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1、Merry Chirtsmas,,,,,,內(nèi)容:,1.圣誕節(jié)的由來2.美麗的傳說3.圣誕物品4.圣誕節(jié)時(shí)宗教的慶祝5.各地圣誕氣息6.圣誕老人7.圣誕大餐8.圣誕歌曲9.圣誕祝福語10.游戲環(huán)節(jié),圣誕節(jié)的由來The origin of Christmas,圣誕節(jié),這個(gè)名稱是“基督彌撒”的縮寫。彌撒是教會(huì)的一種禮拜儀式。圣誕節(jié)是一個(gè)宗教節(jié)。因?yàn)榘阉?dāng)作耶穌的誕辰來慶祝,因而又名耶誕節(jié)。這一天,世界所有的基督教會(huì)都舉行特

2、別的禮拜儀式。每年12月25日,是基督徒慶祝耶穌基督誕生的慶祝日,在圣誕節(jié),大部分的天主教教堂都會(huì)先在12月24日的平安夜,即12月25日凌晨舉行子夜彌撒,而一些基督教會(huì)則會(huì)舉行報(bào)佳音,然后在12月25日慶祝圣誕節(jié);而基督教的另一大分支——東正教的圣誕節(jié)慶祝則在每年的1月7日。 第一個(gè)圣誕節(jié)是在公元138年,由羅馬主教圣克里門倡議舉行。但教會(huì)史載第一個(gè)圣誕節(jié)在公元336年。 十九世紀(jì),圣誕卡的流行、圣誕老人的出現(xiàn)

3、,圣誕節(jié)也開始流行起來了。,圣誕老人原名叫尼古拉,是個(gè)善良的有錢人.父母親是熱心的天主教友,不幸他的父母早逝。尼古拉長大以后,便把豐富的財(cái)產(chǎn),全部捐送給貧苦可憐的人,自己則出家修道,獻(xiàn)身教會(huì),終生為社會(huì)服務(wù)。尼古拉后來作了神父,而且還升為主教。他一生當(dāng)中,做了很多慈善的工作,他最喜歡在暗中幫助窮人,圣誕老人是他后來的別號,這個(gè)名字是出自他暗中送錢,幫助三個(gè)女孩子的故事。 據(jù)說在尼古拉不遠(yuǎn)的地方,住著三個(gè)美麗的少女,父親是一


5、。孩子們聽了,非常的羨慕,也希望圣誕老人,送給他們一襪子禮物。,美麗的傳說,The beautiful legend,Christmas Card,圣誕卡,圣誕卡在美國和歐洲很流行,寄贈(zèng)圣誕卡除表示慶賀圣誕的喜樂外,就是給親友祝福,以表懷念之情,是維持遠(yuǎn)方親朋好友關(guān)系的方式之一。尤其對在孤寂中的親友,更是親切的關(guān)懷和安慰。,Christmas card is very popular in USA and Europe. Purpose

6、 of sending christmas card is to wish Merry Christmas and give good wish to the relative and friends in the distance. It's also one of the ways which maintain the good relationship . especially it's better care a

7、nd missing for the relative and good friends alone.,圣誕襪,最早以前是一對紅色的大襪子,大小不拘。因?yàn)槭フQ襪是要用來裝禮物的,所以是小朋友最喜歡的東西,晚上他們會(huì)將自己的襪子掛在床邊,等待第二天早上收禮。,Christmas stockings,The first is before the big one pair of red socks, the size of the prem

8、ise. Because Christmas is used socks loaded gifts, so is the children‘s favorite things ,at night they will link their socks in the bed, waiting for the next morning gifts received.,圣誕帽,那是一頂紅色帽子,據(jù)說晚上戴上睡覺除了睡得安穩(wěn)和有點(diǎn)暖外,第二天你還

9、會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)在帽子里多了點(diǎn)心愛的人送的禮物。在狂歡夜它更是全場的主角,無論你去到哪個(gè)角落,都會(huì)看到各式各樣的圣誕帽。,Christmas hat,That is a red hat, allegedly evening wear sleeping in addition to sleep a little warm outside, the next day and you will also find that hat much more

10、too beloved gift. It rave nights in the leading role, wherever you go to which corner can see all kinds of Christmas hats,圣誕樹,用燈燭和裝飾品把樅樹或洋松裝點(diǎn)起來的常青樹,作為圣誕節(jié)慶祝活動(dòng)的一部分。近代圣誕樹起源于德國。近代改用各式小甜餅代替圣餅,還常加上象征基督的蠟燭。此外,室內(nèi)還設(shè)有圣誕塔,是一木質(zhì)的三角形結(jié)

11、構(gòu),上有許多小架格放置基督雕像,塔身飾以常青樹枝葉、蠟燭和一顆星。,Christmas Trees,With the candle and adornment to decorate the fir or loosen up the evergreens, as part of the Christmas celebration. Modern Christmas tree originated in Germany. Modern s

12、witch to various cookies instead of holy bread, but also often add symbolic Christ candles. In addition, indoor also sets up the Christmas tower, is a wooden triangle structure, there are many small frame lattice placed

13、the statue of Christ, minus evergreen tree decorated with branches, candles and a star.,Back,宗教慶祝是以將臨期/降臨節(jié)開始的,將臨期是對大約在11月尾基督降生預(yù)期的慶祝,將臨期教會(huì)會(huì)有特別的活動(dòng)或儀式.一般包括降臨節(jié)頌歌,這段時(shí)間內(nèi)使用將臨期歷慶祝,期間還會(huì)向兒童發(fā)送糖果和巧克力.在圣誕節(jié)前,教會(huì)會(huì)在教堂安排用許多圣誕活動(dòng),唱詩班也會(huì)在教堂里演

14、唱圣誕歌曲. 在平安夜和圣誕節(jié),特別活動(dòng)包括子夜彌撒。,The religious celebrations on will advent/advent, will begin advent is about in 11 month nativity celebration, expected to advent church will have specific activity or ceremony. Generally incl

15、ude advent carols, inside this paragraph of time use will advent calendar celebration, still can send to children during the candy and chocolate. Before Christmas, church in church arrangement with many Christmas activit

16、ies, also can be in the church choir sing Christmas carols. On Christmas Eve and Christmas, special activities include midnight mass.,Back,圣誕節(jié)時(shí)宗教的慶祝,不同地區(qū)是如何慶祝圣誕節(jié)的Celebrate Christmas day in different regions,瑞典,公司會(huì)在圣誕節(jié)前一

17、星期邀請員工參加一個(gè)圣誕午餐。圣誕節(jié)在瑞典任何一個(gè)地方都是享受美食時(shí)節(jié),圣誕節(jié)盛宴上的重點(diǎn)還是以烘烤火腿為主,但是哪一天享用它在不同的地方卻也不同。不過在瑞典有一個(gè)約定俗成的慣例,那就是圣誕前夜這一天也就是12月24日下午3點(diǎn)準(zhǔn)時(shí)收看迪士尼的特別節(jié)目。 。,Sweden, traditionally company will invite a week before Christmas employees to participate

18、 in a Christmas lunch. Christmas in Sweden anywhere is to enjoy cate season, Christmas feast on the focal point is to bake ham is given priority to, but which one day to enjoy it in different places but also different.,瑞

19、典,挪威的圣誕大餐會(huì)在12月24日舉行,挪威各個(gè)地區(qū)都有自己特定的食物做為圣誕晚餐,然后"Julenissen"(jule是圣誕的意思,nissen是挪威傳說中的精靈)會(huì)帶禮物給表現(xiàn)好的小朋友。,Norway's grand Christmas dinner was held on December 24, Norway each region has its own particular food as C

20、hristmas dinner and then "Julenissen" will bring gifts to good children.,挪威,希臘的圣誕船裝飾意大利人的圣誕節(jié),柔合了現(xiàn)代傳統(tǒng)及羅馬祖先遺留下、慶祝Natale(譯者注:圣誕節(jié)的意大利文)的習(xí)俗。,Greek Christmas ship adornment Italian Christmas soft combined a modern tr

21、adition and Roman legacy, celebrating Natale (barton: Christmas Italian) custom.,希臘,英國人在圣誕節(jié)是最注重吃的,食品中包括燒豬、火雞、圣誕布丁、圣誕碎肉餅等。每一個(gè)家人都有禮物,仆人也有份,所有的禮物是在圣誕節(jié)的早晨派送。有的專唱圣誕歌的人沿門逐戶唱歌報(bào)佳音,他們會(huì)被主人請進(jìn)屋內(nèi),用茶點(diǎn)招待,或者贈(zèng)小禮物。,英國,美國和加拿大,圣誕老人的習(xí)俗基本上是相同

22、的。北美防空聯(lián)合司令部在每年都會(huì)跟蹤圣誕老人在全球的行程,這引起了眾多媒體的關(guān)注和報(bào)道。,The United States and Canada, Santa's custom is basically the same as. The north American aerospace defense command in every year to track Santa in global trip, this cause

23、d many media coverage.,美國,香港的平安夜,年輕人喜歡帶著情侶到尖沙咀欣賞圣誕燈飾,開圣誕派對,或到蘭桂坊等地狂歡,基督教及天主教徒則會(huì)參加報(bào)佳音等宗教聚會(huì)。商店和娛樂場所仍會(huì)照常營業(yè),不少人會(huì)陪同愛侶出外消遣,亦有不少人會(huì)出國旅行。對年輕一輩來說,圣誕節(jié)的焦點(diǎn)完全集中在與愛侶一起慶祝,變相成為另一個(gè)情人節(jié)。,Hong Kong, Christmas Eve, young people like with love

24、rs to Tsim Sha Tsui enjoy Christmas lights, open Christmas party, or to languifang, etc, Christian and Catholic carnival will attend caroling religious gatherings. Shops, restaurants and entertainment sites will still bu

25、siness as usual, many people will be accompanied lovers outside recreation, also have many people will be to travel abroad. To the young generation speaking, Christmas focus completely lumped in with lovers celebrate, di

26、sguised become another valentine's day,香港,圣誕節(jié)依然是在12月25日慶祝,雖然正值他們夏季的酷暑時(shí)節(jié),與圣誕節(jié)通常的冬季冰天雪地形象完全相反,結(jié)果出現(xiàn)圣誕老人穿著紅色毛皮大衣,卻乘著沖浪板到海灘去吃露天火雞燒烤的趣怪景像。,Australia and New Zealand, Christmas is celebrated on December 25, although the tim

27、e when their summer swelter season, and Christmas usually winter snow image completely opposite, resulting in a Santa Claus, dressed in a red cloak fur, but aspire to the beach to take a surfboard open-air Turkey barbecu

28、e watering blame a scene.,Back,澳大利亞和新西蘭,圣誕老人,Santa Claus,扮成圣童把堅(jiān)果和蘋果放在孩子們鞋里。他乘雙輪馬車四處漫游,觀察人們的行為,尤其是小孩,如果小孩表現(xiàn)好,將會(huì)得到蘋果、堅(jiān)果、糖等諸多獎(jiǎng)品。,Dressed up as Santa Claus holy boy put nuts and apples in children shoe. He take chariot aroun

29、d roaming, observing the behavior of people, especially children, if performance good, will get apples, nuts, sugar and so on many prizes.,Back,圣誕老人,圣誕大餐Christmas dinner,在傳統(tǒng)的圣誕餐桌上,烤火雞是不可缺少的菜式。圣誕大餐吃火雞的習(xí)俗始于1620年。這種風(fēng)俗盛于美國。

30、英國人的圣誕晚宴圣誕大餐是烤鵝,而非火雞。,In the traditional Christmas dinner table, roast Turkey is indispensable dishes. Christmas dinner eating Turkey customs began in 1620. This custom filled in the United States. The British Christmas

31、dinner Christmas dinner is kaoe, not Turkey.,Back,令人垂涎欲滴的圣誕大餐,,Back,《平安夜》(Silent Night),《鈴兒響叮當(dāng)》(Jingle Bells),《圣誕鐘聲》(I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day),圣誕歌曲,The song of Christmas,圣誕節(jié)祝福語(Christmas Blessing Words),1.

32、想你,特別是在圣誕夜,我總托付圣誕老人捎去我的祝愿,不管明天會(huì)發(fā)生什么改變,我會(huì)為你默默祈禱到永遠(yuǎn)…… 1. Miss you, especially on Christmas Eve, I always trust Santa take my wishes, no matter what will happen tomorrow, I'll change for you pray silently forever...,2.

33、如果圣誕老人給我一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì),我會(huì)對你說:圣誕快樂!一定要在快樂上加上一個(gè)期限,我希望是:一萬年! 2 if Santa give me a chance, I will say to you: merry Christmas! Must be in happy with a deadline, I hope is: 10,000 years!,游戲環(huán)節(jié),,cat,rabbit,butterfly,dog,rooster,elephant



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