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1、新思維綜合英語3,SPECTRUM 3,Lesson 1 Arctic Adventure,The Arctic (/?ɑrkt?k/ or /?ɑrt?k/) is a polar region located at the northernmost part of the Earth. The Arctic consists of the Arctic

2、 Ocean and parts of Canada, Russia, the United States (Alaska), Denmark (Greenland),Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. The Arctic region consists of a vast,ice-covered

3、 ocean, surrounded by treeless permafrost(如極地的)永久凍土.,The Arctic's climate is characterized by cold winters and cool summers. Precipitation mostly comes in the form of snow. The Arctic's annual precipita

4、tion is low, with most of the area receiving less than 50 cm (20 in). High winds often stir up snow, creating the illusion of continuous snowfall. Average winter temperatures can be as low as ?40 °C&#

5、160;(?40 °F), and the coldest recorded temperature is approximately ?68 °C (?90 °F).,,The Structure of the Text,Part 1(Para.1),Part 2(Paras.2-8),Part 3(Paras.9-11),,Susan Butcher won

6、 the Iditarod Sled Dog Race four times and has beaten death many times.,It tells the dangerous experience that Susan and her sled dogs fought with a female moose.,It tells how Susan and her sled dogs managed to mush acro

7、ss 40 miles of dangerous sea ice.,,,,While-reading,Part 4(Para.12),,It restates that Susan and her sled dogs managed to overcome difficulties and win races.,Language points,1.not only…,but also… a. not only 在句首,后接兩個

8、并列分句時,“前倒后不倒”!即:Not only部倒裝(注意是部分倒裝,不是全倒裝),but also部分不倒裝。 Eg. 1. Not only is the son fond of watching cartoons, but the parents take great interest in them. 2. Not only did he speak more correctly, b

9、ut he spoke more easily. b. 連接并列主語(若連接兩個成分作主語,其謂語通常與靠近的主語保持一致。)、并列賓語、并列謂語或并列地點狀語時則不用倒裝。 Eg. 1. Not only she but also her husband does housework on weekends. 2. Not only you but also he has to l

10、eave. 3. Eric not only speaks but also writes well in English. 4. They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory.,2. Call … to a (quick) halt/call a halt to sth.,Eg.1. When they had almost

11、reached the robbers’ camp, the officer called the police patrol to a halt.2. The government called a halt to the project.halt: n. a stop or pause in one’s progress 暫停,止步come to a halt vi. 停止bring something to a halt

12、 使…停止3. A cow moose stood blocking the trail ahead.現(xiàn)在分詞短語作伴隨狀語。Eg.1. He sat in the armchair,reading a newspaper. 2. The girl was left alone in the room, weeping bitterly.,4. optimistically (adv.)樂觀地 optimist

13、ic (adj.)1.Jack thought optimistically that he would win the race easily.2. He has an optimistic attitude towards their future.5. deal with = to succeed in solving a problem 處理,應(yīng)付How to deal with this difficult q

14、uestion?The problem should be dealt with quickly.6. be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事7. set a new time (world) record 創(chuàng)造新的時間(世界)記錄 In February 2001, a Frenchman set a new time record of under a hundred days for sailing

15、 around the world alone and without help.,8. the first leg of the trip: 第一段路程 The last leg of the journey always seems the longest.9.Her chances of winning had never been better.她勝券在握10. Butcher would give this one a

16、ll of the time she needed to move. Butcher 要把趕路的時間花在對付駝鹿身上。11. charge: 猛攻,向前沖 The lion charged at those little animals.,12. reach for: 伸手去夠… I reached out for the book, but it was too far. Reach for what i

17、s beyond one’s grasp. Reach for your peak, your goal, your prize.13. without hesitation 毫不猶豫 Write freely without hesitation He accepted the invitation without hesitation.,好高騖遠,要攀登自己的巔峰,實現(xiàn)目標(biāo),爭取榮譽。,信筆寫來

18、,14. go after: 追求,追趕 go after big money. go after the fashion. Go after him and apologize. . 15. Succeed in doing sth. /sth.成功做某事/在什么方面成功 He succeeded in doing business. Mary su

19、cceeded in life.16. instead of : 替代,頂替 Instead of 與instead 的區(qū)別:instead of+被替代的對象 instead一般是放在句末,,,,,1. I want to buy a new computer ____ the old one. 2. I don't like my old computer now. I want to buy a new

20、one _____.,17. grab the ax swing the ax swung with a fury (swung是swing 的過去式和過去分詞)18. fight for 為……而戰(zhàn) fight with sb.與某人并肩作戰(zhàn) fight against sb.19. in sympathy with 同情……We are in sympathy with his misf

21、ortune. Many people are in sympathy with your views. 20. She must be starving to death starve to death餓死,21. And very likely it was starvation that made this moose behave as she did. 意即 The moose probably did wha

22、t she did because she was very hungry. It is (was) +被強調(diào)部分(通常是主語、賓語或狀語)+ that/ who(當(dāng)強調(diào)主語且主語指人)+ 其他部分。 He met Lily yesterday in this market. It was he that met Lily yesterday in this market. It was Lily

23、 that he met yesterday in this market. It was yesterday that he met Lily in this market. It was in this market that he met Lily yesterday. It is/ was ... that ... 結(jié)構(gòu)不能強調(diào)謂語,如果需要強調(diào)謂語時,用助動詞do/ does或did   Do

24、 sit down. 務(wù)必請坐。 Do be careful when you cross the street. 過馬路時,務(wù)必(千萬)要小心啊! 22. She may have perceived the dog team to be a pack of wolves. perceive覺察,認(rèn)識到 a pack of (wolves, dogs, matches, cards, cigare

25、ttes),23. too+形容詞/副詞+to do 太…而不能…,太…無法… He walks too slowly to get there on time. I'm too tired to think of anything now. Too many to mention 不勝枚舉 Never too old to learn, never too late t

26、o turn. 亡羊補牢,為時未晚。 23. drive off 擊退,趕走24. which, of course, were harnessed together and couldn’t run away.harness n. 馬具,挽具 vt.套在一起難以逃走 25.Come up from behind 從后面過來,26. She yelled long before her fellow

27、musher got close enough to be in danger.她大聲喊著以免其他的雪撬隊靠近陷入危險。27. in danger (of)處于危險中 Everyone finds himself in danger. 人人自危。 Your life has been in danger. Pandas are in danger of extinctio

28、n. 大熊貓正面臨滅絕的危險。,28. on another occasion 還有一次 on occasion 有時,偶爾 I call on my aunt on occasion. He visits the city on occasion. 29. risk one’s life 冒生命危險 risk one’s life to do s

29、th; risk doing sth.30. but the ice billowed upward, then fell apart as it dropped back down—dumping dogs, sled, and Butcher into 30 feet of water so cold it can be survived for only minutes. billow 翻騰,像巨浪般洶

30、涌 fall apart破碎,倒塌 dump把…砰的一聲拋下,31. Unwilling to do sth. He seemed unwilling to answer. Unwilling to face facts. unwilling to take advice 剛愎自用32. With ease handl

31、e with ease 應(yīng)付自如 He writes German with ease. 他德文寫得很流暢。33. soaked to the skin—completely wet Like any genuine adventurer, she thoroughly enjoys winning against incredible odds.像其他所有真正的冒險家一

32、樣,她盡情地不屈不撓地享受著與令人難以置信的命運抗?fàn)帯W(xué)生用書\Unit 1-Unit 6\學(xué)生用書Unit1-1.mp3,Lesson 2 You made it !,,Lesson 2The 10-kilometer “Run for your life” marathon, held every year to raise money for heart disease research, is about to begin.

33、 cover 報道,覆蓋 be covered withA TV reporter is covering the match. interview 采訪The reporter is interviewing Meg harmer.Here comes the last runner to cross the finish line…終點線,It is not everyone who comes in last=I am

34、 special because no one else finished the race last, I am the only one.I am so excited I don’t think I will be able to get to sleep for a while. sign up報名參加 enter a race 參加比賽You certainly showed them= You certainly s

35、howed them that they were wrong. drop out掉隊,放棄,He has dropped out of school for three months.It was such a hot day that I started feeling a little tired pretty early.I hadn’t even gone three miles when I got a pain in

36、 my side. get a pain in my side半邊身體疼痛 That was a killer.差點要了我的命I didn’t know if I had enough energy to get to the top.I managed to do it.Congratulations for hanging in there!在困境中保持勇敢,Language points,1. The 10-kilom

37、eter “Run for Your Life” marathon, held every year to raise money for heart disease research, is about to begin. raise : to gather together; collect (money) 籌錢 raise money from the neighbors for a charity. hol

38、d a fair to raise money be about to: be going to immediately; be on the point of doing sth. I was about to leave when the telephone rang.,2. You are a reporter covering the event. cover: to be responsible fo

39、r reporting the details of (an event or situation): 報導(dǎo) The reporter covered international news . 這個記者采訪國際新聞。3. You made it! =You finished it! /You have done it! 表示贊賞4. You look pretty tired. pre

40、tty: adv. 很,相當(dāng),非常; adj.漂亮的 She is a pretty girl. Tom works pretty hard. Pretty good!,5. sign up 報名;簽約 Can I sign up through Internet? They manage to sign up all the best perform

41、ers. 他們設(shè)法跟所有最佳演員簽訂合同。 6. too soon to do sth.7. drop out 脫離;退學(xué) Drop out of society 隱退 Drop out of school 退學(xué) You'd be crazy to drop out. 你要退學(xué)真是發(fā)瘋了。 Jack just dropped out of the run

42、ning race. 8. get a pain in… He got a pain in the neck.,9. have enough (energy,time…) to do sth. We have enough money to spend. We have enough bread to go around. 我們有面包,夠大家吃的。 adj. / adv.

43、+enough+to do sth. enough+n.+to do sth. He doesn’t run fast enough to win. Xiao Li is clever enough to solve the problem.10. Congratulations for hanging in there! hang in there: to remain brave in d

44、ifficulty 在困境中保持勇敢 You will win, so hang in there!,Lesson 3 I’d always wanted to be a doctor,,Language points,What made you decide to do sth.?go into business 從事商業(yè)go into a profession 就業(yè)take up 開始從事,養(yǎng)成,形成 ta

45、ke up a science take up drawing5. major in 主修 She majors in history. (major是v.) I major in English Literature. (major是v.) Mary is an English major. (major 是n.),Ex.1,6. 四種時態(tài),Simple past

46、(一般過去時)Present perfect(現(xiàn)在完成時)Past perfect (過去完成時)Past perfect continuous(過去完成進行時),Simple past(一般過去時),,Present perfect(現(xiàn)在完成時),,Past perfect (過去完成時),,P 6 Ex.4,Past perfect continuous(過去完成進行時),,exercise,將以下句子譯成英文今天早晨,我跟

47、朱麗亞說了幾句話。 I had a word with Julia this morning. 當(dāng)車來的時候,我在車站已等了20分鐘。 I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came. 他們只等了一會兒車就來了。 They had only been waiting for the bus a few moments w

48、hen it came. 他過去多次向我提到過你的名字。 He had been mentioning your name to me. 現(xiàn)在我沒有錢花了 I have spent all of my money。母親要到她做完作業(yè)才讓她看電視。 Mother won’t let her watch TV until she has finished her homework.,7. lead up t

49、o: result in 導(dǎo)致These circumstances will lead up to war. 這些事件會導(dǎo)致戰(zhàn)爭。Be careful when you lead up to this question. 當(dāng)你把話題引到這個問題上來時要小心。8. register 登記,注冊,申報9. take a placement exam In many countries, including t

50、he United States, it is not unusual for students to take a placement exam in a subject such as mathematics upon entering middle or high school to determine what level of classes they should take.,10. …so(+形容詞/副詞) /such(+

51、名詞)+that引導(dǎo)的結(jié)果狀語從句 so+adj. /adv. +that從句 such+n.+that 從句 但當(dāng)名詞前有many、much、(a) few、(a) little等詞修飾時,句子中要用“so...that...” Test:He has ___ much money that he can buy what he wanted.

52、(so)he is ___ young that she can't look after herself. (so) She was ___ a good girl that everyone likes her. (such),11. Come on now! 快,加油!12. No kidding!

53、13. keep one’s eyes open,P7 Ex. 9,Lesson 4 Your turn,,Proverbs(諺語) about dogs,,1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走運的一天。2.He is a lucky dog. 他是個幸運兒。3.Love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏。4.Lead a dog’s life 過窮困潦倒的日子,

54、5. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:對于高聲發(fā)出恐嚇,或慣于大聲吼叫的人,勿須當(dāng)真)。 6. go to the dogs每況愈下 7. dog days 大熱天,三伏天8.Be old dog at sth.對…有經(jīng)驗,對…內(nèi)行,,12. rain cats and dogs下傾盆大雨,9. a big dog 大款,保鏢等,10.a top dog 一個身居要職的人,

55、11. fight dog , fight bear 一決雌雄,Assignment,,認(rèn)真復(fù)習(xí)本單元重點詞匯、語法。2. 翻譯閱讀文章中的長難句。3. Write a composition (要求詳見練習(xí)冊P6),My favorite dish,Ma Po tofu is my favorite dish. It's hot, spicy and tender. It is said that it wa

56、s made by pock-marked but ingenious woman, thus the name MA Po Tofu (pock-marked woman’s bean curd). Just taste a little, you can never forget its taste and can't help falling in love with it! And the most tasty Ma


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