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1、英文 英文 2700 單詞, 單詞,1.4 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 4350 字文獻(xiàn)出處: 文獻(xiàn)出處:B?Lan M, Stoian N, B?Lan G S. Rural tourism and its implications in the development of Fundata village.[J]. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, 188(5)

2、:276-281.Rural tourism and its implication in the development of the Fundata VillageMariana Balan, Cristina BurgheleaAbstractThe role of tourism in the national economy of various countries is particularly important beca

3、use of the complexity of this phenomenon. The powerful economic and social transformations in the contemporary period created and developed tourism which in turn stimulated the development of other branches of the nation

4、al economy through the subject of its activity such as industry and agriculture, construction, transport, trade, etc. Thus, the development of tourism and his transformation into a huge phenomenon with far-reaching impli

5、cations of economic, social, cultural, etc. has resulted in the establishment and consolidation of tourist market rural tourism is one of the forms of tourism that incorporates aspects of sustainable development, environ

6、mental protection, development of entrepreneurship, both in direct activities and those related to the practice of this form of tourism traditions and customs, ancient and unspoiled, rural life, computer games, and archi

7、tecture, gives a specific identity of Fundata, the highest village in Romania. The identity of Fundata is complemented by natural landscape, lined the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului mountains. The paper presents aspects of r

8、ural tourism developments in the village of victory, as well as some methods and techniques to promote rural tourist offer in this locality.Keywords: rural tourism, Fundata village, sustainable development1. Historical b

9、ackground of Fundata villageAt about 40 km from Brasov, on national highway those links Brasov to Campulung-Muscel, there are other villages as well, like Branene watched by the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului mountains. Fund

10、ata is a beautiful mountain village that closes in the South-East the picturesque Rucar-Bran aisle, being placed at the highest altitude in the country (1360 m) (Figure 1).Climbing up towards to Fundata one can discover

11、the sight of one of the biggest and nices views on the highway that goes winding, high mountains and endless tree forests. During the year, through these places numerous passengers are passing. Some come to breathe the c

12、leanest mountain air (demonstrated by Weather Station Fundata), and others just to see the beautiful mountain landscapes or to know the Customs and traditions of unspoiled, authentic architecture and enjoy traditional d

13、ishes.Fig. 1 The tourist map of Branthis village folk holiday on a pasture in Fundata village namely Giuvala plateau. As an organization, the Feast was magnificent especially since the time was extraordinarily beautiful.

14、 The most important issue was that of the folk custom which represent the base of this event, because the term “nedeie“ is defines as a “pastoral party of popular rural festival origins, usually made on the occasion of a

15、 celebration or a dedication day“. From another point of view the term “nedeie“ is defined as a “a plan place on top of a mountain“.Connected with the manifestation called “The Fate of the Mountains“ from Fundata, we be

16、lieve that both meanings of the term “nedeie“ (the fate) is included in the content of the Festival, in the sense that it takes place on the feast of St Elijah which has as base a shepherd custom who is usually held on

17、 the Summit of Mount Sintilia (Sântilia) in the vicinity of Tipperary town and is located on the Transylvania County territory. There are documents from the second half of the 18th century that show that this nedeie

18、 is linked to the fair from Elijah held at Câmpulung, and that, in some years, when the time is sunny, this fair is organized in Poiana Stanicioii, on the mountain or plateau Sintilia Giuvala. At this traditional fa

19、ir are served products which are typical from that region: polenta ball, truckle cheese also served in pine bark, or nuts, smoked cheese, jintiUa, lamb mutton and other derivatives thereof. In today celebration in Fundat

20、a village the traditions are same, nothing is changed from what was done in the early years and this make this holiday to have a special importance and full of charm in that: the pride of being “fundaUean”, customs and t

21、raditional crafts, folk costumes (Figure 3), music and good will, shepherds and merchants, the affairs and beautiful love stories. Every year this event has been developed and has been enriched by the presence of the

22、participants.At every the end of June, Fundata is hosting the event called “The sons of the village“, a valuable resource for the challenges faced by the villagers. The idea in which the village children are able to solv

23、e specific problems of the community and to generate positive social change was founded by Prof. Dr. Elenor Ciurea from the “Bran sons and Friends Association-Branch of Fundata“. The main purpose of this Association is t

24、o contribute to the preservation of local cultural heritage and to the cultural and artistic value and historical village, old traditions actually achievable through musicological arrangements, through the creation of br

25、ochures, leaflets and websites on the internet, publishing articles and books.Fig.3. Introducing the popular costumeThe sons of the village feast are a special day, enlightened by faith and tradition. Thus all Fundata ci


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