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1、<p>  English Morphology in Advertising </p><p><b>  廣告英語的詞匯特點(diǎn)</b></p><p><b>  學(xué)生姓名: </b></p><p><b>  專業(yè)班級: </b></p><p><b&g

2、t;  學(xué) 號:</b></p><p>  課程名稱:英語詞匯學(xué)</p><p><b>  任課教師:</b></p><p>  二 〇 一 〇 年 十二 月</p><p>  English Morphology in Advertising</p><p><b&

3、gt;  廣告英語的詞匯特點(diǎn)</b></p><p>  Abstract: Advertising language is fascinating and persuasive. The use of the vocabulary has its unique novelty.This paper set English advertising as an example to have a ten

4、tative discussion of the characteristics of the use of vocabulary. </p><p>  Key words:English; advertising language; lexical features</p><p>  摘 要:廣告語言引人入勝、說服力強(qiáng)。在詞匯方面的運(yùn)用有其獨(dú)特、新穎之處。本文擬就廣告英語為例

5、,對其詞匯運(yùn)用方面的特點(diǎn)作一番初步的探討。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:英語;廣告語言;詞匯特點(diǎn)</p><p>  1. Introduction </p><p>  As China has successfully joined the WTO, the world economy growing trend towards integration. Eve

6、ry day we are full of advertising exposure to society. Not only is the Chinese advertising.,advertising in various languages, especially English ads everywhere. Ads into millions of households, to infiltrate every aspect

7、 of people's lives. In English advertising, shoddy, dull monotony of course there are, but in many ingenious, innovative, and unique superior works. This high-quality advertising in </p><p><b>  2.

8、 Body</b></p><p>  2.1 Evaluative adjectives and adjectives comparative and superlative </p><p>  2.1.1 Usually use strong colors compliment evaluative adjectives</p><p>  

9、Extensive use of English advertisements often strong colors compliment evaluative adjectives in order to make advertising the products or dissemination of information in the minds of consumers a vague but beautiful image

10、, so as to achieve marketing purposes. Such as:      1.Supreme Reds (Paris, L'Oreal hair dye cream series of ads)      2.With an ordinary facade but splendid interior decor,

11、Royal Palaceis known as one of them ostexpenve apartment in Beijing. (Royal Palace Beijing real estate a</p><p>  2.1.2 The extensive use of the comparative and superlative</p><p>  Comparison

12、of adjectives and the most advanced but also frequently appear in the ad, with the aim of comparison, the raise the quality of their products to meet consumer mentality and preferences. Such as:     

13、1.Dale Batteries: the original and still be the best. (Dale Battery: original, best)     2.Let 's make things better. (Philips: Let us do a better job)     Above two cases be

14、tter use of comparative adjectives and superlative the best, let the reader in comparison to deepen the impressio</p><p>  2.2 The magical effect of adverbs with exaggerated significance </p><p&g

15、t;  Many English ads are often exaggerated by a number with meaning or with full or adverb of universal significance, and achieved good results, such as adverbs in the following Magical listen:     

16、1.Satisfaction Guaranteed Absolutely! (Home appliances ad)     2.No caffeine. Virtuallv no caries. Just a unique, sparkling citrus taste. A Fresca (Fresca drink slogan: no caffeine, trace calories. A uniq

17、ue citrus flavor, and Shen Yi Kuang heart.)     3.We have hidden a garden of vegetables where you'</p><p>  2.3 Simple but inflammatory verb</p><p>  2.3.1 Often use a shor

18、t verb</p><p>  English advertisements often use some syllable or fewer letters short verbs, such as using get instead of obtain, buy place of purchase. With the use instead of utilize, etc., to make it simp

19、le and vivid language, the content at a glance. For example:     1.Buy one pair, get one free. (Sunglasses ad: buy one get one.)     2.Take TOSHIBA, cake the world. (TOSHIBA Elec

20、tronics: with Toshiba, the world.)     3.A Mars a daykeps you work, rest and play. (Mars Chocolate brand advertising: a Mars cho</p><p>  2.3.2 The present participle of the verb form&l

21、t;/p><p>  Sometimes advertisers often use the verb form of a ing segmentation. Result in a "dynamic", giving vivid, lifelike feeling. If the product to the customer front, call at any instant, ready.

22、 For example:     1.Getn ~ g places in the business world is easier if your banker is there to met you. (Bank advertising)     2.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. (TOYOTA Motor:

23、Poetry in motion. Dancing close to me)      3.Connecting people. (Nokia phones)    4.Making Communities Together. (Taiwan's </p><p>  2.4 Magical personal pronouns&l

24、t;/p><p>  In order to narrow the gap between advertisers and consumers in the distance. Enhance the consumer's sense of participation (sense of participation), advertisers in English the use of personal pr

25、onouns is really spent a lot of effort, described pains. If the first person is often used to refer to advertisers, the second person to refer to the consumer, or a third person to refer the reader to understand the peop

26、le. Consider the following example:      1.We lead others copy. (Ricoh printers: We</p><p>  2.5 Flexible application of indefinite pronoun</p><p>  Many advertisers to c

27、ater to the prevailing herd mentality of consumers sometimes use al1, everyone, none, nothing so that all "areas" in the indefinite pronoun, to increase their popularity, reflecting the extraordinary characteri

28、stics of a commodity or has been generally accepted by consumers. Such as:     1.All is well that ends well. (Tobacco advertising: the more able to get behind the more flavored JL)    

29、; 2.Today 's Nobody. Tomorrow's Somebody! (Somebody Taishin Bank credit cards)     </p><p>  2.6 Using numbers, let the facts speak </p><p>  Chinese advertisi

30、ng in order to make a product with a compelling, in general, commitments, but the expression of cultural differences in different ways. Chinese advertising in the usually "provincial superior Bu" (awarded the s

31、uperior quality produced by the provincial government and the Ministry concerned.) "Access to quality Gold" (awarded Gold Cup for quality) to show the authority of the product, some product advertising Zeyi an

32、expert, professor to make commitments. Such as: "A professor fr</p><p>  2.7 The flexible use of complex words</p><p>  By the various hyphenated compound words concise, flexible and conve

33、nient method of word formation, not only has been in the news in English, English and other modern technology can be widely used in the English style, but it is much favored by advertisers, the advertising is in English

34、for common, almost everywhere. Such as:     1.Italian designer Valentino'S 2004 Spnng-Summerready-to-women's fashion colection presentation. (Fashion show ads)     2.Inte

35、rnational air express and cargo sales, s</p><p>  2.8 Recurring key words </p><p>  In order to strengthen the tone. Highlight the product of a performance, or impress, so that consumers easily

36、 remember the name of the product. Advertisers often at any cost, recurring key words to the attention of the advertising value and the value reflected most vividly remember, people can blurt out the name of a commodity

37、and its advantages. Such as:     1.Hot/Hot/Hot / Chilies create a nation of fire-eaters in search of heat. - - Daily News (dried chili ads)     2.She is the nimblest g</p>

38、;<p>  2.9 Innovative spelling, enhance the attractiveness, lively and interesting</p><p>  Advertising English pursuit of novelty, unique, eye-catching, often with some words not found in the dictio

39、nary. Sometimes the pursuit of advertising hyperbole, unconventional results, based on characteristics of the product. To imitate the word formation, spelling homophonic piece, or by other substitution variants means tha

40、t he coined new words and even some of Zhao Yan typos. Although the new coinage and different form of the original word, but meaning still remain, giving a natural, wonderfu</p><p>  2.9.1  Misspelling&

41、lt;/p><p>  Misspelling is a common spelling of innovation, can form the same or similar pronunciation, reflecting the humor, emphasizing the theme.      4ord costs 5ive% le $ $. (Ford Moto

42、r)     This ad English misspellings vivid eye-catching, interesting, probably the most casual reader will also look to be caught, can not be ignored. </p><p>  2.9.2 The proper use of p

43、refix and suffix</p><p>  English ads sometimes use some discretion before the suffix, to form new words or product names. Although the ad constitutes a new English words with affixes is not too much, but ma

44、ny of them pose with a new word before a suffix or trade names does greatly enrich the expressiveness of the language of advertising, particularly a prefix super, mega one, the suffix ex and y the most prominent one. The

45、 first ad in which super prefix used frequently in English, said "super." "Super", such as justice.</p><p>  2.10 Frequent use of acronyms Acronym also known as the acronym is a word

46、 in the phrase of the first letter of the major condensation, and therefore they can replace a few letters a few words. This eye-catching but also no shortage of nice words likely to cause a trademark of the curiosity of

47、 customers to attract their attention, arouse their desire to purchase, to improve the economic efficiency of goods, which frequently show his face in the ad. For example:     1.We offer-R guarantees<

48、;/p><p>  3.Conclusion</p><p>  In summeries, advertising the use of English in vocabulary has its own unique, novelty, in the ad in English for an important role to play. The superior quality of E

49、nglish advertising for expanding markets, promoting sales, win customers, win the competition, undoubtedly played a crucial role. With China's WTO membership and greatly enhanced overall national strength, China will

50、 more quickly to the world, more and more Chinese products will fly into the homes of ordinary people in Europe and Ame</p><p>  References</p><p>  Article in Journal and magazine</p>&l

51、t;p>  21st Century。August28,2003;</p><p>  Beijing Weekend,January9—11,2004;</p><p>  China Daily,September l9,2003;</p><p>  Daily News,March 18,1992</p><p>  Lady,

52、9th ,2001;</p><p>  Shenzhen Daily,July 8,1999;</p><p>  Basic Format for Books</p><p>  丁衡祁.翻譯廣告文字的立體思維.中國翻譯,2004(1). </p><p>  丁衡祁.漢英/英漢翻譯的“特效處理”.中國翻譯,2001(6).</p&

53、gt;<p>  陸全.談廣告漢英翻譯的變通.山東外語教學(xué),2000(1).</p><p>  盂琳,詹晶輝.英語廣告中雙關(guān)語的運(yùn)用技巧及翻譯.中國翻譯,2001(5).</p><p>  寧建新,陳觀亞《實(shí)用廣告英語》.河南人民出版社.1997年第1版. </p><p>  徐振忠.美國英國商業(yè)廣告的修辭色彩.解放軍外語學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào),1994(4)

54、.</p><p>  張縫.再談漢語新詞新義的英譯.中國翻譯,2001(4).</p><p>  張鍵.廣告英語文體特點(diǎn)初探.外國語,1995(2).</p><p>  張鍵.新聞英語文體與范文評析.上海:上海外語教育出版社,1994.</p><p>  張彥等《商務(wù)文體翻譯》.浙江:浙江大學(xué)出版社,2005年11月第1版.</


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