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1、3200 英文單詞, 英文單詞,1.7 萬英文字符 萬英文字符,中文 中文 4900 字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Melovi? B, Mitrovi?b S, Djokaja A, et al. Logistics in the Function of Customer Service–Relevance for the Engineering Management[J]. Procedia engineering, 2015, 117:

2、 802-807.Logistics in the Function of Customer Service – Relevance for the Engineering ManagementBoban Melovic, Slavica Mitrovic, Arton Djokaj, Nikolai VatinAbstractIn the modern business environment, which is characteri

3、zed by the market globalization, rapid development and usage of new technologies, logistics activities have specific implications on business processes. Authors start from the hypothesis that the logistics management and

4、 customer service management can create a basis for continuous sustained growth of operating incomes, and at the same time it provides their own positive corporate image in the market. The management of logistics activit

5、ies in the function of satisfying the consumer has become one of the most attractive areas of the strategic management in the last ten years, therefore, managers seek for strong competitive weapon in the development of o

6、wn logistic system in order to differentiate their offers in comparison to others.Keywords: logistics, management, customer, customer service, engineering.1. IntroductionIn modern business conditions, managers must pay g

7、reat attention to logistics activities that are best manifested through adequate customer service, which attracts new customers and retains old ones, therefore, it directly affects the competitive advantage of the compan

8、y in the market. Customer service is one of the key aspects of the offer to the customer of services, which essentially enables the company to differentiate its offers from competition. The main objective of the logistic

9、s management is to deliver the right product or service at the right time in the right place and in the desired amount, whereby it must always be taken into account and be careful so that the costs of organizing and cond

10、ucting a high-quality customer service do not threat the profitability of the business. On the other hand, the main task of the logistics management is to fulfil the function of an adequate customer service, primarily by

11、 defining goals and policies of the customer service and the implementation of the selected strategy.In the last decade of the last century, logistics management has become one of the most attractive areas of strategic m

12、anagement the world. Top managers of large and medium-sized companies seek for a new and a very competitive tool in the logistics domain for differentiating their offers from other major competitors in the market [1]. Th

13、ere is no substantial differences in the decisiveness of top managers of companies that the customer service is the “golden wire“ that represents the connecting link between marketing and logistics, both on domestic and

14、international market.In the literature, there are opinions according to which it is difficult to determine precisely which activities belong to the customer service [2]. In that connection Fawcett, McLeish and Ogden pres

15、ent the customer service through several definitions that illustrate very well the breadth of the extent of this term, without opting for any of these particular visions [3]:· Customer service is the quality of perf

16、ormances of the distribution system,· Delivery service represents different dimensions of the implementation of the process of ordering along with the sales promotion,level, these authors categorize all segments of

17、the customer service in four large groups [8]:· Basic aspects of the customer service - these are those services that are nowadays very common, such as parking for customers, possibility for customers to take their

18、basket from the store to the car, toilet, restaurant etc. These are services that do not indicate any additional value to the customer, but also costs that are related to their production are not big and are calculated i

19、n advance in the construction and equipping of commercial shopping centers.· Inevitable customer service activities - represent tasks of receiving, sorting and handling goods in the store.These tasks require a lot o

20、f work, and at the same time they cause additional costs for the company, while the value of these activities in the eyes of consumers minimizes. This means that company cannot avoid these group of working activities, bu

21、t it can modernize them (e.g. high bay warehouse), which will reduce the costs of servicing customers. Customers pay these service costs through the purchasing price of goods.· The supporting customer service - repr

22、esents works and activities in implementing services that require high costs, but in the eyes of customers the value of these works is highly ranked. This applies to the activities of sorting orders, free home delivery,

23、storage of products in special boxes until the customer returns, care for children while parents are buying, sending wedding and birthday cards to their customers, etc. Practically, these aspects of the customer service

24、have a direct impact on sales.· Additional service for customers - primarily, it means the computerization of systems in stores, which, nowadays is not a big expense, but it represents a significant value for custom

25、ers. This enables, for example, phone and computer orders, electronic payments and keeping various records that are in the domain of logistics or other information systems in the enterprise.All theorists of the trade-mar

26、keting orientation agree that the customer service is one of the most critical factors in attracting new and retaining old customers, and improving the competitive position of the company on the market as well [9]. Howev

27、er, they do not agree that the main field of activity of the customer service is in charge of the logistics activities of the company. The most important influence on the policy of the customer service have major logisti

28、cs functions: transport, inventory keeping, warehousing and the logistics information system.3. Logistics through the prism of marketing conception of the customer serviceDifferent views on the formal and essential aspec

29、t of analysing one and the same term requires a systematic presentation of relevant scientific standpoints. Marketing theorists consider the customer service as one of the key aspects of company's offer. For example,

30、 R. Brookes talks about the fifth “P“ in the marketing mix of the company referring to the customer service [10]. Precisely, this marketing analyst makes a terminological difference and points out that this strong market

31、ing weapon refers to the field of costumer/consumer servicing, which means the provision of additional services to consumers in the production or in the classical utility form.Based on what is stated, we can conclude tha

32、t effective servicing of customers is characteristic for those companies that, on one hand, use various aspects of pricing strategy in order to attract customers, and, on the other hand, they differentiate their offers

33、through the provision of services that bring added value to their customers in the purchase.One of the leading theorists of the modern time, Philip Kotler, puts customer service activities in the value chain concept and


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