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1、<p>  中文3050字,2000單詞,1.1萬英文字符</p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)外文翻譯</p><p>  外文題目:Outsourcing in a global economy:traditional information technology outsourcing,offshore outsourcing,and business process

2、 outsourcing </p><p>  出 處: journal of Information Systems Outsourcing[M] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 &l

3、t;/p><p>  作 者:Rudy Hirschheim and Jens Dibbern </p><p><b>  原 文:</b></p><p>  Outsourcing in a Global Economy: Traditional Information Technology Out

4、sourcing, Offshore Outsourcing, and Business Process Outsourcing</p><p>  Rudy Hirschheim and Jens Dibbern</p><p>  1. Introduction</p><p>  The notion of outsourcing – making arran

5、gements with an external entity for the provision of goods or services to supplement or replace internal efforts – has been around for centuries. Kakabadse and Kakabadse (2002) track one of the earliest occurrences of ou

6、tsourcing to the ancient Roman Empire, where tax collection was outsourced. In the early years of American history, the production of wagon covers was outsourced to Scotland, where they used raw material imported from In

7、dia in the productio</p><p>  2. IT Outsourcing Motivation and History</p><p>  Although organizations outsource IT for many reasons, the growth of IT outsourc- ing can be attributed to two prim

8、ary phenomena: (1) a focus on core competencies and (2) a lack of understanding of IT value (Lacity, Hirschheim, & Willcocks, 1994). First, motivated by the belief that sustainable competitive advantage can only be a

9、chieved through a focus on core competencies, the management of organi- zations have chosen to concentrate on what an organization does better than anyone else while outs</p><p>  3. Offshore Outsourcing<

10、/p><p>  An outsourcing arrangement is considered ‘offshore outsourcing’ when the responsibility for management and delivery of information technology services is delegated to a vendor who is located in a diffe

11、rent country from that of the client (Sabherwal, 1999). While the three well-known countries in the offshore out- sourcing arena (the so-called three I’s) are India, Israel, and Ireland (Carmel, 2003a, b), near-shore pro

12、viders in Canada and Mexico are also popular among</p><p>  U.S. clients just as eastern Europe has become a prime near-shore option for central European countries, because of geographic and cultural proximi

13、ty. Some clients find the near-shore scenario more attractive because these locations facili- tate continuous monitoring (Rao, 2004). China is also quickly gaining popularity because of its low labor costs.</p>&

14、lt;p>  As in domestic outsourcing, a primary driver of offshore outsourcing is the continued pressure organizations face to cut costs associated with IT while main- taining and improving processes (McFarlan, 1995; Nic

15、holson & Sahay, 2001; Rajkumar & Dawley, 1998). The time differences between the client and the off- shore vendor locations create extended work days which can contribute to increased IT productivity. With effici

16、ent distribution of work between the client and vendor locations, projects can</p><p>  A related development has been the offshore outsourcing of IT-enabled services and business processes. Many offshore IT

17、 vendors have produced offshoots to man- age business process outsourcing (BPO) deals. Examples are Wipro’s Spectramind and Infosys’ Progeon. The BPO market is making giant strides; it is estimated that the offshore BPO

18、market will grow at a rate of 79% annually to reach a size of</p><p>  $24.2 billion, while the offshore IT outsourcing market is expected to grow at a rate</p><p>  of 43% to $56 billion by the

19、 end of 2008 (EBusiness Strategies, 2004). Currently, IT outsourcing dominates offshore outsourcing and BPO, but this is likely to change in the future.</p><p>  4 .Outsourcing Relationship Management</p&

20、gt;<p>  Past research has clearly shown that one of the key success factors of an outsourcing arrangement is the proper formation and management of the relationship between client and vendor. In general, the outs

21、ourcing relationship can be broken down into two constituent elements: “(a) the formal contract that specifies the task require- ments and obligations of each party in written form, and (b) the psychological contract (Sa

22、bherwal 1999) that is based on the parties’ mutual beliefs and attitudes” (D</p><p>  Goo provides one of the first studies that explicitly considers the duality and interplay between elements of the psychol

23、ogical and formal contract. More spe- cifically, he argue that the formal contract, reflected by various service level agree- ments (SLA), provides the foundation for relational governance, reflected by trust and commitm

24、ent in the relationship between client and vendor. This view is empirically tested based on data from firms in South Korea yielding new insights into the inter</p><p>  Lee, Huynh, and Hirschheim set the foc

25、us on the psychological contract, by examining more closely the constituent parts of mutual trust and how trust may improve knowledge sharing between client and vendor personnel as a primary pre- requisite for successful

26、 outsourcing arrangements. One of the unique features of this study is the recognition of both the vendor and the client side which is included in the empirical comparison. This paper thus examines outsourcing success fr

27、om both perspectives. </p><p>  5. Outsourcing Capability Management</p><p>  Given the strong importance that relational governance together with the proper arrangement and management of the fo

28、rmal contract play for successful outsourcing, the next question to ask is who should be responsible for these management tasks at both client and vendor side and which capabilities are required from the people involved.

29、 Answers to these questions are provided by the next two studies.</p><p>  Reynolds and Willcocks set the focus on the capabilities needed by the client organi- zation. They provide an in-depth longitudinal

30、analysis of the outsourcing arrangement from Commonwealth Bank (Australia) which entered into a ten-year joint venture with Electronic Data Systems (EDS) in 1997, later on evolving more into a multi-sourcing arrangement.

31、 By analyzing the role of nine key capabilities ranging from informed buying to contract monitoring as well as hands-on capabilities such as archite</p><p>  Goles, Hawk, and Kaiser on the other hand, are st

32、udying IT outsourcing capa- bilities from the vendor side and also make comparisons to the client side. More specifically, they examine the particular skill sets that are required by IT-firms now and in the future. Their

33、 study is rare in that it takes a vendor perspective as well as in the detail in which the skills of IT professionals are analyzed. Also illuminating is the comparison of required skill sets from the perspective of IT fi

34、rms and non</p><p>  6.Business Process Outsourcing</p><p>  Wuellenweber, König, Beimborn, and Weitzel focus on typical transaction proc- esses in the banking industry and the factors that

35、 may lead to higher level of suc- cesses when outsourcing such business processes. Special attention is given to the role of standardization as a key determinant of BPO success. Drawing on economic theories and relationa

36、l exchange theory they test three alternative explanations for the impact of standardization on BPO success.</p><p>  The results show some intriguing parallels to the study of success factors in IT offshori

37、ng by Gopal and Koka. Both studies highlight that the reduction of uncer- tainty about the tasks being outsourced (standardization may actually be viewed as form of uncertainty reduction in requirements within the task d

38、omain) is a key prerequisite for successful outsourcing. This actually reflects the results of early studies in IT outsourcing which made similar claims in terms of “outsourcing readi- ness” </p><p>  Penter

39、 and Pervan examine the BPO arrangements of two small-to-medium sized companies in Australia. One of the unique features of this study is that contrary to the study by Wüllenweber et al. who looked at secondary tran

40、saction processes of banks, these two Australian companies offshored to India primary business proc- esses which were part of their core business. In one case, it was debt collection, which was the main business of that

41、company; and in the other case, it was equity analysis from</p><p>  handing over process execution to an external vendor in India. The establishment of captive centers brings about unique challenges of coor

42、dination and leadership in the offshore country. These challenges are highlighted in the case analysis together with an analysis of the key drivers of the captive center decision in both cases.</p><p>  7.Co

43、nclusions</p><p>  In reading the various chapters in this book, we reflected upon what we know and what we don’t know about the field. Although the third edition of the book did much to document the latest

44、international research results on IT outsourcing, off- shoring, and BPO, numerous interesting questions remain. For example, do we need more of a general theory (or pool of theories to start with) of outsourcing, where t

45、he differences between certain types of outsourcing are integrated as vari- ables (e.g., mod</p><p>  organizations in different industries in different countries? Will organizations tire of outsourcing and

46、decide to bring IT back in-house? How will organizational politics and institutional forces influence outsourcing – especially global outsourc- ing - decisions and their management now and in the future? How should the I

47、S discipline respond to these challenges (cf. Hirschheim et al. 2007). </p><p>  References</p><p>  Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. E. (2001). Review: Knowledge management and knowledge manage- me

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95、t;  譯 文:</b></p><p>  全球經(jīng)濟中的外包:傳統(tǒng)的信息技術外包,離岸外包和業(yè)務流程外包</p><p><b>  1 簡介 </b></p><p>  外包的概念:指一家公司與第三方簽訂合同并由該公司為其提供產品或服務,而這些產品或服務委托公司本來是可以自己生產的,這樣的模式已經(jīng)存在了好幾個世紀了。Kak

96、abadse(2002)追蹤的外包出現(xiàn)在古羅馬時期,其中稅收是最早出現(xiàn)的外包。在美國歷史初期,生產的貨車都是轉包給蘇格蘭,在那里,他們生產過程中的原材料都是從印度進口(Kelly,2002)。外包在制造業(yè)部門仍然很受歡迎,許多產業(yè)的組裝部分是被分包給其他組織的,在那里工作可以做得更有效和便宜(Vaze,2005)。對于這個趨勢的評論勢不可擋,Pastin,Harrison (1974)寫道,這種生產職能外包是建立一個新的組織形式,它們被

97、稱為“空心公司”(即一個組織,設計和銷售,但不生產任何東西)。他們指出,這種組織形式的管理,需要在組織方式上進行大量的變化。由于他們是空殼管理公司,致使研究成果有限,他們大量的抱怨說這一些社會及經(jīng)濟上的變化都是由制造業(yè)外包造成的。</p><p>  2、信息技術外包的動機和歷史</p><p>  雖然組成IT外包的原因很多,但它的發(fā)展主要歸因于兩個原因:對核心競爭力的重視;缺乏對IT價

98、值的了解(Lacity, Hirschheim, & Willcocks,1994)。首先,由于可持續(xù)的競爭優(yōu)勢只能通過對核心競爭力的取得來激勵。在外發(fā)剩余部分時,組織的管理工作已經(jīng)被選擇集中在使自己比別人做的更好。作為這項集中化戰(zhàn)略的結果,IT組織受到監(jiān)督,IT的功能已被視為組織中非核心活動,進一步,高級主管認為IT供應商具有控制規(guī)模經(jīng)濟和專業(yè)技術來提供比自己部門更有效率服務。其次,外包增長也可能是由于對其傳遞的價值缺乏明確的

99、了解(Lacity & Hirschheim, 1993a, b)。而高級管理人員把它看成是一種必要的組織功能,使其所需的成本減到最小。組織之所以經(jīng)選擇了外包,是相信外包將有助于IT機構以較低的費用來滿足組織的需求,有趣的是,一些研究人員(例如,Hirschheim&Lacity,2000年)發(fā)現(xiàn),外包并不總是像該組織所希望的一直獲益。這導致了許多規(guī)范性的策略建議,以幫助企業(yè)獲得成功(Cullen, Seddon, Willco

100、cks, 2005; Lacity &Hirs</p><p><b>  3、離岸外包</b></p><p>  當外包安排被認為是離岸外包的時候,管理和信息技術服務傳遞的責任就委托給坐落在不同國家供應商的客戶端(Sabherwal,1999)。雖然三個著名的離岸外包的競技場是印度,以色列和愛爾蘭(Carmel,2003),但在加拿大和墨西哥近海的供應商也


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