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1、聯(lián)系郵箱,chenduojia001@163.com第一份試卷答案: 1~10: BACBD ADDBD 11~15: DBBBC16~20: ACDBC 21~25: CDABC 26~30: CAACA31~40: BCDAA BDCDB 40~50: CCACA BAABB,cloze,A newspaper reporter’s job can be very interesting.

2、He meets all types of people and lives quite a busy life. He is on the –1-- for news all the time, then after several years he may get a desk job, and life becomes a bit more –2--.1. A) push B) rush C) move D)

3、manner2. A) enclosed B) smoothed C) settled D) filled,Key for 1&2: rush, settled,Let’s look at his work a little more closely. In a day he may have to interview the prime minister

4、 of a foreign country, and the next day he may be writing about a football match. Sometimes he may be so –3-- that he has hardly any time to sleep. And at other times he may go on for days looking out for news mate

5、rials, and yet return –4--.3. A) excited B) delighted C) busy D) hurry4. A) single-handed B) empty-handed C) care-loaded D) overloaded,Key for 3&4: Busy, empty-handed,I

6、n the beginning a reporter has to –5--a very wide field. Gradually he becomes more specialized in his work. For example he may finally be asked to write only on court cases or politics or sports. Some reporters may beco

7、me so specialized that they are asked only to write on a –6-- thing: horse racing, for example. 5. A) occupy B) discover C) cover D) master6. A) unique B) athletic C) specific D) terrific,Key for 5&6: Cov

8、er, specific,In most newspaper houses there is at least one special racing correspondent. Some newspapers have movie reviewers. Their job is --7--:they watch the latest films and then write reviews on the ones they like.

9、 7. A) miserable B) free C) changeable D) delightful,Key for 7: delightful,A reporter’s job can also be very –8--. A number of them have died rushing from assignment to another and if there is a floo

10、d or a riot they may get hurt or even be killed.8. A) depressed B) funny C) mysterious D) dangerous,Key for 8: dangerous,Three years ago there was a reporter whose camera was –9-- by a group of men be

11、cause they were angry with him for taking their picture. Dangerous or not, one thing is –10-- and that is, their job is never dull!9. A) caught B) smashed C) hit D) seized10.A) sure B) certain C) right D) correct,

12、Key for 9&10: Smashed, certain,Earthquake Over one million earthquakes occur every year, but most of these are too small to notice. A major quake may last for only a minute but in that time it can kill thous

13、ands of people and –1-- towns and villages completely.1. A) damage B) destroy C) rid D) dispose,key for 1: destroy,In the early hours of the morning of April 18 , 1906 , people in San Francisco were suddenly thr

14、own to the ground as one of history’s most famous natural disasters –2-- and the buildings around them collapsed. The streets were –3-- as moving like “waves of water” 2. A) appeared B) struck C) operated D) invaded3.

15、 A) expressed B) talked C) described D) shown,Key for 2&3:Struck, described,Buildings after buildings were –4--. The whole of Chinatown was destroyed and only one building was left

16、standing on the top of Nob Hill. Damage caused by the quake was –5-- at around 7 millions with fire damage at 140 millions. The quake measured 7 . 8 on the Richter scale.4. A) leveled B) derived C) knocked D) wiped5

17、. A) figured B) guessed C) expected D) estimated,Key for 4&5:Leveled, estimated,Our environment is being polluted faster than nature and man’s present efforts can prevent it. What can explai

18、n and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man—by his –1-- for a modern way of life. We make ‘increasing industrialization’ our chief aim. 1. A) aim B) goal C) dream D) desire,Key for 1: d

19、esire,For this sake, we are willing to –2-- everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children. There is a constant –3-- of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the

20、benefits of modern society. 2. A) offer B) sacrifice C) expend D) present3. A) flow B) line C) tendency D) movement,Key for 2&3: Sacrifice, flow,Isn’t it time we sto

21、pped –4-- ourselves where we are going—and why? It reminds one of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers –5-- the loudspeaker: “I’ve some good news and some bad news. 4. A) asking B)

22、to ask C) being asked D) to be asked5. A) on B) over C) to D) from,Key for 4&5: to ask, over,The good news is that we’re –6-- rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we’re

23、 –7-- and don’t know where we’re going.” The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when –8-- to our modern society.6. A) taking B) making C) getting D) doing7. A) dying B) falling C) attacked D) lo

24、st8. A) pointed B) directed C) applied D) account,Key for 6,7&8: Making, lost, applied,,Choose the correct words:,expend花費,耗費(金錢,時間,精力等)/expand A. Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled. B.

25、I whispered to myself, “Why do I expend so much energy on such a trivial thing?”,recall/remember,A.  The lawyer asked the person who saw it to try to recall as much about the accident a

26、s possible. B.  Do you remember being introduced to Professor Smith during your last visit?,negative/passive,A.  Educators in this system are trying to reverse the traditional syste

27、m of an active teacher and a passive class.B.  When the girl asked them if she could go out with her boyfriend, her parents gave her a negative answer.,deficit (虧損,赤字)/deficiency,A. Women o

28、ften have a deficiency of iron in their bodies. This is often because they eat too restricted a diet. B. Owing to the heavy deficit, the company is apparently on the verge of bankruptcy.,nature

29、/nurture,A. The two sisters had received very different nurture. B. One sign of a person's nature is said to be found in his choices in architecture and furniture.,preserve/persevere,A.

30、60; Learning a second foreign language is really hard, but I know I need to persevere. B. They have created an ambitious program to preserve the ecological diversity of their tropical ra

31、in forest.,depress/suppress,A. After leaving hospital he was tired, anxious and depressed, losing all interest in life.B. The troops suppressed the rebellion by firing on the mob.,compile/compose,

32、A.  He is fond of collecting folk legends, and will try to compile a collection to be published.B.  Our music teacher always tries to encourage us to compose our own music th

33、ough imagination.,comparable/comparative,A.  After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparative comfort.B.  His poems are not bad, but they are hardly comp

34、arable with Shakespeare's!,adapt/adopt,A.   If animals can't adapt to the changed conditions then they will die out just as the dinosaurs did.B. A more open attit

35、ude toward new arrivals has been adopted.,amplify/multiply,A. In a few months the army had multiplied ten times.B. You know sounds are transmitted by some materials and it is the material

36、 you use that will restrict or amplify sound waves.,modest/moderate(適度的),A. Now a new study suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.B. They did ma

37、ke some progress in the project, but it was really modest.,intellectual智力的/intelligent,A.  Teaching is an intellectual career, which requires knowledge and reasoning power.B. He is an intelli

38、gent student who is bright and is very capable of learning.,regress退步/retreat,A.  The fight lasted but a few minutes and the troops retreated to the nearby hills very quickly.B. &#

39、160;He made progress with his Chinese with this teacher. But once away from his teacher, he began to regress.,Stump難倒/stumble,A. Her foot caught a rock on the ground and she stumbles.B. Even

40、some smart students were stumped by this exam question.,Expanding your vocabulary:,turn down* The music is so loud that it will hurt your ears as well as your brain, so turned it down.* His proposal to the

41、 committee was turned down because it is not feasible at all.* The boss thought him a trouble-maker and turned him down. t,TURN UP,* It's no good waiting for something to turn up; you have to take

42、actions.* One roommate is always cold, while the other never wants to turn up the furnace, even though the thermometer says it's minus five outside.,Turn over,* I know the boy behaved very badly on his

43、last visit, but I promise you that he's turned over a new leaf and will be good behavior from now on.* The day-to-day management of the firm has been turned over to a department manager.* The bicycle

44、suddenly turned over as he rode along; he is not a good rider.,Turn out,* Please turn the light out when you leave the office.* Any principle, if carried to an extreme, may often turn out unexpected results, ei

45、ther good or bad.* Though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day.,Turn out,* He turned out to have a younger brother. /It turned out that he had a younger brother.* A sing

46、le coining press at the Philadelphia Mint started turning out the nickels at the rate of 120 a minute.,Take up,* If you take up this assignment, you are likely to encounter many difficulties.* We won't t

47、ake up too much of your time, but we really do want to clear up this misunderstanding.,Take to,* Tom took to stamp-collection at the age of ten.* I will never take take to soccer. It’s a boring game.* W

48、hen he realized the importance of foreign languages, he took to studying English with great enthusiasm.,Take over,* In the event of a strike, the army will take over responsibility for fighting fires.* O

49、ne computer takes over the tasks of dozens of office workers.,Take after,* The boy takes after his father: he has the same red hair, big feet, and quick temper.* The two girls take after their mother ve

50、ry much in appearance.,Take apart,* A child of two years old usually enjoys taking apart everything that s/he can get.* It seems oil has been leaking from this pipe for some time. We'll have to take the

51、 machine apart to put it right.,Gain…,* China has struggled to gain control over the Internet as more and more people gain access to obtain information beyond official sources.,Shed light on 闡明(一個問題),* When I

52、come across some favorite passages in reading, I usually underline them and try to learn them by heart. * The research is expected to shed light on the social consequences of cities' changing e

53、conomic roles.,Set phases:,* While looking for his son at midnight, his heart began a crazy rhythm, and an intense anxiety took hold of him. * In our discussion today I'd like first to account for th

54、e influences that the Internet will exercise on modern life. I,,* He was so starving that he ate the whole bowl of noodles in the blinks of an eye. 2. At least, this explains the greater job st

55、ability in Japan, in contrast to the great job mobility in America.,Verbal phases,* Once Sam decided what he wanted, he went after it with single-mindedness that reminded me of his father. * To compel a

56、pupil to obey a teacher makes no sense; we should try to tell them what is right and what is wrong.,Verbal phases,* While there is no responsibility imposed by law upon employees to cooperate with thei

57、r employer, they must not betray their employer's trust, for instance by giving away trade secrets.,Verbal phases,* “Shall I travel by air or by train to Shanghai?” “It makes no difference

58、. Both are very convenient.” * You cannot get by in a foreign language course by cramming at the last minute.,( not ) a shirt to one’s back. 一無所有,A: Ms. Brown deserves everyone’s pity. B: I heard she became

59、 a widow last summer.A: And a fire left her without a shirt to her back.B: Bad luck.,Fit like a glove完全合適,A: Oh, the dress fit you lke a glove.B: Do you really think so?A: Sure I do.Give sb the boot 解雇某人A:

60、 Poor Jack!B: Anything wrong with him?A: Yes, he was fired by this company, too. B: Again? They gave him a boot just two weeks ago,Give the shirt off one’s back.,A: I’ve got an empty pocket recently.B: I heard Mr

61、. Genge is always ready to give the shirt off his back.A: Do you think he’ll help me?B: You bet.,Rack one’s brains 絞盡腦汁,A: You’re sitting here all the afternoon. What are you doing?B: I racked my brains, but

62、 still I couldn’t figure out who did that.A: Come on, forget it, it won’t do you any good.B: Maybe you are right.,cloze,動賓搭配A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter an

63、d _______ your text more easily. A) register B) edit C) propose D) discharge,符合題意的答案 B) edit編輯,本題考查動賓搭配: edit the text編輯文本。解題應(yīng)遵循“并列詞原則”,注意到and一詞表明空格處與enter對應(yīng)以及合理的動賓搭配. 干擾項:A) register ( = sign up

64、) 登記,注冊; C) propose提議,計劃; D) discharge ( = dismiss, fire) 釋放, 解雇。,動賓搭配,The ________ that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mi

65、strust were removed. A) tension B) strain C) stress D) intensity,正確選項為:A) tension緊張狀態(tài)。,本題考查動賓搭配: lessen the tension緩解緊張(的關(guān)系或氣氛)。 alleviate / ease 也可表示緩解。干擾項: B)


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