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1、BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Pre-reading Task - Listening Practice,Here is a humorous story about a clerk and his boss. Listen carefully and see what it reveals.Complete the following statements according to what you have heard.,B

2、OOK 1 - Unit 5 - Pre-reading Task - Listening Practice,1. Johnson had arrived at work at [9] A.M. on the dot for [thirty] years.2. One day everyone was [amazed / greatly surprised] to find Johnson didn't arrive at

3、work at the usual time.3. Johnson was late for work because he rolled down the stairs in the subway and nearly [killed himself].4. Instead of expressing concern for his employee the boss doubted whether to roll down

4、two flights of stairs took him [a whole hour].,,[9],,[thirty],,[amazed / greatly surprised],,[killed himself],,,[a whole hour],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given

5、 below. Change the form where necessary.,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,1. A [monthly]statement is a general term for a personalized financial record that regularly informs a recipient about the status of

6、his or her account. It is generally mailed to the recipient on or near the same day each month. 2. Over a hundred children came to the annual Christmas party which was a good opportunity for them to gather and renew [a

7、cquaintances].3. My parents' marriage was a [classic] of its time — those years of the so-called cultural revolution, with no wedding ceremony and no honeymoon.,,[monthly],,[acquaintances],,[classic],BOOK 1 - Unit

8、5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,4. Having failed in the examination, Owen didn't dare [look] his father [in the eye].5. Britain still has a bicycle industry; frames and complete bicycles are [manufactured] here, th

9、ough most of the components are imported.6. The employees of the company are treated right with handsome paychecks and stock [options]. 7. San Francisco is one of the largest cities in California and a,,[look],,[in t

10、he eye],,[manufactured],,[options],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,leading center of culture, [finance], and industry in the United States.8. Steve announced just now that he was leaving, but the coach ha

11、d already started looking around for a [replacement] weeks before.9. Shortly after he learned of the earthquake, the man hurried back to his hometown, searching high and low to find out whether his parents had [survive

12、d] the calamity (災(zāi)難).10. I was listening for Grace's voice, but it wasn't easy to [pick] it,,[finance],,[replacement],,[survived],,[pick],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,[out] among all the others

13、.11. The survey reveals that an increasing number of young people claim they enjoy [married] life. 12. Someone [grabbed at] the letter I was reading. Looking up, I was delightfully surprised to find that it was my fo

14、rmer classmate.,,[out],,[married],,[grabbed at],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for yo

15、u.,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,1. An eight-month-old baby girl was the sole survivor of a car crash that killed both her parents. (survive)Only an eight-month-old baby girl[survived a car crash that ki

16、lled both her parents].2. Sarah read my poem out to the whole class ─ I almost died of embarrassment. (embarrass)I was[almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class].3. The seriously inj

17、ured pupils will be under the care of doctors and nurses of the Children's Hospital. (care for),,,[survived a car crash that killed both her parents],,,[almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the

18、whole class],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,Doctors and nurses[of the Children's Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils].4. Several people have phoned the personnel department to inquire

19、 about the position of Chief Financial Officer. (inquiry)The personnel department has received[several phone calls making inquiries about the position of Chief Financial Officer].5. We can help you find a solution to

20、all your financial problems if you join our club. (straighten out)We can help you[straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club].,,,[of the Children's Hospital will care for the seriously injured p

21、upils],,,[several phone calls making inquiries about the position of Chief Financial Officer],,,[straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,Complete the

22、 following, using the words or phrases in brackets. Make additions or changes where necessary.,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,1. On further [inquiry], we learned that the earthquake caused heavy casualties

23、 (傷亡) and material losses to the inhabitants. Many old people [died of hunger] and thirst after they were trapped for nearly a week. Fortunately most younger [people survived]. (die of, survive, inquiry)2. [Instantly]

24、the news spread among employees of the firm that David had decided to [give up his] current position and [retire]. Thereupon everyone became curious about who would [replace him] as chief [executive] officer. (retire, ex

25、ecutive, replace, instantly, give up),,[inquiry],,[died of hunger],,,[people survived],,[Instantly],,[give up his],,[retire],,,[replace him],,[executive],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary,3. Brown used to liv

26、e on his parents. However after [his beloved] father died he had to support himself economically. He did a lot of [odd jobs], including shining shoes, washing dishes, [and all that]. (and all that, beloved, odd),,[his be

27、loved],,[odd jobs],,,[and all that],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Word Formation,A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to form a new one. Unlike prefixes, a suffix frequently alters the

28、 part of speech of the word. For example, the verb replace, by the addition of the suffix -ment, is changed into a noun replacement. Complete the following sentences by adding a suffix to the given base in brackets.,BOO

29、K 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Word Formation,1. He looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide his [embarrassment]. (embarrass)2. Rescue workers continued to search for [survivors], nearly 72 hours after the colla

30、pse of the World Trade Center. (survive)3. A tiny old lady was among a group looking at an art exhibition in a [newly] opened gallery. (new)4. The reality is that we all have [marketable] skills such as writing, cons

31、ulting, or designing and selling things. (market),,[embarrassment],,[survivors],,[newly],,[marketable],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Word Formation,5. Many people are now having trouble making their [monthly] house

32、payments (month)6. A spelling bee is a [competition] in which people try to correctly spell words. (compete)7. The total energy given off by the devastating earthquake was many times more than any [conceivable]chemic

33、al reaction could produce. (conceive)8. It shocked me to learn that the young man was released simply because he came from a [respectable] middle-class family. (respect),,[monthly],,[competition],,[conceivable],,[respe

34、ctable],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Usage,Rewrite the parts in italics with "the + adj.".,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Usage,1. Some Democrats believed they lost the election because poor people di

35、dn't turn out to vote. [the poor]2. Those who had died were completely innocent victims of the bomb. [The deceased / The dead]3. The governor has guaranteed health care for pregnant women, preschool children, and

36、 disabled people. [the disabled]4. Do you know why French people are skinnier than Americans? It is because French people stop when they're full, Americans stop when the plate is empty (or the TV show ends). [the F

37、rench],,[the poor],,[The deceased / The dead],,[the disabled],,[the French],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Usage,5. The person who was accused denied stealing his student's ideas and publishing them. [The accused

38、]6. In our city living together without getting married is not common among young people. [the young]7. People who are not employed will receive a monthly payment from the local government. [The unemployed]8. Where

39、 unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that crime is due to unemployment.[the latter ... the former],,[The accused],,[the young],,[The unemployed],,[the latter ... the former],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focu

40、s - Comprehensive Exercises,1. Complete the following passage with words chosen from the Words and Phrases to Drill box. Change the form where necessary.,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises,I hear

41、poor Phil has [died of] (1) a heart attack. Died [instantly] (2), I believe. Mind you, if you were looking for a heart attack victim, he was a [classic ] (3) case. You need onlyk around] (4) to hear everyone say

42、that he worked all hours, never taking a break. That sort of person all too often risks not [surviving] (5) long enough to [retire] (6) on a pension. No doubt the chief [executive] (7) is already looking around for Phil&

43、#39;s [replacement] (8). I know you can't afford to be sentimental in business, not with [stock] (9) holders breathing down your neck all the time. Still, he must have found it difficult to look Phil's widow [in

44、the eye] (10) at the funeral after allowing him to overwork like that.,,[died of],,[instantly],,[classic],,[ask around],,[surviving],,[retire],,[executive],,[replacement],,[stock],,[in the eye],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language

45、 Focus - Comprehensive Exercises,2. Read the following passage carefully until you have got its main idea, and then select one appropriate word for each gap from the box.,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comprehensive

46、Exercises,One summer evening, shortly after I arrived at my new assignment, my boss walked by my house and saw my wife and children sitting on our front porch. He asked her where I was. My wife told him I was still at th

47、e office. When she told this to me, in the corner of my heart I secretly hoped he was [impressed] (1) by my work ethic (職業(yè)道德). The next morning, my boss called me. I expected a verbal pat on the back for my [dilig

48、ence] (2) and hard work. [Instead] (3), he asked me what I was doing so late at the office and inquired if I had been doing that every night since taking over. I told him I had indeed been working late every night.

49、 [Contrary](4) to what I expected, he told me anyone could be,,[impressed],,[diligence],,[Instead],,[Contrary],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises,a workaholic and achieve great things [professio

50、nally] (5). Yet he had hired me to [perform] (6) and excel (干得出色) in not one but two areas: my professional and personal life. This incident caused me to do a lot of introspection (沉思). I examined my professional

51、, family and[personal] (7) life and found that they weren't in [balance] (8). So I made a [commitment] (9) to myself to work on achieving a better balance in these three areas. This is what my little voyage of self-d

52、iscovery [revealed] (10) to me.,,[professionally],,[perform],,[personal],,[balance],,[commitment],,[revealed],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises,3. Translate the following sentences into English,

53、using the words or phrases in brackets.,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises,1. 我不太清楚哪兒你能找到個(gè)好木工(carpenter)—— 你最好四處打聽(tīng)打聽(tīng)。(ask around)[I'm not sure where you can find a good carpenter — you'd

54、better ask around.]2. 他感到有點(diǎn)尷尬,趕緊清了清喉嚨,抬頭看著墻上的畫(huà)。(embarrass)[Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall.]3. 邁克爾去世了,留下三個(gè)兒子、兩個(gè)女兒和妻子伊麗沙白。(survive),,,[I'm not

55、 sure where you can find a good carpenter — you'd better ask around.],,,[Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall.],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comp

56、rehensive Exercises,[Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth.]4. 作為金融專家,威廉建議我們投資股票市場(chǎng)。(stock)[As a financial expert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market.]5. 我們

57、這些小零售商(retailer)無(wú)法和超市在價(jià)格和銷售等方面競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。(compete)[We small retailers can't compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales.],,,[Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth.],,,[As a financial e

58、xpert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market.],,,[We small retailers can't compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales.],BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises,4. Translate

59、 the following passage into English, using the words and phrases given below.,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises,我爸是一家制造公司的行政領(lǐng)導(dǎo),工作很努力。他每周工作六天。每天他得解決各種各樣問(wèn)題,因此經(jīng)常熬夜。但是,他還是竭盡全力兼顧(balance / maintain a

60、balance between)工作和家庭。星期日我爸通常呆在家里,盡量多多照顧我們。最使我高興的是,他給我們烹飪我們最喜愛(ài)的菜肴,還和我們一起打球。,BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises,[ My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm. He works six days a

61、week. Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late / nights. However, he tries his best to balance / maintain a balance between work and family. On Sundays my dad usually st

62、ays at home and cares for us as much as he can. To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dishes and plays ball with us. ],,,,,,,,[ My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm. He works six days a week.

63、 Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late / nights. However, he tries his best to balance / maintain a balance between work and family. On Sundays my dad usually stays a


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