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1、2100 單詞, 單詞,12700 英文字符, 英文字符,3600 漢字 漢字出處: 出處:Wu C H, Luksyte A, Parker S K. Overqualification and Subjective Well-Being at Work: The Moderating Role of Job Autonomy and Culture[J]. Social Indicators Research, 2015, 121

2、(3):917- 937.Overqualification and Subjective Well-Being at Work: The Moderating Role of Job Autonomy and CultureChia-Huei Wu ? Aleksandra Luksyte ? Sharon K. ParkerAbstract Overqualification is a form of underemploy

3、ment wherein people have more skills, experience, knowledge, and abilities than required for a job. Past research has shown that overqualification is negatively related to subjective well-being at work, such as lower j

4、ob satisfaction. To mitigate this negative impact, drawing on a job design perspective, the authors proposed that job autonomy can buffer overqualification’s negative effects. Based on the model of culture fit in mana

5、gerial practice, as well as regulatory fit theory, the authors further proposed that the buffering effects of job autonomy apply only to employees from individualistic (vs. collectivistic) cultures. Data from the 5th E

6、uropean Working Conditions Survey were analyzed. Results of a two-level multilevel modeling analysis showed a three way interaction between overqualification, job autonomy, and national culture in predicting subjectiv

7、e well-being at work. Job autonomy buffered the negative effects of overqualification on subjective well-being at work, but only in indi- vidualistic cultures.Keywords Overqualification · Job design · Nation

8、al culture ·Subjective well-being at work1 IntroductionOverqualification is a form of underemployment wherein people have more skills, expe- rience, knowledge, and abilities than required for a job (Erdogan et al.

9、2011b; Maynard et al. 2006). Overqualification is a pervasive organizational phenomenon, especially during times of economic downturn (Reingold 2009). For example, during the global 2008/09 financial crisis, one in fi

10、ve American workers and one in three Australian employees reported being overqualified (Luo 2010; Skills Australia 2009). Other countries experience comparable overqualification rates, ranging from 14 % in India to 31

11、% in Spain (O’Connell 2010). These figures are of particular concern given consistent evidence that overqualification is negatively related to subjective well-being at work (i.e., an employee’s evaluation of her/his w

12、ork lives) (Bakker and Oerlemans 2011), such as job satisfaction, emotion at work and organizational affective commitment (Bolino and Feldman 2000; Feldman et al. 2002; Fine and Nevo 2008; Johnson and Johnson 2000a; Jo

13、hnson et al. 2002).Despite the prevalence of overqualification in the global marketplace, current research is somewhat limited regarding factors that can mitigate its negative impact on subjective well-being at work. U

14、nderstanding boundary conditions in which overqualified people might experience higher subjective well-being at work is important because this knowl- edge may help organizations to more effectively manage these potenti

15、ally excellent workers (e.g., Erdogan et al. 2011b). In one of the few studies exploring potential mod- erators of overqualification-outcomes links, Erdogan and Bauer (2009) showed that psy- chological empowerment att

16、enuated the negative impact of overqualification on related autonomy to pursue personal values and goals by, for example, crafting greater meaning into their work. As such, job autonomy will help employees in individual

17、istic cultures to regulate the negative impact of overqualification on subjective well-being at work. In contrast, employees from collectivistic cultures tend to nurture and value their relationships with others more

18、than maximizing individual goals (e.g., Hofstede 1991; Kagitcibasi 1997; Lu and Gilmour 2007; Markus and Kitayama 1991). Because the regulatory function of job autonomy is less congruent with such values and goals, we

19、do not expect that job autonomy will mitigate the negative impact of overqualification on subjective well-being at work in collectivistic cultures. In sum, we propose a three-way interaction between overqualifi- catio

20、n, job autonomy, and national culture in shaping employees’ subjective well-being at work. To examine our hypothesis, data from the 5th European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) (Gallup Europe 2012) were analyzed. We e

21、xpect that job autonomy will mitigate negative impact of overqualification on subjective well-being at work for employees from nations with individualistic cultures, but not for employees from nations with collectivist

22、ic cultures.Our investigation contributes to literature in two ways. First, we suggest that over- qualification is exacerbated by poor job design; specifically, a lack of job autonomy. Overqualification has been concep

23、tualized as a multi-dimensional construct consisting of two facets: mismatch (i.e., having more qualifications than is required) and no-growth (i.e., a lack of opportunities to utilize one’s skills; (Johnson and Johnso

24、n 1996). Rather than focusing on the aspect of personnel selection to recruit employees whose background matches the job (Fine and Nevo 2011), we emphasize the role of job autonomy in allowing for growth, despite the

25、mismatched job. In particular, when overqualified employees have job autonomy, they can proactively craft their jobs and enhance the meaning of work, thereby resulting in more favorable subjective well-being at work. C

26、ompared to selecting new employees with job-matched backgrounds, a job design approach can help maximize the development of existing human capital in an organization, which is sometimes the only option open to organiz

27、ations.A second contribution of our study is that we offer insights into when job autonomy is most useful in shaping overqualified employees’ subjective well-being at work. As indi- cated by the job demands-control mode

28、l (Karasek 1979), job autonomy can help indi- viduals to deal with suboptimal work conditions, and thus positively influence one’s work experiences. However, as other scholars have argued (e.g., Parker and Sprigg 1999)

29、, this buffering role of autonomy does not apply to all individuals. In line with this perspetive, we suggest that the effect of job autonomy in mitigating the negative impact of over- qualification on subjective well

30、-being at work will only occurs for employees from indi- vidualistic cultures. As the business environment has become increasingly globalized (Gibson and McDaniel 2010), organizations need to learn how to effectively m

31、anage culturally diverse employees. Accordingly, it is important to unpack the possible differ- ential effect of job autonomy across cultures. In the remainder of the introduction, we review literature on the relation

32、ship between overqualification and subjective well-being at work, and then develop our research hypotheses.1.1 Overqualification and Subjective Well-Being at WorkThere are several reasons regarding why overqualification

33、 is related negatively to sub- jective well-being at work (Anderson and Winefield 2011; Erdogan et al. 2011a; Johnson and Johnson 1999, 2000a, b). A person-job fit perspective (Kristof-Brown et al. 2005) suggests that

34、 overqualified people have negative work experiences because of a lack of similarity between the individual and their environment (i.e., supplementary misfit, Maynard et al. 2006). This type of person-job misfit will r


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