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1、5900 英文單詞, 英文單詞,3.6 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 1 萬字 萬字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Antoni C H, Syrek C J. Leadership and pay satisfaction: The mediating role of psychological contracts[J]. International studies of management Salimäki, Hakone

2、n, and Heneman 2009). Providing meaning and understanding of organizational systems is a key characteristic of transformational leadership, having positive effects on employee job satisfaction and organizational commitme

3、nt (Bass 1985) and, as we propose, also on pay satisfaction.Furthermore, transformational leaders establish psychological contracts to influence employees (Brown and Moshavi 2002; Goodwin, Wofford, and Whittington 2001).

4、 Psychological contracts involve mutual obligations, explicit and implicit agreements of exchange that may refer to (1) transactional contracts, including monetary elements, such as pay, and (2) relational contracts, inv

5、olving socioemotional elements, such as career development or support (Rousseau 1995). Brown and Moshavi (2002) found that psychological contracts can explain the effect of transformational leadership on employee satisfa

6、ction; they argue that transformational leaders are likely to fulfill employees’ expectations about the exchange when employees expect self-management and autonomy. In line with this, Liden, Bauer, and Erdogan (2005) bel

7、ieve that employees perceive their supervisor as the representative of the organization and their contractual partner who is responsible for fulfilling the obligations of the organization. Whereas the influence of relati

8、onal psychological contracts on job satisfaction and organizational commitment is well established (McDonald and Makin 2000), the effects of psychological contracts on pay satisfaction have only been discussed (Rousseau

9、and Ho 2000). Therefore, we test in this study the hypothesis that the fulfillment of transactional psychological contracts enhances pay satisfaction.Harris, and Harvey 2007; Nguyen et al. 2003). Notable research has ana

10、lyzed pay satisfaction irrespective of job satisfaction (Currall et al. 2005; Harris et al. 2007; Heneman and Schwab 1985). Accordingly, independent research of the antecedents and underlying mechanisms that influence pa

11、y satisfaction is essential (Currall et al. 2005). Nevertheless, in order to be able to compare the study findings to existent research and to assess the relationship between transformational leadership and pay satisfact

12、ion independent of job satisfaction, general job satisfaction is considered in our model as well. Similarly, we also try to replicate the link between transformational leadership and affective organizational commitment (

13、Avolio, Zhu, Koh, and Bhatia 2004; Bycio, Hackett, and Allen 1995; Judge and Piccolo 2004). By integrating general job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment in our model, the relationship between transform

14、ational leadership and pay satisfaction should make clear the conceptual overlap between pay satisfaction and these former concepts.Bass(1985) distinguished transformational from transactional leadership behavior. Transa

15、ctional leadership is based on exchange processes that provide recognition, rewards, and punishment in return for employee efforts to achieve agreed-upon goals. The key aspect of transactional leadership is therefore the

16、 establishment of performance-reward contingencies (Judge and Piccolo 2004). Later Bass (1998) acknowledged that there are theoretical reasons to assume that transformational leaders will also use transactional leadershi

17、p behaviors because consistently honoring transactional agreements builds trust and dependability, which are the basis for transformational leadership. This close link between transformational and transactional leadershi

18、p behavior is also supported by high inter- correlations between transformational and contingent reward leadership, which are higher than one expects for alternative measures of the same construct (Judge and Piccolo 2004

19、). Given these conceptual difficulties and our focus on leadership behavior that provides meaning and understanding of structures and processes, we focus in this study on transformational leadership. So in this study lea

20、ders were required to explain of grading structures and pay raises due to collective bargaining.Pay-for-performance systems were not implemented in the samples chosen for this study. To summarize, there is a lack of rese

21、arch regarding the influence of transformational leadership on employee pay satisfaction. The present research investigates this issue and proposes the following hypothesis:hypothesis1: Transformational leadership is pos

22、itively related to job satisfaction (h1a), organizational commitment (h1b), and pay satisfaction (h1c).Psychological contracts as mediators between leadership and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and pay sati

23、sfactionPsychological contracts are individual beliefs regarding reciprocal obligations binding two parties (Rousseau 1995). Several authors have suggested that leadership behavior influences psychological contracts. Rou

24、sseau (1995) shows that employees personify explicit commitments made to them by their leaders as reflecting the whole organization, even if the leader was acting in his/her own interest. Employees can also derive belief

25、s of mutual obligations from direct interactions with the leader or from the leaders’ actions or treatment of others (Rousseau and McLean-Parks 1993). Liden et al. (2005) argued that leaders are the key agent of the orga

26、nization and may therefore be seen as responsible not only to establish but also to fulfill obligations. Goodwin, Wofford, and Whittington (2001) proposed that both transformational and transactional leaders establish ps


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