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1、<p>  4300單詞,2.4萬英文字符,7500漢字</p><p>  出處:Mattson M, Torbiörn I, Hellgren J. Effects of staff bonus systems on safety behaviors [J]. Human Resource Management Review, 2014, 24(1):17-30.</p>&

2、lt;p>  Effects of staff bonus systems on safety behaviors</p><p>  M. Mattson , I. Torbiörn, J. Hellgren</p><p>  Abstract </p><p>  Bonus systems are a common means in try

3、ing to motivate employees to perform well. However, there is still disagreement regarding the effects of bonus systems. Some theories even suggest that such systems could cause an increase in risk- behavior. This makes f

4、urther research regarding bonus systems warranted, especially when applied in high-risk organizations. This study aims to explore potential effects on safety-related behavior associated with bonus systems currently used

5、at Swedish nuclear po</p><p>  Keywords: Bonus Pay system Incentive Motivation Nuclear power plant Safety</p><p>  1.Introduction</p><p>  A large proportion of companies arou

6、nd the world are presently making use of monetary incentives in the form of so-called bonus systems in order to motivate employees to perform better (Patton, 1972). However, there are still disagreements regarding the re

7、al effect of bonuses on motivation and performance (Pfeffer, 1997). While a few studies have found indications of increased motivation and improved performance due to monetary incentives such as bonuses under some condit

8、ions (e.g. Engellandt & </p><p>  Workplace accidents are increasingly common and one of the biggest issues facing employers today is the safety of their employees. Organizational practices that promote

9、safety are vital for organizations in general and high-risk organizations in particular. As a consequence, many high-risk organizations use bonus systems that are more or less directed towards achieving safety through im

10、proved safety-related performance among its employees. However, empirical research is scant regarding the effec</p><p>  Given the ambiguous empirical evidence of the effects of bonus systems, organizations

11、making use of these kinds of systems take an imminent risk of obtaining unintended, and even undesirable, effects. This could be especially harmful to certain kinds of organizations, such as those dealing with operations

12、 involving high risks. Several reviews indicate that bonuses could be particularly detrimental to performance when the task is intrinsically interesting enough and when the task is complex enoug</p><p>  The

13、 aim of the present field study was to find out whether bonus systems could compromise safety in nuclear power plants and other high-risk organizations. The main question concerned the potential effects on motivation and

14、 safety-related behavior that could be associated with the use of bonus systems by identifying factors that could possibly affect safety via changes in behavior. The data used in the study comes from in-depth interviews

15、with employees at three Swedish nuclear power plants wher</p><p>  The study also innovates by adopting a qualitative approach using a theoretical analysis and in-depth interviews in investigating potential

16、behavioral effects. To date, qualitative approaches such as in the present study are unusual when it comes to examination of monetary rewards and safety. The more frequently used quantitative studies in the field offer v

17、aluable information about relations between different factors, such as between the application of bonus systems and particular safety outcom</p><p>  1.1 Bonus systems</p><p>  Almost all organi

18、zations pay their employee for the work that they do, but there are considerable differences in the extent to which the pay system is related to performance. Many organizations make use of different types of performance-

19、related pay systems, based on the general idea that employees should be motivated to work harder because they see the connection between job performance and reward. Nevertheless, the design of such systems can differ in

20、terms of who is included (on which levels),</p><p>  Economic theory often assumes that monetary incentives drive or even improve individuals' performances while for example many psychologists argue for

21、a reverse scenario (Gneezy & Rustichini, 2000). In a frequently cited meta-analysis Deci, Koestner, and Ryan (1999) concluded that tangible rewards in general had a negative impact on individuals' intrinsic motiv

22、ation. It has also been argued for that implementation of reward systems in organizations often are accompanied by increasing surveillance</p><p>  The phenomenon that provision of extrinsic rewards can unde

23、rmine intrinsic interest and motivation to perform task activities is known among economists and is discussed in terms of motivation crowding or crowding out effects (e.g. Frey & Jegen, 2001). Still, a thorough meta-

24、analysis by Cameron and Pierce (1994) including 101 experimental studies between 1971 and 1991 contradicts the assumption that such a phenomenon may hold general relevance except for in extremely circumscribed conditions

25、. Fur</p><p>  which 39 empirical studies from 1975 to 1996 were analyzed regarding how individual level financial incentives related to performance. Their results support the generalizability of a positive

26、relationship between incentives and quantitative performance (i.e. doing more), this regardless of the type of task to be performed (intrinsic/extrinsic). For the purpose of our study, dealing with safety behaviors that

27、are mostly about qualitative aspects of performance, it is relevant to note that this me</p><p>  It has also been argued that bonus systems often only reward observable goals, neglecting those which are mor

28、e creative and constructive in the long run (Kerr, 1975) and that individually based rewards can reduce the incentive to cooperate (Lazear, 1989) and tend to create internal organizational conflict (Gabor, 1990). Even mu

29、ch of the traditional economical literature claiming to examine the effects of incentives is dubious due to the failure to control for a number of highly plausible alterna</p><p>  Another distinction that c

30、an be made is to what degree the goals and rewards are individual or collective. Many researchers have focused on bonuses based on individual performance (Welbourne & Cable, 1995). However, some studies have also add

31、ressed the effects of group or organizational incentives on individual behavior and attitudes. For example, Wageman and Baker (1997) reported that task and reward interdependence had an interactive influence on group per

32、formances, other studies suggest that </p><p>  1.2 Performance-related pay systems and safety</p><p>  When it comes to which behaviors are affected by monetary rewards and how, several meta-an

33、alyses demonstrated positive effects in a number of areas, such as safety behaviors (Gerhart & Rynes, 2003). Other meta-analyses, or reviews, indicate that monetary rewards correlate positively with behavioral aspect

34、s that are quantitative (such as performing more and faster) but not with those that are qualitative (cf. Jenkins et al., 1998), and that such rewards affect performance in “dull” tasks that req</p><p>  Pat

35、ton (1972) claims that bonus systems for managers often fail because of difficulties in measuring the behaviors fairly. When the division of bonuses is unequal between employees, especially among individuals who are simi

36、lar in some way, envy can easily arise. Envy could, in turn, lead to a desire to restore equity by hurting those who have more than they seem to deserve (Elster, 1989; Frank, 1988). Perceived unfairness and envy could al

37、so lead to counter-productive behavior among employees (C</p><p>  Research suggests that bonus systems that reward safety behavior could result in a decreased accident frequency (Goodrum & Gangwar, 2004

38、). Others, however, claim that safety-focused bonus systems that reward employees for working injury-free over a set period of time could discourage workers from reporting injuries and illnesses. Thus, the apparent posit

39、ive results from these systems could be hiding a constant or even higher rate of accidents (Cooper, 2001; Howe, 2000; Lawrence & Flanders, 2000;</p><p>  Something that most researchers seem to agree on

40、is that a successful safety-focused bonus system has to be part of a more overall safety strategy from the management, which would typically also include measures such as safety-related education programs, monitoring and

41、 communication. A safety program that targets one area, without addressing the others, is less likely to succeed (Glendinning, 2001; Miozza & Wyld, 2002). In addition, it is vital that different elements in the strat

42、egy do not incl</p><p>  The purpose of this study is to explore into potential effects on motivation for safety behaviors associated with the bonus systems at use in the three Swedish nuclear plants.</p&

43、gt;<p><b>  2 Methods</b></p><p>  2.1 Elaboration of a theoretical framework</p><p>  As part of the design of our study, one aim was to first establish which role monetary r

44、ewards in general might play according to a broader spectrum of theories. Hence, an elaboration of theories on motivation, organizational perspectives and previous research regarding safety-related bonus systems was perf

45、ormed. The intent with such an eclectic approach was to produce a theoretical frame of reference through the generation of different themes that were considered to be relevant for the function</p><p>  2.2 A

46、n eclectic framework for exploring potential effects of bonus systems</p><p>  Various types of theories on the assumed effects of rewards on motivation, performance and safety have been brought together wit

47、h the purpose of forming a broad and eclectic theoretical framework for the present study. Table 1 shows a variety of aspects of possible relevance for the effects of bonus systems as such aspects are derived from theori

48、es or empirical evidence. As the various motivational and organizational theories referred to in the table are basic and well known they are not describ</p><p>  2.3 Setting</p><p>  The study w

49、as carried out at all three presently active Swedish nuclear power plants. All three plants had approximately 1000–1500 employees each and were about the same physical size (3–4 reactors each). They had similar hierarchi

50、cal structures in which the service and support staffs worked directly under the CEO's. Each reactor encompassed a discrete production unit that was comprised of several subgroups (e.g., operator shift teams, mainten

51、ance teams). Today, the plants are all incorporated c</p><p>  Table 3 shows the percentages of maximum bonus for plants A–C contingent upon economic vs. quality goals, corporate vs. plant goals, and group v

52、s. individual goals. Bonus goals related to production and economic results varied between 25 and 50% among the plants. The remaining portions of maximum bonuses were based on quality goals. The nature of these goals dif

53、fered to some extent among the three systems but mainly focused on competence and process development as well as safety-related issues. </p><p>  The goals to be used in the systems were decided by the manag

54、ing director after consultation with executives and operational managers. Generally, other employees were not able to influence the selection of goals, except possibly through the unions. However, at plant C, individual

55、goals were set, and even evaluated, through a collaboration of the individual and his or her immediate supervisor. In this case, the individual part of the bonus was based on the manager's final evaluation of whether

56、 th</p><p>  As can be seen in Table 3, the three systems differed in the extent to which they emphasized goal achievement at the corporate, plant, and individual levels. At plant A, all of the goals were se

57、t at the corporate and plant levels and were thus the same for all employees. The system at plant B holds, besides a major share of bonuses related to plant level results, also a share (15%) set at a lower, group level.

58、At plant C, as much as 40% of the maximum bonus was related to individual goals, but n</p><p>  In Table 3, each bonus system has been given a denotation or keyword indicating to what degree they emphasize c

59、ollective or individual goals. The keyword does not mention the systems' design on the economic-quality goal dimension, but is only intended to facilitate the further reading by offering a short denotation of one of

60、the main characteristics of each system.</p><p>  2.4 Sample</p><p>  Five employees from each of the three nuclear power plants (A, B, and C) were selected to participate in the study. To obtai

61、n this sample, one of the interviewees at each plant was first selected as a contact person for the study, based on advice from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, the public authority in charge of controlling the nu

62、clear plants. The contact persons in turn proposed four additional employees at their plant for participation. The contact persons had been prompted to sele</p><p>  2.5 Data collection</p><p> 

63、 A semi-structured interview guide was the main tool for data collection. All participants received a letter with information about the aim of the study. The interviews were carried out during the informants' paid wo

64、rking day and lasted between 25 and 90 min. The interviews with the contact persons also included questions about the construction of their bonus system. These interviews were performed jointly by two of the authors, whi

65、le the other participants were interviewed individually by either</p><p>  The descriptive information regarding the organizational structure and the designs of the bonus systems was obtained through documen

66、ts made available to us and through interviews with our contact persons at the plants. The interview guide regarding the experiences of the systems was reflecting the themes in the theoretical framework. Most of the ques

67、tions were open ended in order to prompt the participant to express their views and experiences as openly as possible (e.g. What does it mean to you</p><p>  The interviews were audio recorded and held in an

68、 undisturbed environment, either at the employees' workplace or in especially assigned conference rooms located near the plants. At the start of the interviews, the participants were informed about the purpose of the

69、 study and how the material was to be used. They were also informed about the confidentiality of the study, and their consent to record the interview was requested.</p><p>  2.6 Analyses</p><p>

70、  The recordings from the interviews were transcribed in full text. A theory-led thematic analysis was used according to Hayes (2000). A thorough review of the literature within the field before the analysis has the adva

71、ntage of sensitizing the researcher to more subtle features of the data at hand (Tuckett, 2005). In an initial stage of the analysis, each transcript was read through several times in order to identify all of the stateme

72、nts which related to each of the seven themes established in t</p><p>  員工獎金制度對安全行為影響</p><p>  M.Mattson,I.Torbiom,J.Hellgren</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  獎金


74、圍內(nèi),安全行為可能會被人大提高。獎金制度設(shè)計(jì)的差異似乎對安全行為也存在影響。本研究通過比較和定性的方法,通過突出那些能夠更好的激勵員工參與到安全行為中去的各類影響因素,從而得出有價值的信息。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:獎金、薪酬制度、獎勵、動機(jī)、核電站、安全</p><p><b>  1.介紹</b></p><p>  全世界大部分的公司

75、為了激勵員工表現(xiàn)得更好,目前正在使用的一種以金錢鼓勵(即所謂獎金系統(tǒng))為主的形式(巴頓,1972)然而,就獎金激勵機(jī)制的實(shí)際效果與績效而言任然存在著分歧(菲費(fèi)爾,1997)。然而一些研究己經(jīng)有跡象表明,在一定條件下的貨幣激勵機(jī)制諸如獎金等以提供動力和改善行為行動,也有研究顯示,激勵系統(tǒng)甚至連負(fù)面影響都沒有。</p><p>  工作場所發(fā)生的事故越來越普遍,其中雇主如今面臨的最大問題之一是員工的安全。組織在提高工


77、這可能導(dǎo)致持續(xù)的問題和風(fēng)險.還有可能已經(jīng)發(fā)生了(庫珀,2001和Miozza和活動,2002)。</p><p>  考慮到獎金系統(tǒng)的影響存在模糊的經(jīng)驗(yàn)證據(jù),積極利用這些系統(tǒng)的組織承擔(dān)意想不到,甚至是不良影響的風(fēng)險。這對某些類型的組織極其不利,比如處理涉及高風(fēng)險業(yè)務(wù)的組織。一些評論表明,當(dāng)任務(wù)在本質(zhì)上是有趣并復(fù)雜時,獎金可能對工作表現(xiàn)尤其不利,這時候就需要靈活的思維(麥格勞,1978)??紤]到許多高可靠性組織的環(huán)

78、境有復(fù)雜性和高技術(shù)的特性(HRO),這些發(fā)現(xiàn)暗示獎金系統(tǒng)對安全可能構(gòu)成潛在威脅。當(dāng)面對及其復(fù)雜和模糊的意外情況時,獎金系統(tǒng)就顯得及其相關(guān)。因此凡是涉及獎金系統(tǒng)中能激勵員工更能促進(jìn)安全行為的因素,更多的研究可以得到保證。</p><p>  當(dāng)前本領(lǐng)域研究的目的是找出獎金系統(tǒng)能否在核電站和其他高風(fēng)險組織之間妥協(xié)安全保證。主要問題都關(guān)注對動機(jī)和使用獎勵系統(tǒng)的安全行為產(chǎn)生的潛在影響,同時通過識別從行為上的改變可能影響安

79、全性的因素來確定相聯(lián)系的安全行為。這項(xiàng)研究中使用的數(shù)據(jù)來自與瑞典員工的深度訪談,這些員工來自于目前應(yīng)用獎金系統(tǒng)的三個核電站。三家工廠的系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用在設(shè)計(jì)中有很大的差異,正是激勵效果的差異形成一個初步的比較分析。</p><p>  這項(xiàng)研究創(chuàng)新調(diào)査方法,采用定性的方法,使用理論分析和深度訪談來調(diào)查行為的潛在影響。到目前為止,當(dāng)面臨定貨幣獎勵和安全行為的檢查時,定性的方法,如應(yīng)用在目前研究中的方法就顯得不尋常。在提供不

80、同因素間關(guān)系的有效信息的領(lǐng)域中,定量研究被不斷的頻繁使用,比如在獎金系統(tǒng)的應(yīng)用及其帶來的特定安全結(jié)果之間,但定量研究不能給我們提供對這些關(guān)系根本原因的任何更深的理解。本研究的定量性和比較性能夠減少高風(fēng)險組織在研究和實(shí)踐應(yīng)用獎金制度之間的差距。這點(diǎn)可以通過提供有效信息來實(shí)現(xiàn),強(qiáng)調(diào)因素和目標(biāo)的類型可能會提供員工避免風(fēng)險和從事安全行為的更大激勵機(jī)制。</p><p><b>  1.1獎勵系統(tǒng)</b&g

81、t;</p><p>  幾乎所有組織給他們的雇員為其所做的工作提供報酬,但基于工作表現(xiàn)所支付報酬的程度存在大的差異。許多組織基于一般的想法,認(rèn)為員工應(yīng)該在受鼓動的條件下更努力工作而采取不同類型的績效工資系統(tǒng),考慮到工作表現(xiàn)和薪酬之間的聯(lián)系。然而設(shè)計(jì)這樣的系統(tǒng)在定義誰當(dāng)包含在內(nèi)(水平)、如何衡量工作表現(xiàn)、采取什么樣的激勵措施(金錢、股票等)等方面都不盡相同。使用許多不同的名稱來表示績效薪酬系統(tǒng)的類型,但卻無法清晰


83、同為了“正確”的行為而關(guān)注獎金,那么這將是補(bǔ)償員工最有效的方式。</p><p>  經(jīng)濟(jì)理論通常假設(shè)貨幣激勵能驅(qū)動甚至提高個人績效,然而許多心理學(xué)家則提出相反的假設(shè)(如格尼茨&魯斯蒂奇尼,2000)。在一個經(jīng)常被引用的數(shù)據(jù)分析中,Dcci&ocstncr、Ryan則認(rèn)為一般的有形獎勵多個人的內(nèi)在動機(jī)有負(fù)面影響。也有人認(rèn)為,在組織中實(shí)施獎勵機(jī)制往往會加劇檢測盒評價之間的競爭,而這也被證實(shí)對人的內(nèi)在

84、動機(jī)產(chǎn)生負(fù)而影響。(Dcci&yan,1985;Leppcr&Grccn,1975)。然而,在評論和重新運(yùn)行Dcci(1999)的分析時,艾森伯格、皮爾斯和卡梅隆(1999)發(fā)現(xiàn)Dcci的研究</p><p>  成果令人質(zhì)疑,并且提出獎勵實(shí)際上能增加自主權(quán),減少對內(nèi)在動機(jī)產(chǎn)生的負(fù)面影響,還認(rèn)為激勵動機(jī)產(chǎn)生的影響有賴于采取的激勵措施。在一系列可控制實(shí)驗(yàn)中,Gncezy和Rustichini指出相比


86、;/p><p>  經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家都知道外在獎勵機(jī)制會破壞內(nèi)在興趣和執(zhí)行任務(wù)活動的動機(jī)這一現(xiàn)象,并且這一現(xiàn)象就能否排擠動機(jī)這一方面也被熱烈討論。然而,卡梅倫和皮爾斯(1994)的一個完整的數(shù)據(jù)分析,其包含1974到1991年間101個實(shí)驗(yàn)研究,與一種假定相矛盾,這種假設(shè)認(rèn)為上述現(xiàn)象除了極端的環(huán)境條件之外擁有普遍的關(guān)聯(lián)性。在人力資源管理評論24(2014)17-30中,從1975到19%年開展的39個實(shí)證研究探討個人財務(wù)激勵

87、與績效水平的關(guān)系。他們的研究成果也證實(shí)激勵機(jī)制和定量績效之間積極關(guān)系具有普遍性(即做更多的事),無論有待實(shí)施任務(wù)的類型(內(nèi)部/外部)。我們研究的目的,關(guān)于處理安全行為方面,大多是績效定性方面。需要注意的是,在少有的該領(lǐng)域研究領(lǐng)域中,該數(shù)據(jù)分析沒能發(fā)現(xiàn)顯著成果。</p><p>  也有人認(rèn)為,獎勵機(jī)制往往只能獎勵可觀測的目標(biāo),從而忽略了從長遠(yuǎn)眼光看更具有創(chuàng)造性和建設(shè)性的目標(biāo)(克爾,1975),同時也認(rèn)為以個人為依

88、據(jù)的獎金可以減少合作的激勵(拉齊爾,1989),造成組織內(nèi)部之間的沖突(蓋博,1990)。甚至大多聲稱要檢測激勵機(jī)制影響的傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟(jì)領(lǐng)域現(xiàn)在令人費(fèi)解,原因在于沒能控制好對許多研究解釋似是而非的結(jié)果。有個問題似乎是激勵影響之間的不同之處,而那些影響遵循著上升的動機(jī)和信息的影響。除了激勵工作動力,獎金系統(tǒng)還告訴人們在特定設(shè)置之中什么是重要的、有價值的、預(yù)期的(Pfeffer,1997)。</p><p>  另外,他們


90、依賴的關(guān)系對團(tuán)體績效產(chǎn)生一個互動的影響,其他的研究表明,基于團(tuán)隊(duì)的獎勵對團(tuán)隊(duì)成員的動力、績效、報酬滿意度和溝通具有積極作用(赫特、康拉德、奧力科斯基,2004;拉克、愛沃特、赫特、康拉德,2011)。同時也發(fā)現(xiàn)基于團(tuán)體多組織的獎勵系統(tǒng)有許多缺陷(參見那內(nèi)什、葛和特、帕克,2005)。</p><p>  其中的一個原因在于主要關(guān)注針對高層管理團(tuán)隊(duì)或首席執(zhí)行官的獎勵系統(tǒng)(例如延森&墨菲,1990;卡恩&am

91、p;舍爾,1990;巴頓,1972)。越來越多的關(guān)于獎勵員工機(jī)制的研究是必要的,以便更好的掌握獎金是如何影響組織內(nèi)各級各部的態(tài)度和行為。</p><p>  1.2以績效為依據(jù)的支付系統(tǒng)和安全性</p><p>  當(dāng)談及哪些行為受到獎金報酬的影響,幾個數(shù)據(jù)分析是如何顯示獎金報酬在諸如安全行為在內(nèi)的許多領(lǐng)域產(chǎn)生積極影響(格哈特&里內(nèi)什,2003)。其他的數(shù)據(jù)分析和評價表明,現(xiàn)金報


93、t;<p>  巴頓(1972)認(rèn)為,獎金制度會使經(jīng)理經(jīng)常失敗,因?yàn)樵诤饬啃袨樯掀D巨。當(dāng)獎金在員工之間的分配出現(xiàn)不公平的時候,尤其在旗鼓相當(dāng)?shù)娜酥谐霈F(xiàn)這樣的情況,嫉妒的心理就會由此產(chǎn)生。嫉妒,反過來可能會導(dǎo)致想要恢復(fù)公平的強(qiáng)烈欲望,往往是通過傷害那些獲得過多獎勵的人來實(shí)現(xiàn)的(埃爾斯特,1989;弗蘭克,1988)。察覺到的不公平感和嫉妒心理也會在員工之間產(chǎn)生反作用,可能會危及安全行為(科恩卡拉什&繆勒,2007)。


95、建議安全獎金機(jī)制不應(yīng)只關(guān)注諸如事故頻率這樣的結(jié)果,而是應(yīng)該關(guān)注產(chǎn)生以上結(jié)果的行為。員工的安全行為會成就越安全的工作成果(庫伯,2001)。那些能夠被獎勵的與安全行為相關(guān)的例子</p><p>  大多數(shù)研究員似乎都贊同這樣一個觀點(diǎn):一個成功的以安全為重心的獎勵系統(tǒng)必須是一個具有代表性的從管理中總結(jié)出的比較完整的安全策略的一部分,它同時包含對策措施,比如安全教育、監(jiān)控和溝通等。一個不能解決實(shí)際問題的安全計(jì)劃是不成功


97、有在一個具有良好的安全環(huán)境的企業(yè)中,使用獎勵機(jī)制的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)方式才能夠減低事故率(Zohar,2002)。在一個擁有良好的安全文化氛圍的企業(yè)中,安全管理是處于一個被優(yōu)先考慮的地位。因此,管理者應(yīng)當(dāng)視安全目標(biāo)為正確的且需要優(yōu)先考慮的管理目標(biāo)。</p><p>  本研究的目的是探索瑞典的正在使用的三個核電站中安全激勵系統(tǒng)對安全行為的動機(jī)的潛在的影響。</p><p><b>  2.方法

98、</b></p><p>  2.1細(xì)化的理論框架</p><p>  作為我們研究設(shè)計(jì)的一部分,首先要根據(jù)廣泛的理論來確立金錢獎勵在安全管理中的作用。因此,需要研究一些細(xì)化的理論(關(guān)于安全動機(jī)、組織機(jī)構(gòu),以及早期的關(guān)于獎金系統(tǒng)的研究)。這種折衷的方法的目的是通過生成與獎金系統(tǒng)、更確切的是安全行為相關(guān)的不同的話題來構(gòu)建一個可供參考的理論框架。用來提供此次研究話題的理論模型從某種


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