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1、<p><b>  中文3950字</b></p><p><b>  外文原文</b></p><p>  International Monetary and Financial Arrangements: Present and Future</p><p>  3. National economic p

2、olicies under the present international monetary system</p><p>  In this part, we examine central bank independence and monetary and fiscal policies under the present international monetary system. We also e

3、xamine global financial integration and the effectiveness of monetary policy.</p><p>  3.1. Central bank independence</p><p>  In recent years, many nations have passed laws removing government

4、control on their central bank (i.e., making their central bank more independent) in order to overcome the inflationary bias that was otherwise believed to exist in the conduct of monetary policy. The central banks of som

5、e nations, such as Switzerland and Germany, have enjoyed a high degree of independence during most of the postwar period. Recently, Canada, Chile, and New Zealand enacted legislation to make their central banks mo</p&

6、gt;<p>  But what is meant by central bank independence? Fisher (1995) introduced the distinction between goal independence and instrument independence. A central bank has goal independence if it can set its own

7、goals, such as the rate of inflation that the nation should aim for. Instrument independence means that the central bank has control over the levers of monetary policy. That is, it has no obligation to finance government

8、 deficits, directly or indirectly, and that it has the power to set interest</p><p>  Theoretically, there are two different approaches to central bank independence. One is the conservative-banker approach o

9、f Rogoff (1985) and the other is the principal-agent approach of Walsh (1995). In the conservative-banker approach, the central bank has both goal and instrument independence. Presumably, the conservative banker will wei

10、gh deviations of both inflation and output from target levels in setting monetary policy, but with a bias in favor of lower inflation, even if this comes at th</p><p>  Today, there is general agreement that

11、 a central bank should have instrument, but not goal independence. There are two reasons for this. The first is that the monetary goal of the nation should reflect the social welfare function of the nation and not just t

12、he preferences of the central bank governor. The second is that there is the need to coordinate monetary and fiscal policies to avoid their operating at cross purposes of each other. Central bank accountability, however,

13、 is needed to ensure t</p><p>  3.2. Central bank independence and inflation</p><p>  As expected, a number of empirical studies have shown an inverse relationship between central bank independe

14、nce and the rate of inflation in industrial countries. That is, the more independent the central bank of an industrial country is, the lower the rate of inflation in the nation. One of the most comprehensive of these stu

15、dies is the one by Alesina and Summers (1993). The authors included the following 16 industrial countries in the study: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany</p><p>  The sample period was fro

16、m 1955 to 1988. As in previous studies, the authors found a negative correlation between the level of central bank independence and the rate of inflation. They also found that the more independent a central bank was, the

17、 smaller was the variability of the inflation rate (because of the positive correlation between the level and variability of inflation).</p><p>  As it is well known, however, correlation does not establish

18、causality. That is, the negative correlation between central bank independence and inflation found in empirical studies does not imply that the former causes the latter. It may very well be that countries with a stronger

19、 aversion to inflation are more likely to give more independence to their central banks. Thus, it is the inflation aversion in the nation that gives rise both to lower inflation and to a more independent central bank in&

20、lt;/p><p>  As support for central bank independence has increased around the world, so has the tendency to entrust to central banks the sole function of achieving a given inflation target or range. This, howev

21、er, raises the question of whether it would be more appropriate to entrust the central bank with a target that is more directly controllable by the central bank, such as the growth of a narrow money aggregate, rather tha

22、n a specific inflation target. Setting an inflation target, however, seems more ap</p><p>  As a result, it is better to assign an explicit inflation target to the central bank and provide it with instrument

23、 independence to pursue the inflation target. As to why the central bank should be given a specific inflation target rather than a growth-of-real-GDP or rate-of-unemployment target, the answer is that inflation is a mone

24、tary phenomenon while the rate of growth of real GDP and the rate of unemployment are real phenomena. Real phenomena are, of course, affected by monetary phenomena, </p><p>  Thus, a country that is trying t

25、o move from a high to a low inflation environment would do well to adopt a fixed rather than a variable exchange rate system as a means of anchoring monetary policy and market expectations. Many developing countries, how

26、ever, have been moving toward greater exchange-rate flexibility in order to cope better with big swings in foreign capital flows.</p><p>  Although many empirical studies have found a negative correlation be

27、tween central bank independence and inflation in industrial countries, this is not the case for developing countries. Cukierman (1992) found a positive, not a negative, relationship between central bank independence and

28、inflation for a group of 70 developing countries that he studied over the 1950–1989 period. This, however, may be due to the fact that the central banks of many developing countries are independent legally but no</p&g

29、t;<p>  3.3. Central bank independence, the real economy, and fiscal deficits</p><p>  Does the lower inflation rate with an independent central bank come at the expense of growth of output for the na

30、tion? Alesina and Summers (1993) found no negative correlation between central bank independence and average growth of real GDP or the variability of growth of real GDP for the same 16 industrial countries that they used

31、 to examine the relationship between central bank independence and inflation over the 1955–1988 period. Barro (1995) and Sarel (1996) confirm this for inflation rates </p><p>  The same conclusion was reache

32、d for industrial nations in another study by Cukierman, Kalaitzidakis, Summers, and Webb (1992) by regressing the nation’s growth rate of real GDP on the degree of central bank independence, the initial level of real GDP

33、 in the nation, the initial level of primary and secondary education in the nation, and the nation’s terms of trade. For developing nations, however, Cukierman, Kalaitzidakis, Summers, and Webb found that central bank in

34、dependence did have a signific</p><p>  Empirical studies were also conducted to examine the relationship between central bank independence and fiscal deficits as a percentage of GDP in the nation. The expec

35、tation was that a more independent central bank would be able to resist better government efforts to monetize fiscal deficits and thus lead to lower long-run average fiscal deficits as a percentage of GDP in the nation.

36、Such a negative relationship was in fact found by Parkin (1987) and Grilli et al. (1991) for industrial countries</p><p>  Although empirical studies have found no relationship between central bank independe

37、nce and the rate of economic growth in industrial nations, there is a theoretical reason for expecting that a central bank that can set its own inflation target and operate independently of the fiscal authority of the na

38、tion can lead to a lower rate of growth in the nation. This can result when there is a conflict between the goals of the monetary and the fiscal authority of the nation.Then monetary and fiscal po</p><p>  T

39、hus, the general tendency for economists today of endorsing the separation of power in the conduct of monetary and fiscal policies may not be the best policy to maximize non-inflationary growth in the nation (see Nordhau

40、s, 1994). Better results can be obtained by the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies. It is not just that in the absence of such a coordination, fiscal and monetary authorities might pursue contradictory goals. S

41、uboptimal results may arise simply because of the different</p><p>  國際貨幣和金融安排:現(xiàn)狀與未來</p><p>  3.在目前的國際貨幣體系下的國家經(jīng)濟政策</p><p>  在這一部分,我們研究在現(xiàn)行國際貨幣體系下的中央銀行的獨立性、貨幣和財政政策。我們還研究全球金融一體化和貨幣政策的有

42、效性。</p><p>  3.1 中央銀行的獨立性</p><p>  近年來,許多國家都通過法律取消政府對中央銀行的控制力(即,使他們的中央銀行更加獨立)以克服存在于貨幣政策中對通貨膨脹的成見。一些國家的中央銀行,如瑞士和德國的中央銀行,在戰(zhàn)后時期都享有高度的獨立性。最近,加拿大、智利和新西蘭通過立法使他們的中央銀行更加獨立。1997年五月,英國也實行了相同的政策。共同的經(jīng)濟改革在拉丁

43、美洲和中歐、東歐的一些前共產(chǎn)主義國家都已建立獨立的中央銀行,至少在法律上,已實行日常運作。馬斯特里赫特條約禁止中央銀行市服從政府的指示,作為條件之一,為歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟。為確保央行的獨立性,該條約還要求央行行長任期至少為五年。更重要的是,該條約禁止央行從政府直接購買債務工具及提供設施信貸給政府。即中央銀行獨立于政治壓力會達到一個較低的通脹率。</p><p>  但何謂中央銀行的獨立性?費舍爾(1995)介紹了目標獨


45、,或通過對外匯市場的干預制度,影響水平,如果國家的匯率制度有一個靈活的選擇(Capie,1998)。</p><p>  從理論上講,在中央銀行的獨立性上有兩個不同的方法。其一是羅格夫(1985年)的保守的銀行家的方法,其他的是沃爾什(1995年)的委托代理的方式。保守的銀行家認為,央行同時具有絕對和相對的獨立性。據(jù)推測,保守的銀行家將從目標制定貨幣政策的水平上權衡通貨膨脹和產(chǎn)出的偏差,但在通貨膨脹率較低偏向時,

46、可能要以低增長為代價。在委托代理的做法上,另一方面,中央銀行家相對獨立性,但不是絕對獨立性。也就是說,政府制定貨幣目標,如為國家的通貨膨脹率,然后央行自由掌握任何一種貨幣工具來實現(xiàn)貨幣目標。委托代理的目標是新西蘭最明確的例子,那里的央行行長正式同意遵守由政府制定的通脹目標。在加拿大和英國,如果超過了通貨膨脹的限定范圍,中央銀行的聲譽可能會受其影響。</p><p>  今天,人們普遍認為,央行應該有相對政策,而不



49、然而,事實上美聯(lián)儲相對于其他大多數(shù)中央銀行,是憲法規(guī)定追求價格穩(wěn)定和充分就業(yè)</p><p>  3.2 中央銀行的獨立性與通貨膨脹</p><p>  正如預期的那樣,一些有經(jīng)驗的研究已經(jīng)證實中央銀行之間的獨立和工業(yè)國家的通脹率有反比關系。也就是說,工業(yè)國的央行越獨立,在全國范圍內的通脹率越低。這些研究中最全面的一個是由Alesina和薩默斯(1993)提出的。研究中,作者提到了以下16

50、個工業(yè)國家:澳大利亞、比利時、加拿大、丹麥、法國、德國、意大利、日本、荷蘭、新西蘭、挪威、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、英國和美國。樣本期間為1955年至1988年。正如在以前的研究中,作者發(fā)現(xiàn)在中央銀行的獨立程度和通貨膨脹率呈負相關。他們還發(fā)現(xiàn)中央銀行越獨立,通貨膨脹率的變化越?。ㄒ驗橥浰胶屯涀兓收嚓P關系)。</p><p>  眾所周知,相關性并不意味著有因果關系。也就是說,實證研究中中央銀行的獨立性與通貨膨

51、脹負相關,并不意味著前者導致了后者。有較強的規(guī)避通脹的國家更可能給他們的中央銀行更多的獨立性。因此,通脹厭惡的國家,會使通貨膨脹降低和一個更獨立的中央銀行,而不是一個獨立的中央銀行責任(即造成)較低的通脹。除非,我們相信法律和機構是完全不相干的,而且對經(jīng)濟沒有任何影響性能(這里的通貨膨脹率)。我們必須了解,其他條件相同的情況下,更獨立央行比不獨立的中央銀行更可能形成較低的通貨膨脹率。</p><p>  對獨立性



54、實證研究已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種中央銀行的獨立性和工業(yè)化國家的通貨膨脹的負相關系,這不是發(fā)展中國家的案例。 Cukierm</p><p>  3.3 央行的獨立性,實體經(jīng)濟和財政的赤字 </p><p>  是否獨立中央銀行以較低的通脹率為代價來使國家產(chǎn)出增長? Alesina和薩默斯(1993)發(fā)現(xiàn)中央銀行的獨立性,國內生產(chǎn)總值實際平均增長率或16個工業(yè)變異相同國家中實際國民生產(chǎn)總值的增長率沒有

55、直接負相關關系,他們用來研究在1955至88年通貨膨脹時期中央銀行的獨立性之間的關系。巴羅(1995)和薩雷爾西利(1996年)確保低于8%的通貨膨脹率。因此,它似乎并不認為中央銀行在從事工業(yè)國家貿易時以較低的增長速度來使通貨膨脹率較低。</p><p>  同樣的結論在工業(yè)國家由Cukierman,Kalaitzidakis,薩默斯和Webb(1992)寫作的另一項研究中也有提到,在中央銀行的獨立性程度通過歸納


57、。</p><p>  也進行了實證研究,研究中央銀行的獨立性和財政赤字占國內生產(chǎn)總值的百分比之間的關系。人們期望的是一個更加獨立的中央銀行能夠更好地促進政府對財政赤字的努力,從而形成長期的較低的占國內生產(chǎn)總值的平均比例。這種消極的關系是由帕金(1987年)和Grilli(1991)等人在工業(yè)國家發(fā)現(xiàn)的事實。因此,總體結論是從實證研究中可以得到,日期是一個獨立的中央銀行關聯(lián)低通貨膨脹率和國內生產(chǎn)總值的比例降低財政

58、赤字,但是無關工業(yè)國家的增長。</p><p>  雖然實證研究發(fā)現(xiàn)中央銀行的獨立性和在工業(yè)國家中的經(jīng)濟增長率之間沒有關系,有預期的理論性原因,即央行可以設定自己的通貨膨脹目標,獨立經(jīng)營民族,這樣可能導致財政部門在一個國家的較低成長率。這可能會導致貨幣目標和民族財政之間的沖突。當時的金融和財政政策可以在相互的目的中移動,并導致國家的經(jīng)濟表現(xiàn)為次優(yōu)。因此,中央銀行不可以過于獨立。例如,中央銀行過分通貨膨脹厭惡,如央

59、行,可能過度抑制全國經(jīng)濟增長。更好地為國家的經(jīng)濟表現(xiàn),會使財政和貨幣政策的協(xié)調。這可以通過賦予中央銀行獨立文書,但不是獨立的最終目的。</p><p>  因此,經(jīng)濟學家們普遍贊同分離傾向,今日在貨幣和財政政策的行為中可能不是權力最好的政策,以最大限度地發(fā)揮非通貨膨脹在全國的增長(見諾德豪斯,1994年)。更好的結果可以通過協(xié)調貨幣政策和財政政策。這不僅是在這樣一個缺乏協(xié)調,財政和貨幣當局可能相互矛盾的目標追求的


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