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1、Ⅰ.詞匯認知1. v.淹死,使溺死 2. v.持續(xù)3. adv.最后,最終4. v.使受傷,Module 6 War and Peace,drown,last,eventually,wound,5. v.責難,譴責6. n.行動→ v.行動,手術7

2、. n.幸存者→ v.幸存,幸免于→ n.幸存,繼續(xù)生存8. n.國籍→ adj.國家的→ n.國家9. adj.難忘的,值得回憶的→ n.紀念碑(館)→ v.記憶,背誦→

3、 n.記憶(力),回憶10. _ v.鼓舞,鼓勵→ n.鼓勵→ adj.令人鼓舞的,振奮人心的→ n.勇氣11. 停下來讓某人搭車,救起12. 想;考慮;思考,condem

4、n,operation,operate,survivor,survive,survival,nationality,national,nation,memorable,memorial,memorize,memory,encourage,encouragement,encouraging,courage,pick up,think about,13. 進展;取得重大突破

5、14. 向……宣戰(zhàn)15. 令某人吃驚的是Ⅱ.語境助記The news that the plane had crashed made us the high mountains and thick forests,the

6、 rushed to the scene for the saved many people's lives,which made them feel all the efforts were .The they showed in the rescue

7、 us all and left a impression on us.,make a breakthrough,declare war on,to one's astonishment,shocked.Despite,rescuers,rescue.They eventually,,worthwhile,courage,encouraged,lasting,,1. abandon vt.拋棄;舍棄;離棄;

8、放棄;停止做(某事) ①People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal.人們找出各種各樣遺棄動物的理由。②The old couple have brought up three abandoned children.這對老夫婦已經撫養(yǎng)了三個被遺棄的孩子了。③Those who abandon_themselves to despair can not

9、 succeed.那些自暴自棄的人無法成功。,2.occupy v.占領;占據(jù),①You can imagine how fully occupied I became,raising four boys under the age of 8.你可想象我養(yǎng)著4個8歲以下的孩子該多忙啊。②Soccer occupies most of my leisure time.足球占去了我大部分的空閑時間。③She occupied he

10、rself in cooking.=She was_occupied in cooking.她正忙著做飯。,3. rescue v.救援;拯救;解救 n.救援,營救①He was rescued from drowning.他溺水被人救起。②Hundreds of the miners are still in water, waiting to be_rescued.數(shù)以百計的礦工仍在水中等待著救援。,4.wort

11、hwhile adj.值得做的,有價值的,有用的①(2011年高考山東卷)He considers his efforts worthwhile.他認為他的付出是值得的。②It_is_worthwhile_discussing the question.=It is worthwhile to discuss the question.這個問題值得討論。,5.despite prep.盡管,不顧 ①Kell

12、y loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.雖然她丈夫酗酒,凱莉仍然愛著他。②This is a choice you must make for yourself,regardless of what anyone else thinks.無論其他人怎樣想,這是一個你必須自己做的選擇。③Despite what others say,I thi

13、nk he's a very nice chap.不管別人怎么說,我認為他這個人很好。,6.think about想;考慮;思考,①They did think about buying a flat in London.他們確實考慮過要在倫敦買一套房子。②She lay awake thinking about the money.她躺在那里,心里想著那筆錢。③The new restaurant isn't

14、 much_thought_of.人們對這家新開的飯店的評價不高。,7. make a breakthrough進展;取得重大突破,①Great breakthrough has been made by researchers in this area.在這一領域,研究者們已經取得了重大突破。②A fire broke out in his house last night.昨晚他家著火了。③Scientists say t

15、hey are beginning to break_through in the fight against cancer.科學家們說,他們在防治癌癥方面開始有所突破。,8.to one's astonishment令某人驚訝的是,①It's astonishing how beautiful things sound when you can really listen.令人驚奇的是,當你用心聽的時候,一些東西聽

16、起來是多么的優(yōu)美。②To my astonishment, the keys were in the door.讓我吃驚的是,鑰匙就在門上。③To my_great_surprise/Much to my surprise/Much to the surprise of me, he didn't know he had lost his wallet.令我非常驚訝的是,他連自己丟了錢夾都不知道。當表示“使某人感到非

17、常……的是”時用to one's great +n./much to one's+ n./much to the+ n.+ of...表示。,1.The discovery is believed to be helpful to make a great ________ in the treatment of the disease.A.effort          B.regulationC.breakthr

18、ough D.impression解析:make a breakthrough意為“取得重大突破/進展”,符合句意。effort努力;regulation法規(guī),條例;impression印象。句意:據(jù)說這一發(fā)現(xiàn)有助于在該疾病的治療上取得重大突破。答案:C,2.He felt familiar with the name but he couldn't ________the p

19、erson.A.think of B.think aboutC.think over D.think out解析:句意:對這個名字他感到很熟悉,但是想不起來這個人了。think of“想起,想到”,符合句意。think about考慮;think over仔細考慮;think out設計出。 答案:A

20、,3.The boy ________ by his parents got help from the government and kind­hearted people.A.abandoned B.abandoningC.being abandoned D.to be abandoned解析:此處abandon與所修飾

21、名詞boy之間構成邏輯上的動賓關系,因此用過去分詞作定語。句意:這個被父母拋棄的男孩得到了政府和好心人的幫助。答案:A,4.An enormous wave covered our boat and Bill fell into the sea.Fortunately,he was ________by a boat passing by.A.taken up B.pick

22、ed upC.made up D.turned up解析:考查動詞短語辨析。句意:一個巨浪劈頭蓋臉地向我們的小船撲來,比爾落水了。幸運的是,他被一艘經過的船救起了。pick up意為“停下來讓某人搭車(船等),救起”,符合句意。take up占據(jù),從事;make up組成;turn up出現(xiàn)。 答案:B,5.When I arrived I saw the place w

23、as already ________ by two strangers in uniform.A.occupied B.conqueredC.possessed D.owned解析:occupy占據(jù);conquer征服;possess擁有;own所有。根據(jù)句意應選A項,表示“地方被占據(jù)了”。答案:A,6._______

24、_ all the shortcomings you mentioned,he is a man to be depended on.A.In spite B.AlthoughC.Though D.Despite解析:句意:盡管他有你提到的所有缺點,但是他是一個可以依靠的人。A項后

25、要加of;B、C兩項是連詞,后要接句子;D項為介詞,符合句意和句子結構。 答案:D,7.After many years' attempts,China ________ managed to send the man to have a space walk.A.awfully B.eventuallyC.lately

26、 D.actually解析:eventually“最后”,符合題意。awfully可怕地,非常地;lately最近,近來;actually事實上。答案:B,8.They celebrate September 16,the day when Mexico ________ independence from Spain.A.said

27、 B.publishedC.declared D.requested解析:declare independence“宣布獨立”。declare“公開正式宣布某件大事或官方的態(tài)度、立場等”;say“說(強調說話的內容)”;publish主要指“通過報刊雜志等印刷媒體發(fā)表消息或看法”;request“要求”。 答案:C,9.Because America

28、n parents believe that knowledge leads to a meaningful life,they try to give youngsters many opportunities to develop skills and ________ interests.A.worth B.worthyC.valuable

29、 D.worthwhile解析:句意:因為美國的父母們認為知識使生活更有意義,所以他們盡力為孩子們提供許多機會以發(fā)展他們的技能和值得花費精力的愛好。worthwhile值得花時間/精力的;worth后接動名詞或名詞;worthy有價值的,常作表語;valuable值錢的,貴重的。答案:D,10.________,there were so many differ

30、ences about the word between the teacher said and the dictionary.A.To my astonishment B.In my surpriseC.For my joy D.At my fright解析:句意:令我驚訝的是,關于這個單詞,老師講的和詞典上說的竟然有如此多的差別。to

31、 one's astonishment意為“令某人吃驚的是”,故A項符合句意。B、C、D三項的結構都不存在。 答案:A,11.Three students from Changjiang College ________ while saving the ________ boys.A.got drown;drowningB.got drowned;drowningC.were drowned;drownedD.wer

32、e drowning;drowning解析:考查非謂語動詞用法。drowned“淹死的”,drowning“快淹死的”;get+過去分詞,此處表示“遭遇”。答案為B。答案:B,12.I didn't know anybody at the party, but the hostess came to my ________by introducing me to other people.A.help

33、 B.saveC.rescue D.life解析:come to one's rescue意為“去營救某人”。注意此處為打破某種尷尬的局面。 答案:C,1. If they had reached the beach, they would probably have been kil

34、led.要是他們抵達了海灘就可能沒命了。[知識提煉] 虛擬語氣,表示對過去的虛擬。條件句中用had+過去分詞,主句中用would have +過去分詞。[句式仿寫] 如果昨天天氣好的話,我們就去野餐了。If_the_weather_had_been_nice_yesterday,_we_would_have_gone_for_the_picnic.,2. Why do you think so many soldiers were

35、 never found?你認為為什么這么多的戰(zhàn)士失蹤了?[知識提煉] 句中do you think是插入語,放在特殊疑問詞的后面,后用陳述語氣。[句式仿寫] 你認為他從哪里來?Where_do_you_think_he_comes_from?3. We weren't supposed to do that.我們不應該做那事。[知識提煉] be supposed to意為“被期望做……;應該……;被相信是……;被

36、認為是……”。[句式仿寫] 顧客不應該在這兒抽煙。Customers_are_not_supposed_to_smoke_here.,4.Although surprised,the poachers had an advantage-there were more of them.盡管很吃驚,偷獵者仍占優(yōu)勢——他們人多(不害怕)。[知識提煉] Although surprised=Although they were surpr

37、ised是讓步狀語從句的省略。[句式仿寫] 這座房子盡管是十年前建起來的,看起來卻非常新。Although_(it_was)_built_ten_years_ago,the_house_still_looks_new.,1. The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.軍事

38、行動特別危險,許多士兵甚至還沒來得及下船就被殺死了。(1)before在此句中引導時間狀語從句,表示“還沒有來得及……就……”。①-Why didn't you tell him about the meeting?——你為什么不把會議的事情告訴他?-He rushed out of the room before I could say a word.——我還沒來得及說一句話他就沖出了房間。 (2)在“It+be+

39、時間段+before從句”中,意為“……之后才……”。②It was some time before I realized the truth.過了很長一段時間我才悟出真相。,(3)在“It+be+否定形式+long+before從句”中,意為“……不久就……”。③It won't be long before they understand each other.他們不久就會互相了解。(4)在特定的情景中,意為“趁

40、著……”。④I must write it down before I forget it.趁著還沒忘,我把它記下來。It be+一段時間+since引導狀語從句表示“自從……(到現(xiàn)在)有多長時間了”。As far as I know,it is five years since he joined the army.據(jù)我所知,他參軍五年了。,2. The survivors lay on the beach, exhaus

41、ted and shocked.死里逃生的戰(zhàn)士們躺在海灘上,疲憊不堪,心有余悸。exhausted and shocked是形容詞(短語)在句中作狀語,表示死里逃生的戰(zhàn)士躺在沙灘上時的狀態(tài)。形容詞(短語)作狀語的語法功能:(1)表示原因,相當于一個原因狀語從句(2)表示時間,相當于一個時間狀語從句(3)表示讓步,相當于一個讓步狀語從句(4)表示伴隨、方式,相當于一個并列句①He lay in bed,wide awake

42、.他躺在床上醒著。,②She was back, eager to see her friends.她回來了,迫不及待地想見她的朋友們。③He stared at the footprint,full of fear.他盯著腳印,(心里)充滿了恐懼。形容詞作狀語表示主語所處的狀態(tài),而副詞作狀語時修飾謂語動詞。如:The old man looked at his son happily.那個老人高興地看著他的兒子。,1.

43、 How long do you think________the computer company brings out a new product?A.it will be before B.will it be untilC.will it be when D.it will be that解析:考查“疑問詞+插入語+陳述句”和“it wil

44、l be+一段時間+before...”句式。句中do you think為插入語,由于插入語已經采用了一般疑問句的語序,故它后面的部分用陳述語序;it will be+一段時間+before...意為“要過多久才能……”。 答案:A,2.After sitting in the train for more than twenty hours,I returned home,________.A.exhausting but ha

45、ppily B.exhausted but happyC.exhausted but happily D.exhausting but happy解析:考查形容詞作狀語。exhausted“感到疲憊的”,exhausting“令人疲憊不堪的”。exhausted和happy為形容詞作狀語。答案:B,3.You're late again!You are________to

46、 have been here 10 minutes ago.A.demanded B.promisedC.supposed D.agreed解析:句意:你又遲到了,你本該在10分鐘前就到這里。be supposed to do“(按規(guī)定、習慣、安排等)應當,應該”,符合句意。demand“要求”,其

47、后不直接跟表示人的詞語作賓語,而須用 of短語,構成 demand of sb./sth.to do結構。promise“答應”,agree“同意”,兩者從詞義及語態(tài)上均不符合題意。 答案:C,4.If you ________ to the coach carefully yesterday,you ________ how to do the exercise now.A.listened;would know B.

48、had listened;would knowC.listened;know D.had listened;know解析:考查錯綜時間虛擬語氣。根據(jù)時間狀語yesterday和now可知從句表示與過去事實相反的假設,用had+過去分詞;主句表示與現(xiàn)在事實相反的假設,用would/should+動詞原形。答案:B,5.Someone called me up in the middle of the


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