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1、1800 英文單詞, 英文單詞,1 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 3050 字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Smayling M, Miller H. Job satisfaction and job performance at the internship level[J]. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 2012, 9(1): 27-33.Job Satisfac

2、tion and Job Performance at the Internship LevelMiles Smayling,Howard MillerIndustrial psychologists and management theorists have been examining the linkage between job satisfaction and job performance for at least fift

3、y years. The results have been, at best, tenuous. The effects of age, gender, personality and environment have been considered without yielding concrete resolution. Since an internship or similar work integrated learning

4、 experience might well be a career starting point, a study was conducted to determine what, if any, relationship exists between satisfaction and performance at this stage. Assessment of job performance for student intern

5、s is an accepted practice for work integrated learning operations. This paper examines the results of 359 internships over a period of years. Consideration was given to the gender of the intern and their supervisor and t

6、he key factors that interns and their supervisors tended to focus on in their evaluations. Gender did not seem to play a role in the students’ view of the value of various work characteristics. The effect of moderating v

7、ariables were considered when examining the satisfaction-performance relationship. Although the use of such moderators did alter the results, their effect was fairly small and did not have a meaningful impact on the conc

8、lusions drawn. A clear finding emerged suggesting that job satisfaction is more highly related to job performance in situations where the intern and their supervisor are of the same gender.INTRODUCTIONA recent Conference

9、 Board report (Barrington and Franco, 2010) stated that job satisfaction had reached its lowest point ever reported. The idea that so many were workers discontent would be troubling enough, but, the further concern that

10、such sentiment might affect productivity, during an economic slowdown, is worthy of consideration. The belief that job satisfaction is tied to job performance has been advanced and examined for at least, the last seventy

11、 years. William Shakespeare wrote “To business that we love, we eagerly arise, and go to with delight.“ Although the linkage between these two factors is an intuitively appealing proposition, the research evidence is, at

12、 times, less persuasive. This paper utilizes a sample of job interns and examines whether performance and satisfaction are related at the earliest stage of one’s professional career.The origins of a belief in a job satis

13、faction-job performance connection are often traced to the Hawthorne Effect and the early Human Relations model (Roethlisberger and Dickson, 1939; Mayo, 1945). At the outset, causal relationship was posited between satis

14、faction and performance. In their oft cited paper, Brayfield and Crockett (1955) found that this relationship was minimal or non-existent (p.405) when they reviewed the published research. Since that time, numerous attem

15、pts were made to discover the presence and nature of the satisfaction-performance linkage. Later, an alternative viewpoint developed suggesting that job performance caused job satisfaction because workers were able to de

16、rive intrinsic rewards from their work (Lawler and Porter, 1967; Locke, 1970). Four studies found a significant linkage in this direction (Brown, Cron, Darden, Hampton, MacKenzie, Podsakoff, Stumpf Dubinsky Hampton

17、, Dubinsky, Brown & Peterson, 1994) did not find a significant relationship.understated the probable true relationship between these two important work place variables. Finally, they conclude that the evidence stron

18、gly suggests that moderator variables or covariates of some kind do account for significant variation in how strongly satisfaction and performance correlate.This research was undertaken to build on the extensive review a

19、nd evidence provided by Judge and his colleagues (Judge, et al, 2001). Specifically, we were interested to examine satisfaction and performance relationships among new entrants to professional management, as they test th

20、eir new professional life through internship experiences. We expected that a number of variables would affect both how satisfied new professionals would be, and how well they performed. These covariates included factors

21、like gender-match with the supervisor, degree to which the internship relates to their planned field of practice, as well as the degree to which the internship provided opportunity to use newly acquired professional skil

22、ls.OVERVIEWThis paper utilizes data drawn from 359 internships performed by management majors at a midwestern state university over a number of years. The sample included 181 female interns and 178 males. Students needed

23、 to have completed 90 semester credits before accepting an internship. At the conclusion of their internship, they were required to complete a survey detailing their satisfaction with the experience. The survey questions

24、 focused on the perceived adequacy of one’s supervision, the appropriateness of job assignment, usage of problem solving skills, how related the job was to one’s field of study, if one could experience a sense of respons

25、ibility and if the internship aided the transition to a “career job” environment. In addition, students were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with the internship. Employers also provided evaluations. They rated s

26、tudents on their ability to learn, judgment, dependability and the quality of their work. Lastly, the supervisor’s were asked to provide a global rating on job performance.RESULTSTable 1 shows the results of an OLS regre

27、ssion of the student’s ratings of certain moderators on overall satisfaction. Utilizing the estimated value for satisfaction allows one to explicitly adjust the satisfaction ratings for perceived level of those factors.

28、Although these factors seem to have measurable effects on satisfaction, the consideration of supervisor and intern gender leads to more complex findings.TABLE 1.OVERALL SATISFACTION AND STUDENT RATINGS OF INTERNSHIP ATTR

29、IBUTESFemale Supervisor Male Supervisor OverallFemale InternMale InternAll InternsFemale InternMale InternAll InternsConstant .788 .880 .575 -.072 .558 .872* .709**Develop skills .086 .316** .121 .211 .031 .130 .122*Rela

30、ted to field of study.166 .266** .163* .176 .195** .239*** .205***Adequate supervisor.239** .111 .222*** .239* .373*** .226*** .239***Responsibility .272** .072 .299** .345** .140* .130* .200***Problem Solving .073 .061


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