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1、2750 英文單詞, 英文單詞,15500 英文字符,中文 英文字符,中文 4600 字文獻(xiàn)出處: 文獻(xiàn)出處:?iutien? R, Railait? R. A Development of Human Capital in the Context of an Aging Population ☆[J]. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, 213:753-757.A Dev

2、elopment of Human Capital in the Context of an Aging PopulationR ?iutien? ,R Railait?AbstractThe purpose of the article is to analyze the characteristics of human capital development in the context of population aging. B

3、y using the scientific literature analysis, structuring and evaluation methods the first part of the paper deeps into the concept of human capital. Analysis shows that compering human capital definition presented by diff

4、erent authors, it vary, however the key human capital elements remain. Authors of the article also analyze the individual, organizational and national benefits of investment in human capital and taking into account impli

5、cations of ageing discuss human capital development opportunities. Results of the scientific literature analysis show that talking about human capital development one of the most important factor remains education and tr

6、aining, which allows to use human capital longer. Keywords: Labour resource; Human capital management; Population aging; Economic growth.IntroductionThe world is constantly changing, and thus emphasizes the new challenge

7、s – one of them is population ageing. Cutler, Poterba, Sheiner, & Summers in 1990 wrote that an American woman in 1960 expected to have 3.6 children whereas in 1990 only 1.9. A similar situation is observed in Europe

8、. Based on the statistical data analysis a total fertility rate, counting live births per woman in a period from 1960 to 2012 in Ireland has dropped from 3.78 to 2.01 and in Portugal this rate changed from 3.16 to 1.28 (

9、Eurostat, 2014).In the context of population ageing, increased life expectancy, and declining birth rates leads a reduction of the active labor force. A decreasing number of working age people has to support the increasi

10、ng number of older persons. It is also noted that in today's environmental conditions families tend to have fewer children. Today’s women more actively participate in the labor market and accumulate more human capita

11、l. All of this has an impact on their decision to have children. People tend to have fewer children, but more invest in their education (Day & Dowrick, 2004). Therefore, the population ageing in a various ways impact

12、s human capital and its development.According to Olaniyani & Okemakinde (2008) a national economy functioning depends on two kinds of resources: physical and human capital. However based on Giziene & Simanavicien

13、e (2012) in the context of various social life changes, it is understood that the human capital, rather than financial resources is one of the main factors of economic development. Mincer (1996) highlights that in the 20

14、th century the growth of human capital was truly astounding: from a low literacy level, it was shifted to a large number of high school graduates. This transition was associated with social changes that took place in thi

15、s century. According to Mincer (1996) it was influenced not only by increased population’s real incomes, urbanization, growth of education rates but was also affected by demographic indicators such as: fertility, mortali

16、ty, life expectancy and health changes. A growth of human capital by Mincer (1996) is identified as a factor and as a result of the demographic transition.Recently, the impact of the aging population and the challenges o

17、f this phenomenon are more often discussed in the public and scientific discourses. This area is analyzed by different kinds of professionals. On the one hand the population aging is interested in sociologists - they ana

18、lyze an workforce. Stevens (2010) also highlight that human capital is not the employee, who works in the organization, but it's something the employee brings to the organization and what helps an organization to ach

19、ieve success.Olaniyani & Okemakinde (2008) highlight the importance of human capital development in relation to production activities and say that human capital is associated with an investment in ourselves, which

20、 is accompanied by an increase in economic productivity. A similar position is expressed by Kwon 2009. This author argues that human capital accumulation is associated with an increase in wages, productivity, and nationa

21、l economic growth, so it is reasonably argued that the accumulation of this type of capital affects many sectors.Submitting analysis of the concepts of human capital Poteliene&Tamasauskiene (2014) claims that, on the

22、 one hand, human capital is defined as the set of knowledge and skills used by individuals or as workers' abilities and skills. On the other hand, human capital is perceived as a combination of four elements: abiliti

23、es, behavior, effort, and time. In that regard, abilities are described as individual knowledge and skills, behavior is attributed to the goal- oriented activities, and efforts are associated with physical and mental res

24、ource usage, while the time for the investment in accumulation of human capital is attributed to the time component.By assessing, an existing scientific literature is noted that the concept of human capital is interprete

25、d in different ways, but there are noticeable some repetitive elements. Kwon (2009), Becker (2002), Bildirici, Sunal, AykacAlp,&Orcan (2005), Poteliene&Tamasauskiene (2014), Han, Lin, & Chen, (2008) identify

26、key human capital elements, that are commonly found in the scientific literature: knowledge, competency, executive experience, creative ideas, attitudes towards work and life, individual’s health, personal and problem so

27、lving skills, education, abilities, innovation, innate features, reputation, creativity, loyalty.The assessment of human capital definitions and specified elements indicate that the majority of these determinants of hum

28、an capital are acquiring during the lifecycle. In the context of population aging, a rising life expectancy together prolongs human capital accumulation period. However, it also highlights the importance of people learni

29、ng and training. The cumulative benefits of this form of capital are significant, not only for individuals but also for all country. It can be said that continuous key human capital element’s improvement become one of th

30、e most important tasks for each. So deliberately planned and in human capital accumulation-oriented activities could bring positive results in the context of aging.2. Human capital formation and development in the contex

31、t of ageingTaking into account the modern life actualities, Amosov & Degtyar (2010) reasonably highlight the need of good professionals for organizations that could implement innovative activities by developing innov

32、ative products, implementing projects or programs. In this regard, it highlights the importance of human capital accumulation. According to Poteliene&Tamasauskiene (2014) human capital formation is based on the acqui

33、sition of knowledge. It is emphasized that due to the specificity of the different abilities of individuals, each has specific peculiarities of human capital formation. It is observed that human capital formation process

34、 is affected by demographic, socio- demographic, economic, organizational - economic and ecological factors. Such indicators as the natural growth of the population and life expectancy, changes in people income or health


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