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1、<p><b>  本科畢業(yè)論文</b></p><p>  外文參考翻譯文及原文</p><p>  學(xué) 院 經(jīng)濟(jì)管理學(xué)院 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 工商管理 </p><p>  年級班別 </p>

2、<p>  學(xué) 號 </p><p>  學(xué)生姓名 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師 </p><p><b>  2007年6月</b></p><p>  如何建設(shè)高效跨文化團(tuán)隊&l

3、t;/p><p>  經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化帶給管理的影響力,使人們越來越認(rèn)識到了團(tuán)隊的重要性??鐕Q(mào)易、跨文化管理、跨部門溝通……在所有這些名詞的背后,我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn)人是最重要的因素。如何搭建最有效能的團(tuán)隊架構(gòu)?如何創(chuàng)建最適合發(fā)展的團(tuán)隊文化?如何在團(tuán)隊中保持無障礙的溝通?如何在團(tuán)隊中發(fā)揮領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力和執(zhí)行力?我們該看重什么樣的問題?  一、培育團(tuán)隊凝聚力?! ∈紫葢?yīng)在企業(yè)內(nèi)部建立和宣傳相互協(xié)作的企業(yè)文化,保持企

4、業(yè)縱向、橫向交流渠道的暢通,以使信息和知識在企業(yè)內(nèi)部廣泛交流和傳播。其次,企業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)應(yīng)重視團(tuán)隊的構(gòu)建,引導(dǎo)團(tuán)隊的健康發(fā)展,形成一個利于團(tuán)隊發(fā)展的環(huán)境和氛圍。再次,通過召開成員見面會、項目進(jìn)展評審會等會議使大家經(jīng)常見面交流。當(dāng)團(tuán)隊成員感受到集體的存在,凝聚力也就自然培養(yǎng)起來?! 《?、有控制的授權(quán)。  團(tuán)隊之所以能有效運(yùn)作,在很大程度上就歸功于團(tuán)隊內(nèi)部成員享有充分自主的決策權(quán)上,包括能夠制訂生產(chǎn)目標(biāo)、自主雇傭員工、評估績效等。但是充分的授

5、權(quán)并不等于不需要領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和管理,故授權(quán)應(yīng)分階段有計劃有控制地進(jìn)行,避免混亂。企業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)應(yīng)以靈活方式逐步放權(quán),并不斷對團(tuán)隊的績效進(jìn)行評估?! ∪⒂行У募?。  一般而言,正激</p><p>  《財智》:在卡內(nèi)基培訓(xùn)過的企業(yè)中,我們看到有很多跨國企業(yè)。在這些跨國企業(yè)中,他們的團(tuán)隊很有可能是由不同國家、不同地域的人員來組成的。那么,在他們的團(tuán)隊建設(shè)中,您看到了哪些機(jī)遇和挑戰(zhàn)?梁:我個人主要的發(fā)現(xiàn)是文化的差異。在發(fā)

6、展的過程中,雖然大家都有著要把事情做好的目標(biāo),但有時候大家努力的方向不一樣,結(jié)果在一個團(tuán)隊中,你往東跑我往西跑,把力量都消散掉了。在跨文化團(tuán)隊的建設(shè)中,往往會遇到一個問題,就是大家應(yīng)該怎樣往一個方向走,如何往顧客滿意的方向走。以前顧客滿意往往強(qiáng)調(diào)的是技術(shù)或者是品質(zhì)度方面,現(xiàn)在很強(qiáng)調(diào)的是服務(wù)這個方面,這樣的話,團(tuán)隊內(nèi)暢通的溝通就顯得很重要。所以,在團(tuán)隊的建設(shè)中的一個挑戰(zhàn)就是如何使得溝通的管道很暢通。 《財智》:那您在這方面有沒有一

7、些好的建議?梁:這里面涉及到兩塊:一是技術(shù)、二是人員。我們主要是要在人員上下功夫。例如我們服務(wù)了11年的Tony Wear集團(tuán),他們在東南亞都有廣泛的分支機(jī)構(gòu)。像他們這種企業(yè),實(shí)際上他們需要的是如何讓來自不同地方的人在公司的文化架構(gòu)上去發(fā)揮自己的潛力。如果他們員工的潛力發(fā)揮得好的話,他們企業(yè)前進(jìn)的速度就會加快,所以我們給這家企業(yè)制定的</p><p>  當(dāng)今世界經(jīng)濟(jì)一體化進(jìn)程不斷加快,跨國公司的出現(xiàn)

8、等新形式的出現(xiàn)嚴(yán)重沖擊了現(xiàn)有文化經(jīng)營的理論范疇,在這種情況下,跨文化經(jīng)營理念便產(chǎn)生了,為了方便朋友們學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng)整理了相關(guān)資料形成了跨文化經(jīng)營原理. 1、跨文化原理是近年來隨著改革開放的不斷深入,世界經(jīng)濟(jì)一體化進(jìn)程加快,跨國公司在世界各地實(shí)施跨國經(jīng)營,各種外資、外企不斷涌入后出現(xiàn)的一種新的管理問題,這是管理學(xué)的新情況、新課題。 2、在研究 跨文化管理之前,首先要理解文化的含義。應(yīng)該說到目前對文化還沒有統(tǒng)一而確切的定義

9、,但一般都被泛指為受到物質(zhì)和環(huán)境條件影響的人們的共同價值觀念和行為準(zhǔn)則體系,是由特定的群體成員共同形成的某種社會生活方式的基礎(chǔ)。因此,不同的群體間就會存在文化的差異,而地理環(huán)境的差異是產(chǎn)生文化差異的重要因素,并且由于歷史傳統(tǒng)、教育方式、法律制度以及宗教等等文化要素的循環(huán)積聚,也就形成了以地域劃分的不同文化形態(tài)。 3、 跨文化管理又稱交叉文化管理,就是在跨國經(jīng)營中,對不同種族、不同文化類型、不同文化發(fā)展階段的子公司所在國

10、的文化采取包容的管理方法,其研究的是在跨文化條件下如何克服異質(zhì)文化的沖突,并據(jù)此創(chuàng)造出公司的獨(dú)</p><p>  企業(yè)文化是什么?這個問題可以說是仁者見仁,智者見智,眾說紛紜。目前來講企業(yè)文化究竟如何定位和理解,這就應(yīng)該根據(jù)企業(yè)實(shí)際情況,打造企業(yè)文化的平臺,讓企業(yè)文化盡快落地,而不是把企業(yè)文化懸在半空。 作為企業(yè)文化工作者就必須深刻地理解企業(yè)文化,企業(yè)文化究竟是什么,到底是一種什么形態(tài),企業(yè)文化到底需要

11、做什么工作,企業(yè)文化應(yīng)該怎樣理解執(zhí)行,企業(yè)文化會給企業(yè)帶來什么。帶著以上諸多問題,結(jié)合目前實(shí)際情況,在這里我想與大家討論交流一下,可能有的看法過于偏激,但是我衷心地希望,能夠共同提高我們對企業(yè)文化的認(rèn)識,以便于今后企業(yè)文化工作的開展。 一、企業(yè)文化不是扯老虎皮、樹幌子,絕對不可以掛羊頭買狗肉。而是應(yīng)該扎扎實(shí)實(shí)的發(fā)掘企業(yè)文化,提煉企業(yè)文化。 當(dāng)前,我們企業(yè)文化工作正在受到一股不良風(fēng)氣的影響,一些人根本就沒有從企業(yè)文化的實(shí)際

12、出發(fā),努力摸索出一條適合企業(yè)自身發(fā)展的道路。而是急功近利,千方百計、挖空心思去抄捷徑。于是乎,就把企業(yè)文化來了個包裝炒作,扯上了老虎皮,樹起幌子,專門挑一些非常響亮、時髦、心潮的口號,也不聯(lián)系企業(yè)實(shí)際情況,一味地生吞活剝,不加消化,并堂而皇之的把這些口號形式主</p><p>  How constructs the highly effective Trans-Culture team</p>&

13、lt;p>  The economical globalization takes to the management the influence, made the people more and more to realize team's importance.Transnational trade, Trans-Culture management, trans-departmental communication

14、 ......In all these noun behind, we may discover the human is the most important factor.</p><p>  How builds the most available energy the team construction? How founds most suits the development the team cu

15、lture? How maintains the non-barrier in the team the communication? How displays the leadership strength in the team and carries out the strength? What type do we this regard as important the question? </p>&

16、lt;p>  One. Cultivation team cohesive force.</p><p>  First should the enterprise culture which cooperates mutually in the enterprise interior establishment and the propaganda, the maintenance enterprise

17、longitudinal, crosswise exchange the channel unimpededness, causes the information and the knowledge at the enterprise interior wide-ranging exchange and the dissemination.Next, the head of undertaking should take the te

18、am the construction, the guidance team's healthy development, forms one the environment and the atmosphere which favors the team t</p><p>  Once more, through holds the member conference, conferences and

19、 so on project progress appraisal meeting causes everybody to meet frequently the exchange.When the team members feel the collective the existence, the cohesive force also naturally raises.</p><p>  Two. Has

20、 the control authorization.The team the reason that can operate effectively, gives credit to a great extent in the team interior member enjoys in the full independent decision-making power, including can draw up the prod

21、uction goal, hire the staff, the appraisal achievements independently and so on.But the full authorization was not equal to does not need to lead and to manage, therefore is authorized should divide the stage to have the

22、 plan to have the control to carry on, avoids chaoti</p><p>  Three. Effective drive.Generally speaking, was driving effectiveness far strong in negative drive, thus the enterprise should formulate a perfect

23、 reward system for team's smooth movement.At the same time, the relative achievements appraisal system also is one kind of effective drive measure.It can control to a certain extent and reflect member's correspon

24、ding endeavor is horizontal.Besides between the team members carries on the relative achievements appraisal, between the team also may carry on</p><p>  Four. Suitable utilization collective decision-making.

25、 Suitable utilization collective decision-making.The functional departments, the specialty and the skill are mutually the supplements, a duty completion so disperses in the distributed situation in the knowledge and the

26、information, the collective decision-making becomes more important, “but but should pay attention to the collective decision-making to discuss not definitely” the fatal disease.</p><p>  Five. Leadership fun

27、ction.First, and the leader should valuable the values which may accept transmit gives the team, the diplomatic group team members accepts internal standard and the rule, and raises the team cohesive force under the valu

28、es guidance.Next, kisses with equally and the team members carries on the conversation and the work, stimulates staff's enthusiasm and the creativity.At the same time, the leader needs to study unceasingly improves o

29、wn quality and ability, for team's developme</p><p>  "Wealth Wisdom": Has trained in Carnegie in the enterprise, we saw has very the multispan country enterprise.In these transnational enterpr

30、ises, their team very has the possibility is by different national, the different region personnel is composed.That, constructs in theirs team, which opportunities did you see and the challenge? </p><p>  Li

31、ang: My main discovery is the cultural differenceIn development process, although everybody has must the goal which completes the matter, but everybody diligently direction is sometimes dissimilar, the result in a team,

32、you runs I toward the east to run toward the west, all dissipated the strength falls.In the Trans-Culture team's construction, often can meet a question, how is everybody should walk toward a direction, how the direc

33、tion which satisfies toward the customer walks. Beforehand cus</p><p>  "Wealth Wisdom": Then you do have some good suggestions in this aspect? </p><p>  Liang: Inside this involves to

34、 two: One is the technology, two is the personnel.We mainly are must work hard on the personnel.For example we have served 11 year Tony the Wear group, they all have the widespread branch office in Southeast Asia.Looks l

35、ike their this kind of enterprise, how in fact do they need are let come from the different place person to display own in company's cultural construction potential. If their staff's potential displays good, thei

36、r enterprise advance speed can speed u</p><p>  "Wealth Wisdom": Has trained in the enterprise from you, what have you discovered in theirs team? </p><p>  Liang: I cite the Shanghai g

37、eneral example.Starts from 2001 to the present, their company this higher order manager and surpassed a half dealer to participate in our curriculum, moreover their post-sale service and the sale branch also participated

38、 in our curriculum.</p><p>  We help the part which they promote first are the manner, lets them use one kind zealous and the positive manner participates in the team the construction, and affirms their ende

39、avor; Then we help them to strengthen with human's interaction ability, not only this kind of interaction refers in the work and the customer interaction, but also includes with the colleague, with family member'

40、s interaction, like this can strengthen their communication efficiency; When finally we must train are they fa</p><p>  Likely federation express, their itself emphasizes PSP very much, is: Human (People), s

41、erves (Service) and profit (Profit).How but does Wal-Mart emphasize is can bring more help to the customer.From these two world famous transnational enterprise, we may see they always place the human first.But they refer

42、 not only to customer's service is to the enterprise exterior customers, but also has to own colleague and the upper and lower layer.</p><p>  I in contact these transnational enterprises in the team, bu

43、t also some very deep feeling is they takes very much staff's training.If an enterprise has not provided suitable training to the staff, a year possibly cannot have any influence, but on two, three years, the questio

44、n has been able along with it appearance, when the time comes again thought the means recovery without enough time. "Wealth Wisdom": In overseas some multinational corporations, they in order to solve in the co

45、mpany the Tran</p><p>  Liang: This is very difficult to say appropriate, but this is a method which may attempt. Enterprise when processing Trans-Culture question, all should from “the international view, t

46、he localization” embark.Each enterprise all has own cultural perspective and the background, each method does not have absolute good and the badness. Conclusion:</p><p>  The success team goal is clear about

47、, frequently and high-level manager maintains the good communication, and the close high-level manager's target, its achievement goal takes root in enterprise's strategy and the prospect.The team needs to underst

48、and the enterprise prospect and with own team goal relations, also needs to drive with urges on.If does not have these measures to take the power, the team organizes only to be able to become a mere formality, the achiev

49、ement mediocre team existence is</p><p>  The economical globalization takes to the management the influence, made the people more and more to realize team's importance.Transnational trade, Trans-Culture

50、 management, trans-departmental communication ......In all these noun behind, we may discover the human is the most important factor.</p><p>  How builds the most available energy the team construction? How

51、founds most suits the development the team culture? How maintains the non-barrier in the team the communication? How displays the leadership strength in the team and carries out the strength?</p><p>  Now th

52、e world economics integration advancement unceasingly speeds up, multinational corporation's appearance and so on the new form appearance has seriously attacked the existing cultural management theory category, in th

53、is case, the Trans-Culture management idea has then produced, in order to the convenient friends studied the wind to reorganize the correlation data to form the Trans-Culture management principle.</p><p>  1

54、st, the Trans-Culture principle was in recent years along with the reform and open policy unceasingly thorough, the world economics integration advancement sped up, the multinational corporation implemented the transnati

55、onal management in world each place, after each kind of foreign capital, the foreign enterprises unceasingly inrushed one kind of new management question which appeared, this was the management science new situation, the

56、 new task.</p><p>  2nd, before research Trans-Culture management, first must understand cultural the meaning.Should speak of at present does not have unified and the accurate definition to the culture, but

57、all makes a general reference generally for receives material and the environmental condition influence people's common value idea and the behavior criterion system, is some kind of social life way foundation which f

58、orms together by the specific community members. Therefore, between the different community can h</p><p>  3rd, the Trans-Culture management called the overlapping cultural management, is in the transnationa

59、l management, to the different race, the different cultural type, the different culture development phase subsidiary company country culture adopts containing the management, how its research is overcomes the neterogeny

60、culture under the Trans-Culture condition the conflict, according to the above and creates the company the unique culture, thus forms the remarkable effective management processHow</p><p>  4th, China once w

61、as the country which stops all foreign contact seriously, censures all external cultures is called “yi the culture”, drives out the entrance to a country in the imperialism after the cannon to receive the external influe

62、nce to include politics, the military, the economy and the culture actually and so on the various oppressionThe old China's industry falls behind extremely, in the few in number enterprise, the foreign enterprise hol

63、ds the dominant status, the nationality industr</p><p>  5th, the reform and open policy was the direct agent and the prerequisite which the Chinese Enterprise Trans-Culture produced and develops, the Trans-

64、Culture has become the China business management the new trend. First, displays in the middle of the foreign investment enterprise which increases unceasingly, these enterprises during introduction fund and introduction

65、technology, also has introduced the management, specially the outside personnel directly participates in the enterprise producing,</p><p>  6th, should adopt in the Trans-Culture management the positive stra

66、tegy, including localization strategy, cultural accommodating strategy, cultural innovation strategy, cultural circumvention strategy, cultural infiltration strategy, with the aid of third party culture strategy, occupat

67、ion type strategy and so on.In brief, the global marketing enterprise when carries on the Trans-Culture management, should fully understand this enterprise culture and in the overseas cultural foundation, chooses </p&

68、gt;<p>  What is the enterprise culture? This question may say is different people has different views, different people has different views, has wide divided opinions.At present speaks the enterprise culture actu

69、ally how to locate and the understanding, this should act according to the enterprise actual situation, the making enterprise culture platform, lets the enterprise culture fall to the ground as soon as possible, but is n

70、ot hangs the enterprise culture in the midair.</p><p>  The enterprise culture worker must understand profoundly the enterprise culture, actually the enterprise culture is any, is one kind of any shape, the

71、enterprise culture needs to do any work, how the enterprise culture should understand the execution, the enterprise culture can bring any to the enterprise. Is having above many questions, the union at present the actual

72、 situation, wants to exchange in here me with everybody discussion, possibly has the view too is extreme, but I hoped heartfeltly</p><p>  First, the enterprise culture is not pulls the old fierce appearance

73、, the tree shop sign, may not hang the sheep's head absolutely to buy the dog meat.But is should the solid excavating enterprise culture, the refinement enterprise culture.</p><p>  Presently, our enterp

74、rise culture work is receiving bad style the influence, some people on have not embarked from the enterprise culture reality, tried to find out diligently suits enterprise own development the path.But is eager for quick

75、success and immediate gain, by any means possible, the hollow thoughts copy the shortcut. Thereupon, came the enterprise culture a packing to hype, pulls the old fierce appearance, the tree got up the shop sign, selected

76、 some specially extremely resoundingly,</p><p>  Pitiful is links them not to understand what the enterprise culture is? Therefore said when you are hanging “the enterprise culture” the sheep's head buys

77、 “the slogan culture” dog meat time, also how lets the human accept you is doing the enterprise culture truely!</p><p>  He enterprise culture is in the enterprise how many year developing process accumulate

78、s the enterprise spiritual wealth, its essence, is the human culture.The research enterprise's culture, should take “the enterprise people” as a starting point, take the enterprise as the foothold.Said popular, the e

79、nterprise culture central goal is in order to do well the enterprise.From certain significance, is entrepreneur's culture, is the enterprise operator's culture, is the enterprise leader's culture. T</p>


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