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1、啟智性英語教學(xué)思想初探,劉道義liudy@pep.com.cn,,注重素質(zhì)教育,體現(xiàn)語言學(xué)習(xí)對學(xué)生發(fā)展的價值 課程性質(zhì) 工具性與人文性 課程理念 激發(fā)學(xué)習(xí)興趣,拓展視野,促進(jìn)心智發(fā)展尊重主體,發(fā)展思維, 構(gòu)建知識體系, 培養(yǎng)能力啟智性課堂教學(xué)的探索,注重素質(zhì)教育,體現(xiàn)語言學(xué)習(xí)對學(xué)生發(fā)展的價值,教育是使人的潛能得以充分發(fā)展的事業(yè)。教育能使人變得更加聰明。語言既是交流的工具,也是思維


3、科學(xué)文化知識奠定基礎(chǔ)。就人文性而言,英語課程承擔(dān)著提高學(xué)生綜合人文素養(yǎng)的任務(wù),即學(xué)生通過英語課程能夠開闊視野,豐富生活經(jīng)歷,形成跨文化意識,增強愛國主義精神,發(fā)展創(chuàng)新能力,形成良好的品格和正確的人生觀與價值觀。,Language communication and language humanistic features,Language is an instrument for communication, but being use

4、d by humans it has humanistic features.語言是交際的工具,但同時也具有人文性。Many of these coursebooks concentrated on the linguistic and analytical aspects of lge learning and failed to tap the human being’s potential for multidimensiona

5、l processing. They made insufficient use of the learners’ ability to learn through doing things physically, to learn through feeling emotion, to learn through experiencing things in the mind. (Tomlinson, 2003) 許多教材只注重

6、語言和分析層面,而忽略學(xué)習(xí)者作為人所具有的多維加工的潛在能力,也很少發(fā)揮學(xué)習(xí)者通過做中學(xué)、通過感知和情感、通過大腦體驗事物來學(xué)習(xí)的這些能力。,,The most important factor in learning is affect. (Arnold, 1999) 學(xué)習(xí)最重要的因素是情感。Language learners need to relax, feel at ease, develop self-confide

7、nce and self-esteem, develop positive attitudes towards the learning experience and be involved intellectually, aesthetically and emotionally. (Tomlinson, 1998) 學(xué)習(xí)者需要有放松和自如的感覺,也需要建立自信和自尊,并對學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)歷持積極的態(tài)度,還需要學(xué)習(xí)者從智力上、審美上、情感

8、上全身心投入。,課程理念,注重素質(zhì)教育,體現(xiàn)語言學(xué)習(xí)對學(xué)生發(fā)展的價值面向全體學(xué)生,關(guān)注語言學(xué)習(xí)者的不同特點和個體差異整體設(shè)計目標(biāo),充分考慮語言學(xué)習(xí)的漸進(jìn)性和持續(xù)性強調(diào)學(xué)習(xí)過程,重視語言學(xué)習(xí)的實踐性和應(yīng)用性優(yōu)化評價方式,著重評價學(xué)生的綜合語言運用能力豐富課程資源,拓展英語學(xué)習(xí)渠道,,在經(jīng)濟快速發(fā)展的同時,人文精神有所缺失,伴隨著西方某些低端商業(yè)文化的入侵,極 端個人主義、拜金主義、惡性競爭泛濫,甚至一些淺薄、頹廢,

9、鼓吹享樂 、放縱的殖民地文化也搭車載入,從而對年青一代的信仰、追求、責(zé)任感、完備人格的形成造成危害。(陳寶泉,2010)功利主義滲透到教育領(lǐng)域、這片凈土也遭到污染:學(xué)術(shù)腐敗、學(xué)校亂收費、考試作弊、論文抄襲等累禁不止。這里極需要我們考慮的是,中小學(xué)外語教育如何加強人文道德素質(zhì)教育,抵制這些污泥濁水對青少年的腐蝕?。▌⒌懒x,2011),,英語課首先要承擔(dān)“提高中華民族的思想道德素質(zhì),文化科學(xué)素質(zhì)和身體心理素質(zhì)”的任務(wù)。素質(zhì)教育面向全體學(xué)生,


11、家把情感分為道德感、美感和理智感。(劉道義英語教育自選集第111頁),,道德感是以人對人、人對社會的態(tài)度為其內(nèi)容的。屬于道德感的有:愛心、同情、善心、仁愛、忠誠、合作等。美感表現(xiàn)了對各種不同的生活事實及藝術(shù)的態(tài)度和評價。能夠識別和判斷它們是真、善、美、高雅,還是假、惡、丑、庸俗。理智感表現(xiàn)為一個人對認(rèn)識過程、對這個過程是否順利的態(tài)度。屬于其范圍的有:興趣、動機、求知欲、熱情、發(fā)現(xiàn)、信心、意志、毅力等。,情感態(tài)度的五級要求,1. 有明

12、確的學(xué)習(xí)目的,能認(rèn)識到學(xué)習(xí)英語的目的在于交流。2. 有學(xué)習(xí)英語的愿望和興趣,樂于參與各種英語實踐活動。3. 有學(xué)好英語的信心,敢于用英語進(jìn)行表達(dá)。4. 能在小組活動中積極與他人合作,相互幫助,共同完成學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)。5. 能體會英語學(xué)習(xí)中的興趣,樂于接觸英語歌曲、讀物等。6. 能在英語交流中注意并理解他人的情感。7. 遇到問題是能主動請教,勇于克服困難。8. 在生活中接觸英語時,樂于探究其含義并嘗試模仿。9. 對祖國文化能有更

13、深刻的了解,具有初步的國際理解意識。,激發(fā)學(xué)習(xí)興趣,拓展視野,促進(jìn)心智發(fā)展,增強愛國主義精神,發(fā)展創(chuàng)新能力,形成良好的品格和正確的人生觀與價值觀利用教材資源(Mother’s Day, Mother Teresa, Manners, Nightingale, etc) How do you make a banana milk shake?(8A) Will people have robots? (8B) He u

14、sed to cause a lot of trouble. (9) Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (9),尊重主體,開發(fā)智力、發(fā)展思維,構(gòu)建知識體系,發(fā)展學(xué)生的智力,提高他們的觀察、注意、記憶、思維和想象等能力。觀察 語言的功能體現(xiàn)在語言的行為上注意 是有效地組織教育教學(xué)過程的最基本的條件?!白⒁庹悄巧纫磺袕耐獠渴澜邕M(jìn)入到人的心靈之中的東西所

15、要通過的大門?!保跎晁够┯洃?是人們對經(jīng)驗反映的心理過程,其中包括識記、保持、再現(xiàn)與回憶。,,思維 是表象、概念基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行的分析、綜合、判斷、類比、聯(lián)想、推理等認(rèn)知活動。想象 是人的創(chuàng)造活動的一個必要因素,具有能動性和有效性的特點,積極想象(不是脫離實際的空想)的機制被用來作為改造周圍事物的創(chuàng)造活動的條件。,尊重主體,開發(fā)智力、發(fā)展思維,構(gòu)建知識體系,Phonological study 語音學(xué)習(xí),1. Pronunci

16、ation of 26 lettersa, e, i (y), o, u in stressed/unstressed syllablesVowel combinations in stressed syllablesCommon vowel combinations in stressed syllablesConsonant combinations (ch, dg, th, tch, ph, ng, nk)Conson

17、ant clusters (bl-, cl-, fl-, gl-, br-, cr-, sm-, sp-, pr-, qu-) Syllabic sounds (–ble, -ple, -cle, -gle, -dle, -sin, -ten, -ven),,2. Word stress and sentence stress3. Sound variationliaison (連讀) incomplete explosi

18、ve weak form Assimilation (同化)4. Intonation and rhythmsense group and pausing rising and falling tones rhythm,Do your students know these phonological items?How do you help them learn them?How do

19、 they learn to usethem in their real life?,Can your students read these words?,dab den cod cluck braid dado輕拍 巢穴 鱈 咯咯叫 辮子 墻裙 duck chuck chuckle 拋,扔 暗自笑lot log

20、 loggerhead 原木 笨蛋fun fund fundamental 基金 基本的,,cot cot·tage cot·tager 幼兒床 村舍 村民 pan pan·el pan·elist 專門小組 小

21、組成員myth myth·ical myth·ology 神話的 神話,,請根據(jù)前面列舉的輔音字母和輔音字母組合的拼讀規(guī)則,從現(xiàn)行初中課本中找出合適的例詞來,完成以下表格。表格的開頭示例如下:,Vocabulary study 詞匯學(xué)習(xí),,Do your students find it hard to learn English words and expr

22、essions?How do you help them to learn English vocabulary?What strategies do your students use in their study of English vocabulary?Do you get your students to exchange their ways of study?Do you think students can d

23、evelop their thinkingability in the study of English vocabulary? Why?,How is our word knowledge organized?Mental lexicon,,WORD,The meaning義,Pronunciation音,Spelling 形,The grammar behavior 語法,The word’sderivation 派

24、生,The collocationsof the word搭配,The register 語域of The word – spokenand written口筆語運用,The connotations of the word 隱含之意,The word’s frequency 復(fù)現(xiàn)率,,,,,,,,,,Vocabulary learning strategies,Learn words in context 通過語

25、境學(xué)詞匯、猜詞義(picture/sentences/texts)Learn the sound, shape & meaning掌握音、形、義Have a wide exposure to the words大量接觸(LSRW) ,積累詞匯Have 7-8 experiences with a word in order to retain it 反復(fù)復(fù)習(xí)Use the word in LSRW 學(xué)中用,用中學(xué)Int

26、egrate thinking, looking, listening, reading and writing 腦思、眼看、耳聽、口誦、手寫Use glossaries and dictionaries 使用詞表和詞典Learning vocabulary in chunks 學(xué)習(xí)詞塊Form a habit of learning and testing words 養(yǎng)成學(xué)習(xí)詞匯的習(xí)慣,,Classification 分類T

27、ranslation 翻譯Labeling 標(biāo)注 Use the Mind Map or Webbing 思維導(dǎo)圖,,Comparison and contrast 比較、對比 Words with similar meaning near close next to … cry shout scream … Words with opposite meaning up / d

28、own before / behind live / dieAssociation 聯(lián)想 Words with the same root unhappy happy happily happiness,Learning vocabulary in chunks,心理學(xué)家提出“組塊”理論。Lewis把詞塊分為單詞和短語、搭配、慣用話語和句子框架等四種。固定組塊如:at risk, make u

29、p one’s mind, get accustomed to, so long as, the man in the shop, It is said that, etc.這種方法不僅幫助學(xué)生記憶詞匯,還可幫助他們用英語思維和表達(dá)。,,weather,,sunny,,rainy,,umbrella,,blue,sky,,,sun,,hot,,swim,sea,,,ship,,snowy,,snow,,snowman,,carrot,

30、red,,,travel,學(xué)習(xí)/復(fù)習(xí)單詞的方法:制作Word map,參考: 趙淑紅.2008.新課程課堂教學(xué)技能與學(xué)科教學(xué)(小學(xué)英語) . 世界知識出版社.,,…,,…,,…,Mind map or webbing,,SPORTS,BALL GAMESBasketball volley ball …,FIELD EVENTS High jump Long jump…,AQUATIC EVENTSSwi

31、mming Diving…,TRACK EVENTS100-m dash110-m hurdle…,,,,,boxing,gymnastics,,,,,WINTER SPORTS,Guessing words through context clues,1) Punctuation (運用標(biāo)點符號引出對生詞的解釋) The principal — money he put in his savings account

32、to earn interest — was safe even though the bank was closed by the police. 例句中用了兩個破折號把對principal的解釋置于其間,說明 principal 的意思是sum of money。 其他用于解釋的標(biāo)點符號有:逗號,小括號和中括號等。2) Explanation (用輔助性詞匯和標(biāo)點符號解釋生詞意義) Carlos looked

33、dazed, that is, stunned, as if someone had shocked him with bad news or with a heavy blow to the head. 輔助性詞語that is能幫助學(xué)生理解dazed的意思是stunned。 其他輔助性詞語還有:meaning, such as, or, is called等。,3) Contrast (通過相關(guān)反義詞意義幫助理解生詞)

34、 During office hours he looked very tense and anxious, but on weekends he was quite relaxed. 表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系的連詞but能幫助學(xué)生確定relaxed是tense的反義詞。如果學(xué)生知道relaxed的意思是at ease,就不難理解tense意思是 tight 或 at attention。4) Experience(學(xué)生個人的閱歷也能幫助

35、理解生詞) Martha's husband and mother died within a month of each other, and she cried often at her terrible sorrows. 家庭悲劇會讓人感到非常傷心,這是眾所周知的,運用這一常識就能理解sorrows的意思是 great sadness。,5) Context (上下文也有助于理解) … I don’t li

36、ke violence … but in 1963 I helped him blow up some government buildings. 句子前半部分的violence和后半部分中的government buildings有助于解釋 blow up,意思是“ 爆炸”。6) Definition (用一個句子給生詞下定義) She wanted baked clams for her appetizer. An app

37、etizer is the first course of a meal. 第二個詞用來給appetizer下定義,由此學(xué)生便知道appetizer是開胃菜。,7) Hyponyms (通過下義詞推斷詞義) Legume, like string beans, lima beans, and green peas are important in your diet. 盡管句子中并沒有直接說明 legume是一類植物

38、的名稱,但是從其下義詞中可以推斷:legume是a name for a group of vegetables with pods。8) From known to unknown(用學(xué)生熟悉的詞或短語來解釋生詞) The mayor wanted privacy because he knew that being alone would help him solve his problems. 句中privacy

39、指的是being alone。,2.詞塊呈現(xiàn)式,Mr.Cat,He,He,He,He,He,get up,eat breakfast,go to bed,take a shower,have a walk,watch TV,gets,eats,has,watches,takes,goes,Mr. Cat’s Day,at,at,at,at,at,at,6:30,7:15,9:45 am,4:30,9:40 pm,10:00,.,.,.,

40、.,.,.,in the morning.,in the afternoon.,in the evening.,3.圖片、詞塊共現(xiàn)式,,,,,,,get up,eat breakfast,go to bed,take a shower,have a walk,watch TV,6:30,7:15,9:45,7:30,9:40,10:00,has,gets,eats,watches,takes,goes,at,at,at,at,at,a

41、t,in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening,pm.,am.,,,,work on,Aunt Pig’s Day,,,,,,,,,sweep...,go home,ride to work,cook,do the washing,water...,play with,Grammatical study 語法學(xué)習(xí),,Why do your students find it difficu

42、lt to write correct English sentences?Do you think English grammar is important?How do you help your students learn grammar?Do you make your students recite the rules or practice usingthem in speaking and writing?W

43、hat successful ways do your students use?,Six kinds of simple sentences,S+V She works.S+V+O She likes her work.S+V+IO+DO She teaches us English.S+LV+P She is a teache

44、r. She is friendly. She is at work.S+V+O+OC Her lessons make us happy.There be + S + Ad There is a book on the desk.

45、 There are 6 classes every day.,Typical mistakes Chinese students make,Water flower.Morning I and my mother by shu cai.My mother and I were go shopping at 6:30.We were brought a lot of theings.,Why do you think

46、Chinese students make such silly sentences?,Types of sentences,Statement I am a student. I study English.Questions Do you like English? Which school are you in? Does he speak English or French? She i

47、s from Japan, isn’t she?Imperative Close the door.Exclamation What a nice day! How beautiful the flower is!,The most useful verb tenses,Simple Present She likes singing.Present Continuous She is

48、singing.Simple Past She sang at the party.Simple Future She is going to sing at the party. She will sing at the party.Present Perfect Have you ever been to Beijing?,,Grammar

49、teaching in China’s schools,Gr teachingin school,Deduction (from rules),Induction (from examples,from texts),Lexical approach(Natural grammar ),Presentationin LSRW,Integration with topics &function,Grammar 3

50、D,,,,,,,,,,,強調(diào)學(xué)習(xí)過程,重視語言學(xué)習(xí)的實踐性和應(yīng)用性,現(xiàn)代外語教育注重語言學(xué)習(xí)的過程,強調(diào)語言學(xué)習(xí)的實踐性,主張學(xué)生在語境中接觸,體驗和理解真實語言,并在此基礎(chǔ)上學(xué)習(xí)和運用語言。鼓勵學(xué)生在教師的指導(dǎo)下,通過體驗、實踐、參與、探究和合作等方式,發(fā)現(xiàn)語言規(guī)律,逐步掌握語言知識和技能,不斷調(diào)整情感態(tài)度,形成有效的學(xué)習(xí)策略,發(fā)展自主學(xué)習(xí)能力。,,,Meaningful input,Intake(Thinkingand Ex

51、pressing),Meaningful output,Listening and reading,Speaking andwriting,,,,,Teacher’ssupport,,,,,Listening skills (White, 1998),Name Examples of activitiesPerceptive Skills: skills such as recognizi

52、ng individual sounds, identifying reduced forms, recognizing intonation patternsLanguage Skills: skills such as identifying

53、 individual words and groups and building up meanings for them.,Listening skills (White, 1998),Using knowledge connecting words

54、 to non-of the world: linguistic features to get clues to meaning, using knowledge of topic.Dealing with understanding gist meaning

55、, Information: inferring information which is not specifically stated.Interacting with a coping with speakerspeaker: variations such as speed and

56、 accent, recognizing speaker intention, identifying speaker mood.,Ways of developing listening skills,Be exposed to a wide variet

57、y of listening text genres and text types (poems, conversations, speeches, stories, radio/TV programs, ads, announcements, etc.)Get Ss to know what problems they have to deal with (accent, culture, language, psychologic

58、al problem)Raise awareness of listening strategies (verbal and non-verbal, context, WK, note-taking, etc.)Develop micro listening skills (listening for gist, for specific information, for the speaker’s attitude and moo

59、d, etc.),Listening procedures,Pre-listening Tell the Ss what they are going to hear, get them to think about the topic, often by asking them questions or looking at the title/pictureWhile-listening First listening

60、 to get the main idea Second listening to find specific information Third listening to find inferential informationAfter listening Tasks that are related to Ss’ own experience,Speaking activities in the mater

61、ials(Grant, 1988),Three types of speechworkDrills: aimed at encouraging accuracyFluency: graded to enable communication to take place within the language capacity of the studentsNatural language use: bring ordinary,

62、everyday human speech naturally and spontaneously into the classroom,Types of speechwork,Communicative activities Information gapHalf-dialoguesQuizzes: an integrated activity, combining reading and writing with speaki

63、ng.Problem solvingGuided interviewsRole-playNatural language use (personalize learning)Free talk (S on duty) and S-T interaction,Speaking strategies,Strategies must be incorporated in the materialsPracticing buildi

64、ng talk upon talkDealing with interaction pressureHandling unrehearsed discourseApplying diplomacy and courtesyChoosing when to move on to a new topicWinding down a conversationRecognizing signals or body language

65、of the partnerBecoming aware of ellipsis in spoken language,Reading ability,What is reading?Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among the reader’s existing knowledge, the info

66、rmation suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading situation. (Anthony, Pearson, & Raphael, 1993)讀者已有的知識、文字信息、閱讀語境之間的互動,Reading,Schemata theory and background knowledge圖示理論與背景知識A text does not

67、 by itself carry meaning. The reader brings information, knowledge, emotion, experience, and culture to the printed words. (D. Brown, 1994)文字本身不具意義,而是讀者賦予其……閱讀理解不是讀者感知文字的意義,而是讀者賦予文字以意義。(胡春洞、戴忠信)Skill in reading depends

68、 on the efficient interaction between linguistic knowledge and knowledge of the world. (Clarke & Silberstein, 1977)閱讀理解決定于語言知識與世界知識之間的互動,Reading activities in the materials(adapted from Grant, 1988),Pre-reading acti

69、vities: teaching voc, pre-reading questions, quiz, background information, discussion, etc.Reading aloud or silently: for different purposesWhile-reading activities: skimming, scanning, interpreting, answering question


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