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1、Unit 3 A Healthy LifeUsing language,HIV/AIDS: Are you at risk?,Slogan: “Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise”.,World AIDS Day, 1 December 2007. World AIDS Day is 20.,AIDS in China,An AIDS patient receives free medical

2、treatments in Wenlou Village, Central China’s Henan Province.,AIDS in Asia,AIDS in Africa,AIDS in Europe,1. What is HIV?,HIV virus,HIV is a virus, a small living thing leading people to disease.,HIV,,AIDS,How HIV destr

3、oys cells.,2. What is AIDS?AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. (后天免疫缺陷綜合癥),AIDS is a disease. The stage of having HIV in one’s body is called AIDS.,1. Only bad people get AIDS. 2. I ca

4、n become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV. 3. In 2002, there were 42 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the world.,AIDS Quiz,F,F,T,4. People who have not injected dr

5、ugs do not need to get tested for HIV. 5. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.6. Evidence show that men get AIDS more easily than women.7. It is very likely that you will die if yo

6、u become infected with HIV.,F,F,T,F,There is no cure for AIDS. There are drugs that can slow down the HIV virus, and slow down the damage to your immune system. But there is no way to get all the HIV out of your body.,Is

7、 There a Cure for AIDS?,Section 1:Section 2:Section 3:,Background information about what HIV / AIDS. Ways to protect yourself. Some common myths dispelled. (可消除的荒誕說法),This pa

8、ssage can be divided into three sections. What’s the purpose of each section?,,,,Skimming,Read the poster then choose the best answers.,1. The word “homosexuals” means _____.A. People only attracted by the same sexB.

9、People who don’t care about themselvesC. People who are very sexy. D. People who often have sex.,A,Careful reading,2. We can infer from the passage that ____. A. HIV is equal to AIDS B. HIV is diffe

10、rent from AIDS C. HIV weakens a person’s immune system D. people can have HIV in their blood for quite a long time,B,3. In order to stay safe, you ____. A. should not share needles with

11、 someone else B. have to avoid using anything else that the person has used while injecting drugs. C. should use a condom if you have sex with another one. D. All of the above.,D,

12、True or false.,1. You can only get HIV from injecting drugs.2. It is very likely that you will die if you become infected with HIV.3. If you look healthy, you cannot have HIV.,F,T,F,You can also get HIV/

13、AIDS from unprotected sex with an infected person.,4. It could be dangerous to have sex without a condom.5. Taking food from the same dishes as someone infected with HIV will give you HIV too.6. If you have HIV, you wi

14、ll always get AIDS eventually.,F,T,T,Answer these questions:,1. What’s a virus? A virus is a very small living thing that cause disease.,2. What is the difference between AIDS and HIV? HIV is a virus, wh

15、ile AIDS is the stage of the illness caused by HIV.,3. How does HIV affect people’s health? HIV virus weakens a person’s immune system and eventually it damages the immune system so much that the body can no longer f

16、ight against disease.,Fill in the blanks.,immune system,blood,needle,looking at,touch or kiss,1. What can I do to support World AIDS Day?,Discussion,At school, you can support World AIDS Day by: Having a dressing up,

17、 down or fancy dress day. Putting up some posters - get people talking. Making and selling red ribbons.Organizing a creative writing/poster campaign. Arranging a sponsored three-legged race or balloon release. Gett

18、ing your friends, family to express their feelings and expand their knowledge about AIDS.Using your imagination!,How much do you know about the AIDS red ribbon?,The red ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS aware

19、ness that is worn by people all year round and particularly around World AIDS Day to demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and commitment.,2. How should w

20、e act towards people who have HIV/AIDS? 3. What can we do to help them?,Don’t look down upon them. Show love and care to them.Help them fight fear, shame and injustice (unfair).,I. 將下列詞組翻譯成英語。 破壞人體免疫系

21、統(tǒng)2. 與疾病作斗爭3. 患艾滋病 4. 保持安全,damage a person’s immune system,fight disease,develop AIDS,stay safe,Ⅱ. 根據(jù)句意及所給單詞的首字母或漢語提示, 寫出各單詞的正確形式。He k______ his wife and children good-bye and got on the train.2. His behavi

22、our was beyond c______________. I could not understand why he did so.3. I caught a ______ (流感) and had to lie in the bed.,issed,omprehension,flu,4. We need to buy some _______ (針) for different types of sewing ma

23、chines.5. All the ______ (女性的) workers in this factory got a present on March 8.6. Linda is a _______ (完美的) girl in every way.,needles,female,perfect,Ⅲ. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。After two years in Spain, Kate spoke t

24、he language _________ (perfect).2. The prime minister is expected to issue a __________ (state) on the present situation.3. It is quite necessary for children to learn some ______ (base) knowledge of first ai

25、d.,perfectly,statement,basic,4. Her parents were happy that she had such good ___________ (judge) in choosing friends.5. They don’t have the least _____________ (comprehend) of what I’m trying to do.

26、,judgement,comprehension,Ⅳ. 用適當?shù)慕樵~填空 At present we have no evidence ______ life on other planets.2. The virus can be spread _________ blood.3. Scientists predict they will be able to find a cure ______ cance

27、r by learning how to switch cells on and off.4. Part ______ the building was destroyed in the fire.5. People tend to work hard at this stage ______ life.,,of,through,for,of,of,Listening,The listening is

28、a conversation between Tina and Sara about going to a disco.Let’s predict:What kind of advise will Tina give to Sara?,1 Tick the things Sara is worried about.( ) AIDS ( ) drugs ( ) abor

29、tion ( ) smoking ( ) alcohol ( ) strangers ( ) money ( ) dancing ( ) orange juice ( ) cigar,,,,,1. Just say “no”. You ________________________

30、________________________.2. It’s OK to _____________________ ________________.,don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,to drink orange juice or something instead,2 Listen again and complete Tina’s sentenc

31、es:,3. It would be a good idea to ________ _______________________________ _________________.4. If someone offers you a cigarette, ___________.5. Well, you’ll __________. Let’s ________ ______________

32、____________________.,get my CD player and start practising now,don’t take it,teach you,have something to eat before you go out, like rice or noodles,(T=Tina S=Sara)Two college students are chatting. Tina want

33、s Sara to go to a disco with her, but Sara is nervous about going.,Listening text,Part 1T: Hi Sara!S: Hello, Tina.T: I’m going to Belle’s Karaoke Bar and Disco tonight with some friends. Why don’t you come too?S: Oh.

34、 I’m sorry I’d rather not.T: Oh, come on. Why not? You never go out anywhere.,S: To tell you the truth, I’m too nervous.T: What are you nervous about?S: Well, suppose someone offers me drugs?T: Just say “no”. You don

35、’t have to do anything you don’t want to.S: Maybe they’ll think I’m stupid.,T: Nonsense. Many people don’t take drugs. I don’t. And who cares what they think anyway?S: You know I’ve never drunk alcohol before either.T

36、: Well, it’s OK to drink orange juice or something instead.S: Yes, but I’d really like to try beer, only I’m frightened I might get drunk.,T: Then only have one beer and drink it slowly. And it would be a good idea to h

37、ave something to eat before you go out, like rice or noodles.S: Thanks.,Part 2T: Any more worries?S: Another thing that worries me a lot is that I might start smoking again. I used to smoke and it was really hard to s

38、top.T: Yes, I know what you mean. I found the same. So we need to help each other. If someone offers you a cigarette, don’t take it. And I’ll remind you not to smoke and you can remind me.,S: That’s a good idea, thanks.

39、T: Is there anything else you’re worried about? S: Umm, just one more thing.T: What?S: I can’t dance.T: (laughing) Well, I’ll teach you. Let’s get my CD player and start practising now. it’s not difficult…(fades),Im

40、agine you are going to a party where there are lots of people who are older than you. In groups make up a list of rules that you can follow to make sure you behave appropriately. Read your group’s list to the class.

41、 The following expressions may help you.,Speaking,Don’t … do … You should (not)… It would be a good idea to …Don’t forget to … you don’t have to …It’s OK/all right to …It is not a good idea to …Mind your head

42、/step!Is it OK if I …?I wonder if I could smoke here.Would/Do you mind if I…?,Read this letter and imagine you are the adviser who deals with students’ problems. Write a letter to give Xiao lei some helpful advice.,Wr

43、iting,Dear…,Can you help me please? My best friend has just started smoking. I do not like it and I told her what I thought. She laughed at me and said that I was not grown-up enough. Then she offered me a cigarette a

44、nd I felt so embarrassed and awkward. I did not know how to refuse it. Please help me. I do not want to start smoking, but I do not want to lose my best friend, either. Your sincerely,Li Xiaolei,Structure,,show your s

45、ympathy for her and encourage her,list the harmful effects of smoking for smokers,express your wish,Expression,Do…,Don't forget to…,You should…,It would be a good idea to…,Besides, Moreover, In addition,I think, In m

46、y opinion, I believe,You don’t have to…,It’s OK/ all right to…,But, on the other hand, otherwise,Don’t…,There is no need to…,It’s not necessary to…,In short, In brief, In all,Dear Li Xiaolei, I am sorry you have foun

47、d yourself in such a difficult situation. First, there is no need for you to feel embarrassed and awkward. She may think that she is behaving in a grownup way but you are the one with sense on your side. Here is so

48、me advice that I think you might give her:,Sample Letter,1. Smoking cigarettes is addictive and expensive.2. It can make you ill later in life. Even breathing in other people’s smoke can make you ill.3.

49、 It is a dirty habit.4. It is more difficult to stop than it is to start. Second, talk to your friend gently and explain that you are still good friends and don’t want to break this friendship.,However, you’ll n

50、ot begin smoking to suit her. Give her the information above and then explain that whatever she chooses to do, you will remain her friend.Don’t be disappointed, Xiaolei.Good luck and best wishes,Sun Gao,Homework,W


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