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1、<p><b>  中文3685字</b></p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)</p><p>  外 文 翻 譯</p><p>  外文出處 International Journal of Auditing </p><p>  外文作者 Gopal

2、V. Krishnan Gnanakumar Visvanathan </p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Reporting Internal Control Deficiencies in the Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Era: The Role of Auditors and Corporate Governan

3、ce</p><p>  This study addresses the role of audit committees and auditors in the reporting of internal control deficiencies after the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). We find that a higher number of

4、 meetings of the audit committee, lesser proportion of ‘financial experts’ in the audit committee, and more auditor changes characterize firms that report weaknesses in their internal controls compared to firms with no w

5、eaknesses. Prior restatements of financial statements are also higher for firms that </p><p><b>  SUMMARY</b></p><p>  The Sarbanes-Oxley Act enacted significant regulations concerni

6、ng corporate governance and financial reporting including the reporting of internal control deficiencies. This paper provides an assessment of the role of two key players, namely audit committees and auditors in the repo

7、rting of internal control deficiencies. Both corporate governance and the role of external auditors have received considerable critical attention consequent to reported accounting scandals at several firms. The qualit<

8、;/p><p>  INTRODUCTION</p><p>  A significant feature of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) (US Congress 2002) is section 404 that requires management’s assessment of the company’s internal controls over

9、 financial reporting and an auditor’s opinion on the management’s assessment.1 Implementing section 404 has become the top focus of audit committee members and the enormous costs of implementation have invited some criti

10、cism (Solomon & Peecher, 2004).2 The objective of this study is to provide preliminary empirical evidence on the ro</p><p>  In studying the disclosures on internal controls under section 404, we assume

11、that firms that report internal control weaknesses are the only firms with such weaknesses and firms that do not report any such weaknesses (firms that we use as control group) are not subject to weaknesses at the time o

12、f the study. While we have verified that control firms did not report any weaknesses at the time of the study, it is possible that some of these firms had internal control weaknesses but report them in </p><p&

13、gt;  We contribute to the literature on internal controls, impact of SOX, and the role of audit committees. Our finding that the audit committee activity rather than its composition is associated with the timely reportin

14、g of internal control deficiencies suggests that future studies have to examine attributes of governance other than size of audit committee or the number of independent directors because the changes brought about by SOX

15、essentially create uniformity in these variables. Our finding tha</p><p>  HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT</p><p>  The role of audit committees in developing and maintaining sound internal controls has

16、been demonstrated by several studies (BRC, 1999; DeZoort, 1997; Carcello et al., 2002). Prior studies have also examined the broader role of audit committees with respect to earnings manipulation and restatements (Klein,

17、 2002; Abbott et al., 2004). J. Krishnan (2005) hypothesizes that firms that report internal control deficiencies in the pre-SOX period have audit committees that are smaller, less independent,</p><p>  The

18、first characteristic we consider is the size of the audit committee. Larger committees are more likely to have greater participation in the governance process and are more likely to address controls and reporting more co

19、mprehensively. Prior auditing literature (see for example, Abbott et al., 2004) has found that the audit committee’s effectiveness is positively related to the size of the committee. In contrast, studies such as Yermack

20、(1996) find that larger boards are less efficient than s</p><p>  Audit committee size alone does not result in greater diligence as that would depend upon the technical expertise of the members in the commi

21、ttee. To address this we consider a second characteristic, the proportion of ‘a(chǎn)ccounting or non-accounting financial experts’ in the audit committee. DeFond et al. (2005) document positive stock price reactions to appoin

22、tment of financial experts to audit committees. Bedard et al. (2004) find lower earnings management for firms with experts on their audit c</p><p>  CONCLUSION AND LIMITATIONS</p><p>  The objec

23、tive of this paper is to study the role of audit committees and auditors in the reporting of internal control weaknesses in the post-SOX era. Studying this time period is important for several reasons. Unlike before, SOX

24、 requires disclosures of weaknesses; significant changes have been required by the SOX in the composition of the audit committee; and the role of auditors has been enhanced by requiring them to report on management’s ass

25、essment of internal controls. Our results indicate </p><p>  Our study is subject to the following limitations. First, we examine a small sample during a short time period in the post-SOX era when the focus

26、and attention on internal control reporting have been enormous. Second, as noted in the introduction, our design is subject to the assumption that our sample firms have internal control weaknesses and report them while o

27、ur control firms do not have weaknesses and as such do not report any weaknesses. A longer time period and a larger sample may be need</p><p>  As noted in the introduction, the causes and consequences of re

28、porting and remedying internal control weaknesses may be more complex than the governance mechanisms considered in this study. In particular, the number of audit committee meetings and the proportions of experts in audit

29、 committees may have been undergoing significant changes during the time period studied because of heightened awareness of financial reporting issues. Our interpretation of results on the association between internal <

30、;/p><p>  Source:Gopal V. Krishnan and Gnanakumar Visvanathan.Reporting Internal Control Deficiencies in the Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Era:The Role of Auditors and Corporate Governance[J].International Journal of Aud

31、iting,2007, No.2 Vol.11:73-90.</p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  后薩班斯時代的內部控制缺陷報告:審計人員與公司治理的作用</p><p>  本研究解決了在通過薩班斯法案(SOX)之后審計委員會及審計師在內部控制缺陷報告中的作用。我們發(fā)現(xiàn),內部控制報告中有缺陷的公司與沒缺陷的公司相比

32、,具有以下特點:有審核委員會的會議較多,金融專家在審計委員會中的比例較低和審計員更換較頻繁的特征。內部控制報告有弱點的企業(yè)中,財務報表優(yōu)先重述的比例也較高。這些結果是由各種公司的特別控制獲得的,比如經(jīng)營的復雜性,盈利能力和增長能力。我們的研究結果強調,公司的治理比一般公司在內部控制報告方面弱點的審查更重要。</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p> 

33、 薩班斯-奧克斯利法案制定了包括評價公司治理與內部控制財務報告不足之處的重要法規(guī)。本文提供了兩個關鍵的因素,即審計委員會和審計人員內部控制不足之處的報告。公司治理和外部審計員的作用已經(jīng)被越來越多的公司所接受,管理質量和外部審計人員的素質很可能對能夠保證財務報告重要性的良好內部控制維持起著很大的作用。根據(jù)薩班斯法案404條款,我們研究公司的內部控制報告的缺陷和這些公司的審計委員會及審計師的特點。為此,我們比較了公司內部控制報告缺陷與同行業(yè)

34、中類似規(guī)模的公司不同報告的這些缺陷,我們發(fā)現(xiàn),企業(yè)內部控制薄弱環(huán)節(jié)的報告在多數(shù)時候是由審計委員會發(fā)布的,公司中有金融專家資格的主管參與發(fā)布所占的比例較小。公司報告的弱點中也有審計師經(jīng)常變化和審計師重述以前財務報表的特點。這些結果應該會激起投資者、審計師以及那些對新的管理規(guī)則有興趣的調節(jié)者的濃厚興趣。</p><p><b>  介紹</b></p><p>  薩班斯


36、規(guī)定的實證研究。</p><p>  根據(jù)對404條款下內部控制信息披露的研究,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)公司在披露內部控制報告有弱點時只是指出有薄弱環(huán)節(jié),但是不會對任何弱點進行詳細說明和闡述(此公司,我們只是作為實驗對照組來使用),而在這次研究當中,那些沒有披露內部控制弱點的公司更本不會在意這些弱點。雖然在這次研究當中,我們已經(jīng)證實了有些公司在內部控制報告中根本沒有發(fā)布任何弱點,而有一些公司出具內部控制報告之后,又在報告中補充披

37、露了控制方面的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)。在很大程度上,我們所識別的沒有控制弱點的公司是錯誤的,在發(fā)現(xiàn)有重大意義成果的過程中可能存在著偏見。</p><p>  我們的研究對內部控制方面的文獻,薩班斯法案的制定和審計委員會的作用方面都作出了重大貢獻。我們所發(fā)現(xiàn)得是有關審計委員會的活動,而不是與內部控制缺陷報告有關的活動,相關研究表明,未來對管理屬性的研究將不再局限于審計委員會規(guī)?;颡毩⒍氯藬?shù)等,因為薩班斯法案所帶來的變化,在這些

38、變量方面基本上建立了一個統(tǒng)一的標準。我們發(fā)現(xiàn),那些很少金融專家對內部控制報告有嚴格定義的企業(yè)表明,具有扎實專業(yè)知識能夠更好地對內部控制進行定義,而不只是作為一個虛擬的變量在許多審計中進行研究。最后,我們強調以前的報告聲明在解決企業(yè)內部控制薄弱環(huán)節(jié)中的作用,這些之前發(fā)布的報告重述聲明對改變治理結構會產(chǎn)生重大影響。</p><p><b>  假說發(fā)展</b></p><p&

39、gt;  審計委員會在發(fā)展和維持良好內部控制中的作用已被幾項研究所證實(英國零售商公會1999,德族魯特,1997卡賽羅等,2002)。之前的研究還驗證了關于盈余操縱和重述審計委員會在更廣方面的作用(克萊因,2002,阿博特等,2004)??死锼辜{(2005)推測企業(yè)內部控制報告缺陷在薩班斯法案頒布之前時期,與報告缺陷不同的公司相比,審計委員會越小,就不具獨立性,更不具專業(yè)性。在薩班斯法案之前,對審計委員會組成數(shù)和董事及獨立董事的比例數(shù)

40、額,公司可自愿發(fā)布。在薩班斯法案提出的大部分內容下,審計委員會的作用已大大增強,委員會已對成員提出了特殊要求。例如,所有服務員于審計委員會的董事及公司在將來的報表披露,有至少一名委員會成員以金融專家的資格參與(SEC 2003年)。在美國紐約的納斯達克證券交易所已經(jīng)采用了新的規(guī)章制度,采取了至少需要三名董事及審計委員會至少有一名委員會成員以金融專家的資格參與,公司才能上市(紐約證券交易所和納斯達克規(guī)則第303A章4350新規(guī)則(d)(2

41、))10個這樣的法規(guī)變化,意味著公司有可能已經(jīng)與組成的審計委員會有很大的相似性。因此,我們側重于委員會特征而不是管理規(guī)定的結果。</p><p>  第一個特點,我們考慮的是審計委員會的規(guī)模。較大的委員會,更有可能參與在更大治理過程中,而且更容易控制和出具更全面的報告。此前的審計文獻(例如阿博特等2004)發(fā)現(xiàn),審計委員會的效率與委員會的規(guī)模是正相關的。與此相反,如嚴馬克(1996年)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),大規(guī)模的委員會比小

42、規(guī)模更沒效率。這些調查結果延伸到各委員會中去,將意味著審計委員會的規(guī)模越大,委員會可能會越有效。鑒于以前的研究,這些相互沖突的影響,我們沒有指定審計委員會的規(guī)模作為定向預測。</p><p>  審計委員會的工作效率并不是由規(guī)模本身決定的而是取決于在該委員會的各成員的專業(yè)技能。為了解決這個問題,我們考慮到了第二個特點,會計或者非會計財務專家在審計委員會中的比例。德福特等(2005年)用文件證明了審計委員會中的金融


44、的可能原因如下:如前所述,文獻事先存在著較多的專業(yè)知識和與會計有關的文件屬性,如保守主義和盈利質量,可能暗示了良好的控制系統(tǒng)的存在;克里斯納(2005)在薩班斯法案時代之前的文件證明了審核委員會的專業(yè)和內部控制薄弱環(huán)節(jié)之間的存在著負相關關系。因此,可以說,因為審計委員會的專家,為防止缺陷而存在的可能已建立了完備的制度和實施有效控制,從而導</p><p><b>  結論和局限因素</b>&

45、lt;/p><p>  本文的目的是研究在后薩班斯時代審計報告和審計委員會對內部控制薄弱環(huán)節(jié)的作用。研究這一時期是非常重要的,主要有幾個原因。不同于以往,薩班斯法案要求披露缺陷,重要的變化是薩班斯法案規(guī)定了審計委員會的組成,以及審計人員的作用是要求監(jiān)督管理層披露內部控制報告以及對內部控制的評估。我們的研究結果表明,審計委員會的積極性與報告內部控制的弱點有關??紤]到組成和不積極是由薩班斯法案規(guī)定,后者的變化有著更大的重


47、報告中沒有缺陷的公司相比,其審計員的變化頻率要大。</p><p>  我們的研究受以下限制。首先,我們把一小段時間內的一個小樣本放在后薩班斯時代中對其內部控制進行研究時,我們投入了大量的精力和物力。第二,正如在引言中所提到的,我們的設計是假設我們的樣本企業(yè)有內部控制薄弱環(huán)節(jié),而不是因為企業(yè)本身沒有弱點而沒有在報告中披露弱點。需要花更長的時間和找更多的樣本才能梳理出審計效果和審計相關的變量的影響。</p&g

48、t;<p>  正如在導言中提到的,在這次研究中,報告的原因和結果以及修補內部控制缺陷可能比經(jīng)過深思熟慮的管理機制更復雜。值得一提的是,審計委員會的會議次數(shù)和審計委員會專家的比例,可能在研究的時間段會因對財務報告問題認識的不同已發(fā)生重大變化。我們關于內部控制薄弱環(huán)節(jié)和與管理機制相關聯(lián)得結果的解釋,必須要結合當時背景下來看。未來的研究可以檢查出控制是否真的存在著弱點,如對會計專家的比例變化與治理機制具體變化的辨認。較長時間的


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