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1、<p><b>  中國房地產(chǎn)營銷創(chuàng)新</b></p><p>  前些年,房地產(chǎn)營銷似乎還是一個相對罕見的術(shù)語,是未知的。而今卻成了普通公眾熟悉的流行概念。走在大街上,突然一幅五彩繽紛的售房宣傳單塞進你懷里;一場場房地產(chǎn)展銷會、博覽會、研討會一個接一個;打開報紙,能夠感覺到,一幢幢街區(qū)的豪華;打開電視,一個個住宅區(qū)的讓利銷售廣告輪番上陣……房地產(chǎn)營銷已成為眾多房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)花費巨資競

2、爭的對象。難怪有些人曾經(jīng)說過;房地產(chǎn)成功5 0%在于地塊選擇, 3 0%在于設(shè)計、規(guī)劃;20%在于營銷。建筑設(shè)計的成功必須通過營銷來完成和體現(xiàn),可見,房地產(chǎn)營銷的重要性。</p><p>  然而,看看最近千變?nèi)f化的房地產(chǎn)營銷大戰(zhàn),相當(dāng)一部分開發(fā)商的促銷手段只不過是“折扣讓利”、“全天候物管”、“質(zhì)量三包”之類的“老三篇”。開發(fā)商的營銷理念仍處于傳統(tǒng)的住宅先竣工后促銷階段,而往往忽視了在開發(fā)過程中對消費者真實需求

3、的調(diào)查分析。其開發(fā)的房地產(chǎn)大都基本相同,其炒作的所謂賣點趨同,鮮有個性,難以刺激和滿足購房者日趨多樣化的消費欲望和需求。這也許是許多開發(fā)商銷售困難、積壓的一個重要原因。而那些獨特性質(zhì)的樓盤卻很容易銷售。實踐證明,在客戶購買消費心理日趨成熟、住宅供大于求的情況下,房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)企業(yè)只有采取營銷創(chuàng)新,確立與眾不同的賣點,才能在市場競爭中有所作為。</p><p>  創(chuàng)新是房地產(chǎn)營銷的生命線。但在房地產(chǎn)市場里,遵循市場隨

4、處可見,想在房地產(chǎn)市場立于不敗之地,營銷創(chuàng)新的必要性可想而知。只有走創(chuàng)新之路,形成自己的營銷特色,才能生存與發(fā)展。</p><p>  隨著時代的發(fā)展,傳統(tǒng)的房地產(chǎn)營銷理論越來越不適應(yīng)市場的要求,更無法為當(dāng)前許多房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)所做的種種創(chuàng)新探索指明方向,這造成了營銷創(chuàng)新實踐的無序和混亂,更加大了房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)的創(chuàng)新成本與風(fēng)險。房地產(chǎn)的營銷創(chuàng)新要把握我國當(dāng)前房地產(chǎn)營銷所面臨的新形勢。</p><p>

5、;  自2004年3月末以來,面對經(jīng)濟總體過熱信號,國家加大了宏觀調(diào)控力度。國家有關(guān)部門從房地產(chǎn)的源頭——信貸和土地開始,采取了一系列調(diào)控措施,盡管存在一定的時滯作用但已經(jīng)取得了初步成效。隨著各項調(diào)控措施逐步發(fā)揮作用,對房地產(chǎn)市場的宏觀調(diào)控效果還將進一步顯現(xiàn)。對房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)而言,信貸、土地收緊盡管有利于房地產(chǎn)長期持續(xù)健康發(fā)展,但短期將帶來較大的壓力。</p><p>  房地產(chǎn)價格持續(xù)上漲。從2005年國內(nèi)房地產(chǎn)市

6、場宏觀調(diào)控以來,盡管一些地方的房價上漲有所放緩。但我們也應(yīng)該看到,一些地方房價過快上漲也是不爭之事實。特別是進入2006年,以北京房地產(chǎn)市場為領(lǐng)頭,全國的房地產(chǎn)輿論是漲聲一片。</p><p>  住宅空置率升高。從國家統(tǒng)計局與央行的數(shù)據(jù)來看,一是2005年以來房地產(chǎn)空置率快速上漲;二是房地產(chǎn)個人消費信貸快速下降。</p><p>  個人住房需求下降。從金融統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)看,房地產(chǎn)的需求正在減

7、少。央行的數(shù)據(jù)表明:2004年個人住房消費信貸增長35%以上,增長達(dá)4700億元,而2005年個人住房消費信貸增長為15.8%,僅增加2600億元,僅為2004年的一半。同時從2006年一季度的情況來看,居民戶消費性中長期貸款增加399億元,同比少增245億元。</p><p>  新形勢下,對房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)提出了新的銷售挑戰(zhàn),營銷策略創(chuàng)新勢在必行。當(dāng)消費者對居住的選擇不再停留于感性的消費,當(dāng)市場需求逐漸從強調(diào)居住體

8、驗向追求高品質(zhì)生活轉(zhuǎn)化,地產(chǎn)就進入“品質(zhì)致勝”時代。這就要求在房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)運營的全過程實施全面質(zhì)量營銷。</p><p>  全面質(zhì)量營銷是以顧客需求為先導(dǎo),以提高產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)質(zhì)量為重點,通過全過程的營銷努力來提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,驅(qū)動質(zhì)量績效,以實現(xiàn)顧客滿意目標(biāo)的一種新型營銷理念。實施全面質(zhì)量營銷,必須做好以下工作:</p><p><b>  1.合理的市場定位</b><

9、;/p><p>  只有市場定位準(zhǔn)確,銷售才能進展快,進而資金流動順暢,短缺土地得到高效開發(fā),這樣國家宏觀調(diào)控才不會造成什么不利影響。房子未建,精確定位先行。必須在市場調(diào)研充分和了解客戶的基礎(chǔ)上進行科學(xué)的市場細(xì)分,以確定有良好發(fā)展?jié)摿Φ募?xì)分群體為目標(biāo)客戶;同時加強對競爭者狀況的研究,以防定位趨同。</p><p>  2.差異化的質(zhì)量定位</p><p>  通過對目標(biāo)

10、顧客的需求狀況和期望質(zhì)量的調(diào)查分析,確定企業(yè)產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量定位。企業(yè)的質(zhì)量定位不僅僅要注重產(chǎn)品的功能性質(zhì)量,更要注重產(chǎn)品的適用性質(zhì)量。 在消費個性越來越突出的今天,企業(yè)要想在產(chǎn)品方面贏得優(yōu)勢,必須從產(chǎn)品的創(chuàng)新和產(chǎn)品的個性化這兩個方面著手。企業(yè)可以在保持一定規(guī)模經(jīng)濟的同時,為顧客提供滿足其不同需求的個性化產(chǎn)品,使每位顧客都能獲得滿意的感受。</p><p><b>  3.及時的外部溝通</b>&

11、lt;/p><p>  主動關(guān)心顧客,經(jīng)常主動保持顧客聯(lián)系,收集顧客對產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)及其他方面的改進意見,并及時向顧客傳遞企業(yè)和產(chǎn)品的有關(guān)信息,不斷改進產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)質(zhì)量,使顧客滿意度能得到提升。</p><p><b>  4.和諧的內(nèi)部溝通</b></p><p>  一方面通過與內(nèi)部員工的溝通,提高內(nèi)部員工的滿意度和忠誠度。滿意、忠誠的員工,才能對顧

12、客期待的價值有所貢獻(xiàn),從而提高顧客的感知質(zhì)量,令顧客更加滿意。另一方面通過與其他部門的溝通,將顧客需求、競爭者狀況以及產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量定位思路準(zhǔn)確、迅速地傳達(dá)給產(chǎn)品設(shè)計者和生產(chǎn)者,促使研發(fā)部門和生產(chǎn)部門能按照市場需求制定出適應(yīng)市場的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn),提供適應(yīng)市場需求的產(chǎn)品;</p><p>  5.營銷過程的質(zhì)量控制</p><p>  根據(jù)市場需求及消費者對營銷質(zhì)量的期望,制定營銷質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn),控制營銷質(zhì)量


14、的觀念;從方便、溝通與理解、能力、態(tài)度、安全、服務(wù)設(shè)施等方面進行考慮,制定合理有效的服務(wù)質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn);向顧客做出合理承諾,并實現(xiàn)承諾,使顧客獲得超值感受,通過考核不斷改進服務(wù)質(zhì)量。</p><p>  追求無止境,創(chuàng)新無止境,房地產(chǎn)營銷模式創(chuàng)新是一項長期而艱巨的任務(wù),它無時不有,無處不在,既無固定模式可搬,也不是一日之功,更不可能一勞永逸。各房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)企業(yè),只有動腦筋,從競爭中學(xué)會因地制宜,在追求營銷策略的最優(yōu)化、營

15、銷手段的個性化和多樣化,才能在日趨激烈的市場競爭中立于不敗之地。</p><p>  China's Innovation of Real Estate Marketing</p><p>  A few years ago, real estate marketing is a relatively rare seems to term, is not known. Now th

16、e general public has become familiar to the popular concept. Walking in the street, suddenly to a picture of colorful houses leaflets will be stuffed into your arms; a field of real estate trade fairs, expositions, sem

17、inars, one after another; open the newspaper, he could feel and to blocks of luxury; turn on the TV , the ones who enjoy one residential area to sell advertising turns into battle ... .</p><p>  However, loo

18、k at the recent battle over the ever-changing real estate marketing, promotions, a considerable number of developers is nothing more than "discount none other," "all-weather property management", &quo

19、t;quality three packs of" like "three constantly read articles." Developers still in the traditional marketing concept of residential sales completed first phase, but often overlooked in the development pr

20、ocess of the investigation of the real needs of consumers. Uniformity of its real estate</p><p>  Innovation is the lifeblood of the real estate marketing. But in the real estate market, follow the market ev

21、erywhere, like an invincible position in the real estate market, the need for marketing innovation. Only the path of innovation, form their own marketing features to survival and development.</p><p>  With t

22、he development of the traditional real estate marketing theory more suited to market requirements, but can not do many of the current real estate companies to explore various creative direction, marketing, innovative pra

23、ctices that resulted in the disorder and confusion, real estate business a greater cost and risk of innovation. Real estate marketing innovation of the current real estate market to grasp the new situation facing.</p&

24、gt;<p>  since the end of 2004, the face of overall economic overheating signal, the state has increased macro-control efforts. The source from the state departments of real estate - the credit and land began to t

25、ake a series of regulatory measures, although there are some delays, but the role has achieved initial success. With the various regulatory measures started to play a role in macro-control on the effect of the real estat

26、e market will be further demonstrated. Real estate enterprises, credit, real</p><p>  Real estate prices continue to rise. From 2005, the domestic real estate market since the macro-control, although some sl

27、owdown in local housing prices. But we should also see some local housing prices is an indisputable fact. Especially in 2006, is leading the real estate market in Beijing, the national real estate opinion is Zhangshengyi

28、pian.</p><p>  Residential vacancy rate increased. From the National Bureau of Statistics and Central Bank data, the first since 2005, rapid increases in real estate vacancy rate; second rapid decline in the

29、 real estate consumer credit.</p><p>  Individual housing demand. Statistical data from the financial perspective, the real estate demand is reduced. Central bank data show that: individual housing consumer

30、credit in 2004 increased by 35% or more, an increase of 470 billion yuan, and 2005 individual housing consumer credit growth was 15.8%, increased by only 260 billion yuan, only half of 2004. At the same time from the fir

31、st quarter of 2006 the situation, long-term consumer loans to households increased 39.9 billion, up by 24.5 bill</p><p>  The new situation, the real estate business made sales of new challenges, marketing s

32、trategy is imperative. When consumers choose not to stay in the residence of the consumer perception, when the market demand gradually from an emphasis on high-quality living experience life to the pursuit of the transfo

33、rmation of the property to enter the "quality of winning" era. This requires in the real estate developer and operator of the quality of the whole process of implementation of a comprehensive mar</p><

34、;p>  Overall Quality Marketing is a customer demand for the pilot to improve product and service quality, focusing on marketing efforts through the entire process to improve product quality, driving quality and perfor

35、mance, in order to achieve a new goal of customer satisfaction marketing idea. Total Quality Marketing, you must do the following:</p><p>  1.Reasonable market position</p><p>  Only accurate ma

36、rket positioning, sales to progress quickly, then the smooth flow of funds, shortage of land has been efficient development, so that national macro-control will not cause any adverse effects. The house is not built, prec

37、ise positioning first. Must be fully and understand the client market research based on scientific market segments, to determine the breakdown of good potential target groups; while strengthening the status of a competit

38、or to prevent the positioning of convergence</p><p>  2.Differentiated quality orientation</p><p>  The needs of target customers through the state and expectations of the quality of research, a

39、nalysis and positioning to determine the quality of their products. Enterprises not only to focus on product quality and positioning of functional quality and pay more attention to suitability of the product quality. Inc

40、reasingly prominent personality in the consumer today, companies want to gain advantages in the products must be from product innovation and personalized products of these two aspects. E</p><p>  3.Timely ex

41、ternal communication</p><p>  Proactive customer care, often take the initiative to maintain customer contact, collect customer products, services and other improvements, and timely delivery to customers inf

42、ormation about businesses and products, and continuously improve product and service quality, so that customer satisfaction can be improved.</p><p>  4.Harmonious internal communication</p><p> 

43、 On the one hand communication with internal staff to improve internal employee satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfaction, and loyalty of employees to the value of customer expectations contribute to improve the perceived q

44、uality of the customer to make more satisfied customers. On the other hand the communication with other departments, the customer needs, competitors, and product quality orientation in thinking the situation accurately a

45、nd quickly communicated to product designers and producers to</p><p>  5.Marketing, quality control process</p><p>  According to market demand and consumer expectations of quality of marketing,

46、 marketing, quality standards development, marketing, quality control, improve service quality, timely products to meet the target customers need to buy, so that the assignment of a higher value customers. Quality contro

47、l of the process of marketing the marketing mix focuses on quality control, through consumer surveys, to grasp the purchase process of consumers in the commodity requirements of the marketing mix, namely</p><p

48、>  The pursuit of endless, endless innovation, the real estate marketing model innovation is a long and arduous task, it is ever-present there, everywhere, can move neither a fixed pattern, nor is it in a day, let alo

49、ne once and for all . The real estate development companies, and only use their brains, learn from the competition in the local conditions, in the pursuit of the optimal marketing strategies, personalized marketing and d


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