往更注重譯作的可讀性,一般的讀者也喜歡通順易懂的譯文,而且, 這一傾向也正好與翻譯研究發(fā)展的趨向相一致。,71,,二是隨著兩種文化接觸

55、的日益頻繁,以源語文化為歸宿的原則將越來越有可能廣泛地被運用,最終可能會占上風。但不管怎么發(fā)展,"歸化"和"異化"將永遠同時并存,缺一就不成其為翻譯。,72,Some useful tips,Translation is a continual tug-of-war between faithfulness and smoothness, literalism and liberalism, fo

56、reignization and translationese, loyalty to the author and appeal for the reader.,73,,All translation is a compromise — the effort to be literal and the effort to be idiomatic (Benjamin Jowett)A translator has divided

57、loyalties. He has a duty to his author, a duty to his reader and a duty to the text. The three are by no means identical and are often hard to reconcile (David Havvkes).,74,,翻譯要防止兩種傾向:自由主義一大手大腳,自由發(fā)揮形式主義一束手束腳,拘泥宇面,75,,T

58、ranslation strategy has much to do with the style of the source text. The following is the table of Degression of Formal Equivalence .1998: 28):,76,,77,An apple does not fall far from the apple tree.,落葉歸根,78,,,二. 正確處理直譯與

59、意譯的關(guān)系,直譯與意譯這兩種方法并無優(yōu)劣之分,也并非是對立的,而是相輔相成的,關(guān)鍵在于如何正確使用他們。如:1.When I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it.當我需要你的意見時,我會問你的。請不要插嘴。2.You are late for the last time.這是你最后一次遲到了。你被解雇了。,3. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to i

60、t.到了橋邊才過橋。不必擔心太早。4. Little fish does not eat big fish.小魚吃不了大魚。胳膊擰不過大腿。5. What the tongue says, the neck pays for.舌頭說話,脖子還帳。舌頭闖禍,脖子遭殃。,6. What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!孵出來是母雞就別想冒充公雞。生來是個女人就


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