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1、<p>  本科畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</p><p>  外文題目:Capital Flows to an Emerging Market in Turkey </p><p>  出 處:International Advances in Economic Research, 2003, Volume 9, Number 3,

2、Pages 189-195 </p><p>  作 者:Saziye Gazioglu </p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Capital Flows to an Eme

3、rging Market in Turkey</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  Increased gIobalization in financial markets implies that the percentage of all shares under foreign ownership in domestic st

4、ock markets has been rising. Speculative attacks on the foreign exchange market in February 2001 led to deep economic crisis in Turkey.This article will explore various indicators of the financial crisis in Turkey based

5、on a macro-model. The foreign share of the domestic economy is a key variable to establish the degree of vulnerability during a financial crisis. An empiri</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  Much wo

6、rk has been done in the area of financial crisis. Johnson et al. [2000] created a vulnerability matrix using sets of criteria including macro indicators. Other theories of crisis include speculative attacks [ Krugman et

7、al. 1979], and self-fulfilling hypotheses [Obstfelt,1995]. Other works include fundamentals, the second generations model moral hazard,and self-fulfilling expectations models on liquidity. Krugman [1996], Kaminsky [1998]

8、, and Kaminsky and Schumukler [1999] referred to thes</p><p>  The arguments in this paper are based on a theoretical model that is different from others.The author argues that probability of future volatili

9、ty is closely related to the percentage of shares under foreign ownership in the domestic stock market and the volatility of stock market prices.</p><p>  This paper is ordered as follows: section two presen

10、ts a summary of the model. Section three is an investigation into foreign share ownership on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and the forth section is a report on the empirical results. Section five concludes.</p><

11、p>  Theoretical Model</p><p>  The model is based on Gazioglu [2001] and Gazioglu and McCausland [2001; 2002], with a profit maximizing firm and a representative domestic consumer maximizing time separabl

12、e utility functions IObstfeld and Rogoff, 1995; Ramse~% 1928]. Following Obstfeld and Rogoff [1995], the stock market constraint is as follows:</p><p>  VdXd=XdVd+XdDd</p><p>  Equation (1) stat

13、es 1 that a change in the proportion (Xd) of the value of domestic firms 2 that domestic individuals own (that is, shares: the value of domestic claims to the total future profits of domestic firms, Vd), XdVd, is equal t

14、o the domestic proportion of the change in the stock market valuation of these shares, XdVd plus their proportion of dividends, XdVd.</p><p>  The balance of payments constraint is:</p><p>  H=∏

15、-T+H(1+ê/e)(1+Rf)</p><p>  The aggregate constraint of the stock market and net accumulation of foreign assets, -H,can only be accumulated by running a trade surplus, where H is the foreign owned share

16、of domestic dividends minus the domestic owned share of foreign dividends and H=∏-T+H(1+ê/e)(1+Rf) is any capital gain from holding foreign money in terms of foreign goods (a simple representation can be found in Ga

17、zioglu [1996], where external balance is also equal to internal balance):</p><p>  In essence, therefore, the right hand side of the constraint represents net domestic income (factor earmngs, net interest fr

18、om asset holdings, and return on shares) minus consumption (private and investment), reflected by the saving (net wealth accumulation) on the left hand side. It is the combination of the stock market constraint, followin

19、g Obstfeld and Rogoff [1995] and Net International Debt [Gazioglu and McCausland, 2000; 2001; 2002]. If the percentage of shares under foreign ownership in </p><p>  The dynamics of the whole system may be s

20、ummarized 3 in matrix form by:</p><p>  where the signs of the elements of the matrix are, from the discussion above: EE>0,EH<0,EV>0 and EK<0;HE<0,HH<0,HV<0 and HK>0;VE<0,VH>0,VV<0,and VK>0。The dynamic model

21、 is now complete and empirical analysis will follow in the next section. The model has two stable equilibria and one unstable equilibrium. Gaziogln and McCausland [2000; 2001; 2002] show that having a high percentage of

22、shares under foreign ownership has an asymmetrical effect on exchange rate and on international indebtedness duri</p><p>  Foreign Share in Istanbul Stock Market (ISM)</p><p>  One of the main a

23、ims of this paper is to argue that the percentage of shares under foreign ownership in any domestic stock market is a key indicator of vulnerability in the domestic stock market. The theoretical macro-model includes the

24、dynamics of this important indicator. As a case study in Turkey, data from the Istanbul Stock Market (ISM) is used. It is worth noting that liberal foreign exchange policies have applied since 1989, so foreign investors

25、are free to buy and sell in the ISM, as muc</p><p>  Foreign portfolio investment in the Istanbut Stock Market (ISM or IMKB) increased from $33,654 million in 1996 to $83,069 million in 1999 and to $111,157

26、million in 2000. Since 1996, the level of foreign investment has been growing very rapidly. Furthermore, the percentage of shares owned by foreign investors is around 50 percent of the total market. This is quite high. N

27、o figures were available for foreign portfolio investment levels before 1995.</p><p>  Structured VAR Approach</p><p>  The daily data is extracted from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) dat

28、a stream for the period 01/01/1990 - 11/26/1999. Other stock market data is taken from Istanbul Stock Market publications. Real exchange rates, stock market prices, and international debt variables are used in order to r

29、elate it to the theory. This theory shows the possibility of unstable equilibrium when the share of foreign investment in the economy is high. A Structural VAR model was adopted as it overcomes the identifi</p>&l

30、t;p>  Stationarity and Co-integration Tests</p><p>  The stationarity of all variables is tested. The data was divided into sub-periods using Romers’ Narrative VAR Approach. The whole period (from 01/01/9

31、0 - 11/26/99) and the crisis period (from 11/26/95 - 11/26/99) were investigated separately. The Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) tests with and without a linear trend for the data in levels and first differences are report

32、ed in Table 1. The hypothesis of unit root cannot be rejected for two of the variables. Both real exchange rate (EXCCP) and stock</p><p><b>  TABLE 1</b></p><p>  Augmented Dickey-Fu

33、ller (ADF) Test</p><p>  Critical values (no trend) for 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent are -3.436, -2.863, and-2.568 respectively. Critical values with trend for 1 percent (***), 5 percent (**), and 10

34、percent (*) are -3.97, -3.116, and -3.13 respectively.</p><p>  The long-term relationships derived from macroeconomic theory are based on production, consumption, interest parity and external balances. The

35、Johanson estimation was used with the assumption of quadratic deterministic trends in the data. Eigen values of the variables are the following with 20 lags 4 (one month).</p><p>  Tables 1 and 2 report on E

36、igen value tests for sample periods (one from 01/01/90 -11/26/1999 and another from 10/26/1995 - 11/26/1999). The resultshshow that the rank of the co-integrating vector is at most two. This implies that there are two co

37、-integrating vectors and one stochastic trend. The author reports the two co-integrating vectors in normalized form. Since the three variables do not have a co-integrating relationship, the disturbances are not stationar

38、y.</p><p>  Possibility of instability has been established in the theoretical section. Here we have the empirical results, which can indicate instability. This can be done by coefficients of the normalized

39、co-integrating vectors, which are greater than unity. For the entire sample period the effect of capital outflows on the real exchange rate change is a 12 percent increase, implying depreciating Turkish currency against

40、the dollar, as in Table 1. A 42 percent rise in stock market prices for a unit increa</p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  資本流入新興市場土耳其</p><p>  摘要:金融市場全球化的發(fā)展意味著,在國內(nèi)股市外資持股占所有股份的比



43、個迫近的金融危機(jī)能夠被預(yù)測。</p><p><b>  1.簡介</b></p><p>  在金融危機(jī)的地區(qū)人們已經(jīng)做了許多工研究,包括約翰遜等人。 他們(2000)利用宏觀經(jīng)濟(jì)指標(biāo)創(chuàng)建了自回歸模型。其他危機(jī)理論</p><p>  危機(jī)包括外部事件沖擊[克魯格曼等人.,1979],內(nèi)部變量的假設(shè)[Obstfelt,1995]。其他研究還包


45、融危機(jī)。近期Borensztein (2000) 和 Lane Milesi-Ferretti (2000)通過國際貨幣基金組織文件強(qiáng)調(diào)其實(shí)際中的匯率和債務(wù)相聯(lián)系理論的重要性。長期不穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行的可能性是建立在對我們的理論模型的平衡通常是在忽略這些而研究的(而可能是作為這里給出)。</p><p>  本文堅(jiān)持的觀點(diǎn)是,國內(nèi)股票市場股價未來的價格波動的可能性大小是密切與外資持股比例相關(guān)的。</p>&l

46、t;p>  本文結(jié)構(gòu)如下:第二部分介紹了該模型的摘要。第三部分是介紹將伊斯坦布爾證券交易所外資股所有權(quán)占得比例。和第四部分是關(guān)于調(diào)查研究結(jié)果的報告。第五節(jié)是總結(jié)。</p><p><b>  2、理論模型</b></p><p>  該模型是基于Gazioglu[2001]和Gazioglu和麥考斯蘭[2001,2002]的企業(yè)利潤最大化和具有代表性的國內(nèi)消費(fèi)時

47、間可分離的效用函數(shù)最大化函數(shù)(Obstfeld和Rogoff,1995; Ramsey,1928)。還有(Obstfeld和Rogoff[1995],股市約束如下:</p><p>  VdXd=XdVd+XdDd</p><p>  方程(1)國1,一個在國內(nèi)企業(yè)的比重變化國內(nèi)個人自己的(即股份:國內(nèi)聲稱國內(nèi)企業(yè)未來的利潤總額,價值是等于在這些股票的估值變化的國內(nèi)股市的比例,加上他們的分

48、紅比例。國際收支平衡的約束是:</p><p>  H=∏-T+H(1+ê/e)(1+Rf)</p><p>  股票的市場總額的限制和國外凈資產(chǎn)凈積累是:H-h,,能通過貿(mào)易順差計(jì)算出積累,其中H是外商擁有的國內(nèi)每股紅利和國外擁有的紅利即H=∏-T+H(1+ê/e)(1+Rf),就是任何從持有外國短期貨幣的資本增益(被Gazioglu 1996發(fā)現(xiàn)的一個具有代表性的簡

49、單案例),外部的平衡都要通過國內(nèi)的平衡來解決。</p><p>  從本質(zhì)上講,所以該等式的右邊代表國內(nèi)收入凈額(收益因素,持有資產(chǎn)凈利息,以及股票回報)減去消費(fèi)(私人和投資),等式左邊代表了儲蓄(凈財富的積累)。它是市場約束的股票組合,以下是Obstfeld和Rogoff(1995)和凈國際債務(wù)(Gazioglu和麥考斯蘭,2000,2001,200)。如果根據(jù)股份比例,國內(nèi)股市外國投資比例的上升,國內(nèi)經(jīng)濟(jì)增長

50、是外債的增多,這類似于出售家當(dāng)?,F(xiàn)在看來,國內(nèi)經(jīng)濟(jì)對的外國投資在股市上的水平是非常敏感的。外國投資者的持股的比例是如何直接關(guān)系沖擊國內(nèi)市場的。外國投資者擁有國內(nèi)股市股票的比例越大,國內(nèi)經(jīng)濟(jì)越具有脆弱性。亞洲危機(jī)可以被認(rèn)為是這一類。其他新興金融市場相似的同樣因此而脆弱,同樣得,在國內(nèi)市場的所有權(quán)外國的持股比例。</p><p>  整個系統(tǒng)可能是動態(tài)矩陣形式,總結(jié)如下:</p><p>  


52、平衡所形成的。</p><p>  實(shí)證研究使用實(shí)際匯率,實(shí)際股市動態(tài)變量指數(shù)和外資流入量。Ghosh[2000]只用實(shí)際匯率和實(shí)際股市指數(shù)來找出因果關(guān)系的方向。在因果關(guān)系檢驗(yàn)表明,該變量的順序如下是:資本流動(FORNFLP),股市指數(shù)(STOCKP),以及實(shí)際匯率(EXCCPI)。</p><p>  3、伊斯坦布爾股市的外資</p><p>  本文件的主要目

53、的之一是認(rèn)為,外國持有股份比例在任何一個國家的國內(nèi)股市都是一個國內(nèi)股票市場的脆弱性關(guān)鍵指標(biāo)。理論宏觀模型包括這一重要指標(biāo)的動態(tài)。在以土耳其作為的案例研究中,來自伊斯坦布爾股票市場(ISM)的數(shù)據(jù)被使用。這是值得指出的是在自1989年起實(shí)施的開放外匯政策下,導(dǎo)致外國投資者盡可能按自己的意愿自由購買和出售在伊斯坦布爾股票市場。</p><p>  外商在伊斯坦布爾股票市場(ISM或IMKB)的有價證券投資增加從199

54、6年的33654百萬美元增加到1999年的83069百萬美元和2000年的111157百萬美元。自1996年以來,外國的投資速率已經(jīng)增長十分迅速。此外,該國外國投資者擁有股份的總數(shù)的百分之50左右的市場份額。這是相當(dāng)高?,F(xiàn)在沒有指標(biāo)能達(dá)到外國證券投資在1995年以前的水平。</p><p><b>  4、VAR結(jié)構(gòu)方法</b></p><p>  每日數(shù)據(jù)是采集自國

55、際貨幣基金組織(IMF)資料來自1999年1月1號到1999年11月26號。其他股票市場的數(shù)據(jù)采集自伊斯坦布爾股票市場的公布。實(shí)際外匯匯率、股價指數(shù)、和國際債務(wù)變量使用,以涉及到理論。這個理論說明的可能性不穩(wěn)定平衡的時候,外國投資在經(jīng)濟(jì)中所占的份額很高。這個結(jié)構(gòu)VAR模型,讓它去克服了VAR模型的識別問題估計(jì)。筆者的貢獻(xiàn)是用計(jì)量經(jīng)濟(jì)去分析宏觀經(jīng)濟(jì)模型。</p><p>  5、平穩(wěn)性和協(xié)整檢驗(yàn)</p>

56、<p>  對所有變量的平穩(wěn)性進(jìn)行測試。這些數(shù)據(jù)被分時段使用Romers講訴的VAR方法。在整個期間(從01/01/90-11/26/99)和危機(jī)期間(從11/26/95-11/26/99)分別進(jìn)行了調(diào)查。增加ADF的試驗(yàn)和表1不在不同一層次,第一個數(shù)據(jù)的線性趨勢報告。對單位根的假設(shè)不能被拒絕的兩個變量。不管是真實(shí)匯率(EXCCP)和股票市值(STOCKP)是被其趨勢所拒絕。但是,實(shí)際匯率(EXCCPI)及實(shí)質(zhì)股票市場收益

57、與趨勢變量(STOCKP)都沒有無論是全部和最終期限百分之信心。對外國資本的流入(FORNFLP),協(xié)議假設(shè)為空,甚至自信區(qū)間的百分之一個單位根被拒絕。請注意,F(xiàn)ORNFLP是債務(wù)(DDEBT)第一個區(qū)別。其中一點(diǎn)需要采取與第一個數(shù)據(jù)的區(qū)別(EXCCPI)和(STOCKP),以便使所有數(shù)據(jù)系列是平穩(wěn)的。</p><p><b>  表1</b></p><p><

58、;b>  ADF檢驗(yàn)測試</b></p><p>  參照值無趨勢的1%、5%和10%的自信區(qū)間的值分別是-3.436,-2.863,和-2.568。參照值有趨勢的1%、5%和10%的自信區(qū)間的值分別是-3.97,-3.116,和-3.13。</p><p>  長期來看從宏觀經(jīng)濟(jì)理論推導(dǎo)出的關(guān)系是基于生產(chǎn),消費(fèi),利率平價和外部平衡。Johanson 估計(jì)的使用假設(shè)的進(jìn)行

59、二次數(shù)據(jù)來判定趨勢。特征值的變量是20以下滯后的(一個月)。</p><p>  表1和2個采樣周期為特征值測試報告(一從01/01/90-1999年11月26日,從95年10月26日另一個 -1999年11月26日)。該結(jié)果顯示協(xié)整檢驗(yàn)的變量最多只有兩個。這意味著有兩個協(xié)整變量和一個隨機(jī)趨勢。作者報告將兩個協(xié)整變量共同納入正規(guī)的形式。即使三個變量沒有協(xié)整關(guān)系,但也不會存在干擾。不穩(wěn)定的可能性已被確立為了理論部分



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