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1、 學 位 論 文 獨 創(chuàng) 性 說 明 本人鄭重聲明: 所呈交的學位論文是我個人在導師指導下進行的研究工作及其取得研究成果。盡我所知,除了文中加以標注和致謝的地方外,論文中不包含其他人或集體已經(jīng)公開發(fā)表或撰寫過的研究成果, 也不包含為獲得西安科技大學或其他教育機構(gòu)的學位或證書所使用過的材料。 與我一同工作的同志對本研究所做的任何貢獻均已在論文中做了明確的說明并表示了謝意。 學位論文作者簽名: 日期: 學 位 論 文 知

2、識 產(chǎn) 權(quán) 聲 明 書 本人完全了解學校有關(guān)保護知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的規(guī)定,即:研究生在校攻讀學位期間論文工作的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)單位屬于西安科技大學。 學校有權(quán)保留并向國家有關(guān)部門或機構(gòu)送交論文的復印件和電子版。本人允許論文被查閱和借閱。學??梢詫⒈緦W位論文的全部或部分內(nèi)容編入有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫進行檢索,可以采用陰影、縮印或掃描等復制手段保存和匯編本學位論文。同時本人保證,畢業(yè)后結(jié)合學位論文研究課 題再撰寫的文章一律注明作者單位為西安科技大學。 保密論文待解密后適

3、用本聲明。 學位論文作者簽名: 指導教師簽名: 年 月 日 Subject :Constructing Management System of Teaching Quality in Northwest University of Politics & Law Specialty : Industrial Engineering Name : Shi Hao Su

4、 (Signature) Instructor : Li Tie Zhi (Signature) ABSTRACT The quality of teaching is the lifeline of the colleges and universities. So it determines the quality of talents

5、cultivation and the future and destiny of colleges and universities. How to carry out quality management and improve the quality of teaching has become an unavoidable problem in the survival and development of many colle

6、ges and universities. ISO9000 standard is the crystallization of joint efforts and wisdom from many of the world’s business and management experts as well as the quality management experts. Therefore, with the introducti

7、on of ISO9000 standard, the important basis and effective way of improving the management of teaching quality is to establish a set of quality management system conforming to the basic rules of forming the teaching quali

8、ty of higher education. This thesis, based on the research of education, quality management and other disciplines, with the help of the literature review, case study, interview, and fuzzy hierarchical analysis, elaborat

9、es the management system of teaching quality. With the aim to improve the teaching quality and foster law talents with innovative and practical ability to adapt to the establishment of socialist legal system in the 21st

10、Century, a preliminary study on the construction of the management system of teaching quality in Northwest University of Politics & Law is carried out. According to the principles evaluating the effectiveness of the

11、quality management system, the establishment of evaluation index system of teaching quality is proposed. And an evaluation on the teacher’s teaching quality in Northwest University of Politics & Law is made by using


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