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1、<p><b>  中國的節(jié)水灌溉</b></p><p>  王彥軍 徐成波 高虹 顧宇平</p><p>  中國灌溉與排水開發(fā)中心</p><p>  摘要:由于有限的水資源, 眾多的人口, 在中國,節(jié)水灌溉(WSI)已被確認為一項革命性措施來抓. 本文介紹了WSI的發(fā)展背景及主要成就. 并給予簡要介紹了中日兩國"模式

2、,規(guī)劃項目的節(jié)水措施,在大規(guī)模的灌溉計劃" : </p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:中國、灌溉、合作 ,</p><p><b>  概論</b></p><p><b>  1,1背景:</b></p><p>  中國是一個有著一億三千八百多萬農(nóng)民的農(nóng)業(yè)大國,它經(jīng)常遭受旱災和水災的困擾,供

3、水能滿足需求首要問題, 中國有各種不同的地形組成的高原和山區(qū),其中包括山區(qū)占59%的面積,盆地占19 % , 平地面積12%和丘陵占總面積的10% .</p><p>  中國已經(jīng)把總灌溉面積從建國初期的16萬公頃提高到2002年的55萬公頃, 人均耕地從0.08到0.1公頃,即世界平均水平的三分之一,而且中國是世界上人均耕地最少的國家之一. </p><p>  我國降水從干旱的西北的2

4、00毫米到濕潤的東南的1600mm,中國東南部有些領(lǐng)域獲得高達2000mm降雨量. 盡管有多種多樣的自然環(huán)境,整個中國已經(jīng)有了相當缺水的相對高的需求. 水的需求正迅速增加,由于龐大的人口壓力和不斷增加的需要,為生活用水和工業(yè)用水. 總額的水資源是2800億立方米, 但人均水資源只有2300立方米,是四分之一的世界平均水平, 東亞和太平洋地區(qū)是世界上13個國家的缺水問題. </p><p>  在中國,有70%以上

5、的水用于農(nóng)業(yè),灌溉用水占90% . 中國有402個大型灌區(qū)(包括一個面積超過20,000公頃) , 5,600大中型灌區(qū)(包括一個面積介乎660公頃和20,000公頃) . 受天然的地理特征, 75% 全國糧食產(chǎn)品和90%的替代作物已在生產(chǎn)領(lǐng)域當中,只有40%的 全國總灌溉面積. 它造成的農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展在很大程度上取決于灌溉. </p><p>  與其他發(fā)展中國家相似, 中國從1950年代到1970年代投巨資新建灌溉

6、項目,許多大型灌區(qū)已建成 在此期間. 有很大一部分這方面的建設工作由工程專業(yè)知識不足的集體勞動的農(nóng)民完成. 由于中央政府的投資的減少,可灌溉80年代以來,運行20-30歲 灌區(qū),很多問題都沒有得到解決,結(jié)果如下:a、惡化,大部分水利基本建設項目. 40%的主要水利設施被破壞和灌溉水利用效率只達到0.42 , 這是遠低于發(fā)達國家( 0.70 ) ; b 、不當?shù)墓芾碇贫?缺乏主動的運行機制. 操作和維修的資金不足,因為農(nóng)民繳納的水費只有實

7、際供水成本的1 / 3至2 / 3. 此外,水費不完全收集; c 、農(nóng)業(yè)水資源的短缺. 由于經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展, 農(nóng)業(yè)、工業(yè)和生活用水之間的競爭越來越激烈. 為了滿足增加灌溉面積,并與聯(lián)合國增加灌溉用水量是一大挑戰(zhàn).</p><p>  1.2灌溉系統(tǒng)的恢復和改造:在1990年的改革,中國的經(jīng)濟體制改革. 傳統(tǒng)的計劃經(jīng)濟轉(zhuǎn)入市場經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展. 灌溉已獲得廣闊的發(fā)展空間.從1996 ,水利部已開始繼續(xù)建設基礎設施和節(jié)水灌溉項

8、目,大型灌區(qū)與國家債務. 從1998年至2002年, 247灌區(qū)已修復與節(jié)水措施的總投資額約1.5億美元, 其中765百萬美元是從國家的債務約740億美元的捐款由當?shù)貙Y金. 通過灌溉系統(tǒng)的修復,灌溉水利用率已達到17 % . 新增和改善灌溉面積已達到5.6萬ha.11億立方米,水質(zhì)已獲救. 引進pim (參與灌溉管理)開展了灌溉管理體制改革在許多灌區(qū). 水用戶協(xié)會(悠久)被包括在設計和實施世界銀行貸款長江流域水資源 項目從1992.

9、那么,在近10年來,中國已建立了超過1000悠久,在全國19個省, 80灌區(qū). 水利部大力支持推動參與灌溉管理( PIM )在. 在一些公文潰壩pim一直主張. 該項目的復建與節(jié)水灌溉和產(chǎn)量的提高大中規(guī)模灌溉區(qū), pim將擴展為一種模式的機構(gòu)改革,農(nóng)業(yè)灌溉. </p><p>  2、發(fā)展節(jié)水灌溉(節(jié)水灌溉) </p><p>  2.1重視節(jié)水灌溉,是非常有利于緩解水資源短缺的問題. 近

10、年來,越來越多的水資源嚴重短缺的見證,由于人口的增長,生活水平的改善, 經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和持續(xù)干旱的華北. 據(jù)估計,有足夠的水供應超過400個城市的共計663個城市, 以60 % ,而農(nóng)業(yè)遭受缺水30億立方米左右. 旱災影響面積已由20萬公頃, 1980年為26.7百萬. 因此,糧食損失達20億公斤左右. 水資源短缺已經(jīng)意識到作為一個主要制約因素對經(jīng)濟和社會的發(fā)展. 由于落后的灌溉技術(shù)與傳統(tǒng)的大水漫灌的習慣,用水浪費嚴重. 灌溉效率只有0.43

11、 . 一些研究,研究結(jié)果表明,水資源潛力可挖的農(nóng)業(yè)高效用水與水資源管理 改善. 為了滿足增加灌溉面積,目前水量綜合利用水平,是一個很大的挑戰(zhàn). 節(jié)水工程已采取的一項戰(zhàn)略措施來提高水的生產(chǎn)力. 節(jié)水灌溉是必要的,以確保糧食安全和水生態(tài)系統(tǒng)在21世紀. 由于有限的水資源和土地資源,節(jié)水灌溉,是相當當作革命性措施來抓,在灌溉發(fā)展. 近年來,水環(huán)境問題也越來越明顯. 草場已萎縮,沙塵暴頻頻發(fā)生廣泛. 作為最大的用水戶,農(nóng)業(yè)必須實施節(jié)水灌溉,騰出

12、用水保護環(huán)境的目的.</p><p>  2.2啟動節(jié)水灌溉 在1980 研究噴灌和微噴灌進行中,許多試點地區(qū)已經(jīng)成立. 由于對質(zhì)量不合格的材料,經(jīng)營成本高昂,利潤低,糧食生產(chǎn) 這是令人難以普及噴灌和微噴灌系統(tǒng)遍布全國. 為了減少水的流失運輸工具 技術(shù)的研究防滲技術(shù)及其應用在我國西北地區(qū). 進入90年代,隨著進步的研究和經(jīng)驗,對技術(shù)節(jié)水灌溉等淺濕灌溉水田區(qū) 防滲和管道輸水灌溉,已被廣泛推廣應用. 在9個&quo

13、t;五年計劃( 1996-2000年) 政府已高度重視,對節(jié)水灌溉有重大投資. 關(guān)鍵的300個試點縣節(jié)水高產(chǎn)-改善 被選定在全國推廣節(jié)水灌溉. 大型灌區(qū)康復考慮節(jié)水灌溉 重點工作已經(jīng)啟動自1996年. </p><p>  Water-saving Irrigation in China </p><p>  WANG Yanjun XU Chengbo GAO Hong GU Y

14、uping</p><p>  China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center</p><p>  Abstract: Because of limited water resources with large population, water-saving irrigation (WSI) has been recognized as

15、a revolutionary measure in China. This paper presents the development background and the main achievements of WSI. And also give a brief introduction of Sino-Japan“Model Planning Project for Water Saving Measures in Larg

16、e-scale Irrigation Schemes”:</p><p>  Key words: China, irrigation, cooperation</p><p>  1、GENERAL INTRODUCTION</p><p>  1、1 Background</p><p>  China is a large agricu

17、ltural country with huge population 1.3 billion and more than 800 million of that are farmers. It is frequently suffered from drought and flood, the problem of water supply to meet demand is outstanding. China has a vari

18、ed topography comprising plateaus and mountainous area which cover 59% of the area, basins cover 19%, plains covering 120} and hilly areas occupying 10% of the total territory.</p><p>  China has increased i

19、ts total irrigated area from 16 million ha at the founding of the People’s Republic of China to 55 million ha in 2002. Per capita arable land is only 0.08 to 0.1 ha which is one-third of the world average and puts China

20、among the countries which the least per capita arable land.</p><p>  Rainfall in China varies from 200 mm in the arid Northwest to 1600mm in the humid Southeast while some areas of south-eastern China receiv

21、e up to 2000mm rainfall. Despite of great diversity of physical environments, overall China has a considerable shortage of water relative to its high demand. Water demand is increasing rapidly due to huge population pres

22、sure and rising needs for water for domestic and industrial uses. The total amount of water resources is 2800 billion cubic meters, but per ca</p><p>  In China, 70% of the total water is used for agricultur

23、e with irrigation water consumption taking up 90%. China has 402 large irrigation districts (consist of an area of more than 20,000 ha), 5,600 medium-sized irrigation districts (consist of an area of between 660 ha and 2

24、0,000 ha). Influenced by the natural geographic characteristic, 75% national grain products and 90% alternative crops have been produced in the area which takes only 40% of the total national irrigation area. It results

25、the a</p><p>  Similar to other developing countries, China invested heavily in constructing new irrigation projects from 1950's through 1970's and many large-scale irrigation districts have been bui

26、lt during this period. A large part of this construction work was done by mass labor of farmers with inadequate engineering expertise. Due to the decline of central government investment available in irrigation since 198

27、0's and the running of 20-30 years of irrigation districts, many problems have been resulted as </p><p>  1.2 Irrigation System Rehabilitation and Reform</p><p>  During 1990's the refor

28、m of the Chinese economic system intensified. The conventional planning economy was transferred into market economy in China. Irrigation has been developed extensively. Since1996, MWR has started the continued constructi

29、on on infrastructure and water-saving irrigation projects in large-scale irrigation districts with national debt. From 1998 to 2002, 247 irrigation districts have been rehabilitated with water-saving measures in total in

30、vestment about 1.5 billion US dollars</p><p>  The introduction of PIM (Participatory Irrigation Management) has initiated the irrigation management reform in many irrigation districts. Water User's Asso

31、ciations (WUAs) were include in the design and implementation of the World Bank financed Yangtze Basin Water Resource Project starting from 1992.Since then, within nearly ten years, China has established more than 1000 W

32、UAs in 19 provinces, 80irrigation districts. MWR has strongly supported the promotion of Participatory Irrigation Management</p><p>  2、THE DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-SAVING IRRIGATION (WSI)</p><p>  

33、2.1 The Importance of WSI</p><p>  WSI is very helpful to ameliorate water shortage problem. Recent years, more and more serious water shortage was witnessed due to population growth, living standard improve

34、ment, economic development and the continued drought in the north China. It is estimated that there is insufficient water supply in over400 cities out of the total 663 cities, taking 60%, and agriculture suffers from wat

35、er shortage of 30 billion cubic meters per year. Drought influenced area has been increased from 20 million </p><p>  Due to the backward irrigation technologies and traditional flood irrigation habit, waste

36、 of water is seriously. Irrigation efficiency is only 0.43. Some researches and studies have shown that water resources potential can be tapped by using water efficiently and water management improvement. To satisfy incr

37、eased irrigation area with current amount of water utilization level is a big challenge for China. WSI has been taken as a strategic measure to increase water productivity.</p><p>  WSI is necessary to ensur

38、e food security and water ecosystem in 21 century. Because of limited water and land resources, WSI is considerably taken as the revolutionary measure in irrigation development. Recent years, water environmental problems

39、 have emerged apparently. The pastures have been shrunk and sandstorm has frequently happened widely. As the biggest water user, agriculture must apply WSI to release water for environment protection purpose.</p>

40、<p>  2.2The Initiation of WSI</p><p>  In 1980s, the research on sprinkler and micro-sprinkler irrigation was carried out in China and many pilot areas had been set up. Due to the unqualified quality o

41、f materials, high operation cost and low profits of grain product, it was hardly to popularize sprinkler and micro-sprinkler irrigation system all over the country. In order to reduce water losses in conveyance, the rese

42、arch on technology of seepage control and its application were taken in the northwestern areas.</p><p>  In 1990s, with the progresses of research and experiences, techniques on WSI such as shallow-wet irrig

43、ation in paddy areas, seepage control and pipe irrigation, have been widely popularized.</p><p>  In the 9"' Five-year Plan (1996-2000), government has paid high attention on water-saving irrigation

44、 with significant investment. 300 key pilot counties on water saving& yield-improvement had been selected in whole country for promoting water-saving irrigation. Large-scale irrigation districts rehabilitation with c


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