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1、<p><b>  外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯</b></p><p>  The effects of subjective norms on behaviour in the theory </p><p>  of planned behaviour: A meta-analysis</p><p>  Mark Manning*</p

2、><p>  University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA</p><p>  A meta-analysis investigated the effects of perceived injunctive (IN) and descriptive (DN) norms on behaviour (BEH) within t

3、he theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in a sample of 196 studies. Two related correlation matrices (pairwise and listwise) were synthesized from the data and used to model the TPB relations with path analyses.Convergent e

4、vidence indicated that the relation between DN and BEH was stronger than the relation between IN and BEH. Evidence also suggested a significant direct relat</p><p>  As social beings, normative pressure inev

5、itably affects our behaviour. Social nonns influence the way we dress, how we vote, what we buy, and a host of other behavioural decisions.Social psychologists have been exploring the influence of social norms on behavio

6、ur for decades. From Asch's and Milgram s conformity- experiments (Asch, 19S6;Milgram, Bickman, & Berkowitz, 1969) through recent work by Cialdini and colleagues(Cialdini, Reno. & Kallgren, 1990; Reno, Cialdi

7、ni, & Kallgren, 1993), a substa</p><p>  In experiments conducted by Cialdini and his colleagues (Cialdini et al., 1990; Reno et al., 1993), participants inferred behavioural norms for littering from env

8、ironmental cues and acted in accord with these norms. The results highlight the fact that perceptions of norms, ratber than actual norms, can affect behaviour. Tlie relation between perceived norms and bebaviour has rece

9、ived much empirical support (Borsari & Carey, 2003; Campo, Brossard, Fnizer. Marchell, Lewis, & Talbot, 2003; Gomberg,</p><p>  The present study used meta-analytic path analyses to examine, the rela

10、tion between two types of perceived norms (injunctive (IN) and descriptive (DN) norms; described below) and behaviour in the context of the TPB (Ajzen. 1991). The investigation explored the direct effects of IN and DN on

11、 behaviour as well as factors that may moderate the effect of subjective norms (SN) on behaviour.</p><p>  The theory of planned behaviour</p><p>  According to the TPB, the immediate anteceden

12、t of behaviour is the intention to pertbrm the behaviour (Figure 1). This behavioural intention is in turn a function of three major determinants: attitude towards the behaviour, perceived SN pertaining to the behaviour,

13、 and perceived degree of control over engaging in and ctJmpleting the behaviour (perceived behavioural control).</p><p>  The formation of attitudes (ATT), SN and perceived behavioural control (PBC) are resp

14、ectively functions of behavioural beliefs, normative beliefs and control beliefs that a person holds with regards to the behaviour. Concerning ATT, the set of accessible beliefs that a person holds about the outcome of a

15、 behaviour will determine the evaluation of the behaviour, and thus influence the strength and direction of the ATT towards the behaviour.SN are a function of the normative beliefs that people re</p><p>  In

16、 short, the TPB holds that favourable ATT, SN. And perceptions of control will lead to favourable intentions to engage in a given behaviour. Actual control over engaging in the behaviour is itself an important determinan

17、t. To the extent that individuals realistically appraise the amount of control that they have over the behaviour, the measure of PBC; can serve as a proxy for actual control. Perceived control is expected to have a moder

18、ating effect such that intentions will be reflected in act</p><p>  The TPB has been applied successfully to a wide range of behaviours accounting for a sizable amount of variance (Armitage & Ckmner, 200

19、1: Bamberg, Ajzen, & Schmidt,2003; Hardeman. Johnston. Johnston, Bonetti, Wareham, & Kinmonth. 2002; Povey.Wellens, & Conner, 2001; Rise. Thompson. & Verplanken, 2003). Regarding the SN construct, the the

20、ory holds tbat the effect of SN on behaviour is fully mediated by behavioural intentions. In other words, SN are not expected to have a direct effect (DE)on beha</p><p>  Descriptive and injunctive norms<

21、/p><p>  Two types of SN can be distinguished. IN are social pressures to engage in a behaviour based on the perception of what other people want you to do whereas DN are social pressures based on the observed

22、or inferred behaviour of others. Tliis distinction has been empirically supported (Cialdini et al .,1990; Deutsch & Gerard. 1955; Grube et al., 1986; Larimer & Neighbours, 2005; Larimer. Turner, Mallett. & Ge

23、isner, 2004; Reno et al.,1993; Rhodes & Courneya, 2003; White, Terry, & Hogg, 1994). Within</p><p>  Subjective norms-behaviour relation</p><p>  In reviewing the SN construct in the pla

24、nned behaviour context, Conner and Armitage(1998) have noted the lack of predictive power of the IN construct when predicting intention. Due to the paucity- of studies including DN in the planned behaviour context,conclu

25、sions regarding DN in this context are sparser. Recently, several investigators have included DN as predictors of intentions in the planned behaviour model (PBM;Fekadu & Kraft, 2002; MCiMUlan & Conner, 2(K)3; Oku

26、n et al.. 2002: Sheeran & Or</p><p>  Deutsch and Gerard (1955) have suggested that DN and IN refer to different sources of motivation. Regarding DN, it has been shown that perceptions of behaviours of o

27、thers lead one to behave in similar manners (Asch,1956;Milgram et al., 1969). Descriptive normative information ftinctions as a heuristic with regards to behavioural decisions offering cues as to what is appropriate beha

28、viour iii a given situation (Cialdini et al.,1990; van Knippenberg, 2000). IN on the other iiand operate more throu</p><p>  Though several studies have looked at the effect of one or botli types of norms on

29、 particular behaviours, there has yet to be a single meta-analytical review that compares the relationship between the two types of norms and behaviours across a spectrum of behaviours. Consequently, on a general level i

30、t is unknown whether one type of norm has a stronger effect on behaviour than the other it may be hypothesized that DN have a stronger effect on behaviour than IN because DN are activated in the imm</p><p> 

31、 Direct effect ofSN on behaviour</p><p>  The TPB posits that the relationship between SN and beliaviour is fully mediated by behavioural intentions (Ajzen, 1991; Ajzen & Fishbein, 1973). However, a numb

32、er of planned behaviour studies that have included normative constructs as a behavioural predictor have found direct effects of SN on behaviour (Christian & Abrams, 2004 -Study 2; Christian & Armitage, 2002; Chri

33、stian, Armitage, & Abrams, 2003; Okun et al.,2002; Trafimow & Finlay, 2001). In most research with the TPB, the effect of the n</p><p>  Variation in the magnitude of the SN^ehaviour relationship<

34、/p><p>  The possibility of a DE of SN on behaviour within the TPB implies that there are two ways in which SN can affect behaviour. There can be the theoretically posited indirect effect on behaviour mediated

35、through intentions, and there may be a DE on behaviour. The total effect therefore is the sum of these two effects. In accord with the prediction that DN have a stronger relation with behaviours compared to the IN-behavi

36、our relation, it is expected that the total effect of DN on behaviour is greate</p><p>  Compatibility</p><p>  Elements of a particular behaviour can be defined in terms of the behavioural targ

37、et, the action involved in the behaviour, the context in which the behaviour is performed, and the time at wliich it is performed. The relationship between cognitive predictors of a particular behaviour and engagement in

38、 the behaviour will be stronger if behavioural elements and cognitive assessment of the behaviour are compatible (Ajzen, 1996; Ajzen & Fishbein. 1977). That is to say., for instance, that if an inve</p><p&

39、gt;  Time interval between measures of SN and behaviour</p><p>  According to Ajzen ( 1991 ). cognitive precursors of behaviour that are measured closer</p><p>  to the target behaviour should b

40、e more predictive of behavioural engagement. Due to motivational considerations, measures of the intention to engage in a particular behaviour will vary as a function of proximity to behavioural engagement (Bandura &

41、 Schunk. 1981; Kamiol & Ross, 1996; Steel & König, 2006) in that tlie ftirther in the future is the potential behavioural engagement, the less predictive are intentions to engage in this behaviour. As Ibe re

42、lation between stated intentions and actual b</p><p><b>  計(jì)劃行為理論</b></p><p>  根據(jù)TPB理論, 行為的直接前因是執(zhí)行行為的意向。這種行為的意圖主要包括三個(gè)因素:態(tài)度的行為,知覺(jué)的SN有關(guān)行為,從事和完成控制的認(rèn)知度行為(知覺(jué)行為控制)。</p><p>  態(tài)度

43、(ATT),SN和知覺(jué)行為控制(PBC)的形成分別由于行為的信念,規(guī)范信念和控制信念,是人持有對(duì)待行為的。有關(guān)ATT,訪問(wèn)信念,一個(gè)人擁有一個(gè)行為的結(jié)果將決定行為的評(píng)價(jià),從而影響態(tài)度對(duì)于行為的強(qiáng)度和方向。SN形成于規(guī)范信念,有關(guān)的人個(gè)別被視為對(duì)行為的動(dòng)機(jī),加上有個(gè)人遵守有關(guān)人士預(yù)期的規(guī)范。PBC是知覺(jué)因素的作用,這將影響從事行為的能力以及這些因素呈現(xiàn)與否的觀感。</p><p>  簡(jiǎn)而言之,TPB認(rèn)為,良好的A

44、TT,SN,和控制的看法會(huì)導(dǎo)致有利的意圖從事某一行為。從事實(shí)際控制行為本身就是一個(gè)重要的決定因素。在某種程度上,個(gè)人實(shí)事求是地評(píng)價(jià)了控制他們的行為的量,PBC的測(cè)量可以作為一個(gè)實(shí)際控制代理。預(yù)計(jì)知覺(jué)控制有一個(gè)調(diào)節(jié)作用,這樣的意圖將反映在實(shí)際行為知覺(jué)控制,程度是高的。</p><p>  TPB已成功地應(yīng)用于廣泛的行為占相當(dāng)數(shù)量的方差。關(guān)于SN結(jié)構(gòu),該理論認(rèn)為,對(duì)SN對(duì)行為的影響完全中介行為意圖。換句話說(shuō),SN預(yù)計(jì)

45、不會(huì)對(duì)行為有直接影響(DE)的行為,而是通過(guò)他們對(duì)意圖的影響間接影響行為。</p><p><b>  描述和強(qiáng)制性規(guī)范</b></p><p>  SN可以區(qū)分為兩種類型。IN是基于感知其他人要你做什么的從事行為的社會(huì)壓力而DN是基于別人被觀察或被推斷的行為的社會(huì)壓力。這個(gè)區(qū)別得到實(shí)證支持。根據(jù)TPB,SN結(jié)構(gòu)最初概念化作為強(qiáng)制令規(guī)范,然而最近Ajzen and F

46、ishbein (2005)建議包括兩種類型的規(guī)范措施在建設(shè)規(guī)劃的行為調(diào)查中,DN和IN將因此被認(rèn)為是單獨(dú)分析。</p><p><b>  主觀規(guī)范行為的關(guān)系</b></p><p>  在審查計(jì)劃行為方面的SN結(jié)構(gòu)中,Conner and Armitage(1998) 已經(jīng)注意到在預(yù)測(cè)意圖時(shí)預(yù)測(cè)能力的缺乏。由于包括在計(jì)劃行為方面的DN研究的不足,在這方面的DN的結(jié)

47、論是稀少的。近日,一些研究者已經(jīng)把DN作為意向的預(yù)測(cè)列入計(jì)劃行為模型,進(jìn)行DN在計(jì)劃行為方面的meta分析。他們的分析,根據(jù)18項(xiàng)研究,表現(xiàn)出在TPB中控制其他變量時(shí)DN和意圖之間的關(guān)系。在這,這些以前的研究已經(jīng)考察了SN對(duì)意圖的影響,迄今, 沒(méi)有計(jì)劃行為meta分析探討了SN在計(jì)劃行為方面對(duì)行為的影響的潛在差異。</p><p>  Deutsch and Gerard (1955) 有建議DN和IN涉及不同來(lái)

48、源的動(dòng)機(jī)。關(guān)于DN,它已被證明對(duì)他人的行為的看法導(dǎo)致一個(gè)類似的舉止行為。描述規(guī)范性信息可以作為行為決定的啟發(fā),在特定情況下提供線索。IN另一方面,通過(guò)角色的動(dòng)機(jī)以符合社會(huì)的制裁。在某種程度上,個(gè)人以符合所指有關(guān)的知覺(jué)行為的期望為動(dòng)機(jī),他們避免了社會(huì)的制裁。</p><p>  雖然一些研究著重一種或兩種類型對(duì)特定行為的規(guī)范的影響,目前尚未有是一個(gè)單一的meta分析審查,比較兩種類型的整個(gè)頻譜的行為規(guī)范和行為之間的

49、關(guān)系。</p><p>  因此,一般水平,一個(gè)規(guī)范類型對(duì)行為是否比其他類型具有更強(qiáng)的影響是未知的. 可以推測(cè)該DN相比于IN對(duì)行為有更強(qiáng)的影響,因?yàn)镈N啟動(dòng)在即時(shí)的行為情況。此外,DN對(duì)行為決定的處理可能需要相對(duì)較少的認(rèn)知努力相較于IN的處理,DN可以更多地依靠啟發(fā)式信息處理。也許,這一優(yōu)勢(shì)有助于有效的行為決定和描述規(guī)范信息。事實(shí)上,研究人員已經(jīng)證明,方便使用啟發(fā)式信息處理這一條件引導(dǎo)參加者采取更多行動(dòng)與DN,

50、因此預(yù)計(jì),DN將對(duì)行為有更強(qiáng)的影響相較于IN。</p><p>  SN對(duì)行為的直接影響</p><p>  TPB認(rèn)為SN和行為之間的關(guān)系完全通過(guò)行為意圖斷定。然而,一些計(jì)劃行為研究,包括規(guī)范行為的預(yù)測(cè)結(jié)構(gòu)的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),SN對(duì)行為的直接影響。在TPB大多數(shù)的研究中,規(guī)范部分對(duì)意圖的影響已受到到很大關(guān)注,而SN對(duì)行為的影響的DE潛力只有一點(diǎn)經(jīng)驗(yàn)或meta分析的審議。探索的一個(gè)原因,根據(jù)大多數(shù)


52、的關(guān)系是有可能的,與報(bào)告行為意圖和行為之間的關(guān)系相比。這可能體現(xiàn)在SN對(duì)特定行為的直接影響的存在。本meta分析的合成提供了衡量在TPB背景下SN和行為之間直接關(guān)系的潛力的機(jī)會(huì)。</p><p>  變化的幅度的的SN行為關(guān)系</p><p>  在TPB理論下SN對(duì)行為的直接影響的可能性意味著有兩種SN可以影響行為的方法。對(duì)行為理論上假定的間接影響可以通過(guò)意向被介導(dǎo),有可能有對(duì)行為的直接

53、影響。因此,總的效果是這兩種效應(yīng)的總和。與預(yù)測(cè)一致,與 IN相比,DN與行為的關(guān)系更強(qiáng),據(jù)預(yù)計(jì),DN對(duì)行為總的影響比IN對(duì)行為總的影響更大。此外DN和IN對(duì)行為影響預(yù)測(cè)的分歧,有可能是數(shù)量級(jí)的差異對(duì)每個(gè)類型的規(guī)范作用。認(rèn)知措施和行為之間的兼容性以及認(rèn)知措施和行為之間的的時(shí)間,預(yù)計(jì)將導(dǎo)致SN對(duì)行為的影響程度的差異。此外,另外三個(gè)變量的影響潛在的干擾,將被探討:社會(huì)認(rèn)可的行為水平,在何種程度上的社會(huì)動(dòng)機(jī)的基礎(chǔ)行為,以及行為是有用與愉快的,可

54、能都有助于規(guī)范和行為之間的關(guān)系方差的程度。</p><p><b>  兼容性</b></p><p>  一個(gè)特定的行為的元素可以被定義在行為目標(biāo)方面,參與行為的行動(dòng),行為執(zhí)行的背景以及它執(zhí)行的時(shí)間。一個(gè)特定行為的認(rèn)知預(yù)測(cè)和參與行為的關(guān)系將會(huì)更強(qiáng),如果行為元素和行為的認(rèn)知評(píng)估是兼容的。也就是說(shuō),例如,如果研究者想預(yù)測(cè)別人每周3天一個(gè)半小時(shí)的鍛煉的傾向,措施應(yīng)評(píng)估認(rèn)知

55、方面鍛煉一個(gè)半小時(shí),每周3天,而不是對(duì)健康的認(rèn)知,或一些其他一般的鍛煉認(rèn)知。被稱為“兼容性原則”, 它認(rèn)為,計(jì)劃行為變量的測(cè)量必須與目標(biāo),行動(dòng),背景,和時(shí)間方面的目標(biāo)行為兼容。由于計(jì)劃行為變量和行為措施之間兼容性和相關(guān)性幅度的影響,預(yù)計(jì)認(rèn)知和行為的措施是完全兼容的研究,SN和行為之間的關(guān)系將更強(qiáng)。還預(yù)計(jì),措施越兼容的研究,SN和行為之間的意向介導(dǎo)的關(guān)系將是比任何中間人的關(guān)系更強(qiáng),而理論支配,眾研究中越不兼容的SN對(duì)行為的影響將有可能更直

56、接。</p><p>  SN措施和行為之間的時(shí)間間隔</p><p>  根據(jù)Ajzen(1991),行為的認(rèn)知前兆測(cè)量越接近目標(biāo)行為前兆,行為參與應(yīng)該是越預(yù)測(cè)性的。由于動(dòng)機(jī)的考慮,從事特定行為的意圖的措施會(huì)變化為和行為參與的接近,在未來(lái)的進(jìn)一步是潛在的行為參與,從事這種行為的意圖是具有較少預(yù)測(cè)性的。隨著時(shí)間的推移,確定意圖和實(shí)際行為之間的關(guān)系下降,SN是相對(duì)較預(yù)測(cè)性行為的可能存在。這種


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