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1、<p>  Spring 2.0: What's New and Why it Matters</p><p><b>  Themes</b></p><p>  Since the open source project began in February, 2003, the Spring Framework has gone from str

2、ength to strength. It has powered past 1 million downloads; become a de facto standard in a wide range of industries; and changed the development of enterprise Java applications.Most important, it has developed a large a

3、nd loyal user base, which understands its key values and has contributed feedback that has helped it to advance rapidly. Spring's mission always been clear:</p><p>  To provide a non-invasive programming

4、 model. As far as possible, application code should be decoupled from the framework. </p><p>  To provide a superior solution to in-house infrastructure, so that developers can focus on delivering business v

5、alue rather than solving generic problems. </p><p>  To make developing enterprise applications as simple as possible, but enhancing, rather than sacrificing, power. </p><p>  Spring 2.0, which

6、went final in October, 2006, further advances these values. As the core team looked at the development feature set coming together before the December 2005 Spring Experience Conference in Florida, we realized that two ke

7、y themes - Simplicity and Power - stood out as a the common thread in Spring 2.0, and remained faithful to Spring's beginnings.</p><p>  Some decisions were easy. From the outset, we were clear that Spri

8、ng 2.0 was going to be fully backward compatible, or as near to fully backward compatible as possible. Especially given Spring's position as a de facto standard in many enterprises, it was vital to avoid any disrupti

9、on in user experience. Fortunately, because Spring has always gone to such pains to be non invasive, this goal was achievable.</p><p>  As work on Spring 2.0 progressed through 10 months of development, we a

10、lso needed to take into account several trends that became evident in Spring usage in 2005-2006:</p><p>  Spring is increasingly used by very large organizations, who are adopting it strategically rather tha

11、n project-by-project. This imposes not merely a level of responsibility regarding backward compatibility, but a set of challenges relating to a demanding class of users. </p><p>  An increasing number of pro

12、minent third party software products are using Spring internally, and need the optimum in configurability and flexibility from the container. Examples here are many. To choose just a few: </p><p>  The upcom

13、ing BEA WebLogic Server 10, which uses Spring and the Pitchfork Project to perform injection and interception. </p><p>  BEA WebLogic Real Time (WLRT)-a high-end product from BEA targeted at applications suc

14、h as front office trading, requiring low latency. </p><p>  Numerous widely used open source products such as Mule, ServiceMix and the Apache JetSpeed portal container. </p><p>  Enterprise vend

15、ors integrating their products with Spring such as GigaSpaces, Terracotta and Tangosol. Vendors in the grid space, in particular, are increasingly embracing Spring as the programming model of choice. </p><p>

16、;  Oracle's SCA implementation and various other Oracle products. </p><p>  So we needed to ensure that while Spring become even better for developers of business applications, we also catered towards th

17、e needs of these demanding users.</p><p>  From 35,000 Feet</p><p>  What's the big picture in Spring 2.0?</p><p>  Spring 2.0 provides a wide range of enhancements, of which th

18、e most visible are probably:</p><p>  Configuration extensions: In Spring 2.0, Spring supports extensible XML configuration, enabling the development of custom elements that offer a new level of abstraction

19、for generating Spring bean definitions. The XML extension mechanism also allows the provision of new tags to simplify many common tasks. </p><p>  Major enhancements in the AOP framework, which make it both

20、more powerful and easier to use. </p><p>  Enhanced support for Java 5. </p><p>  The ability for Spring beans to be implemented in dynamic languages, such as Groovy, JRuby and Beanshell, while

21、retaining all the services of the Spring component model, such as Dependency Injection, out of the box declarative services and AOP. </p><p>  Many new features including a Portlet MVC framework, "messa

22、ge driven POJOs," integration with new APIs including the Java Persistence API (JPA) and an asynchronous task execution framework. </p><p>  A number of features below the surface are less evident, but

23、still important:</p><p>  Further IoC container extension points that make it easy to build frameworks or products on top of Spring. </p><p>  Improvements in Spring's unique integration tes

24、ting support. </p><p>  The provision of AspectJ aspects exposing core Spring functionality such as transaction management and Dependency Injection to users using both AspectJ and Spring. </p><p&g

25、t;  Importantly, these features are designed to work together in a harmonious whole.</p><p>  Spring 2.0: 什么是新的和它為什么有關(guān)系</p><p><b>  主 題</b></p><p>  從2003年2月開源工程開始以來,Sp

26、ring框架已經(jīng)變得越來越強大了。它已經(jīng)給過去一百萬下載提供動力;成為一個在大范圍的工業(yè)個范圍中實際的標準;并且改變企業(yè)Java語言應用的發(fā)展。最重要的是,它已經(jīng)發(fā)展了一個大和忠誠的,懂得它的重要價值和已經(jīng)幫助它迅速前進的反饋意見的用戶基礎(chǔ)。Spring的任務總是清楚:</p><p>  提供一個非侵害的編程模型。只要可能,在框架中應用代碼是應該很少的。</p><p>  向機構(gòu)內(nèi)部基

27、礎(chǔ)提供上級解決方案,因此開發(fā)者能關(guān)注商業(yè)價值不是解決普通的問題。</p><p>  使開發(fā)企業(yè)應用程序變得盡可能簡單,是增強而不是削弱開發(fā)力量。</p><p>  Spring 2.0在2006年10月中變?yōu)榘l(fā)展成熟,進一步完善了這些價值。作為核心團隊,在2005年12月在佛羅里達州舉行的Spring經(jīng)驗交流之前看著這個發(fā)展特征裝置集合到一起的時候,我們意識到兩個關(guān)鍵主題-簡單和功能強

28、大-在Spring 2.0中是杰出的共用線,并且對于Spring的起點是保留可靠的。</p><p>  一些決定是很容易的。從一開始,我們很清楚Spring 2.0是完全向后兼容的,或者盡可能向后兼容靠近完全。尤其是給Spring的是一個在很多企業(yè)中實際的標準的地位,它是充滿活力的致使避免任何在用戶經(jīng)驗中的破壞。幸運地,因為Spring總是這樣苦心反對入侵的,所以這個目標是完成的。</p><

29、;p>  當通過10個月的發(fā)展在Spring2.0上工作取得進展時,我們應該考慮一些趨勢,這些趨勢在2005-2006年中在Spring 使用中變得明顯:</p><p>  Spring被非常大組織日益應用,這些組織是在戰(zhàn)略上使用它而不是通過項目來使用它。這不只強加一個關(guān)于向后的兼容性的職責程度,而是一系列挑戰(zhàn)與一個要求的用戶的課程有關(guān)。</p><p>  一個顯著第三方軟件產(chǎn)品

30、在內(nèi)部使用Spring的數(shù)字逐漸增加,并且需要最宜的可配置性和自容器的靈活性。這里有很多例子。只是選擇了其中的一小部分:</p><p>  即將來臨的BEA WebLogic 服務器10, 使用Spring和干草叉項目進行注入和攔截。</p><p>  BEA WebLogic 實時(WLRT)一種從BEA被瞄準在應用譬如行政管理部門貿(mào)易, 要求低潛在因素高端產(chǎn)品。</p>

31、<p>  眾多的廣泛被應用的開放來源產(chǎn)品譬如Mule、ServiceMix 和the Apache JetSpeed portal容器。 </p><p>  企業(yè)廠商用Spring集成他們的產(chǎn)品譬如GigaSpaces、Terracotta 和Tangosol 。特別是, 在這一行業(yè)的廠商們越來越接受Spring作為編程模型的選擇。 </p><p>  Oracle&#

32、39;s SCA 實施和各種各樣的Oracle 產(chǎn)品</p><p>  因此我們需要確定,當Spring為商業(yè)應用開發(fā)商變成更好的時候,我們也向這些要求多的使用者的需要提供滿足了。</p><p>  從35,000 英尺</p><p>  在Spring 2.0中的大圖片是什么?</p><p>  Spring 2.0 提供大范圍改進

33、, 最可看見大概是:</p><p>  配置擴展:在Spring 2.0中,Spring支持可擴展的XML 配置,使能夠為引起Spring bean 定義提供抽象的一個新水平訂制元素的發(fā)展。XML 引伸機制并且允許新標簽供應簡化許多共同的任務。 </p><p>  主要改進在AOP 框架, 使它兩個更加強有力和更加容易使用。 </p><p>  改進對于Jav

34、a 5的支持。</p><p>  使Spring beans被實施在動態(tài)語言的能力。譬如Groovy, JRuby 和Beanshell當保留春天組分模型的所有服務, 譬如依賴注入,在箱子外面宣示服務和AOP。 </p><p>  許多新特點包括Portlet MVC 框架, "駕駛 POJOs 的信息 " 綜合化與新APIs 包括Java 堅持API (JPA)

35、并且一個異步任務施行框架。</p><p>  一些特征在表面下面是明顯的, 但是仍然重要:</p><p>  更加進一步的IoC 容器擴展點使它容易在Spring的基礎(chǔ)上構(gòu)造框架或產(chǎn)品。</p><p>  在Spring的獨特的綜合化測試的支持的改善。</p><p>  AspectJ 方面供應暴露核心Spring功能譬如交易管理和依


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