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1、,,,Maximizing Dairy Farm Profitability and Productivity through Improving Feed Efficiency通過提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率優(yōu)化奶牛場效益Trevor Tomkins Ph.DPresident and Founder, venture | dairy,Introduction 提綱,,What Is Feed Efficiency (FE)什么是飼料

2、轉(zhuǎn)化率,,Factors that affect FE飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率的影響因素,,How to improve FE如何提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率,,Increased FE and Profitability提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率及牛場效益,How FE can improve dairy farm profitability,為何改善飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率可提高牛場經(jīng)濟(jì)效益?,Dairy Farm Productivity and Profitability,W

3、hat are all the factors that we should be thinking about everyday? 我們應(yīng)該思考的影響飼養(yǎng)成本的因素是什么 ?What is our biggest cost? 飼養(yǎng)過程的最大支出是什么?How much control do we have over this cost? 對于這項(xiàng)支出我們有怎樣的掌控能力?How do we know we are ge

4、tting the best value for our money? 如何判斷我們的投入是否得到了最大的回報(bào)?How do we measure the success of our dairy farm? 如何衡量我們的牛場經(jīng)營方式是否成功?Kg of milk we produce? 產(chǎn)奶量 ?Profit at the end of the year? 年終利潤 ?飼料 =FEED,MILK OUT….FEED

5、 IN 產(chǎn)奶…飼喂,What is FEED used for? 飼料的作用?Maintenance 維持Breathing 呼吸Walking 行走M(jìn)aintaining Body weight 維持體重Production 生產(chǎn)Milk 產(chǎn)奶Growing a calf 孕育犢牛,What is Feed Efficiency? 什么是飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率,Feed Efficiency (FE) is

6、a measure of: 飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率是一種衡量方法 :converting nutrients into milk in lactating cows 泌乳奶牛將攝入的營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)轉(zhuǎn)化為牛奶how well we are managing our farm and our animals 我們應(yīng)如何管理牛場及奶牛the quality of our feed 飼料的質(zhì)量how the profitability o

7、f the farm will look 牛場的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益如何,What is Feed Efficiency? 什么是飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率,Feed Efficiency (FE) is a measure of converting nutrients into milk in lactating cows:The simplest measure of FE is kg of milk produced per kg of feed

8、dry matter (DM) consumed (milk, kg/DM intake, kg) with an optimal range of 1.4 to 1.9.飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率即每千克飼料干物質(zhì)能夠生產(chǎn)多少千克牛奶,其理想值為 1.4 ~ 1.9 units of MILK OUT per units of FEED IN,,What is Feed Efficiency? 什么是飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率,Feed Efficien

9、cy (FE) is a measure of converting nutrients into milk in lactating cows. 飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率是衡量營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)轉(zhuǎn)化為牛奶的重要指標(biāo)Because the amount of energy output of milk varies with fat content of the milk, generally FE measurement uses milk correc

10、ted for fat content (3.5% FCM) according to the following formula: 因?yàn)楫a(chǎn)奶所需的能量與牛奶中脂肪量的變化而變,一般采用3.5%乳脂矯正奶來衡量FE,公式如下:,3.5% FCM (kg) = .432 x milk (kg) + 16.23 x fat (kg),Increased FE and Profitability 提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率與利潤,,Why incre

11、ased FE can improve dairy farm’s profitability…,為什么提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率可提高牛場的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益 …,Feed efficiency change over time in US,近20年,美國飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率的變化,The circumstances facing all dairy farmers all over the world are the same: 目前全世界奶農(nóng)面臨相同的問題 :

12、Rising feed costs 飼料成本提高M(jìn)ilk prices that don’t correspond necessarily to feed prices 但牛奶價(jià)格并未隨飼料價(jià)格的提高而提高If we are to maximize our profitability and be competitive in today’s environment we must: 若要在現(xiàn)今環(huán)境具有競爭力并取得最大經(jīng)濟(jì)效

13、益,必須 :Focus all attention on feed efficiency 聚焦飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率Understand all the factors that impact it 了解影響飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率的因素Manage our business to improve feed efficiency 通過經(jīng)營管理提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率,Increased FE and Profitability 提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率與利潤,Nutri

14、tion Factors 營養(yǎng)因素,Feed Efficiency32kg of Milk and $1.5/kg Feed Cost,Key dairy program,In the example given in Table 1, improving FE from 1.4 to 1.5, while maintaining milk production, increases profitability of a 1,00

15、0-cow dairy by $91,980/year.如表1所示,飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率從1.4提高到1.5,在維持產(chǎn)奶量不變的前提下,1000頭奶牛一年凈利潤提高了91,980美元,Increased FE and Profitability 提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率與利潤,Profitability As Productivity Changes 利潤隨產(chǎn)奶量的變化,Profitability as Price Changes 利潤隨牛奶價(jià)格的變化

16、,High milk price/low feed cost,Low milk price/high feed cost,Factors Affecting Feed Efficiency 飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率的影響因素,Nutrition Factors 營養(yǎng)因素What you feed 飼喂什么How you feed it 如何飼喂When you feed it, transition cow, lactation

17、 飼喂時期,過渡牛,泌乳牛How you manage what you feed 如何管理所喂飼料Non-Nutrition Factors 非營養(yǎng)因素How you manage the rest of the business.如何管理除營養(yǎng)因素之外的條件,Nutrient Balance on a Dairy Farm 牛場的營養(yǎng)平衡,Key Concepts 核心概念Understand nutrient

18、 INPUTS, OUTPUTS, and % of nutrients that remain on the farm or that are lost to the environment. 理解營養(yǎng)的輸入和輸出,以及營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)用于維持和生產(chǎn)或損失在環(huán)境中的百分比。Assess your nutrient balance. This allows you to determine management options that i

19、ncrease the recycling of nutrients from cropland to cattle and back to crops again. 評估營養(yǎng)平衡,增加營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)的循環(huán)利用從農(nóng)田到奶牛最終歸田。The percentage of dietary N and P that remain on the dairy farm can be as high as 76% and 81% (respective

20、ly).日糧N,P百分比分別為76% 和 81% Point: Profitable milk production includes both milk productivity and efficiency of nutrient utilization. 關(guān)鍵點(diǎn): 牛奶盈利包括牛奶生產(chǎn)能力和營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)利用效率兩點(diǎn)。,Dry Matter Intake DMI=feed digestibility and forage qualit

21、y 干物質(zhì)采食量取決于飼料消耗率和牧草質(zhì)量The biggest single feed problem on most dairy farms is forage quality 對多數(shù)牛場來說,最主要的問題是牧草質(zhì)量How many producers know the quality of what they are feeding? 有多少飼養(yǎng)者了解所飼喂飼料的質(zhì)量Every cow knows the quali

22、ty of what it is being fed 每頭奶牛都知道其食入飼料的質(zhì)量,Factors Affecting Feed Efficiency 飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率的影響因素,Factors Affecting Forage Quality 影響牧草質(zhì)量的因素,Forage quality = digestibility 牧草質(zhì)量=消化力Type of product 牧草種類When harvested 收割時間Fed g

23、reen, dried or made into silage 飼喂方式,青綠牧草,干草,或青貯Dry matter – DM 干物質(zhì)Fiber levels 纖維水平Acid Detergent Fiber-ADF 酸性洗滌纖維Neutral Detergent Fiber-NDF 中性洗滌纖維,Examples of forages 牧草樣品,Corn silage,Corn stover,Alfalfa Hayl

24、age,Physical characteristics of the diet also affect motility of the rumen 飼料的物理特性也會影響瘤胃蠕動,Primary contractions for mixing of contents 瘤胃收縮可充分?jǐn)嚢杌旌蟽?nèi)容物Rumination for particle size reduction and stimulation of saliva fl

25、ow 反芻可降低瘤胃內(nèi)容物粒度并刺激唾 液分泌,The physical composition of the TMR is critically important TMR的物理結(jié)構(gòu)極其重要,Consistent intake without sorting 保證采食的一致性無需分類Homogeneous mix for fermentation 同質(zhì)混合易于發(fā)酵Sufficient ability to stimul

26、ate mixing and rumination 刺激飼料在瘤胃內(nèi)的混合及反芻Particle size and homogeneity to prevent premature small particle passage 粒度和同次行可防止過早出現(xiàn)粒度過小Modulate fermentation rate of rapidly fermentable substrates 調(diào)節(jié)快速發(fā)酵底物的發(fā)酵率,The

27、physical composition of the diet 日糧的物理結(jié)構(gòu),Must have a diet that is presented to the cow where there is: 奶牛飼料必須具備的物理特性是:Consistency of particle size 粒度均一Bird’s nest feeling 呈鳥巢狀,Dry matter digestibility (DMD) 干物質(zhì)消化率

28、(29,817 haylage samples—Agri-King),Nutrition Factors 營養(yǎng)因素,Maximizing Feed Intake 最大化飼料采食量The percentage of CP required to supply adequate protein for milk production varies with intake level. 提供乳蛋白的飼料粗蛋白的比例隨飼料采食量的變

29、化而變化Increasing dry matter intake by 5% reduces the CP needed by about 1%. 干物質(zhì)采食量提高5%粗蛋白需求隨之降低 1%Higher intake levels increase microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. 提高采食量可提高瘤胃中微生物蛋白的合成Increasing intake level can

30、decrease the need for higher dietary protein. 提高采食量可降低高日糧蛋白的需求,Nutrition Factors—TMR 營養(yǎng)因素—TMR,Precision feeding of the groups: 精確合理搭配日糧組分 :Better allocate high energy feeds to maximize production 更好的分配高能飼料實(shí)現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)最大

31、化Improve efficiency of N and P use 提高N 和 P 的利用效率Decrease N and P excretion 降低 N 和 P 的排泄Improve sustainability 增強(qiáng)飼養(yǎng)的可持續(xù)性 Precise rations can meet requirements for: 精確日糧配方可滿足奶牛的如下需求 :Milk production 產(chǎn)奶需求 Maintenan

32、ce 維持需求Gestation 孕育需求,Non-feed Factors affecting FE 非營養(yǎng)因素,Level of Milk Production 產(chǎn)奶量水平Number of Days in Milk 泌乳天數(shù)Age 年齡Body weight change 體重變化Reproduction and heat stress 繁殖和熱應(yīng)激Genetics 遺傳潛力Environmental

33、 Focus 環(huán)境問題Walking distance 行走距離Pregnancy 孕育犢牛,Non-feed Factors affecting FE 非營養(yǎng)因素,Level of Milk Production 產(chǎn)奶量水平Increasing milk production = improved efficiency 提高產(chǎn)奶量 = 提高生產(chǎn)效率MAINTENANCE is LESS Per unit of mi

34、lk producedCow – 40 kg per day or 20 kg of milk per dayDays in Milk 泌乳天數(shù)Lower number of days in milk higher FEMore feed to milk, less to weight,Non-feed Factors affecting FE 非營養(yǎng)因素,Age 年齡1st lactation heifers can

35、have lower FE 1歲泌乳期小奶牛的飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率通常較低Still growing 身體還在生長發(fā)育0.1 to 0.2 units lower 比正常值低0.1-0.2個單位Bodyweight change 體重變化 When cow losing weight at beginning of lactation FE can be higher 奶牛在泌乳期初期體重降低通常飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率較高Later

36、 lactation when gaining weight FE lower 奶牛在泌乳期后期體重增加通常飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率較低,Bodyweight 奶牛體重,BW and FE 奶牛體重與飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率,Non-feed Factors affecting FE 非營養(yǎng)因素,Reproduction and heat stress 繁殖與熱應(yīng)激Managing herd to optimize calving intervals

37、合理管理牛群優(yōu)化產(chǎn)犢間隔Preventing heat stress and its impact on reproduction increase FE 預(yù)防熱應(yīng)激及其對繁殖的影響,提高飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率Genetics 遺傳潛力Better the genetics, better the FE 好的遺傳潛力,好的飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率,Non-feed Factors affecting 非營養(yǎng)因素,Environment 環(huán)境Col

38、d vs. warm 寒冷 vs. 溫暖Wet vs. dry 濕潤 vs. 干燥 Comfortable v uncomfortable 舒適 vs. 不舒適,Non-feed Factors affecting FE 非營養(yǎng)因素,Walking distance 行走距離Walking = energy utilization = less energy for milk 行走 = 消耗能量= 降低用于

39、產(chǎn)奶的能量Pregnancy 懷孕期 As calf grows so less feed available for milk and FE decreases 更多飼料用于犢牛生長,更少用于產(chǎn)奶,所以飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率降低,FE and Sustainability 飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率與可持續(xù)發(fā)展,Sustainability Issues regarding Diary Industry—Reduce Methane Production

40、 by Increased Milk Production,Targets 目標(biāo),,Summary—Putting it all together 小結(jié),Rules of Dairy Farming 牛場法則 Monitor Feed Efficiency-every week 每周監(jiān)測飼料轉(zhuǎn)化率How much feed comes onto the farm? 牛場每周購入了多少飼料 ?II. H

41、ow much milk leaves the farm? 牛場每周賣出了多少牛奶 ?How much milk is wasted? 浪費(fèi)了多少牛奶 ?,Summary—Putting it all together 小結(jié),Rules of Dairy Farming 牛場法則 2. Know your feed quality 了解飼料質(zhì)量Buy your feed to guaranteed sp

42、ecifications 購買規(guī)范飼料II. Check the values independently 監(jiān)測各項(xiàng)營養(yǎng)價(jià)值III. If making silage-make it properly! 合理制作青貯,Summary—Putting it all together 小結(jié),,Rules of Dairy Farming 牛場法則3. Formulate a balance

43、d ration 調(diào)配平衡日糧Must be done by a professional nutritionist with a computer 必須由專業(yè)營養(yǎng)師使用電腦軟件進(jìn)行科學(xué)合理調(diào)配II. Know your ration specifications 了解你所使用日糧的詳細(xì)規(guī)格III. Know the cost of each ingredient and the whole die

44、t 了解日糧配方中各個成分及整體的價(jià)格IV. Don’t include things that are not necessary or proven 不要隨便添加不必要或不確定的成分,Balancing the ration—rules of thumb 平衡日糧 — 經(jīng)驗(yàn)法則,DMI must be known 必須知道干物質(zhì)采食量Forage minimum 40% of diet (1.5% B

45、W) 牧草至少應(yīng)占整個日糧的 40% (奶牛體重的1.5% )Concentrate/grain maximum 60% of diet (<2% BW) 精飼料/谷物最多不超過整個日糧的 60% (< 奶牛體重的2%)Acid detergent fiber ADF minimum 18% 酸性洗滌纖維不少于 18%,Balancing the ration—rules of thumb 平衡日糧 — 經(jīng)

46、驗(yàn)法則,Neutral Detergent fiber NDF >28% 中性洗滌纖維 > 28%Protein, depends on forage quality, 15-19% 蛋白質(zhì)含量取決于牧草質(zhì)量,通常為 15-19%Fat <7% 脂肪含量 < 7%Balanced for minerals, vitamins 平衡的礦物質(zhì)和維生素,Summary—Putting it al

47、l together 小結(jié),,Rules of Dairy Farming 牛場法則4. Feed a consistent diet 飼喂恒定日糧Total Mixed Ration (TMR) 全混合日糧Keep feed in front of cows 24/7 保證料槽中隨時有飼料Make sure same DM all the time 保證干物質(zhì)恒定5. Measure milk quantity and qu

48、ality 測量牛奶產(chǎn)量和質(zhì)量Can only manage what you measure 只有測量后才能管理Know somatic cell counts 了解牛奶中的體細(xì)胞數(shù),Summary—Putting it all together 小結(jié),,Rules of Dairy Farming 牛場法則6. Monitor body weights (BW) 監(jiān)測奶牛體重Body condition scori

49、ng (BCS) 體況評分Actually weighing cows 實(shí)際體重7. Have a daily management list 建立日常管理檔案Are cows comfortable? 奶牛是否舒適?Are cows clean? 是否清潔?Is there feed in front of them? 料槽中是否

50、有料Are they eating it? 奶牛是否吃你所提供的飼料,What we should be looking for 我們尋找的是,Outstanding cows 優(yōu)質(zhì)奶牛,Thank you! 謝謝 !Maximizing Dairy Farm Profitability and Productivity Through Improving Feed Efficiency


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