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1、<p><b>  中文2543字</b></p><p>  一、文化背景知識在英語聽力理解中的作用</p><p>  對于影響聽力的因素,一般人以為是英語基礎差,語音不準確,語法概念不清,詞匯量不夠等。而事實上,常有一些學生聽完一段文本后,似乎聽懂了,但做題時卻找不出正確答案。這種理解上的障礙不能簡單地說是語音、語法、詞匯等造成的,而很可能是由于不熟悉


3、立地去理解每一句話,而沒有通篇地去理解。學生走出困境的關鍵是激活自己的背景知識,調動背景知識通篇去理解內容。因此,要提高英語聽力水平,必須充分了解英美等西方國家的文化背景知識。</p><p>  中國和英美等西方國家有著迥然不同的文化傳統(tǒng)和風俗習慣,中國學生由于深受母語和本國文化的影響,在聽力理解過程中,往往用中國式的思維去分析和理解英語句子。結果由于對英漢文化差異缺乏敏感性,不能夠迅速而準確地理解英語語言信息

4、中所包含的實際意思和說話人的真實意圖。學生如果不了解西方的社會制度、風土人情、民俗習慣、人們的思維方式和價值觀念等這些文化背景知識,無疑是在英語聽力理解中設置了重重障礙。</p><p>  由此可見,文化背景知識的缺乏會對學生的聽力理解產(chǎn)生障礙,英語聽力教學與文化背景知識是息息相關,密不可分的。從以上例子中我們可以看出,有時聽力理解的主要障礙并不是由語言本身造成的,而是由于對英美等國家的文化背景知識了解不夠造成

5、的。所以,教師在教學中要注意文化知識的導人,提高文化的敏感性,而學生更應該認識到文化知識在聽力理解中的重要性,在學習語言的同時,要多注意文化背景知識,不斷擴大自己的知識面,為真正理解聽力材料中的深層含義打下基礎。</p><p>  二、英語聽力教學中傳授文化背景</p><p>  知識和培養(yǎng)英語思維能力的途徑學習英語文化背景知識,必須根據(jù)學生年齡和教學內容需要,做到長期計劃和每堂課具體

6、安排相結合,背景知識和語言知識學習相結合,英美文化和本族語文化相結合,內容的學習和語言能力的提高相結合,潛移默化,不斷豐富。</p><p>  1.精心選擇聽力教材</p><p>  在選擇英語聽力教材和輔助教材時,應該充分考慮到文化因素在教學中舉足輕重的作用,選擇那些包含英美文化背景知識的相關材料是至關重要的。例如,有些對話有較高的文化洞察力,適合用于揭示英美文化的各個方面,可以作為

7、練習聽力的好材料。文化因素的融人程度要考慮教學對象這一客觀條件,要遵循階段性原則??缥幕R的學習是一步一步的,應該循序漸進地進行。在選擇聽力教材、傳授文化知識時,教師應根據(jù)學生的語言基礎、接收能力及理解能力的實際,決定文化知識的傳授內容和傳授方法;要使用合適的聽力教材,要一點一滴地培養(yǎng)學生的跨文化意識,使學生在潛移默化中掌握英美文化背景知識,提高英語聽力理解能力。</p><p>  2. 加強文化背景知識的傳

8、授,培養(yǎng)學生的文化意識</p><p>  在課堂教學中不但要幫助學生解決語言和技巧上的障礙,還應有意識地培養(yǎng)學生的文化意識。弗里斯(Fries)說得好:“講授有關民族的文化和生活情況絕不僅僅是實用語言課的附加成分,不是與教學總目的全然無關的事情,不能因時間有無或方便與否而決定取舍。它是語言學習的各個階段不可缺少的部分。”教師要有強烈的文化意識,重視學習積累和講授文化背景知識,在平時講課中注意逐步滲透英美國家的背


10、。</p><p>  3.對比中西方文化差異,增強語言學習的實踐性和趣味性</p><p>  J.Spence在《文化類同與文化利用》中提到:“要確定我們自身的存在,要明白我們自己周圍世界的特性,也就是說,要獲得關于我們自己和我們文化的任何知識,都需要通過辨別彼此他我才能得以實現(xiàn)。”任何事物都是在與他物的區(qū)別中才能得以確立,所以,在對比中學習文化,可以使學生同時對異域文化和本土文化有更


12、<p>  4.開設第二課堂,使學生利用好課外時間</p><p>  教師是文化內容的傳授者和獲取文化背景知識的促進者,教師應該利用好各種文化導人手段,開設第二課堂,開設英美文化選修課,舉辦文化講座,給學生開列富含文化內容的書單,積極引導學生大量閱讀英語讀物,學生必須充分利用課外時間,在課外大量閱讀有關英美國家的地理、歷史、政治、經(jīng)濟、文化、教育、體育、節(jié)日等方面的書籍,擴大知識面,增加信息量,熟悉英

13、美國家的歷史風情、生活方式、價值觀念等,還要特別注意涉獵英美文化方面的中英文書籍,多閱讀文學作品,從中可以捕捉到有關的文化背景知識信息,拓寬視野,提高英語聽力理解能力,實現(xiàn)有效的跨文化交際。課堂上的聽力訓練時間是有限的,教師還應鼓勵學生課外進行大量的聽力訓練,多聽不但可以培養(yǎng)學生的語感,提高用英語思維的能力,而且能夠擴展所學語言的社會文化背景知識。</p><p>  總之,教師作為語言文化的傳播者,在外語教學中

14、,除了積極主動地培養(yǎng)學生語言能力,更應當重視文化背景知識的傳授,自覺地進行社會文化教學及交際能力的培養(yǎng),不斷地提高學生的文化意識、文化的敏感性,使之積累豐富的文化背景知識,提高英語聽力理解能力。</p><p>  Cultural Background Knowledge in English Listening Comprehension</p><p>  For factors t

15、hat affect listening comprehension, most people thought it was poor English; speech inaccurate, grammatical concepts are not clear, vocabulary is not enough, and so on. As a matter of fact, there is often some students a

16、fter he finished a piece of text, and seemed to understand, but when you do that but cannot find the correct answer. Obstacles on this understanding cannot be simply put is the result of pronunciation, grammar, vocabular

17、y, and is likely to be caused by unfamiliar cul</p><p>  China and Britain and the United States and other Western countries have very different cultural traditions and customs, and Chinese students by the i

18、mpact of native language and national culture, listening comprehension, often with Chinese thinking to analyze and understand complete sentences in English. Results due to the lack of sensitivity to cultural differences

19、between English and Chinese could not quickly and accurately understands information contained in the actual meaning of the Englis</p><p>  It can be seen that the lack of background knowledge on students &#

20、39; English listening comprehension barrier, is closely linked with cultural background knowledge in English listening teaching and closely related. We can see from the examples above, sometimes the main obstacles to lis

21、tening comprehension is not caused by the language itself, but because of cultural background knowledge on Britain and the United States and other countries caused by inadequate understanding. Therefore, teachers shou<

22、;/p><p>  Cultural Background in English Listening Teaching </p><p>  Foster students ' thinking ability of learning knowledge and cultural background knowledge in English, must be based on the

23、 students ' age and content needs, long-term plans and each lesson combines the specific arrangements, combining background knowledge and language learning, combination of British and American cultures and native cul

24、tures, combining learning and language skills improve, potentially, continuously enriched.</p><p>  2.1 Carefully Selecting Listening Materials</p><p>  When selecting English listening teaching

25、 materials and teaching aids, should fully take into account the important role of cultural factors in teaching, selecting those that contain related materials of English cultural background knowledge is crucial. For exa

26、mple, some dialogue has a high cultural insight, suitable for revealing various aspects of British and American culture could serve as good materials to practice listening. Cultural factors in thawed human teaching objec

27、t level taking into</p><p>  Strengthen the Teaching of Cultural Background Knowledge to Cultivate Students’ Cultural Awareness</p><p>  Not only in the classroom to help students overcome langu

28、age and skills should barriers also be consciously cultivating culture consciousness. Frits (Fries) says it well: "lectures on the culture and life of the nation is not only a practical language courses additional i

29、ngredients, not with something totally unrelated to teaching heads, could not have none or benefit, and decided to make a choice. It is an integral part of all stages of language learning. "Teachers should have a st

30、rong sense of</p><p>  2.3 Comparison of Chinese and Western Cultural Differences, Enhance Language Learning Practical and Fun.</p><p>  J. Spence of the similar culture and cultural uses of the

31、: "to determine our own existence, to see our properties around the world, that is, to obtain any knowledge about ourselves and our culture, he needs by identifying each other I was able to be achieved. "Everyt

32、hing is established can be the difference from him, so in comparative culture of learning can enable students to other cultures and a clearer understanding of native culture. For example, the wedding analogy can be drawn

33、 between the </p><p>  2.4 The Creation of the Second Class, Students Make Good Use of Extracurricular Time</p><p>  Teachers is culture content of taught who and gets culture background knowled

34、ge of promotion who, teachers should uses good various culture guide people means, opened second classroom, opened British beauty culture electives, held culture lecture, to students listed is rich in culture content of

35、book single, active boot students large reading English books, students must full uses extracurricular time, in extracurricular large reading about British beauty national of geographic, and history, and</p><p

36、>  In short, teachers as disseminator of language and culture, in the teaching of foreign languages, in addition to actively cultivate students’ language ability, more importance should be attached to imparting knowle

37、dge of cultural background, consciously for socio-cultural teaching and the cultivation of communicative competence, constantly improving students’ cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, making it accumulated a rich c


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