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1、<p><b> ?。?lt;/b></p><p>  二 〇 一 三 年 六 月</p><p><b>  外文原文</b></p><p>  A Networked Teleoperation System for Mobile Robot with Wireless Serial Communication

2、</p><p>  Lei Zhang, Member,IEEE, Zhixin Chen,Jia Wang and Shitian Yan</p><p>  Abstract—This paper presents a teleoperation system to control mobile robot remotely. A wireless serial communicat

3、ion card is used to propagate information. RF single chip is used to build the serial communnication card. As a translucent communication parts, this card connect the control computer with the excutive motors under contr

4、ol. Finally the effectiveness of the teleopera-tion system is illustrated by experiments.</p><p>  I. INTRODUCTION</p><p>  In teleoperation system for mobile robot, navigation is always execute

5、d by the operator located far away from the robot. It is an important element in the task like rescue or reconnaissance etc., which executed by the tele-operated robot instead of human. Because the operator should be awa

6、re of enough information of the robot and environment of its working to estimate the status and get the exact command for the robot, situation awareness is regarded as the most pivotal factor in the navigation </p>

7、<p>  Many kinds of tele-operated robot systems are provided with the situation awareness to finish the work. Visual information is widely adopted in most of these systems [14].Real video feedback is believable bu

8、t not always enough, for example, in the smoky area. Also only by the camera equipped in the robot which is named as eyes of the robot,operator would know little about the situation behind a corner.</p><p> 

9、 or the overall worksite. In teleoperating a remote robot,multiple viewpoints are necessary for operator to get sufficient situation awareness.</p><p>  Situation awareness need enough information from the r

10、obot. And to control the robot, the order must be transmit to the robot by a remote way. Many systems used the computer card to do this work. In these kind of system, the main computer must deal with much information in

11、the information transmit task. </p><p>  In this paper, we use a kind of RF chip to configure the information transmit task.This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we describe developed mobile robot

12、 BCAR-01. Section 3 presents the control structure and the remote cockpit for it.Section 4 provides the method to organize the hardware of the communication card. Section 5 described the software of the system. The exper

13、iment and the conclusion are given in section 6 and 7 respectively.</p><p>  II. THE MOBILE ROBOT BCAR-01</p><p>  Mobile robot “BCAR-01” (figure 1) is designed for security scout, building insp

14、ection etc.. Especially, in a building which is danger but not has been destroyed,the robot can complete the searching work instead of human. By the sensors system in the robot, the environment information like temperatu

15、re or humidity could be collected [15-16].</p><p>  Two driving wheels are driven by DC motors respectively which are symmetrically equipped on the underpan. Anothertwo supporting wheels are installed perpen

16、dicular to the driving wheels axis to keep the body balance in level. The total weight with a pile is 32kg. The maxim speed is 2m/s. With full charged batteries, the robot can work for about 2 hours incessantly. The moto

17、rs power is 180W, so the robot can load about 40kg.</p><p>  Main parameters of the robot are shown in the table1.</p><p><b>  TABLE 1</b></p><p>  Type PARAMETERS of Ro

18、bot</p><p>  With the deeply research, we changed the control system of the mobile robot. Now, a PC104 computer is used as control center. All the control command and sensor information in the system are dis

19、posed in this computer. Four kinds of hardware module are equipped in the PC104 computer to execute the control and detecting work. Firstly,DC motor control system is built in the control center computer. Two wheels of t

20、he robot with swing arm are driven by these DC motors. Secondly, two cameras with cont</p><p>  Fig.1 Control system for the mobile robot</p><p>  By the difference wheel speed control, the robo

21、t can swerve in origin or in a certain radius. The kinematics model of the robot is shown in figure 2.</p><p>  Fig.2 Kinematics model of the mobile robot “BCAR-01”.</p><p>  We define S1 and S2

22、 as the velocity of two wheels. In the single swerve status, the two wheels velocity could satisfy with the equation followed:</p><p><b>  (1)</b></p><p>  Here r denotes the distanc

23、e between the two wheels. And R is the swerve radius. In a certain time, the robot turn angle in certain direction by the difference velocity. The equation could be changed as:</p><p><b>  (2)</b>

24、;</p><p>  In (2), r is constant, which is 255mm in this robot. The ngle velocity of the robot could be expressed as:</p><p><b>  (3)</b></p><p>  From the (2) and (3),

25、we can conclude that to control the robot turn angel with the radius R could be gotten by the appropriate proportion between the two wheels difference velocity. But as the slipping error and other reason, the actual num

26、erical value for control should be adjusted real time.</p><p>  III. THE TELEOPERATION SYSTEM FOR MOBILE </p><p>  ROBOT BCAR-01</p><p>  The robot teleoperation system consisted of

27、 control master, communication channel and robot system. Operator,joystick with force feedback and portable computer constitute the control master. Communication channel include the wireless network AP, master side netwo

28、rk card, slave side network card, embed communication server and video server.The robots are made up of carrier system, controller and navigation system, sensors and apperceive system.</p><p>  Fig.3 Teleope

29、ration for the Mobile Robot</p><p>  The whole system soft structure is Client/Server structure. Robot control computer is the Server. It wait for the command from the control master and control the DC motor

30、 etc. to finish the teleoperation instruction. Control master is the Client. All client which want to control the robot can send a request to ask for the robot server. So one robot can receive multiple control master com

31、mand, but the Server time should be distributed reasonably. Also, multi-robot can be controlled by the same op</p><p>  In the master site, a cockpit with multiple kinds of interfaces is used. The operator c

32、an use the joystick or keyboard to input the commands. These commands information is coded and send to the robot. At the same time,the cockpit displays feedback information in different format.That is the GPS information

33、, gyro information etc. To reappear the situation information of the robot in the worksite, two kinds of telepresence system are adopted. Force telepresence is used to play the feedback informa</p><p>  The

34、carrier system is a minitype mobile robot with four pedrail. Two cameras are equipped on the robot. One is for sensing, which has the small focus and widely visual field.Another is for task, which has a big focus, and na

35、rrowly visual field. These two cameras are used as the sensors of the robot. Mobile robot has been equipped with the distance sensor and force sensor as to apperceive the force feedback.</p><p>  IV. HARDWAR

36、E OF THE WIRELESS SERIAL </p><p>  COMMUNICATION CARD</p><p>  As mentioned above, the motors are driven by the drivers which are controlled by the PC104 card computer. Another way is to transmi

37、t the orders by the wireless way but not direct hardware link. This kind of control style could improve the efficiency of the PC104 computer.</p><p>  We use wireless transceiver systems as our hardware part

38、,which composed of the single chip and RF modules, that is,AT89S52 single chip and nRF2401.It contains four parts: RF modules􀇃MCU􀇃Interface circuit and power supply part.</p><p>  A. RF mod

39、ules</p><p>  RF circuit system is composed of nRF2401 and a number of external components. As the following figure, it is mainly consisted of the amplifier, crystal oscillator and modulator.nRF external tra

40、nsceiver includes RF front-end ( the antenna matching network), and phase-locked loop PLL circuit (including crystal oscillators, VCO and loop filter circuit inductance). As the external components is the key elements to

41、 achieve the function of nRF 2401, the quality and accuracy of these components can dir</p><p>  We use the reference circuit given by the Nord Company for the power of nRF2401. C5, C6 are the decoupled capa

42、citors. The antenna part of the reference circuit uses a horizontal antenna, so it occupies a larger space. But now, in the field of wireless communications, we often use inverted F antenna. Inverted F antenna is closer.

43、 The bandwidth is moderate and it is not easy to damage, but also it absorbs a smaller power compared with whip-type antenna. Therefore,in this design we use inverted F a</p><p>  B. The design of the contro

44、l part of the single chip</p><p>  The single chip communicates with the wireless communication module through the serial port in this system.After the wireless transceiver system received the data, it will

45、be transmitted to the single chip through the serial port. At the</p><p>  same time, some other control command will be sent by the single chip. Similarly, at the time when the system sends data,the control

46、 command will be sent to the wireless communication module through the serial port by this single chip and then be sent out using the wireless communication module.</p><p>  Fig.4 Configuration of the nRF240

47、1</p><p>  Since nRF2401 uses DRI, CLK and DATA, the three wires to implement transmission and considering the factor of the rate, the connection of AT89S52 and nRF2401 will be implemented through the SPI in

48、terface. The external system will be set with FLASHRAM, Network Controller, LCD monitor, A/D Converter, single chip and so on. Within our design, as the single chip AT89S52 has not the SPI interface, we have to simulate

49、I/O to SPI. The operation for simulating SPI includes SCLK, data Input and Output. C</p><p>  Fig.5 Chip information Transmission of the nRF2401 and AT89S52</p><p>  C. The design of the power s

50、upply part</p><p>  According to the power’s requirements of the wireless transceiver module NFR2401, we decide to choose ASM1117 to supply the power for 3.3V. The power supply of the system is composed of t

51、he power supply module, an integrated voltage regulator AMS1117 and a number of external components. AMS1117 is a DC-DC voltage converter; it can convert the 5V voltage to 3.3V voltage.</p><p>  V. THE SOFTW

52、ARE PART OF WIRELESS TRANSCEIVER</p><p><b>  MODULE</b></p><p>  The part of the Wireless transceiver module should first initialize the AT89S52 and nRF2 401. The nRF2401’s initializ

53、ation includes the Transceiver Mode of the RF Modules, transceiver channel frequency, the rate of the transfer, address, CRC Checksum, Chip transmission power and oscillators frequency configuration. In this design,chann

54、el 1 (Channel 1) mode is mainly used to transport data in the Shock Burst TM, the Data Rate is 240kbps, transceiver channel frequency is 2402 MHz, Crystal Frequenc</p><p>  A. AT89S52 configures nRF2401</

55、p><p>  Set CS high, CE low and enter the programming mode of nRF2401, the Data pin of nRF2401 is in the input state, the host writes the data through the MOSI and reads the data from MSIO, configuration data i

56、nput through the Data pin nRF2401.</p><p>  B. AT89S52 sends data to nRF2401</p><p>  Set CE high and make nRF2401 enter into the TX mode.The Data pin of nRF2401 is in the input state. The host

57、writes data through the MOSI and reads data from the MISO. Input the data through 2401 feet of RnF2401 to the TX FIOF, and set the CE low and start the burst transfer mode.</p><p>  C. AT89S52 reads data fro

58、m nRF2401</p><p>  When nRF2401 is under the receiving mode and has received the packet, the host writes data through the MOSI and read data from MISO. Because of the two resistors in the figure, the data wr

59、itten in the MOSI will not affect the data outputted from nRF2401.</p><p>  VI. CONTROL ROBOT UNDER THE VIRTUAL SCENE</p><p>  With the above analysis, we build the remotely control system for r

60、obot.In this robot system, we designed a wireless serial communication card to send or receive the information between the robot and the control center. The multiple control information are transferred by the special net

61、work. But finally they must be used in the robot control drivers. The next picture is the wireless serial communication card to transfer the data.</p><p>  In the robot body , a wireless serial receive card

62、is used to receive the data from the robot. The next picture is about the card.</p><p>  In the real control work, by a joystick, the desirable direction and angel value are easy to input to the system. In o

63、ur experiments we input the angle velocity θ / s in a fixed radius. Then the wheels speed could be calculated by (3). But</p><p>  in narrow places, the radius should be changed little. At the same time, the

64、 wheel speed should be little. </p><p>  We use a joystick, which is easy for human and the mobile robot, based on the man-machine engineering principal and the characteristic of the mobile robot and its man

65、ipulation.The operator grids the joystick, moves the joystick and draws the robot moving. The angle data are detected by the sensors equipped on the joystick, and communicated to the teleoperation system by wireless comm

66、unication card.</p><p>  VII. CONCLUSION</p><p>  For the purpose of remotely controlling mobile robot BCAR-01, we designed a teleoperation system with the following characters: a wireless seria

67、l communication card is used to transmit the information. Compared with the direct information transmission, the card could be used as atranslucent communication card which could improve the efficiency of the main contro

68、l computer. A teleoperation experiment using BCAR-01 mobile robot was provided.</p><p><b>  中文翻譯</b></p><p>  無線串行通信實現(xiàn)的移動機(jī)器人網(wǎng)絡(luò)遙操作系統(tǒng)</p><p>  張磊,IEEE成員,陳子鑫,王嘉和嚴(yán)石天</p&g

69、t;<p>  摘要——本文提出了一種移動機(jī)器人遙操作系統(tǒng)的遠(yuǎn)程控制. 一個無線串行通信卡被用來傳輸信息。射頻芯片被用來創(chuàng)建串行通信卡。作為一個半透明的通信部分,這張卡片連接控制計算機(jī)與執(zhí)行電機(jī)控制下。最后這個teleopera-tion 系統(tǒng)的有效性通過實驗來說明。</p><p><b>  介紹</b></p><p>  在移動機(jī)器人的遙操作

70、系統(tǒng)中,導(dǎo)航總是由遠(yuǎn)離機(jī)器人的操作員執(zhí)行。在任務(wù)中它是一個重要的角色,如救援或偵查等。由遠(yuǎn)程控制的機(jī)器人代替人來控制,因為控制者應(yīng)該知道機(jī)器人的足夠信息及它工作的環(huán)境來估計狀態(tài)和得到準(zhǔn)確的機(jī)器人命令,在導(dǎo)航中態(tài)勢感知能力被認(rèn)為是最關(guān)鍵的因素,。[1]-[13]</p><p>  許多種類的遠(yuǎn)程控制機(jī)器人系統(tǒng)都是通過提供態(tài)勢感知能力來完成工作,在大多數(shù)這樣的系統(tǒng)中視覺信息被廣泛采用,[14], 實時視頻反饋是可信

71、的,但并不足夠的,例如,在煙霧繚繞的區(qū)域,也只有裝備相機(jī)的機(jī)器人被譽為眼中的機(jī)器人,控制者對角落里或者整個工作環(huán)境的情況知道的很少。在遠(yuǎn)程控制一個機(jī)器人中,多重的觀點對于控制者得到充分的態(tài)勢感知能力是必須的。</p><p>  態(tài)勢感知需要從機(jī)器人那里得到足夠的信息,并且控制機(jī)器人,命令必須由遠(yuǎn)程的方式傳輸給機(jī)器人。許多系統(tǒng)使用計算機(jī)卡來做這件工作。在這種系統(tǒng)中,主機(jī)在信息傳輸中必須處理許多信息。本文,我們用一

72、種射頻芯片來配置信息傳輸?shù)娜蝿?wù)。</p><p>  本人的寫作內(nèi)容如下:在第2部分我們描述了移動機(jī)器人BCAR-01開發(fā)。第3部分給出了控制結(jié)構(gòu)和遠(yuǎn)程駕駛艙. 第4部分提供了制作通信卡硬件的方法,第5部分描述了系統(tǒng)的軟件,實驗和結(jié)論在第6部分和第7部分分別給出。</p><p>  2、移動機(jī)器人BCAR-01</p><p>  “BCAR-01”移動機(jī)器人(圖

73、1)是專為安全探索,樓宇檢查等設(shè)計的。特別是,在還沒被摧毀的危險建筑物里,這個機(jī)器人能代替人來完成搜索的工作。通過在機(jī)器人上的傳感器系統(tǒng),環(huán)境信息比如溫度或濕度可以收集起來[15-16].</p><p>  對稱地裝配于底盤的位置兩個驅(qū)動輪分別由直流電機(jī)驅(qū)動。另外兩個支撐輪安裝在垂直于驅(qū)動輪軸線的位置來,在水平上保持身體的平衡。加上一個樁的總重量是32kg。最快速度是2m/ s。當(dāng)電池飽滿時,機(jī)器人可以不間斷地

74、工作大約2小時 。電機(jī)功率是180W, 所以這個機(jī)器人能負(fù)荷40kg。</p><p>  機(jī)器人的主要參數(shù)如表1所示:</p><p>  表1機(jī)器人的類型參數(shù)</p><p>  隨著研究的不斷深入,我們改變了這個移動機(jī)器人控制系統(tǒng)?,F(xiàn)在,PC104電腦作為控制中心。在系統(tǒng)中的所有的控制命令和傳感器信息都放置在這臺電腦中。PC104計算機(jī)裝備的四種硬件模塊去執(zhí)行


76、gt;  圖1 .移動機(jī)器人的控制系統(tǒng)</p><p>  通過對不同車輪的速度控制,這個機(jī)器人能急轉(zhuǎn)彎在起點或一定半徑內(nèi),機(jī)器人的運動學(xué)模型見圖2,</p><p>  圖2移動機(jī)器人”BCAR-01”的運動學(xué)模型</p><p>  我們定義S1和S2為兩個輪子的速度,在一個單獨急轉(zhuǎn)彎狀態(tài),這兩個輪子速度可以滿足如下的方程:</p><p&g

77、t;<b> ?。?)</b></p><p>  這里r是指兩個輪子之間的距離,還有R是急轉(zhuǎn)彎半徑。在一定時間,機(jī)器人用不同的速度在一定的方向轉(zhuǎn)角,這個方程可以改為:</p><p><b>  (2)</b></p><p>  在公式(2)中,r是常量,在這個機(jī)器人中是255mm,機(jī)器人的角速率可以表述為:</

78、p><p><b> ?。?)</b></p><p>  通過公式(2)和(3),我們可以得出的結(jié)論是控制機(jī)器人以R為半徑轉(zhuǎn)角度可以通過在兩個輪子不同速度間適當(dāng)調(diào)節(jié)實現(xiàn),但由于滑動誤差和其他原因,,控制的實際數(shù)據(jù)應(yīng)給實時調(diào)節(jié)。</p><p>  3、移動機(jī)器人BCAR-01的遙操作系統(tǒng)</p><p>  機(jī)器人遙操作控

79、制系統(tǒng)由主機(jī),溝通管道和機(jī)器人系統(tǒng)組成。控制者,有力反饋的手柄和便攜式計算機(jī)組成控制主系統(tǒng)。溝通渠道包括無線網(wǎng)絡(luò),AP網(wǎng)絡(luò),主機(jī)側(cè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡,,副機(jī)側(cè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡,嵌入通信服務(wù)器網(wǎng)卡和視頻服務(wù)器。這個機(jī)器人是由載體系統(tǒng),控制器和導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)、傳感器和感知系統(tǒng)組成。</p><p>  圖3,移動機(jī)器人的遙操作</p><p>  整個系統(tǒng)軟結(jié)構(gòu)是客戶機(jī)/服務(wù)器結(jié)構(gòu)。機(jī)器人控制計算機(jī)是服務(wù)器端。它等待控制

80、主機(jī)的命令和控制控制直流電機(jī)等,來完成遙操作指令??刂浦鳈C(jī)是客戶端。所有客戶想要控制機(jī)器人可以發(fā)送一個請求要求機(jī)器人服務(wù)器。所以一個機(jī)器人能接收多個控制主機(jī)的命令,</p><p>  但是服務(wù)器時間應(yīng)該合理分配。同時,多移動機(jī)器人能通過相同的控制者控制。主機(jī)和機(jī)器人之間的通信是基于802.11g協(xié)議。多種信息通過通信頻道通信,兩個通信卡分別裝備在機(jī)器人和控制主電腦上。</p><p> 

81、 在主機(jī)方面,有多種接口駕的駛艙是需要的。操作者能使用操縱桿或者鍵盤輸入命令,這些命令信息被編碼并且發(fā)送給機(jī)器人。同時,駕駛艙以不同的格式顯示反饋信息,如GPS信息,陀螺信息等。為了再現(xiàn)機(jī)器人在工工作地點的情況信息,采用了兩種臨場感系統(tǒng),力覺臨場感效果是用來反饋在操縱桿上信息的。通過力操縱桿,操作者能感覺到機(jī)器人情況。視覺臨場感能表現(xiàn)一種預(yù)測虛擬場景和在機(jī)器人側(cè)的實時視頻。</p><p>  承運系統(tǒng)是一個四履

82、帶小型移動機(jī)器人。在機(jī)器人上準(zhǔn)備兩臺攝像機(jī)。一個是供傳感、具有小的聚焦和廣泛的視野,另一個是為了任務(wù),它有一個大的聚焦,并且視野狹隘。這兩部攝像機(jī)機(jī)被作為機(jī)器人的傳感器。移動機(jī)器人已準(zhǔn)備距離和力傳感器來感知力反饋。</p><p>  4、無線串行通信卡片的硬件</p><p>  如上所述,電機(jī)是由PC104卡電腦控制的驅(qū)動器驅(qū)動的,另一種方法通過無線方式發(fā)送命令,而不是直接硬件連接,這

83、種控制方式能夠提高PC104電腦的效率。</p><p>  我們用無線收發(fā)器系統(tǒng)作為我們的硬件部分,由單片機(jī)和射頻模塊構(gòu)成,也就是說,AT89S52單片機(jī)和nRF2401。它包含四個部分:射頻模塊,MCU,接口電路和供電部分。</p><p><b>  射頻模塊</b></p><p>  射頻電路系統(tǒng)由nRF2401和一個些外部組件組成。

84、如下圖,它主要由放大器, 晶體振蕩器和調(diào)制器組成。nRF外部收發(fā)器包括射頻前端(天線匹配網(wǎng)絡(luò)),和鎖相環(huán)PLL電路(包括晶體振蕩器,壓控振蕩器和環(huán)路濾波電路電感)。由于外部元件是實現(xiàn)nRF 2401功能的關(guān)鍵因素,這些部件的質(zhì)量和準(zhǔn)確性直接影響整體裝置的性能。</p><p>  我們使用諾德公司給出的給nRF2401供電的參考電路,C5、C6是解耦電容器。參考電路的天線部分采用水平天線,所以它占據(jù)了很大的空間,

85、但現(xiàn)在,在無線通信領(lǐng)域,我們經(jīng)常用倒F天線,倒F天線是比較接近的,它的帶寬適度并且不易損壞,而且它吸納了相比whip-type天線較小的功率。因此,在這個設(shè)計中,我們使用圖5中的倒F天線。匹配網(wǎng)絡(luò)是由L1、L2,C3、C4、C9和C10組成。</p><p>  單片機(jī)控制部分的設(shè)計</p><p>  在這個系統(tǒng)中單片機(jī)通過串行端口和無線通信模塊通信,在無線收發(fā)系統(tǒng)后收到數(shù)據(jù)后,它將通過

86、串行端口傳送給單片機(jī)。同時,單片機(jī)還發(fā)送其他控制命令。同樣地,當(dāng)系統(tǒng)發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)時,控制命令由單片機(jī)通過串行接口發(fā)送給無線通信模塊并且通過無線通信模塊發(fā)送出去。</p><p>  圖4 nRF2401的配置</p><p>  自從nRF2401使用DRI, CLK和DATA以來,這三條線用來數(shù)據(jù)傳輸并考慮到速率因素,AT89S52和nRF2401的連接將被SPI接口執(zhí)行。外部系統(tǒng)將設(shè)置為F

87、LASHRAM,網(wǎng)絡(luò)控制器、液晶顯示器、A / D轉(zhuǎn)換器,,單片機(jī)等等。在我們的設(shè)計中,,因為單片機(jī)AT89S52沒有SPI接口, 我們必須模擬I / O轉(zhuǎn)換為SPI接口。模擬SPI操作包括SCLK、數(shù)據(jù)輸入和輸出。和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)SPI接口相比,nRF2401只有一DATA和SPI中的MISO和MOSI相對應(yīng)。因此,這關(guān)系圖如圖5所示,。</p><p>  圖5,nRF2401和AT89S52的芯片信息傳輸</p

88、><p><b>  供電電源部分設(shè)計</b></p><p>  根據(jù)無線收發(fā)模塊NFR2401的電源要求,我們決定選擇ASM1117 來供3.3V電源,供電系統(tǒng)的供電模塊,一個完整的電壓調(diào)節(jié)器AMS1117和大量的外部元件組成。AMS1117是DC-DC電壓轉(zhuǎn)換器,它可以將 5V電壓轉(zhuǎn)換為3.3V電壓。</p><p>  5、無線收發(fā)模塊的軟

89、件部分</p><p>  無線收發(fā)模塊部分應(yīng)該首先初始AT89S52和 nRF2401,nRF2401的初始化包括射頻模塊的收發(fā)模式,收發(fā)信道頻率,發(fā)送速率,地址,CRC校驗,芯片的傳輸功率和振蕩器頻率配置。在這個設(shè)計中,頻道1(1頻道)模式主要是用于在沖擊破裂TM中傳輸數(shù)據(jù),數(shù)據(jù)率是240kbps,收發(fā)頻道頻率是2402MHZ,晶振頻率是16MHZ, -5d芯片頻電源是-5d Bm,現(xiàn)在我們談?wù)搉RF2401

90、的配置和AT89S52 和nRF2401之間的傳播過程。</p><p>  A、1 AT89S52配置nRF240</p><p>  設(shè)置CS為高電平,CE為低電平和進(jìn)入 nRF2401的編程模式,nRF2401的Data引腳處于輸入狀態(tài),主機(jī)通過MOSI寫數(shù)據(jù)并從MSIO讀取數(shù)據(jù),通過數(shù)據(jù)輸入針nRF2401配置數(shù)據(jù)的輸入。</p><p>  B、AT89S

91、52發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)給nRF2401</p><p>  設(shè)定CE引腳位高電平并使nRF2401進(jìn)入TX模式,nRF2401的數(shù)據(jù)針處于輸入狀態(tài),主機(jī)通過MOSI寫數(shù)據(jù)通并從MISO讀取數(shù)據(jù),通過RnF2401 的2401引腳輸入數(shù)據(jù)給TX FIOF,設(shè)定CE為低電平并開始破裂傳輸模式。</p><p>  C、89S52 從RF2401讀取數(shù)據(jù)</p><p>  當(dāng)nR

92、F2401處于接收模式并已取得數(shù)據(jù)包,, 主機(jī)通過MOSI寫數(shù)據(jù)通并從MISO讀取數(shù)據(jù),因為圖中的兩個電阻,寫入MOSI的數(shù)據(jù)不影響從nRF2401輸出的數(shù)據(jù)。</p><p>  6、在虛擬場景下控制機(jī)器人</p><p>  根據(jù)上述分析,我們建立了機(jī)器人遠(yuǎn)程控制系統(tǒng)。在這個機(jī)器人系統(tǒng)中,我們設(shè)計了無線串行通信卡來在機(jī)器人與控制中心之間發(fā)送或接收信息。多重控制信息由特殊網(wǎng)絡(luò)的轉(zhuǎn)移。但最

93、終,他們必須被用在機(jī)器人控制驅(qū)動器中。接下來的照片是轉(zhuǎn)移數(shù)據(jù)的無線串行通信卡。</p><p>  在機(jī)器人體內(nèi),一個無線串口接收卡用來從機(jī)器人接收數(shù)據(jù),接下來的圖片就是關(guān)于這張卡的。</p><p>  在真正的控制工作中,,通過操縱桿,輸入系統(tǒng)。理想的方向和角度值很容易地輸入系統(tǒng)中。在試驗中,我們在固定的半徑內(nèi)輸入角速度,然后車輪速度可由公式(3)計算。但在狹窄的地方,半徑應(yīng)沒有什么改

94、變。與此同時,車輪的轉(zhuǎn)速減小。</p><p>  我們使用的操縱桿,對于人和移動機(jī)器人是方便的, 是基于人機(jī)工程學(xué)的基本原理和移動機(jī)器人的特點及它的操作??刂普呖刂茡u桿、移動操縱桿,使機(jī)器人移動。裝配于操縱桿的傳感器能探測到角度數(shù)據(jù),并通過無線通訊卡和遙控制系統(tǒng)通信。</p><p><b>  7、總結(jié)</b></p><p>  為了遠(yuǎn)程


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