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1、<p>  1. Introduction</p><p>  English is a popular language --especially in the new century. As is known to us all, it is the most widely used language in the developing world and it's getting more

2、 and more important nowadays. Recent estimates suggest that more than 400 million people speak it as their first language, with more than 1800 million people speaking it as second language. It is an official language in

3、a large number of countries and is widely used in air traffic control and academic gatherings. </p><p>  Nowadays, with the opening-up of China, English teaching has been getting more and more attention, esp

4、ecially since Beijing won the bid to hold the 2008 Olympic Games. People are enthusiastic about learning English. Most of our students begin to learn English from Grade 3 in primary schools. However, classroom teaching h

5、as long been the only way to learn English in China, and the method has usually involved cramming grammar-translation knowledge into learning a language. But this approach of tea</p><p>  2. Summary of the p

6、reliminary Research</p><p>  2.1 Problems </p><p>  Our education pays more attention to feeding students with knowledge than to fostering their ability to learn by themselves and to think indep

7、endently. Today’s education is not "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude", but "teaching students in the same way without discriminations", taking no particular consideration of their d

8、ifferent interests and capacities' think the teachers role is guiding the students to do better in the process of learning, and the other is developing in th</p><p>  As we all know, the purpose of lear

9、ning knowledge is usually for communication. Communication involves all four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. When a person is in front of you ,of course ,you communicate by speaking ,listening to his re

10、sponse and replying appropriately ,but how to express your own ideas or thoughts correctly ,without being understood, its a big problem for students, especially for senior 2 students, because skills acquired through list

11、ening transfer to other s</p><p>  For the students' situation, it is hard to say. At first some students are afraid to speak loudly, they always feel that if they start to speak out, there may be so man

12、y mistakes. The second, some students are eager to express their own ideas by speaking, but they don't know how to say it well or even what to say. When they have to speak, they always try their best to press their b

13、rains to think out some dull sentences, just like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube, once squeezed out, the toothpa</p><p>  I was led to a series of questions through thorough thinking. Why majority of my

14、students usually had problems in speaking, but they did not do the same thing. And still a few others spoke quite well. Why is it the case? Is it whether they think English is important? Do they all like English? Did the

15、y practice oral English very hard after class? Enough time they took for learning English to avoid such problems? If all answers to the questions above are positive, that probably mean my teaching ac</p><p>

16、  I made a pilot investigation in order to know clearly the situation. For this reason, I designed a questionnaire (See Appendix) to find out the true causes of the problem. Which are not easily observed? And I tried to

17、make it as scientific and effective as possible. At first I asked twenty students who were at different English levels to try out the questionnaire. Then I modified some of the items involving attitude, motivation and se

18、lf-concepts. After that I distributed the questionnaire to the</p><p>  2.2 Problem analysis</p><p>  When I was engaged in the problem analysis, I often consulted my English teacher and frequen

19、tly talked to my classmates about all the problems I encountered. They gave me a lot of instruction and suggestions so that I considered the problem more completely and thoroughly. In order to find why my students often

20、make various mistakes in speaking more clearly, I designed cause exploration as follows. </p><p>  2.2.1 The teacher’s side </p><p>  I often ask myself:</p><p>  (1): Is it because

21、 the teaching conducting is poorly designed? </p><p>  (2): Is it because of the poor model of the teacher? </p><p>  (3): Do the methods I use agree with their understanding and expressing? <

22、;/p><p>  (4): How much do the psychological element and the daily life affect the students' communication?</p><p>  At first, it is heavily influenced by the old teaching pattern -----the Gram

23、mar Translation method. First target language into mother tongue into target language then the text world is read aloud, sentence by sentence and each one world be translated. The student's world normally is tested b

24、y having to perform translations. Meanwhile the syllabus usually was designed around grammatical structures. Each lesson world teach a grammar structure, starting with simple ones, like the verb "to be ", and&l

25、t;/p><p>  2.2.2 The students' side </p><p>  Students do not know the importance of the usage of their own practice.</p><p>  We learn language just like learning swimming, no mat

26、ter where you go, you do not learn to swim by reading books on swimming and practicing at home .You go to a place where your whole body can be immersed in the water and you can feel the floating force of the water. So is

27、 learning a language or skill, the most effective way is to practice it in the authentic situation with authentic media, For us English learners, if we want to master a language including mastering all its skills, we mus

28、t think</p><p>  2.2.3 The class size </p><p>  There are more than 50 students in the classes. It is really difficult to control them in such a large class. In class, I have not enough time to

29、provide the students to practice speaking. </p><p>  On the other hand there are few opportunities for a face-to-face correcting mistake between my students and I, of all the causes, I believe that the teach

30、er is mainly responsible for the failure. I made a questionnaire among the students so as to know what they think about the problem. </p><p>  2.2.4 Adopting important measures </p><p>  Now a n

31、ew teaching method has taken up its market in English class, which is the Interaction Method and the "ASSRF" of language teaching. The interactional involved language to be a communicative tool, its main use is

32、 to build up and maintain social relations between people, in whichever situation they find themselves, learners, therefore, do need to know the grammar and vocabulary of the language, but as importantly, they need know

33、the rules for using them in the whole range of communicative co</p><p>  But how to put the solution of the problem into daily teaching; how to rise the students' interests in English study, how to devel

34、op students' rich imagination, at least, tell students how to speak less mistakes or without mistakes, it is very important and necessary. As a senior 2 English teacher, I have taken some measures. Through the proble

35、m analysis, I came to know why some of students keep making mistakes in speaking. The results indicated that there are four reasons that lead to expressi</p><p>  (1).Lack of basic and necessary language. &

36、lt;/p><p>  (2). Lack of confidence due to psychological barrier. </p><p>  (3). Lack of speaking practice. </p><p>  (4). Lack of necessary language environment for hearing and speaki

37、ng. </p><p>  Finishing all cause analysis, I made up my mind to solve the above problems.</p><p>  2.3 Project objective </p><p>  In order to change the method feeding students wi

38、th knowledge than to fostering their ability to learn by themselves and to think independently. Let’s teach students in accordance with their aptitude, avoid "teaching students in the same way without discrimination

39、s", are taking particular consideration of their different interests and capacities. Do that" the teachers' role is guiding the students to do better in the process of learning, and the other is developing

40、in them interests and eagernes</p><p>  2.4 Project hypothesis </p><p>  It is hypothesized that students can understand and say the language through effective output exercises. This method bene

41、fits the cultivation of students' speaking ability in English, which is the purpose of language learning. The students will never be puzzled in speaking. If their interests are aroused, they will have confidence to e

42、ngage in various spoken practice. </p><p>  2.5 Project rationale </p><p>  At the early stage of the language learning it offers a way out in case the students cannot get the message with their

43、 ears and read at the early stage of the language learning. As we know, oral communication is a two-way process between a speaker and a listener. Misunderstanding or poor understanding in speaking may lead to breakdowns

44、is communication, so I have taken many measures to improve their ability. </p><p>  2.6 Project Design </p><p>  Generally speaking, it is important to run the basic skills, such as basic vocabu

45、lary elementary knowledge, basic functions of sentence patterns. Then is the role of controlled conversation making. </p><p>  The first step, I often encourage students to remember words and their interrela

46、tion morphologies ,as many as possible and a number of words which the students can remember or master by teaching them the knowledge about affix ( prefix and suffix ). For example, word "difficult" is an adjec

47、tive pattern. It means we change, if we change the word "difficult" into "difficulty, it has become a noun pattern, then it means "hard, not change its meaning, another word "fair", if we a

48、dd "un" to the front</p><p>  The second is the mastering and practice basic sentences. However, even if we have mastered too many words, but we don't know how to make sentence with these words

49、 according to the proper correct logical roles, these words will not mean a formed building but backs and conscious effort simply means files of materials learning a language requires some formal training. </p>&l

50、t;p>  So if we must learn how to make sentence with words correctly and properly besides mastering the background practice all kinds of basic sentences is necessary, clued the tense. Let the students do active trial.

51、So as to make students master all kinds of basic skills, I follow: </p><p>  (1). First I ask my students to review with me, including present indefinite tense, past indefinite tense, present continuous tens

52、e, past continuous tense, future continuous tense, present perfect tense and so on, aiming to make students familiar to them, them practice them , and at last use them . </p><p>  (2). The second, I work ha

53、rd at fostering the interest in English study. As the saying goes:" Interest is the best teacher". </p><p>  (3). Thirdly, teacher's speaking English in class can construct an atmosphere of spe

54、aking English, and students bathed or buried in the atmosphere may say what they want to say, even though in broken English. </p><p>  (4).From"comprehensive--speaking"to"critical--speaking&qu

55、ot;to creative--speaking".</p><p>  (5).Form single to single first, then together in groups freely.</p><p>  But by using only teacher --given stimuli for language production, the learners

56、 cannot learn how to express their own meanings; students still need to practice themselves, according the differences between learning the first and a second language. The second language learner has the advantage of kn

57、owing one language system: his native language system already, but the disadvantage of already thinking in that language. Therefore, it is difficult for the second language learner, not to translate as</p><p&g

58、t;  2.6.1 The principles </p><p>  According to the four rules of Co-operative principle/cp,proposed and formulated by P.Gricema pragmatic hypothesis,is about that the participants must first of all be wil

59、ling to cooperate;otherwise,it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk. The principle has the following for maxim:</p><p>  (1) The maxim of quantity.</p><p>  a:Make your contributi

60、on as informative as required.</p><p>  b:Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.</p><p>  (2) The maxim of quality.</p><p>  a :Do not say what you believe

61、 to false.</p><p>  b:Do not say for which you lack adequate evidence.</p><p>  (3) The maxim of relation:Be relevant.</p><p>  (4) The maxim of manner.</p><p>  a. Avo

62、id obscurity of expression..</p><p>  b. Avoid ambiguity.</p><p>  c. Be brief.</p><p>  d. Be orderly. </p><p>  2.6.2 Teaching plan</p><p>  I designed t

63、wo activities to be tried out in four weeks so as to test the hypothesis. At first, I think basic language is the most important for a learner; it is just like building bricks. In my project both input and output are enh

64、anced. I decide to improve my teaching, giving my students some review lessons to review the basic sentence structures. At the same time, I ask my students to make sentences with their creativity, especial creative inter

65、action. On a beginning level, oral proficiency f</p><p>  3. Full-scaled Implementation of the Solutions</p><p>  For example: </p><p>  Senior English (2) --Unit 1 Making a differe

66、nce </p><p>  A: "WARMING UP" (slide show)</p><p>  1>.Albert Einstein: "Imagination is more important than knowledge."</p><p>  2>.Alfred North Whitehead:

67、 "It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious." </p><p>  3>.Marie Curie: "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. "</p><p>  4

68、>.Thomas Alva: "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."</p><p>  5>Galileo Galilee: "You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it withi

69、n himself"</p><p>  Let the students talk about the quotes and the scientists. At first, I think basic language is the most important for a learner; it is just like building bricks. In my project both i

70、nput and output are enhanced. I decide to improve my teaching, giving my students some review lessons to review the basic sentence structures. At the same time, I ask my students to make sentences with their creativity.

71、(Flash presentation)</p><p>  e.g. (1) The quotes above are from famous scientists,what do they mean?Do you agree?</p><p>  (2)What does it mean to be a scientist?</p><p>  (3)How i

72、s your favorite scientist?Why?</p><p>  B: "Listening and speaking" (by the tape and the pictures)</p><p>  On the tape, work in groups. First listen to the tape, the practice describi

73、ng people and debating on a branch of science or a scientist. Use more the infinitive and the Useful expressions for application. Encourage students to read and listen the materials as more as possible, enrich their lang

74、uage and make them be familiar with some wonderful sentences and increase their vocabulary. By doing this, students can put them down on their exercises while speaking. Then facing the real situation,I co</p><

75、p>  e.g. (1) Hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe.</p><p>  (2) To explain what they have seen,they build a theory about the way in which things happen and t

76、he cause and effects.</p><p>  (3) The doctor told him that he might not have more than twelve months to live.</p><p>  (4) In order to get married,I needed a job,and in order to get a job,I ne

77、eded a PhD.</p><p>  (5) People who listen to Hawking lectures sometimes find it difficult to understand him.</p><p>  (6) What words and expressions will you need to talk about Galileo Galilee?

78、</p><p>  (7) Scientists look at the world and try to describe and explain what they see.</p><p>  C:"Practicing and free talking."</p><p>  After the teacher leads-in the

79、 new text,let students to charge the styles of the sentences from single to single with the mastered grammar knowledge,then speak freely. Because learning should be a process of exploring and understanding of ones own in

80、itiative, so it is very important for the students to learn by themselves, the role of the teacher is to guide, to supervise, above all, to induce and initiate learning on the part of the learner.</p><p>  e

81、.g. (1) What is the scientific spirit?</p><p>  (2) What can we learn from great scientists?</p><p>  (3) Every one has his or her special skills and interests,and only by discovering what we d

82、o best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. Isn't it?Talk about it.</p><p>  D: "The methods to learn English"(slide presentation).</p><p>  (1) Observe how

83、new words and structure are used.</p><p>  (2) Try to make a simple rule to explain how the word or structure is used.</p><p>  (3) Test your theory by the words or structures and if your theory

84、 is correct.</p><p>  (4) Find out how you like to learn. May ask your classmates and teacher how they study. Then try different ideas.</p><p>  The step has focused on how to speak well. It'

85、;s a difficult task for students after they have mastered separate sentences and a little of background. When my students found a focus in their speaking and had a clear purpose in their mind, it was time for them to mak

86、e a debating. I arranged the class into two discussion groups ---agree group and disagree group, each with a secretary to write down the ideas proposed by the group members. Then I asked students of the two groups to spe

87、ak. Generally s</p><p>  (1) Its clear that...... </p><p>  (2) That's true. </p><p>  (3) There is no doubt that...... </p><p>  (4) It's hard to say. </

88、p><p>  (5) Well, maybe, but..... .</p><p>  (6) What's your idea? </p><p>  (7) Have you thought about......?</p><p>  (8) What makes a scientist successful? <

89、/p><p>  (9) What can we learn from great scientists? </p><p>  (10) What is the scientific spirit? </p><p>  Unit 2: News media </p><p>  I spend the other two weeks in

90、teaching "News Media", the students give no more than 6 minutes to look back on the content of the Unit 2.The practicing method is as the same as the Unit 1.Then ask one or two students to speak up. Let student

91、s know language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. To help my students to be aware of the audience of their speaking, I asked them to consider the following questions, study these questi

92、ons and try to think about the signific</p><p>  (1) What is the purpose of the speaking? </p><p>  (2) Who are you speaking for? Are you speaking for your friends? Relatives, colleagues, teache

93、rs or someone you don't know?</p><p>  (3) What words will you need to talk about news and the media? </p><p>  (4) Is it an explanation of how something works, or how to do something?</p

94、><p>  The step has focused on how to speak well, too. Give students a chance to make an interview with the past participle used as attributive and predictive.</p><p>  4. Data Analysis</p>

95、<p>  By doing this, students can put them down on their exercises while speaking. Wide reading also offer students more chance to meet English, especially to read more funny, interesting materials will give student

96、s great help, such as some interesting English novels, English stories full of humor, English jokes and popular science materials with proper difficulty, reports about entertainment, they will not only increase the stude

97、nts' interest in English, but also can bring some wonderful sentences o</p><p>  5. Project Evaluations</p><p>  When I was engaged in the press evaluates. I often consulted my colleagues an

98、d frequently talked to my classmates in the Teachers College about it. The old saying "Kill two birds with one stone". </p><p>  6. Conclusions </p><p>  Students varied in their indiv

99、idualities, interests, capacities, and backgrounds of learning, and their ambitions and life styles also differed, so as to a teacher, always accommodated to these differences and used various method in teaching or solv

100、ing problems for his or her disciples. After four weeks, the influence of my project lies .in fact that all the steps that we have made have solved their puzzle about speaking, not only can most students speak typical or

101、 idiomatic English sentences w</p><p>  Of course, meanwhile have its disadvantages. Looking back upon the project, I realize there is something I have not done well. I haven't made the best use of the r

102、elationship among the four skills: listening, writing, reading, speaking, I haven't had the first three skills serve speaking well. Another fault is that I haven't taught my students how to speak in the limited w


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