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1、GEPT 中級(jí)課程,教師: 黃毓齡,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,資料來(lái)源:語(yǔ)言訓(xùn)練測(cè)驗(yàn)中心 (http://www.gept.org.tw/download/download-2.htm)英語(yǔ)能力分級(jí)檢定測(cè)驗(yàn)中級(jí)聽(tīng)力測(cè)驗(yàn) A. Questions 1- 2 For questions number 1 and 2,

2、 please look at picture A. Q1: Where are these two girls?

3、 A. They’re in a library. B. They’re in a supermarket. C. They’re in a

4、 furniture store. D. They’re in a coffee shop.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,A. Questions 1-2,Question number 2: Look at the two girls again. Which description matches the pictu

5、re?A. Amy has short curly hair.B. They are wearing glasses.C. They both have straight hair.D. Grace is wearing short pants.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,B. Question 3,For question number 3, please look at picture B.Question number 3: W

6、hat is the girl doing?A. She is exercising.B. She is doing housework.C. She is walking to school.D. She is solving a math problem.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,C. Question 4,For question number 4, please look at picture C.Question numb

7、er 4: What will Jamie have for lunch?She’ll have some rice, iced lemon tea and a grapefruit.B. She’ll have some chicken, iced lemon tea and a grapefruit.C. She’ll have some chicken, ice cream and grapes.

8、D. She’ll have some chicken, iced lemon tea and grapes.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,D. Question 5,For question number 5, please look at picture D.Question number 5: What are the people doing?A. They are standing in a circle.B. They

9、 are sitting around a camp fire.C. They are setting off fire crackers.D. They are chasing each other outside.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,E. Question 6,For question number 6, please look at picture E.Question number 6: What is the weathe

10、r like in Taiwan?Starting with the weather down south, it will be fair with some scattered showers in the afternoon. (scatter: throw things around)B. In central Taiwan, it will be clear and sunny.C. Up north,

11、 more rain is expected throughout the day.D. And as for the people on the east coast, clouds won't arrive for another two or three days.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,F. Question 7,For question number 7, please look at picture F.Questio

12、n number 7: What time is it?A. It’s eight-o-five. (8:05)B. It’s eight past five. (5:08)C. It’s five to eight. (7:55)D. It’s five-o-eight. (5:08),聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,G. Questions 8-9,For questions number 8 and 9, please loo

13、k at picture G.Question number 8: Which statement about this place is correct?A. This is an apartment building.B. There is an alligator in the lobby.C. The stores downstairs are closed.D. People are shopping

14、 at the mall.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,G. Questions 8-9,Question number 9: Please look at picture G again. Which announcement would you hear in this place?Attention please. You are requested to remain seated until the plan

15、e has come to a full stop.B. This is an up-town train to Richmond. For your safety, please do not lean against the doors.C. Welcome to Sincere. Today we have a special sale on the second floor.D. Ladies and gentlemen

16、, we are now at Newark. Thank you for riding with us.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,H. Question 10,For question number 10, please look at picture H.Question number 10: Which description of the picture is correct?A. The theater is filled w

17、ith people.B. There is a crowd in front of the movie theatre.C. People are moving around, finding their seats.D. Not many people have come to see the movie.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,I. Questions 11-12,For questions nu

18、mber 11 and 12, please look at picture I.Question number 11: What does the map show?A. The hospital is next to the drugstore.B. The hospital is across from the drugstore.C. The KTV is across from the bank.D.

19、The KTV is next to the MRT Entrance.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,I. Questions 11-12,Question number 12: Look at the map again. Where is the MRT entrance?Go straight ahead and take the first left. You’ll see it on the left

20、.B. Go straight ahead and take the first right. You’ll see it on the right.C. Go straight ahead and take the second left. You’ll see it on the left.D. Go straight ahead and take the second right. You’ll see it on t

21、he right.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,Questions 13-14,For questions number 13 and 14, please look at picture J.Question number 13: Which statement about the items is correct?The roller skates cost three thousand and nineteen dollar

22、s.B. The Walkman costs two thousand and forty-nine dollars.C. The bicycle costs forty-nine thousand dollars.D. The sweater costs seven hundred and ninety dollars.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,Questions 13-14,Question number 14: Please look

23、 at picture J again. Which comparison of the items is correct?The cheapest item is the Walkman.B. The most expensive item is the roller skates.C. The roller skates are less expensive than the bicycle.D. The

24、Walkman is much cheaper than the sweater.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,K. Question 15,Question number 15: Which instructions match the pictures?First press a button to select a drink. Then, insert coins into the slot. After that, take

25、 the drink from the dispenser.First press a button to select a drink. Then, take the drink from the dispenser. After that, insert coins into the slot.First insert coins into the slot. Then, press a button t

26、o select a drink. After that, take the drink from the dispenser.First insert coins into the slot. Then, take the drink from the dispenser. After that, press a button to select a drink.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,16. What’s th

27、e temperature today? A.Today is Sunday, the 11th.B.He has a very bad temper.C.Yes, it’s only temporary.D.About 20℃, I guess. 17.Why don’t you take a day off and get some rest? A.Maybe you’re right. I reall

28、y need some sleep.B.Because I have a cold.C.No. You can keep the rest.D. Don’t worry. I won’t take it down.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,18.I’m looking for a present for my classmate.A.He is absent today.B.How about this wallet?C

29、.When did he get lost?D.John is our class representative. 19.How long is the warranty? A.About a 5-minute walk.B.40 miles an hour.C.12 months.D.Every 15 minutes.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,20. I hear John is feeling better tod

30、ay. A.That’s a good choice.B.But I like the other one better.C.Oh, I’m glad to hear that.D.Yeah, I’ve asked him to speak louder. 21.Can I try a different size? This suit doesn’t fit. A.Will size 11 do?B.A

31、re these shoes too small?C.What’s wrong with the soup?D.How are they different?,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,22. Sorry, I’ve got to run. May I call you back later? A.No. May is on another line.B.Sure, I’ll be in my office until 5.C

32、.All right. It’s on now.D.Yes, hold on, please. 23.Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night? A.We went to Ed’s party last night.B.No, I wasn’t hurt.C.Joy couldn’t go yesterday.D.Yeah, I had a great ti

33、me.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,24.You are two weeks behind on your project. A.I’ll move to the front seat.B.Really? Maybe I should jog more often.C.I’m sorry. I’ll turn it in tomorrow.D.I’ll get some more on my way home. 25.When

34、 you see Susan, tell her I said “Hello!” A.Hello.B.I’ll say.C.Tomorrow.D.I will.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,26. Excuse me, is there a laundromat in this neighborhood? A.Yes, you may be excused.B.Yes, there’s one on Park Road.C.

35、Yes, they are my neighbors.D.Yes, they are doing the laundry. 27. When does the next train leave for Taipei? A.At 12:30.B.From platform 2.C.It's already left.D.The next train is to Taichung.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,28.D

36、o you plan to major in English in college?A.Yes, I'll give him a tour of the school.B.No, I want to be a history major.C. No, I went to college in the U.S.D.Yes, most of my friends went to college. 29. Wher

37、e is Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall?A.Because he overthrew the Ch’ing Dynasty.B.He is our national father.C.It is in Taipei City.D.It is November 12.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,30. What salad dressing would you like? We have French,

38、 Italian and Thousand Island. A.Oh? I didn’t know Italy has so many islands.B.So, you’re an international company.C.She's wearing a blue dress.D.I’ll have French, please. 31.M: Good afternoon. Do you

39、have a reservation?W:Yes. Irene Henning.M:Irene Henning …. Yes. A table for three by the windows, right?W:Yes.M:Your table is ready, Miss Henning. Please follow me.W:Thank you.Q:Where did this conversati

40、on take place?A.In a hotel.B.In a restaurant.C.In a travel agency.D.In a furniture store.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,32.M: Can I see your license, please?W:I wasn’t speeding, was I?M:No. But you’re not wearing a helmet.W:

41、I do have a helmet. Look, here it is.M: Then, you should put it on your head, not in the bag.W: But I just got my hair done. Please, don’t give me a ticket, officer.M: Sorry.Q:Who is the man? A.

42、A policeman.B.A hair stylist.C.A teacher.D.A ticket agent.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,33.M: Look at this one. Jane and I are on top of a mountain.W:Mountain climbing! Whose idea was that?M:Not mine. You can be sure of that!W:

43、 Oh, that’s nice. What a lovely place.M: Yes. It's called Miori. The houses are all 18th century and are painted either all white, pale blue or green. They look great, don’t they?Q:W

44、hat are they doing?A.Sightseeing.B.Climbing a mountain.C.Looking at photographs.D.Talking about painting a house.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,34.M: Jenny, I think you might be interested in this advertisement. Mai

45、son’s Department Store is looking for experienced salesclerks.W:Maison’s? Oh, is that near the First National Bank?M:Yes, that’s the one. Here’s the ad. W: Thanks. I’ll send them my resume tomor

46、row.Q:What are the speakers talking about?A.A place to go shopping.B.A job opportunity.C.A change in their schedule.D.A person they are looking for.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,35.M: Quiet down, everyone. I’d like to make a t

47、oast to our special research team. Thank you for the wonderful job you’ve done. May you all be healthy, happy and successful. And good luck on your new projects.

48、 W: I’ll drink to that! And I’d like to make another toast. This one is to our leader, Jack. Jack, thank you for putting up with our crazy requests and getting the funding we neede

49、d to finish our job. We know we can always count on you. Cheers! M: Cheers!Q:What are the people most likely doing? A.They're making bread and drinks.B.They're celebrating the

50、 completion of a project.C.They're visiting a friend in the hospital.D.They're trying to quiet down a crazy cheerleader.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,36.M: Video games are a lot of fun, aren't they?W:I’m afraid I don’t car

51、e much for them.Q:What does the woman mean? A.She loves playing video games.B.She's not sure if she has enough money.C.They have to be careful not to be caught.D.She doesn’t like video games.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,37.W

52、: What do you think of this blouse?M:It looks alright to me.W: Do you think it’ll go well with this skirt?M: A brown striped blouse and a pink polka dot skirt?! (shows disapproval)Q:What does the man think

53、of the woman’s idea?A.It’s terrible.B.It’s perfect.C.It’s so-so.D.It’s none of his business.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,38.W: Look at your room. I asked you to clean it up three days ago.M:I haven’t had time.W:

54、But you’ve had time to go to a concert and go bowling.M: That’s different.W: Well, you’re grounded for three days and that includes telephone calls.M: Aw Mom.Q:Why can’t the boy go out? A.He w

55、ent to a concert.B.He went bowling.C.He didn’t answer the telephone.D.He didn’t clean his room.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,39.M: I’m going to the store. Do we need anything?W:Well, we’re all out of toilet paper, and we’re running

56、 low on toothpaste. We also need some vegetables, and I just finished off the milk.M: I probably won’t have enough money for all of that.W: Then, don’t get the toothpaste. We still have a tube

57、 or so left.Q:Which of the following is the man NOT going to buy?A.Toilet paper.B.Toothpaste.C.Tomatoes.D.Milk.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,40.M: Don’t forget our presentation is tomorrow morning. W: At 10, rig

58、ht?M: Yes. But we have to be there at least half an hour early to distribute the handouts and set up the projector.W: I shouldn’t have any problems. I seldom sleep past 7 a.m., unlike some people

59、who sleep 'til noon.M: Do you mean me?W: There’re only two of us here, right?Q:What does the woman mean?A.The man has problems getting up early.B.The man is mean to her.C.She hopes nobody can overhear

60、them.D.She wishes more people could go.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,41.M: My grandfather has diabetes. W:What’s that?M: It’s a disease in which there is too much sugar in the blood.Q:What is diabetes?A.A dessert.B.An

61、 illness.C.Blood.D.Sugar.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,42.M: I hear you were accepted at the University of Hawaii. Congratulations!W:Thanks. Yes, I’m really looking forward to the sand and the sun. The be

62、aches are supposed to be great.M:Hang on—you’ll have research to do and papers to write. You won’t be there on vacation, you know.W:Oh, I’ll get my work done. But I don’t plan to spend every wee

63、kend in the library.Q:What is the man afraid that the woman might do? A.Spend too much time at the beach.B.Write a lot of papers.C.Stay in the library on weekends.D.Go swimming in her free time.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,43.W:

64、 Hello, Smith residence.M: Hi, can I speak to Joe?W: Who did you say?M: Joe. Joe Morrison.W: You have the wrong number. There’s no one here by that name.M: Is this 555-9196?W: That’s correct. But we don’

65、t have a Joe here.M: I see. Sorry to bother you.W: That’s OK.Q:Why couldn’t the man speak to Joe?A.Because Joe doesn’t live there.B.Because Joe doesn’t want to be bothered.C.Because he said the wrong name

66、.D.Because Joe is out.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,44.W: Larry, can you take this bag of garbage out?M: Of course, Judy. But let’s first separate the garbage that can be recycled. For example, we can take these plastic

67、bottles to the convenience store nearby and get a refund.W: What about the rest?M: We can take it out to the recycling truck when it comes on Saturday.W: Good thinking. So, what are we waiting for?!Q:Wha

68、t will Larry and Judy probably do next? A.Go to the convenience store.B.Wait for the garbage truck.C.Remove the bottles from the bag.D.Go bicycling on Saturday.,聽(tīng)力加強(qiáng)課程,45.W: Hi, my name is Tammy. I heard you

69、have a room for rent?M:Yes. I’m Tom. Nice to meet you.W:Nice to meet you, too. What a great location this is. Is it furnished?M:Yes. Would you like to come in and see it?W:Sure. So, how much is th

70、e rent?M:7,500 dollars plus water and electricity.W:That’s pretty affordable.Q:What did Tammy find out about the room? A.She’ll have to bring her own furniture.B.She won’t have to pay for water or electricity


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