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1、分類號. 密 級 :UDC  學(xué)校代碼:10497學(xué) 位 論 文題 目  “ 批判視野下的網(wǎng)絡(luò)推手研究 ” 英 文 St udy on t he I nt er netM arket er題 百  In a C ri t i calP erspect i ve研究生姓名: 鮮思楠姓 名 翟紅 蕾 職 稱 副 教授 學(xué)位 博 士指 導(dǎo)教 師 :單 位 名 稱 武 漢 理 工 大 學(xué) 文法 學(xué) 院 郵編

2、 430070申請學(xué)位級別 碩 士 學(xué)科專業(yè)名稱 傳播學(xué)論 文提 交 日期 2012 年 12 月 論 文答 辯 日期 2 012. 12學(xué)位授予單位 武漢理工大學(xué) 學(xué)位授予 日期答辯委 員會主席 評閱人20 12 年 12 月A b str a c tT he i nt ernetfrom t he day i tw as bor n,has been regarded as a w eekl y cont rolo

3、fm edi a t o l arge capi t alor governm entaut hori t y,a com m uni cat i on space t hatordi narypeopl e coul d be rel ati vel y have t he f reedom of speech,a vi r t uall ocat i on t hatcoul dfreel y setconcerned i s

4、sues.The em ergence of i nt er netm arket ers operat i on i n C hi naand t he spread on t he i nt ernethave changed t he publ i c nature and secul ari t y of t hei nternet.T hi s ki nd of organi zed,profi tor ot her

5、 uti l i t ari an goaldri ven net w ork publ i copi ni on'sem er gence,w hi ch chal l enges t he i nt er netm edi a ecol ogy publ i c sphere,andputs forw ard new probl em s i n rel at i on t o the et hi cs and

6、 soci alresponsi bi l i t y ofin tern et b eh av io r.T hi s research defi nes i nt er netm arket ers i n t he net w ork m arket i ng cat egory,poi ntsoutt hati nternetm arketers is justa ki nd of net w ork m arket

7、i ng m et hods,and i s cl osel yli nked w i t h econom i c benefi t s.T he em ergence of i ntern etm arket ers depends on t hevari at i on of t he realw orl d:w e t he m edia,t he rise of t he net w ork voi ce

8、,t he prom ot i onof t he i nt ernetcom m uni cati on spi ri t.O n t he basi s of w hi ch, T hi s research anal yzes t he conceptof i nt ernetm arketers andi t s f oundati on,as t o reveal s i t s operat i on m ec

9、hani sm :i ti s a f orm of vi ralm arketi ngusi ng pai d posters i n covertoperati ons for a vari et y of com m erci aland prom oti onalpurposes.T hi sresearch w i l ldi vi de netw ork hand sl ap operat i on i nto fo

10、ur st ages:t hepreparat i on of net w or k hot,t he di f fusi on of netw ork hot ,t he prom ot i on of net w orkh ot,t he m ai ntenance of net w ork hot.T hrough anal yzi ng i nt er netm arket ers operati on,t h

11、i s research quest i ons t he posi t i veef fect. T he em ergence of i nternetm arketers, i s i ncreasi ngl y t ransform i ng i nternetcomm uni cati on spi ri t(rati onal,tol erance,sel f-disci pl i ne,i ndepend

12、entt houghtand com m on m ai nt enance)and erasi ng t he devel opm entof Int ernetpubl i c sphere t hrough cont roll i n g publ i c opi ni on,di spersi ng i rrat i onalem ot i ons,m aki ng fal se i nform at

13、 i on ,vi ol ating bot t om l i ne of t he m oral i t y and l egal i t y.B ecause of t he cri t i calperspect i ve of t hi s research,t he negat i ve eff ectof i nt ernetm arketers i s angl i ci zed i n det a

14、i l.B ased on the cri ti calperspecti ve of thi s research,i tisnecessary to anal yze t he phenom enon of i nter netm arket ers and t he regul at orym easuresi n f orei gn count ri es,such aspersonalboycot t ,or gan


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