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1、<p>  2000單詞,1.1萬英文字符,2700漢字</p><p>  出處:Kannan G, Grigore M C, Devika K, et al. An analysis of the general benefits of a centralised VMI system based on the EOQ model [J]. International Journal of Prod

2、uction Research, 2013, 51(1): 172-188</p><p><b>  原文 </b></p><p>  An analysis of the general benefits of a centralised VMI system</p><p>  based on the EOQ model</p&

3、gt;<p>  G. Kannan, M. C. Grigore, K. Devika & A. Senthilkumar</p><p>  1 Introduction </p><p>  Due to the global expansion of large companies, competition all over the world is beco

4、ming stronger and therefore an increasing need to obtain competitive prices is pushing industries to take on new challenging, strategic methods. One of the recently recognised methods is the replacement of the traditiona

5、l supply chain with the vendor-managed inventory (VMI) supply chain. It has been proven in many different papers that the VMI supply chain is superior to the traditional supply chain and can bri</p><p>  A t

6、raditional supply chain refers to the system within which each of the members at the different stages make decisions regarding replenishment quantities and timing so as to minimise cost at their end of the supply chain.

7、The supply chain usually consists of all stages, starting at the raw material supplier and continuing on until the finished product reaches the end customer. All the different stages are linked by their common aim of pro

8、viding the right product to the right customer in the pro</p><p>  VMI is a replenishment supply chain technique that has been implemented since the beginning of the 1980s by Wall-Mart and Procter & Gamb

9、le (Waller et al. 1999), and has its roots back in 1958 when Magee (1958) first introduced the concept. </p><p>  Within a VMI agreement, the upstream supply chain member (the vendor) takes responsibility fo

10、r managing the inventory of the downstream member (the buyer) within specific levels previously agreed upon without the need for orders from the customer side to be placed. Therefore, the vendor can focus on optimising p

11、roduction efficiency and capacity planning, while the customer has to improve forecast accuracy. </p><p>  The success of VMI is dependent on communication between the partners, their willingness to share da

12、ta, collaboration and coordination, and an information technology system which enables fast access to critical information (Duchessi and Chengalur-Smith 2008). </p><p>  The general characteristics of a trad

13、itional supply chain and of a VMI supply chain, formed by three stage. </p><p>  The research here is meant to offer a simple overview of the possible outcomes after VMI implementation in a two-stage supply

14、chain, between the vendor and its multiple buyers. The analysis focuses on the overall supply chain cost impact, which VMI can show under specific conditions, based on the practical experience learned in the pharmaceutic

15、al industry. </p><p>  Using VMI in a supply chain brings transparency regarding essential information among the partners, thus giving the opportunity at each stage to adjust the decisions in a timely manner

16、 and avoid emergency situations. </p><p>  The VMI supply chain implies coordination between the partnering stages, continuous information sharing, and regular meetings where critical issues are discussed an

17、d follow-up actions are noted. </p><p>  The general benefits model analysed in this paper is based on the economic ordering quantity (EOQ) model and is an extension of Bookbinder et al.'s (2010) paper.

18、As an extension of the aforementioned work, the model has been adjusted to integrate different requirements and constraints from within the pharmaceutical industry. It has been further extended from analysing a one-vendo

19、r, one-buyer deterministic demand case to analysing a one-vendor, multiple-buyer stochastic demand case. </p><p>  The mathematical model applies to two echelons, the vendor and its multiple buyers. An obser

20、vation is made here to distinguish that the buyers are not the end-consumers but represent sales organisations from each country. At the same time both the vendor and buyers belong to the same organisation. </p>&

21、lt;p>  In the literature, one of the main challenges when implementing VMI has been identified in providing the right incentives for all partners to do their best for the supply chain and the right contract to share t

22、he overall profits (Nagarajan and Rajagopalan 2008). </p><p>  The fact that both stages belong to the same organisation facilitates simpler developments further. There is no need for complicated contracts f

23、or profit sharing between the two partners in a VMI case, as the most important thing is the total supply chain profit. It can be assumed that both partners have the right incentives to increase overall supply chain prof

24、its. </p><p>  Based on the assumptions above, the traditional supply chain model is developed according to its general characteristics within which the centralised organisation does not show any impact, whi

25、le the VMI model is developed as and when decisions are taken centrally to obtain overall supply chain cost reductions. </p><p>  2. Literature review </p><p>  The literature review of this pap

26、er is divided into two categories: first, an overview of general positive characteristics observed after the VMI implementation (or) assumed to occur behind the theoretical model and then the second part looks at the lit

27、erature which clearly focused on the EOQ modeling to determine the potential benefits of a VMI supply chain. </p><p>  2.1 General characteristics of VMI outcomes </p><p>  This section verifies

28、 the outcomes of a VMI relationship and presents a short literature review of different benefits which have been recognised by other authors to be the outcome of VMI partnerships. A couple of articles have directly addre

29、ssed the general benefits which can be achieved from a VMI partnership without necessarily developing a model to prove their arguments but through empirical research. </p><p>  Lee et al. (2008) analysed how

30、 lean systems would perform with VMI, Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), and continuous replenishment and identified that expenses can be significantly decreased and flexibility improved under

31、VMI. Elvander et al. (2007) developed a framework for a VMI configuration with four categories: inventory-related dimensions, information-related dimensions, decision-making dimensions, and a system integration level. Do

32、rling et al. (2006) evaluated </p><p>  Blatherwick (1998), Disney et al. (2003), and Sari (2008) identified that VMI can be outperformed by other strategies in specific situations. </p><p>  2.

33、2 General benefits models of VMI based on the EOQ model </p><p>  The literature review presented below focuses strictly on research papers which have developed specific models to evaluate the benefits of a

34、VMI supply chain based on EOQ modelling. </p><p>  Bookbinder et al. (2010), Yao et al. (2007), and Razmi et al. (2010) evaluated the supply chain costs under a traditional supply chain compared to a VMI sit

35、uation. All cases considered a two-echelon model formed by a vendor and a buyer, and the model development was based on the EOQ formula. </p><p>  Bookbinder et al. (2010) compared three cases: the tradition

36、al supply chain, VMI, and central decision making. The difference between traditional supply chains and VMI was obtained through transferring the cost of placing an order, which was incurred by the buyer, to the vendor u

37、nder the VMI. Also, the vendor's cost of placing an order has been considered to be lower than the buyer's. One of the findings of the model is that both the vendor and the buyer are better off as long as the ven

38、dor's ho</p><p>  Yao et al. (2007) showed that total costs can be decreased under VMI as long as the ordering cost of the vendor is lower than that of the buyer. However, results also show that the buye

39、r has greater benefits than the vendor. </p><p>  Razmi et al. (2010) effectuated a sensitivity analysis by varying the parameter values of the total cost function while including a backordering cost in the

40、calculation. While in the traditional supply chain model both the vendor and the customer incurred costs, in the case of VMI all the costs have been attributed to the vendor. Pasandideh et al. (2010) used an EOQ model to

41、 evaluate the impact of different parameters on the total cost when applying VMI and when shortage is backlogged. The EOQ m</p><p>  Zhang et al. (2007) analysed the total cost function incurred under a VMI

42、partnership where an exponential function of the ordering costs was taken. The model was applied to a one-vendor, one-buyer case and proved that decreasing the ordering cost represents an investment which brings lower co

43、sts for all buyers. Teng et al. (2005) used integer programming to extend the classic economic production quantity (EPQ) model to allow for time varying cost, with deterministic demand. The findings showed </p>&l

44、t;p>  Zhang et al. (2007) developed an integrated VMI, where a joint cost model was built under the assumption of constant demand rate and production. The model evaluates the impact on the total cost function when var

45、ying the ordering cost. Ordering costs can be reduced through a VMI partnership, and the partners can share the benefits. Later, a model to indicate the general benefits which a VMI partnership could bring, and adjusted

46、to the pharmaceutical case, will be developed. </p><p>  Many authors have focused their attention on the analysis of the VMI performance based on constant demand characteristics, for which the EOQ model rep

47、resents the basis for the analysis. While researching the general benefits of VMI based on EOQ model literature, one of the gaps identified is the fact that evaluations were done strictly between one vendor and one buyer

48、. The only exception is identified in Zhang et al. (2007), who considered two buyers but focused on order cost reduction evaluatio</p><p>  Based on the findings in the literature, this paper extends previou

49、s research and analyses the possible benefits when dealing with one vendor and multiple buyers assuming a stochastic, constant type of demand. </p><p>  3. Problem definition and research scope </p>&

50、lt;p>  The objective of this paper is to develop a relevant model which integrates specific constraints from the pharmaceutical industry and which has the ability to project the possible cost differences between a tra

51、ditional supply chain and a VMI supply chain. </p><p>  Some of the aspects which the model will integrate are: constant demand, variable demand, evaluation of a two-stage supply chain composed of a vendor a

52、nd his multiple buyers, and identification of the importance of fast reaction to demand changes and maintenance of a high customer service level as defined by the industry. </p><p>  The characteristics are

53、integrated in both traditional and VMI supply chains, while the model is based on the EOQ model rational with the purpose of highlighting cost differences between the two. Under the VMI supply chain, the transportation c

54、ost and the cost of issuing an order are transferred from the buyer to the vendor. </p><p>  The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 4 develops the mathematical model for the traditional and VMI su

55、pply chains, and this is then numerically applied in Section 5. The results of the numerical application are discussed in Section 6, and Section 7 presents an overall conclusion of the paper and identifies directions for

56、 further research opportunities. </p><p>  3.1 Research highlights </p><p>  The model developed in this paper extends previous works which based their analysis of traditional versus VMI supply

57、chains on EOQ models by acknowledging demand variability and integrating preventive actions. </p><p>  Another difference which is captured within this model represents the extended number of buyers evaluate

58、d. While previous research focused on one-vendor, one-buyer cases, the model here integrates one vendor and multiple buyers. </p><p>  Evaluating the situation of multiple buyers with whom the vendor has the

59、 possibility to establish VMI partnerships gives more flexibility to the vendor to consolidate specific product demands. Based on this opportunity, the model is structured to evaluate benefits depending on the number of

60、products shared among more buyers.</p><p><b>  譯文 </b></p><p>  基于經(jīng)濟訂購量模式的供應商管理庫存系統(tǒng)的綜合效益分析</p><p>  G. Kannan, M. C. Grigore, K. Devika & A. Senthilkumar</p>

61、<p><b>  1 引言 </b></p><p>  由于大公司的全球化擴張,世界各地的競爭越來越強烈,因此越來越需要獲得具有競爭力的價格,這對企業(yè)來說是一個全新的挑戰(zhàn),但也是推動產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的戰(zhàn)略方法。最近公認的方法之一就是用供應商管理用戶庫存(VMI)替代傳統(tǒng)的供應鏈。供應商管庫存已被許多學者證明是優(yōu)于傳統(tǒng)的供應鏈的,它可以給參與者帶來顯著的成本節(jié)約效果。 </p>

62、;<p>  傳統(tǒng)的供應鏈是指系統(tǒng)內的企業(yè)在不同階段要對訂貨數(shù)量和時間做出決定,減少他們的供應鏈成本。供應鏈通常包括所有階段,從原材料供應商開始,直到成品到達最終客戶。所有的不同階段都是與他們的共同目的聯(lián)系在一起的,要為客戶在承諾的時間內提供正確的產(chǎn)品。 </p><p>  供應商管理庫存VMI是訂貨的新型供應鏈技術,自80年代開始就得以運用,沃爾瑪和寶潔早在 1958 年就開始使用(沃特等 19

63、99),當麥基(1958)首次引入這個概念后。 </p><p>  在 VMI 協(xié)議中,上游供應鏈成員(賣方)負責管理下游成員(買方)的庫存,在達到特定的庫存水平之前,由供應商負責管理客戶的庫存。因此,供應商可以專注于優(yōu)化生產(chǎn)效率和庫存容量規(guī)劃,而客戶只需提高其預測準確度就行。VMI的成功依賴于合作伙伴之間的互相溝通,他們愿意共享數(shù)據(jù),合作和協(xié)調,共享信息技術系統(tǒng),允許對方快速訪問企業(yè)的關鍵信息(德科士和史密斯

64、 2008) </p><p>  本文的研究目的是在供應鏈的兩個階段實施 VMI 后,對其可能的結果提供一個簡單概述。分析側重于在特定的條件下的整體供應鏈成本的影響,基于行業(yè)的實際經(jīng)驗學習。使用 VMI 供應鏈,會增加合作伙伴之間的基本信息的透明度,從而有機會在庫存控制的每個階段及時調整決策,避免出現(xiàn)緊急情況。 </p><p>  VMI 供應鏈意味著各合作階段之間的協(xié)調,連續(xù)的信息共

65、享,定期召開會 議討論關鍵問題和后續(xù)行動。 </p><p>  本文中的總收益模型分析是基于經(jīng)濟訂購數(shù)量(經(jīng)濟訂購量)模型和廠商等的延伸(2010)。作為上述工作的擴展,已經(jīng)對模型進行了一些調整以整合行業(yè)內部不同的要求和約束。它已經(jīng)進一步擴展供應商,分析有確定性買家需求的一個案例。 </p><p>  數(shù)學模型適用于兩個階層,供應商及其多個買家。通過觀察可知,買家不是終端消費者,但代表

66、了每個國家的銷售組織,同時供應商和買家都屬于同一個組織。 </p><p>  在文獻里,實施 VMI 的時候所面臨的主要挑戰(zhàn)之一是為所有合作伙伴提供正確的方法去激勵他們盡最大努力去整合供應鏈和提高整體利潤份額(納卡拉占和拉賈戈帕蘭 2008)。 </p><p>  供需雙方都屬于同一組織的事實得到了進一步發(fā)展,兩個合作伙伴之間不需要復雜的利潤分享合同,追求的最重要的是供應鏈的總利潤???/p>

67、以假設雙方都有正確的動機來提高整體供應鏈的利潤。 </p><p>  基于上述假設,傳統(tǒng)的供應鏈模型根據(jù)其一般特征來開發(fā)的,而 VMI 模型的開發(fā)和集中決策是為了獲得整體供應鏈的成本降低。 </p><p><b>  2 文獻綜述 </b></p><p>  本文的文獻綜述分為兩類:第一,實施 VMI(或)假定實施背后的理論模型概述,然后

68、看第二部分的文獻明顯集中在經(jīng)濟訂購量,建模確定 VMI 供應鏈的潛在好處。 </p><p>  2.1 供應商管理客戶庫存之后的一般特征 </p><p>  這部分驗證了 VMI 結果,提出了一個簡短的文獻,回顧其他作者所說的 VMI合作的不同的好處。文章直接闡述了兩個好處,可以通過實證研究或者開發(fā)一個模型來證明他們的觀點。 </p><p>  李等人(200

69、8)分析了 VMI 精益系統(tǒng)與協(xié)同規(guī)劃、預測和補給(CPFR)和持續(xù)補充和確認系統(tǒng)如何協(xié)同執(zhí)行的,在 VMI 下可以大大降低費用和提高靈活性。埃蘭德等(2007) 為 VMI 開發(fā)了一個框架,配置有四類:庫存相關維度、資訊類維度、決策維度和系統(tǒng)集成水平。道靈等(2006)評估了 VMI 在寡頭競爭下的五個實施步驟。多戈特(2007)調查時采用了 VMI 的相關文獻,確認高市場競爭力 下,當供應商和買方之間的良好合作。 </p>

70、;<p>  布拉斯威特 (1998),迪斯尼等(2003)和莎莉(2008)發(fā)現(xiàn),VMI 在特定情況下可以比其他策略做的更好。 </p><p>  2.2 基于經(jīng)濟訂購量模式的 VMI 綜合效益 </p><p>  上述的文獻綜述進行了嚴格的研究,開發(fā)了具體的模型來評估基于 VMI 供應鏈的經(jīng)濟訂購量的效益造型。 </p><p>  布克等(2

71、010),姚等人(2007)和瑞米等(2010)評估 VMI 的供應鏈成本相比傳統(tǒng)供應鏈下的情況。 </p><p>  布克等(2010)比較了三個案例:傳統(tǒng)的供應鏈,VMI 和中央決策。傳統(tǒng)的供應鏈和 VMI 的區(qū)別是通過轉移買方、 VMI 供應商下訂單的成本。另外,下訂單的供應商的成本被認為是低于買方。模型的結果之一是,賣方和買方都相比以前獲得更大的收益,只要供應商的持有成本高于訂貨費用。 </p&g

72、t;<p>  姚等人(2007)表明,VMI 下的總成本可以降低,只要供應商的訂貨費用低于買方。然而,結果還表明買方比供應商有更大的好處。 </p><p>  瑞米等(2010) 對總成本函數(shù)的參數(shù)值進行了不同的靈敏度分析,包括提高購買者的成本。在傳統(tǒng)的供應鏈模型,供應商和客戶發(fā)生的成本,VMI 的所有成本都歸因于供應商。帕撒等(2010)使用一個經(jīng)濟訂購量模式來評估不同的參數(shù)對總成本的影響。經(jīng)

73、濟訂購量模式開發(fā)表明,VMI 會帶來重要的成本節(jié)約,但這有其局限性。 </p><p>  張等人(2007)分析了 VMI 合作伙伴關系下產(chǎn)生的總成本函數(shù),訂購成本的指數(shù)函數(shù)。該模型應用于一個供應商以及買家,證明能夠為所有買家降低訂購成本。騰等(2005)使用經(jīng)典經(jīng)濟生產(chǎn)數(shù)量(EPQ)模型允許時間變動成本與確定性需求。研究結果表明,總成本是一個補貨數(shù)量的凸函數(shù),應確定最小數(shù)量的庫存。陳和魏(2011)研究了最優(yōu)

74、動態(tài)聯(lián)合決策。尼蘭詹等(2011)分析了實施 VMI 策略的相關問題,以及歸納了相關公司或供應商的相關產(chǎn)品的 15 個特性。除了以上所提到的研究人員外,以下研究人員還分析了 VMI 系統(tǒng)的好處(迪斯尼和托維爾 2002 索里等 20008,巴卡爾和基尼斯等 2009,王 2009,劉 2010,勃朗德等 2011)。 </p><p>  張等(2007)開發(fā)了一個集成的 VMI,這個集合成本模型是建立在不斷的需

75、求率和生產(chǎn)假設上的。該模型對不同訂購成本函數(shù)下總成本的影響進行了評估。訂 購成本可以通過 VMI 合作來不斷減少,這是和合作伙伴可以共享的好處之一。 許多學者集中注意力分析持續(xù)的需求基礎上的 VMI 的績效特點、經(jīng)濟訂購量的模型分析。在研究基于經(jīng)濟訂購量模式上的 VMI 的總體效益,分析 VMI 模式下的供應商和買家之間的缺陷。唯一的例外是張等人(2007)的研究?;谖墨I研究結果,本文擴展了以前的研究,分析了供應商和多個買家的 VMI

76、 模式下買賣雙方的可能的益處。 </p><p>  3. 問題的界定和研究范圍 </p><p>  本文的目的是開發(fā)一個相關模型,以及可以展現(xiàn)出傳統(tǒng)供應鏈和 VMI 供應鏈的成本差異。 </p><p>  模型整合的一些方面:持續(xù)的需求、需求變量、供應商及其多個買家組成的兩級供應鏈評估以及識別需求變化快速反應和維護高的客戶服務水平的重要性。 這些特征都被整合進

77、傳統(tǒng)和 VMI 供應鏈,而模型是基于理性經(jīng)濟訂購量模式,強調兩者之間的成本差異的目的。在供應商管理庫存 VMI 供應鏈下,運輸成本和訂單的成本從買方轉移到了供應商。 </p><p><b>  3.1 研究重點 </b></p><p>  本文中的模型擴展了以前的研究,它通過承認需求的可變性和整合預防措施,在這基礎上分析了傳統(tǒng)供應鏈和基于經(jīng)濟訂購量模式的 VMI


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