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1、第6講 詞匯對等與空缺,Lecture 6 Lexical Equivalence and Lexical Gap,Examples (1) 君似征人,妾作蕩婦,即置而不御,亦何得謂非琴瑟哉?(《聊齋志異·羅剎海市》)1You are my Ulysses, I am your Penelope: though not actually leading a married life, how can it be sai

2、d that we are not husband and wife. 2You are like a wayfarer 3, and I am the wayfarer’s wife, but yet though the lute and harp are left unplayed, no one can say they do not harmonize.,(2) Money makes the mare go. b有錢能使

3、馬蹄忙有錢能使鬼推磨(3) look for a needle in a haystack b干草堆里尋針大海撈針(4) 總而言之,批分?jǐn)?shù)該雪中送炭,萬萬不能鏗吝。 bIn sum, when marking one should “send coal when it snows,” that is, provide that which is most needed, and never be stingy.,(5) (方

4、鴻漸)自信這一席話委婉得體,最后那一段尤其接得天衣無縫,曲盡文書科王主任所謂“順?biāo)浦邸敝睢ā秶恰罚?bHe was confident his little speech was tactful and proper, especially the last part, which had been sewn together as flawlessly as “a divine suit of clothes”; it w

5、ould achieve his objective in every way, what Chief-secretary Wang called as naturally and effortlessly as “pushing a boat downstream”.,(6) She was full of clemency (仁慈) … She had laid live coals and was prepared to heap

6、 them on the heads of her enemy. c她滿懷仁慈……她已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了熊熊燃燒的炭火,打算把它們堆在仇敵的頭上。CF. If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink; for thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head,

7、and the Lord shall reward thee. (Bible)她寬宏大量,已經(jīng)想好了對敵人以德報怨的點(diǎn)子,好讓他們心生悔意。,(7) I cannot recall his ever uttering a word that was purely matter-of-fact, and not deeply drawn from his innermost. d我記不得他曾說過一句純粹乏味的話,而不是從他心坎中發(fā)出來

8、的。照我所曉得的,他從沒有說過一句完全乏味的話;每一句話總是從心坎里掏出來的。,(8) When Mary came down dressed for the dance, her father remarked, “Fine feathers make fine birds.” e瑪麗打扮好了下樓來,準(zhǔn)備去參加舞會,父親一見就說:“佛要金裝,人要衣裝。”(9) We were just talking about Bill wh

9、en he came in the door – speak of the devil and he appears. e我們正談到比爾,他就進(jìn)了門——說曹操,曹操到。,(10) speak one’s mind 暢所欲言(11) turn up one’s nose at 嗤之以鼻(12) touch and go 一觸即發(fā),(13) 充耳不聞 turn a deaf ear to(14) 顛倒黑白 talk bla

10、ck into white,(15) Ill news travels fast. 好事不出門,壞事傳千里。(16)小巫見大巫。The moon is not seen when the sun shines.(17) Unless you’ve got an ace up your sleeve, we are dished. 除非你有錦囊妙計,否則,我們是輸定了。,(18) 為了掩人耳目,他們把自己打扮成革命者。In o

11、rder to throw dust into the eye of the public, they decked themselves out as revolutionaries.(19) 照當(dāng)時情況,他除了忍氣吞聲又能怎么辦呢?As things stood, what else could he do but swallow the insult?,(20) pull sb’s leg 愚弄;開玩笑 *拉后腿(21)

12、 move heaven and earth 想方設(shè)法;千方百計 *翻天覆地,感天動地(22) child’s play 簡單的東西,容易的事情 *兒戲(23) eat one’s words 承認(rèn)自己說錯了話 *食言(24) dog-eat-dog 殘酷爭奪;人吃人的關(guān)系 *狗咬狗,(25) I live two blocks from the school. 我住在離學(xué)校兩條街遠(yuǎn)的地方。/ 我的住處和學(xué)校之間

13、相隔兩條大街。(26) The place you’re looking for is three blocks along the street. 沿此街過三條馬路便到了你要找的地方。,,(27) She brought up the water, stopping at each landing to get her breath. 她提水上樓,在每一個樓梯拐彎處歇腳喘氣。,(28) My grandfather is his

14、 cousin, so he’s kith and kin (親戚朋友) to me somehow, if you can make that out, I can’t.我的祖父跟他是堂兄弟或表兄弟,因此他和我有親戚關(guān)系,也許你能夠把這個關(guān)系弄清楚,我可沒有辦法弄清這個關(guān)系。(29) Three cousins of the French President were also to receive diamonds.法國總統(tǒng)的

15、三位遠(yuǎn)親后來也接受了一些金剛石。(30) 她從貧苦的姑家,又轉(zhuǎn)到更貧苦的姨家。She had lived for a while with some impoverished paternal relatives, then had been bundled 5 off to some maternal relatives who were, if anything, even worse off.,(31) 我屬雞。我從來不吃雞。

16、雞年是我的本命年。I was born in the Year of the Rooster. I never eat chicken. The Year of Rooster will bring me good luck or bad luck. (Chinese people traditionally use 12 animals, representing the 12 Earthly Branches, to symbol

17、ize the year in which a person is born. 1993, for example, is the Year of Rooster. People born in this year have the rooster as their life symbol. All other years of the rooster, according to an old Chinese saying, becom

18、e either good or bad luck years for them.),(32)(趙辛楣)一肚皮的酒,幾乎全化成酸醋…… The wine in Xinmei’s stomach turned to sour vinegar in his jealousy.,(33) When the Good Samaritan and I informed the woman that an ambulance was on its

19、 way, she perked up (振作), saying that she did not want an ambulance but would like to go home. (New York Times),(34) “這斷子絕孫的阿Q!”遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)地聽到小尼姑的帶哭的聲音?!癆h Q, may you die sonless! (a curse intolerable to ear in Chinese)” sounded

20、 the little nun’s voice tearfully in the distance.,(35) 一見面是寒暄,寒暄之后說我“胖了”,說我“胖了”之后即大罵其新黨。(魯迅《祝福》) When we met, after exchanging a few polite remarks he said I was fatter, and after saying that immediately started a viol

21、ent attack in the revolutionaries. After exchanging a few polite remarks when we met, he observed that I looked “fat”, and having made that complimentary remark he started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.,(36) 毛

22、主席問陳妻:“你們倆感情好不好?”陳妻答:“好?!敝飨犃烁械椒浅8吲d。Then Chairman Mao talked with Chen’s wife. He was pleased to know that they had a happy home life.,(37) [東施效顰] ? Dongshi imitates Xishi. The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a di

23、storted way that the ugliness of the ugly becomes worse.(38) [狗嘴吐不出象牙] A filthy mouth can’t utter decent language.,(39) [班門弄斧] This is like showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter

24、.(40) [粽子] zongzi – made of glutinous rice (41) [觀音] Buddhism Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy (42) [鴛鴦] Mandarin duck and drake – lovebirds,(43) Traffic over there is always busy, holidays as well as weekdays. 那里的交通

25、,不論假日還是平時,一直都擁擠不堪。(44) I looked at the sunlight coming in at the open door through the porch, and there I saw a stray sheep – I don’t mean a sinner, but mutton – half making up his mind to come into the church.我注視著射入門廊

26、、從開著的門射進(jìn)來的陽光,在那里,我看見有一頭迷路的羊——我所指的不是罪人(西方宗教里迷路的羊即指罪人或迷途之人),是羊肉的羊——頗有點(diǎn)進(jìn)入教堂的意思。,(45) He had been faithful to the 14-year-old vicar’s daughter whom he had worshipped on his knees but had never led to the altar. 他一直傾心于牧師家14歲

27、的女兒,并曾拜倒在她的面前,但終未能和她一起步入婚姻殿堂。,(46) 江澤民通過麥克風(fēng)一遍又一遍地高呼口號。他喊道:“同志們好,”“同志們辛苦了”。軍人們則報之以“首長好”,“為人民服務(wù)”的回答。(Comment on the translation below.)Jiang repeatedly shouted slogans over a microphone.“Hello Comrades” and “Comrades hav

28、e worked hard”, he called out to replies of “Hello leader” and “It was to serve the people” from the troops.Jiang repeatedly shouted his greetings over a microphone.“Good morning, men!” “Thank you for your work!” He ca

29、lled out, to replies of “Good morning, Sir” and “Our greatest pleasure” from the troops.,(47)dog tiredTo dog one’s stepTop dogLucky dogAs faithful as a dogLove me, love my dog.Every dog has his day.A surly dogTh

30、at/this dirty dogHe is in the doghouseHe was a bit of a dog in his younger days.,非常疲倦跟某人走重要的人幸運(yùn)兒像狗一樣忠誠愛屋及烏凡人皆有得意的日子性情乖張的人那個狗東西他名聲掃地了他年輕時過著花天酒地的生活,(48)狗腿子狗雜種狗娘養(yǎng)的;狗崽子狗膽包天狗急跳墻狗仗人勢狗眼看人低,Lackey Bastard

31、Son of a bitchMonstrous audacityA cornered beast will do something desperatelike a dog threatening people on the strength of its master’s power -- be a bully under the protection of a powerful personact like a snob,


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