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1、 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 1 – 6 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect1877-0428 © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-

2、NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Peer review under the responsibility of the West University of Timisoara. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.278 CESC 2013 Individualism and mass communicat

3、ion in the context of globalization Dan Ioan Dasc?lu* Universitatea “Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava, Romania Abstract The subject of our research is the existing relation between individualism, as ideology, and mass communic

4、ation in the context of globalization and social communication. If we can talk today about a second individualist revolution, whose main characteristic is a process of personalization, individualism has a complex and c

5、ontradictory effect on mass communication. The values of individualism seem to dominate the content of the messages transmitted through mass media. In the measure in which we can talk about a humanist dimension of indi

6、vidualism, this can be seen as beneficial, leading to the affirmation and the development of human personality. However, exaggerated hedonism and narcissism, being central values of the new individualism as well, lead

7、to the weakening and impoverishment of human personality, and to the globalization of nothing. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer review under the responsibility of the West University of Timisoara

8、. Keywords: individualism, mass communication, globalization 1. Introduction The issue of individualism seems to occupy, in the last decades, an important place in the philosophic and social science debates. It is the e

9、xpression of the place and role that individualism plays, as ideology, in contemporary society. We witness, as Gilles Lipovetsky said, at the “second individualist revolution” (Lipovetsky, 1983) . The expansion of indi

10、vidualism is linked to a multitude of factors, such as: globalization, the imposition of the consumer society, mentality changes produced, the collapse of communist totalitarianism, etc. On the other hand, we witness a

11、n explosive development of mass communication, both in what concerns the technical means of communication, * Corresponding author. Tel.: +40 230 542962; E-mail address: didascalu@yahoo.com © 2014 Published by Else

12、vier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Peer review under the responsibility of the West University of Timisoara.3Dan Ioan Dasc?lu /

13、Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 1 – 6 sociological, and an epistemological individualism (Birnbaum&Leca, 1991). For the purpose of our paper, however, we believe that we can start from a

14、 very broad definition of individualism, considering it “an ideology which favors the individual and neglects or subordinates social totality” (Dumont, 1983). To characterize contemporary individualism, we believe that

15、we can draw upon a multitude of points of view. One of them belongs to Gilles Lipovetsky. He argued that what is characteristic for contemporary individualism is the “process of personalization”. This personalization s

16、upposes, at the level of society, the minimum of constraints possible for the individual, and at the same time, assuring the maximum of possible choices, a minimum of coercion and a maximum of understanding. Personaliz

17、ation “promotes and incarnates a fundamental value, that of personal realization, of the respect of subjective singularity, of incomparable personality, whatever the forms of control and homogenization” (Lipovetsky, 19

18、83). This “total” individualism of the second individualist revolution is “hedonistic and psychological, making intimate accomplishment the main purpose of existence” (idem). Such a way of looking at individualism excl

19、udes the possible opposition, practiced in many cases, most often in at a commonsensical level, between individualism and humanism. “With the model of an emancipated individual, individualism is a humanism, designing a

20、n ideal world in which every human being can flourish and become itself” (Singly, 2005). This understanding of individualism is not, however, a product of contemporary thinking. Durkheim, for example, an anti-individua

21、list in his sociological theory, accepts individualism when it is about “the glorification, not of ego but of the individual in general” (Durkheim, 1987). This vision however, must not make us lose sight of the negativ

22、e effects which individualism can generate. Let us remember Fitoussi and Rosanvallon’s concepts of “positive individualism” and “negative individualism”. They argued that modern individualism is at the same time “a vec

23、tor of individual emancipation, developing their autonomy and making them subjects carrying rights and an insecurity factor, making each individual responsible for his/her future, constraining him or her to give a mean

24、ing to their lives which nothing from the outside can organize”(Fitoussi&Rosanvallon, 1999). We are talking in this case about an “individualization - emancipation which is doubled by and individualization – weaken

25、ing” (idem). 3. Globalization, individualism and mass communication Globalization represents a “process of extension in time and space of social relations and the accentuation of dependencies, networks and interactions

26、 between contexts, localities and regions distanced in the planetary social space” (Vlasceanu, 2011). It is a complex, multidimensional process. We can talk, on the one hand, about local transformations produced by fac

27、tors with global action, and, on the other hand, about global transformation produced by evolution is local spaces. Globalization is, at the same time political, economic, social and cultural. Social actors involved in

28、 this process are of a great variety: settlements, regions, national states, organizations, groups or persons. We can distinguish, as well between the objective aspects of the process, meaning the global extension of e

29、conomic, social, political, or cultural interdependencies and the subjective aspects, the awareness of the global flows and interdependencies. In essence, globalization means a transformation of the world in the direct

30、ion of unicity, of creating a “sole sociocultural space”. The metaphor used since 1962 by Marshall McLuhan, of “global village” is particularly expressive in this sense. The efforts of operationalizing the concept led

31、to establishing a set of complementary transformations which globalization induces in the contemporary world: a. A change in the way of understanding space and time. Space is contracted, because of the unprecedented de

32、velopment of means of transportation and communication, while time is diluted, as we live, in short intervals even more diverse experiences. b. The multiplication of cognitive and cultural flows. The apparition and the

33、 development of mass media, print, telephone, cinematography, radio, television, internet, make possible the faster transmittance of larger amounts of information, from every part of the world to any part of the world.

34、 c. The intensification and extension of interactions and interdependencies. d. The affirmation of globality or of the consciousness of global flows. The term of globality, proposed by Ronald Robertson, highlights this


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