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1、分 類 編 號(hào) :密 級(jí) :單位 代 碼 : 10065研 究 生學(xué)位 論文論 文題 目: 初 中生 人格特 質(zhì) 、社會(huì) 支 持 與牛 活 滿 意 度 關(guān) 系 的研 究 及 教 育 對(duì) 策學(xué) 生 姓 名 :申請(qǐng) 專 業(yè) 名 稱研 究 方 向:指 導(dǎo)教 師 姓 名專 業(yè) 技 術(shù) 職 稱提 交 論 文 日期' M  申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別 : 碩 士心 理 健 康 教 育心 理 健 康 教 育閆 國利教 授20 12 年 3 月 18 日

2、A b s t r a c tW i t h t he dept h of qual i t y educat i on t o carry outpsychol ogi calheal t h educat i ont o al l ow st udents t o form opti m i st i c at ti t ude tow ards l i fe,l i fe sati sfacti on research has

3、becom e a hott opi c of posi t i ve psychol ogy research .St udent s from one of t h e T anggu juni or m i ddl e school s i n T i anji n are chosen aspart i ci pant s i n t he presentst udy t o anal yze t he rel at

4、i onshi p am ong personal i t yt rai t, soci alsupportand l i fe sat i sfact i on , and m et hods of i m provi ng l i fesati sfact i on .T here are 337 st udent s chosen atrandom as parti ci pants i n t hree grades,ni n

5、e cl asses.T he presentst udy adopts a academ i c scal e and t w o quest i onnai res.T heyare E ysenck P ersonal i t y Q uest i onnai re( chi l d versi on),Q uest i onnai re of M i ddl eSchoolSt udenton S ocialSupportby

6、 M u H ongw eiand Z heng X ue,A dol eseenSt udents on G eneralL i fe S at i sfacti on Scl ae b y Z hang X i nggui.337 quest i onnai res w ere di st ri but ed,w hi l e 3 16 repl i esw ere val i d(93. 7% ). H erea re th e

7、re su lts :1 .T here i s si gni fi cantcorrelat i on bet w een t he socialsupportand l i fesati sfacti on .T here exi st s si gni fi cantposi ti ve correl ati on bet w een t he t w o fact ors ofsoci alsupport,em ot i ona

8、l i t y support,t he ut i li zat i on of supportand t he fi ve fact ors ofli fe sati sfact i on , fri end sati sfact i on ,fam i ly sat i sfact i on ,schoolsat i sfact i on,sat i sfacti on of freedom ,envi ronm ents

9、ati sfacti on ;O bvi ous posi ti ve relati onshi pbet w een one fact or of soci alsupport,supportof respectand t he fi ve fact ors of li fesati sfacti on , fri end sati sfact i on ,fam i ly sat i sfact i on ,schoolsati

10、sfact i on,sati sfact i on offreed o m ,en v iro n m en tsatisfactio n ,acad em ic satisfac tio n .2 . T here i s si gni fi cantrel at i onshi p bet w een t he personal i ty t rai tand l i fesat i sfact i on.Posi t i

11、 ve correl at i on can be observed bet w een one fact or of personal i tyt rai t,ext roversi on and fri end sat i sfact i on ,fam i l y sat i sfact i on ,schoolsat i sfact i on,sati sfact i on of freedom ,envi ronm entsa

12、t i sfact i on ;O bvi ous negat i ve rel at i onshi pbet w een psychot i cism ,neurot i ci sm and fri end sat i sfact i on ,fam i l y sat i sfact i on ,schoolsat isfaction ,sat isfacti on of freedom ,en vi ro nm en

13、tsati sfacti on ,schoo lw orksa tisfa c tio n .3 .  T here i s si gni fi cantrel at i onshi p bet w een t he soci alsupportand personal i t yt rai t,t here exi t ssi gni fi cantcorrel at i on bet w een em ot i onal i t

14、y ,t he ut i l i zat i on ofsupport,peersupportand i nt roversi on ―ext roversi on ,psychot i ci sm ,neurot i ci sm ,respecthas prom i nentrel at i onshi p w i t h ext roversi on ,neurot i ci sm .K ey w ords:ju


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