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1、<p><b>  中文8200字</b></p><p>  本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)</p><p>  外文參考文獻(xiàn)譯文及原文</p><p>  學(xué) 院 經(jīng)濟(jì)管理學(xué)院 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 工商管理 </p><p>  年

2、級(jí)班別 </p><p>  學(xué) 號(hào) </p><p>  學(xué)生姓名 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師 </p><p>  年 月 日</p>

3、;<p><b>  目 錄</b></p><p>  溝通新論 溝通內(nèi)容的八大類……………………………………………………1</p><p>  On the new communication communication content At the end…………………10</p><p>  溝通新論 溝通內(nèi)容的八大類

4、</p><p>  作為一般溝通,溝通的內(nèi)容五花八門,幾乎是無(wú)所不包。那作為企業(yè)管理中的溝通――管理溝通,又會(huì)包括那些內(nèi)容呢?這些內(nèi)容是否又能按照一定的分類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進(jìn)行恰當(dāng)和實(shí)用、清晰的內(nèi)容分類呢?以往的管理溝通學(xué)者一直沒(méi)有系統(tǒng)研究這方面的問(wèn)題,筆者認(rèn)為我們有必要、有責(zé)任來(lái)完成這一有意義和價(jià)值的研究任務(wù)。事實(shí)上,管理溝通的內(nèi)容根據(jù)其溝通的內(nèi)容的性質(zhì)、重要性和大小,以及溝通發(fā)生在組織中的范圍和層次,可以進(jìn)行細(xì)致


6、我感覺(jué)、情緒、情感、興趣、愛(ài)好、偏好、習(xí)慣的動(dòng)物,是企業(yè)管理者手中的智慧型資源。馬克思曾將其視為產(chǎn)出效率和效益彈性很大的可變成本,現(xiàn)代人力資源管理科學(xué)把它看成是企業(yè)綜</p><p>  On the new communication communication content At the end </p><p>  As a general communication, and c

7、ommunication of all sorts, is almost all-encompassing. Well, as far as management of the communication -- communication management, will include those elements? These whether keeping to a certain classification standards

8、 are appropriate and practical, clear content classification? Previous management communication scholars have been no systematic study this problem, the authors think it is necessary for us, have the responsibility to co

9、mplete this worthwhile and </p><p>  In fact, the content of communication management in accordance with the contents of the communication of the nature and importance and size, communication and organizatio

10、n in the scope and level of detail can be conducted in-depth and effective breakdown. According to the author in person management practices, communication and management functions of the theory, in my view, the manageme

11、nt of communication not only be classified but can be divided into distinctly different content levels, and th</p><p>  Pursuant to communicate the contents of the nature, size and importance, as well as its

12、 coverage of the communication size, I can manage to communicate the contents are divided into the following eight categories, or that level of communication.</p><p>  1. emotional communication </p>

13、<p>  Emotional content management communication is the author of practical management has spent an enormous amount of time to go through a very basic, the basic but important communication. Human beings are self-fe

14、eling, emotions, feelings, interests, hobbies, preferences, habits of animals is in the hands of corporate managers intelligent resources. Marx as its output efficiency and effectiveness of flexible variable costs, Moder

15、n science and human resources management as it is comprehensive competi</p><p>  Once renowned management experts said the United States, organizations should not fear there is about enterprise management of

16、 emotional, feeling communication. In the enterprise, because their own people and the outside world and within the enterprise for various reasons, will have some negative, destructive and emotions. Bad mood and feeling

17、interfere with the normal staff enthusiasm and the capacity to play. And an excellent mood, emotion, a sense of trust, a sense of happiness and other posi</p><p>  In the management of enterprises to communi

18、cate to express my colleagues in a friendly smile. gently embrace or flap your own intimate colleagues on the shoulder, and so on, all of a sentiment communication. Clearly, in order to create and maintain good personal

19、 working environment, but also for the general increase in employee enthusiasm for the work and performance Emotional enterprise communication is a very basic, but important day-to-day management of the communication inf

20、rastructure. Emot</p><p>  2, the operational business information communication   </p><p>  Ommunication in the management of enterprises, in addition there are a lot of emotional communicat

21、ion, in business or work level, the more substantial the existence of another one of the basic, regular, and important management communication namely, that people on how they work and how the work should be and how the

22、current work of the foundation, basic business information communication. I called it operable to communicate operational information. Operational business information communication </p><p>  Supervisors mus

23、t be subordinate to publish clear instructions not clear working order, the subordinates will be chaos and confusion, Working unsure prioritized and depletion of resources and reduce output. Enterprise employees on their

24、 respective floors for the work instructions is not advice and ideas. Especially in the implementation of the Directive process, the possible need for new issues reflected upward, or the implementation of the work requir

25、ed, it should also upward feedback, all these</p><p>  In modern enterprise management, knowledge workers and knowledge content in enterprise production and management process growing Enterprises increasingl

26、y flat organizational structure, decision-making authority down the organizational structure moving down. All of these changes have the staff to a higher work requirements, and greater work decisions and creative ability

27、. Therefore, business management is good or bad, are more and more dependent on the staff can work in a creative manner, unlike </p><p>  In fact, the work proposed, as a creation of nature with the improvem

28、ents of communication, has been widely occur in a variety of enterprise management process, and indeed for many enterprises to enhance management performance, have had a positive and tremendous impetus. Japanese companie

29、s Matsushita employees within one year of the proposed rationalization of up to tens of thousands, nearly half of which were adopted to implement, for enterprise management and the overall performance of the eno</p>

30、;<p>  3, responsibilities, rights, interests communication  </p><p>  Enterprises is a production needs of its customers products and services, and profit from the economic organization. Enterprises

31、 of any one staff, in any longer periods, we must have a clear comparison of the rights, responsibilities and benefits division. Employees in enterprises of the obligations and rights, constitute the enterprise managemen

32、t division of labor, job responsibilities and authority of demarcation. </p><p>  Employees of the enterprises, mainly the interests of economic interests and the status of the organization, is to attract bu

33、sinesses, motivate staff to target enterprises struggle for the necessary conditions and the key factors. rights, responsibilities and interests of the general needs of the letter written form, confirmed down, that is g

34、enerally required in the form of a formal written communication management. However, as staff members and between staff and the responsibility, authority s</p><p>  Lee division within the enterprise is a dy

35、namic development and interaction, so it was not always easy to clearly divided. Therefore, in the management of enterprises, not only normal and have been able to establish the responsibility, authority, Lee relations n

36、eed to communicate, When they occur, change, some employees their understanding of ambiguous and difficult to grasp.</p><p>  In particular, the need for timely conduct in-depth management communication. bus

37、iness and the employees are trying to gain interest work. Responsibilities and rights are for the purpose of convenience prompted staff to complete its post and achieve business goals and set up the match. Unknown respon

38、sibility, or rights not transferred, or benefit-sharing structure unclear, will have an impact, The end result is not their employees to play an active and high efficiency, high returns to work. In t</p><p>

39、  The author observes that in the enterprise, interest-driven enterprise survival and development efforts and the staff was the fundamental driving force, no rights, responsibilities and interests of these fundamental el

40、ements of good internal communication, it is impossible to communicate with other management success : operability information communication business will be hampered; decision-making system and often are not seriously u

41、nderstanding and implementation; Enterprise employees do not a</p><p>  If employees are not treated fairly and to the court to prosecute the company because the rights, responsibilities and interests to com

42、municate properly, or fails. Such communication when the incident occurred. authors own experience and observation management, and enterprise management of a considerable majority of the time management and communication

43、, </p><p>  In fact, this kind of communication : the staff for their work that their duties are ideas that are too heavy; that their wages too little, hope more; A colleague told colleagues B quarrel, why n

44、ot work, B, but the behavior or attitude A violation of the responsibilities, rights, and so on and so forth. I believe that good and effective the responsibility, authority, good management of all enterprise communicati

45、on management and communication is the basis for one.  </p><p>  4, decision-making and operational information communication </p><p>  I have put enterprise management process, mainly in the

46、general staff, grassroots managers, middle managers of day-to-day operations within the scope of communication behavior, divided into operational information management business communication. Management of such communic

47、ation is a basic, basic, everyday occurrence, businesses maintain the daily operation. But managers of enterprises and speaking, some other enterprise business information, communication, is also very important. Business

48、es a</p><p>  decision-making enterprises operating in the information communication enterprises massive, large-scale presence </p><p>  They just happened over the operational frequency of oper

49、ational information see less communication. In the modern age, decision-making has been more and more enterprises from the grassroots to make. However, the enterprises concerned department or an entire enterprise or a gr

50、oup of major and important decision because the large amount of information needed, involved in a wide range of deep and difficult decision-making, policy-makers must request the necessary decision-making power and the a

51、bil</p><p>   However, this does not mean that high-level decision-makers do not need the staff, grassroots managers and other high-level managers of information support and help. The more significant dec

52、ision-making, the greater the amount of information needed access to the businesses now, the greater the impact on the future, policy makers will need extensive collection to collect all the relevant information, for spe

53、cific operators, collaborators, After repeatedly, can we guarantee the quality of deci</p><p>  Only in all decision-making between the Executive, in-depth decision-making information is communicated to unde

54、rstand. the implementation of these decisions can be true and reliable assurance. </p><p>  Therefore, in my view, in business management communication, communicate the importance of decision-making must pay

55、 the maximum leaders attached great importance to the decision-making requires not only the final word Policy decisions need more communication before, communication and decision-making decision after a mass communicatio

56、n communication, have to ensure that the decision-making and implementation minimize the generation of human errors. </p><p>  5, the communication system </p><p>  Enterprise operation and mana

57、gement of enterprise management systems is the routine, that is a routine part of management (with the exception management distinction). In fact, the routine management of enterprises is the healthy growth of important

58、health factors.</p><p>  No health care, no matter how good, and strong people should be sick or even died; No routine management, no matter how good, another powerful enterprises have a recession, or even b

59、ankruptcy. </p><p>  The author found that the management since its inception more than 100 years, its theory and practice have a large presence in the same trend of development. </p><p>  That

60、 is the business management work, it seems that it is not the original routine of things have been constant or of the routine. Despite the exceptional management is also necessary and important, but the routine managemen

61、t of enterprise management is the essential foundation. In enterprises, the routine management of the writing, that business operation and management of the various rules and regulations, together constitute the internal

62、 operation of a complete set of rules. This system, a sp</p><p>  No matter what the background of the times, and its role has been rising dramatically, not to be ignored. of course, good and bad, system re

63、quirements and adapt to the situation changed, the system itself has to change. Therefore, the system should also be developed is a dynamic development process, in order to prevent system into shackles. The system was in

64、tended to be immobilized work orders, reducing the cost of communication between management and frequency, reduce error. The essence of the</p><p>  Before the enactment of the communication system to ensure

65、 targeted and practical, that is reality; development of the communication system to ensure comprehensive and complete system and other supporting, that is the system of science; enacted communication system to ensure an

66、 accurate understanding of and timely implementation of effective monitoring, that is the system more effective. In all communication system, there must be feedback to the system design, implementation process, the error

67、 f</p><p>  6, enterprises strategic communication in the modern </p><p>  Enterprise management theory, strategic management, that is, determining the future goals and direction of development

68、 and development models for the design, has become the hot spot of concern. Corresponding to the strategic management of the enterprise communication, strategic management is the business of communication. </p>&l

69、t;p>  From an operational perspective, the enterprise strategy can be interpreted as the long-term and overall, and overall, the highest of the most significant business decisions. From the business management level,

70、the strategic management of the enterprise is the highest management levels, guide and standardize the management of enterprise decision-making and day-to-day operation and management, and support enterprises in the curr

71、ent and future development, Pointing to the overall enterprise today,</p><p>  Interaction of the two, forming a modern enterprise management of information technology strategic management situation. </p&

72、gt;<p>  This status quo is the business of adapting to the external market environment and the overall economic environment of the major changes made a timely response, Since the company has no strategy to die. s

73、trategy must communicate, strategic management must communicate and, in particular, need strong communication. Strategic management as the management of enterprises brain, is a rational enterprise management capabilities

74、 of the highest comprehensive reflection. If management and other systems, p</p><p>  Although the role second only to the strategic management of the management of enterprises, but also some of the importan

75、t brain activities. </p><p>  However, only to the strategic management vision and the overall situation and strategizing in the decider. Clearly, management is the highest policy-making brain is not able to

76、 come to the abstract, cerebral, the supreme decision-making are also required to pass nerves, sensory and operating systems for the dissemination and implementation. </p><p>  Explained that the relay, ente

77、rprises in the hearts of members of the process, is a strategic communication process.   Similarly, strategic communication, can also according to the design, implementation process for subdivision before the enactment

78、 of strategic communication, developed communication and the development of communication after the implementation of three parts. Former major strategic communication strategy is formulated before the preparations, incl

79、uding overall economic and pol</p><p>  7, the enterprise culture of communication  </p><p>  Enterprise culture is a culture of an organization, is the specific social and cultural enterprise

80、s personality and specific. The enterprise culture is the management process or to promote the unique values and codes of conduct, The main contents include the purposes of enterprises or enterprise mission, the spirit o

81、f enterprise, business philosophy and corporate values, Humanities atmosphere enterprises, enterprise systems, business history and tradition, enterprise norms. Culture is a big conc</p><p>  In the enterpri

82、se, culture of enterprise management of very diverse and extensive. </p><p>  If the entire enterprise approve of innovation, weight and importance to team cooperation, and so on. The importance of corporate

83、 culture reflected in its dominant or recessive existed in the ideas of staff and mind, and gradually turned into a habit, subconscious way for people around specific issues, and the personalities of concepts, ideas and

84、feelings, in turn affect the operation and management process.   culture is the most suitable for communication needs. Formation of Enterprise Cultur</p><p>  Members of the company before what should be t

85、he attitude of new recruits how companies should treat all enterprises cultural issues. The influence of corporate culture, staff individual personality by some assimilation and transformation its purpose is to more easi

86、ly reached easily manage communications, improve resource productivity and efficiency. Any of our communication is inseparable from our own enterprises, and social and cultural background. It is noteworthy that the same

87、cultural backg</p><p>  If a team is the spirit of enterprise. Innovative spirit and moral integrity is another two entrepreneurial spirit. Clearly, these spirit in the training and consolidation, only effec

88、tive communication can be completed. corporate culture also includes corporate image system. Corporate image there is an external manifestation of cultural system, and the corporate mission and the spirit of enterprise

89、business philosophy is the corporate culture content. Image shaping and dissemination, and the sh</p><p>   8, the external communication  </p><p>  Enterprises survive in the business is

90、not a vacuum, but to survive with clients, customers, suppliers, dealers, the government, competitors, financial institutions, the community formed the social environment. Enterprise resources must come from the outside,

91、 and enterprises must export the output to the outside world. Enterprises can be achieved and the allocation of resources into and derive profit economic objectives. From the more profound sense, the enterprise is to mee

92、t the external needs </p><p>  If the production of products or services fail to meet external market and customer needs, the enterprise will have to survive the crisis. </p><p>  Therefore, the

93、 ultimate customer and the market to decide the fate of enterprises, rather than their enterprises. Therefore, the enterprises must have good and effective external communication. government enterprises rules of the game

94、 and the supervisor, but also some enterprises customers. And government departments, the communication is important in modern management of the development of a new disciplines -- corporate public relations. Enterprise

95、is about communication with the outside world,</p><p>  The enterprise and external contacts with the government to bear the brunt of communication. markets and customers, as well as suppliers, distributors,

96、 competitors, financial institutions, enterprises must constitute a good communication with the second largest group, the authors EC them for commercial groups. Commercial enterprise groups directly about the survival, d

97、evelopment and effectiveness of communication with them how, directly affecting the current operating status, and continuous long</p><p>  Also logging of trees resource depletion, and so on. If enterprises

98、and the public to communicate well, inadequate, it will jeopardize the enterprise's existence and development. Many enterprises today on the public relations aspect is willing to make great efforts, such as donations

99、 and play public-service advertisements, are carrying out the necessary public communication. also above mentioned enterprise culture image of the enterprise system. In fact, as part of the culture of foreign, corpo<


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