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1、^_^,趣味英語知識競賽,Welcome,第一關(guān),速記題:在大屏幕給出30個單詞,給選手1分鐘時間去記憶,時間到后,請選手用30S的時間在紙上寫出來,根據(jù)正確的個數(shù)而評分(書寫請規(guī)范,以免影響評分),每組寫對一個單詞加10分。在選手記憶單詞的同時發(fā)給每位選手一定數(shù)量的撲克(數(shù)量在30到60張),并且在寫單詞的同時寫下自己手中牌的數(shù)目,答對了加30分。,Ready? go,一心二用,60,59,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,5


3、5,46,47,48,49,33,32,29,30,31,34,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,第二組Childhood pea ditch mage convert target impact cash tradition spite helpful recognition recovery

4、symptom distinction avoid reject initiative extensive reverse shelter wage induce expectation divorce tolerance character prejudice charm guy confirm gallon liter,還剩:,60,59,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,5

5、8,28,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,33,32,29,30,31,34,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,第三組Handbag Christmas weekday directly entry exit loop oval triangle

6、 slice tube billion formula incidence phase trend hesitate cancel proceed hardship spot bump innocent kindness modest fluent insurance eyesight dental abortion suggestion command fare adapt

7、regulation guidance boring,還剩:,60,59,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,28,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,33,32,29,30,31,34,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,第四組Scenery s

8、ailor remarkable kneel embrace weep camel grateful hopeless starve insect swallow poisonous overnight tendency generous somewhat greedy definite rude grace accurate talent impressive physicist

9、 award creature thought title argument recommend jam poll formal puzzle weekly,還剩:,大家來PK(觀眾參與),第二關(guān),第二關(guān)的參賽對象為現(xiàn)場所有觀眾。共有五道觀眾參與題,答對的觀眾將獲得精美小禮品一份。之后,為活躍現(xiàn)場氣氛,增加親友團表演環(huán)節(jié)有親友團表演的隊伍加20分作為獎勵。表演內(nèi)容可以是豐富多彩的自編的話劇,改編的名家片段或英文歌曲

10、等。,Student may receive their degrees when they have successfully completed their study. Usually there are three degrees. What are they?,Bachelor     Master     Doctor,In English, p

11、eople are often likened to birds, such as“ the early bird” refers to “早起的人,趁早做事的人”。What does “the old bird” mean?,老練的人,世故的人。,In our China, June 1st is the day for children. In America, there is still a festival for chil

12、dren.What is it and when is it celebrated every year?,老練的人,世故的人。,It seems that everyone in America drinks coffee. So when you have dinner in a restaurant, a waiter will offer you coffee at the same time. If he asks you

13、“now or later?” What does he mean?,Do you want your coffee with your meal or after it?,The development of the English language can be divided into three periods. What are they?,1. 449-1100  old English   2

14、. 1100-1500  middle English  3. 1500-present  modern English,第三關(guān),參賽隊首先抽簽決定所答題的題號。視聽題內(nèi)容主要是英文歌曲,參賽選手根據(jù)現(xiàn)場播放的歌曲,答出歌曲的名稱,答對一題加10分。答錯不扣分。每組有兩次機會答題。,穿越火線(視聽題),1,5,10,2,3,6,next,7,8,9,4,13,12,11,14,15,16,(請各成員在添加音

15、樂時,若不會的話,就把音樂保存在自己的儲存卡上帶過來,包括歌曲名字和演唱者。盡量要大家熟悉的歌曲。做好后就把這句話刪了)Justin Biebr,back,Baby,羅馬假日,back,金剛,back,Pass The Flame,back,友誼天長地久,back,西雅圖不眠夜,back,Hey Jude,back,亂世佳人,back,Yesterday,back,海上鋼琴師,back,complicated,back,珍珠港,bac

16、k,big big world,back,音樂之聲,back,阿甘正傳,back,歌舞青春,back,第四關(guān),默契大考驗(幸運搭檔題),幸運搭檔題:考察參賽選手的默契性,選手與其搭檔共同完成,其中一人背對屏幕,另一人則對大屏幕上出現(xiàn)的單詞進行解釋,解釋僅能用無關(guān)單詞的詞語或動作表達,解釋中不能含有與該詞同根的詞否則無效,時間為1分鐘。按照答對單詞的個數(shù)計分,答對一個加10分。選題時由低分組開始。(請各成員在添加單詞的時候盡量要大家熟悉有

17、趣的單詞,做好后就把這句話刪了),,第一組,第二組,第三組,第四組,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,默契,next,大,考驗,,watermelon 西瓜,chestnut 栗子,,,eggplant茄子,mushroom 蘑菇,spinach菠菜,onion 洋蔥,potato土豆,melon 香瓜,甜瓜,cucumber黃瓜,banana 香蕉,cherry 櫻桃,coconut 椰子,olive 橄欖,orange 橙子,peac

18、h 桃,back,60,59,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,28,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,33,32,29,30,31,34,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,longan龍眼,pumpkin南瓜,bean豆莢,蠶豆,strawbe

19、rry 草莓,apple 蘋果,pear 梨子,tomato番茄,cabbage 白菜,pomelo柚子,mango 芒果,date 棗,grape 葡萄,lemon 檸檬,carrot胡蘿卜,peanut 花生,back,horse 馬,pig 豬,cat 貓,owl 梟,貓頭鷹,mouse 家鼠,wolf 狼,dolphin 河豚,fox 狐,rabbit 兔子,goose 鵝,crow 烏鴉,snake 蛇,cock 公雞,f

20、rog 青蛙,bear 熊,back,parrot 鸚鵡,swan 天鵝,ox 牛,dog 狗,zebra 斑馬,hen 母雞,lion 獅,camel 駱駝,giraffe 長頸鹿,penguin 企鵝,donkey 驢,tiger 虎,koala 考拉,樹袋熊,bat 蝙蝠,back,goat山羊,judo 柔道,fencing 擊劍,badminton 羽毛球,tennis 網(wǎng)球,race 跑,football 足球,s

21、kiing 滑雪,long jump跳遠,rugby 橄欖球,gymnastics 體操,roller skating 滑旱冰,rings 吊環(huán),high jump 跳高,diving 跳水,swimming 游泳,back,riding 騎馬,baseball 壘球,Table tennis 乒乓球,handball 手球,skiing 滑冰,Boxing 拳擊,basketball 籃球,Martial Arts武術(shù),joggin

22、g 慢跑,surfing 沖浪,shot put鉛球,hammer throw鏈球,marathon 馬拉松,walking 競走,volleyball 排球,back,1light 燈,bowl 碗,cupboard 碗櫥,needle 針,button 鈕扣,battery 電池,glue 膠水,blanket 毛毯,toothpaste 牙膏,umbrella 雨傘,soap 肥皂,clock 鐘,towel 毛巾,tooth b

23、rush 牙刷,back,handbag 女手提包,ring戒指,lighter 打火機,scissors剪刀,refrigerator冰箱,shampoo 洗發(fā)露,curtain 窗簾,pillow 枕頭,mosquito net 蚊帳,ruler 尺子,Sleeping bag睡袋,cup 杯子,mirror 鏡子,sheet 床單,air-conditioning 空調(diào),back,超級大冒險(風(fēng)險題),第五關(guān),風(fēng)險題分為3種不同類


25、4,15,back,—Why does a man’s hair become grey before his moustaches?,Because a man’s moustaches come up after his hair. 【提醒】答語句意為:因為人們先長頭發(fā)后長胡須。,back,—Why do white sheep eat more than black ones?,—Because there are more o

26、f them in the world.【提醒】答語句意為:因為世界上白色的綿羊比黑色的綿羊多。,back,Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other?,Because there is love between them!,back,How can you make a rope shorter without cutting

27、 or winding it?,Take a longer rope and compare with it!,back,.What does everybody do at the same time?,Grow old!,back,Why do giraffes have long neck?,Because their heads are far from their bodies!,back,What animal can ju

28、mp as high as a tree?,All animals , for trees can't jump!,back,How do you know traffic policemen are strong ?,Because they can hold up traffic with just one hand!,back,how can you make 1000 out of eight 8's?,easy

29、. 8+8+8+8+88+888=1000!,back,What must you do before you return a book to the library?,Borrow the book from library.,back,Why is a river rich?,Because it has two banks. 【提醒】bank有兩個意思:一是表示“銀行”,二是表示“河岸”。,back,—Why did the

30、student take a ladder to school?,Because he/she was going to high school!,back,How many kinds of bamboo do pandas eat? A. About 20 kinds. B. About 30 kinds. C. About 40 kinds. D. About 50 kinds.,A,back,Who?. He res

31、ted very little . Soon he was making more than 40 new things at one time. He wanted to make a better telephone . And he soon made one . It could carry voices a long way,Thomas Edison,back,Which month has 28 days?,Every

32、month has at least 28 days!,back,1,2,10,3,5,4,6,8,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,back,Dumplings are eaten at _______________.A. Mid-Autumn Festival B. Dragon Boat Festival C. Children’s Day D. Chinese New Year’s Day,D,Ba

33、ck,What fish live mostly out of the water? A. Parrot fish. B. White sharks. C. Mudskippers. D. Scorpion fish.,C,Back,Which country did Dr. Berthune first work in during World War I? A. Canada. B. England. C.

34、 France. D. China.,C,Back,What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?,your name,Back,For the astronauts, the space station is all the following except ________. A. a hotel B. a museum C. a hospita

35、l D. a laboratory,B,Back,What letter is a question?,Y,Back,The Japanese word judo means ____________.A. the gentle way B. to be strong C. number one D. to win,A,Back,Who works only one day in a year but never gets

36、 fired?,Santa Claus 圣誕老人,Back,In addition to the three major Chinese stove is there any other city of Nanjing, Chongqing?,Wuhan,Back,what is the most hard part of the human body? A Tooth B nail C skull,,Back,A,wh

37、o is the author of “How to Make Steel“(鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的) ?,奧斯特洛夫斯基,Back,In the winter when the water down, which glass is easy blasting? A thin glass B thick glass,B,Back,Which day is Tree Planting Day?,March 12,Back,if the g

38、reen house is on the right side of the road,and the red house is on the left side of the road,where is the white house?,In Washington,D. C.,Back,When do people have two mouth?,When there’s two of them 有兩個人時!,Back,1,2,10

39、,3,5,4,6,8,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,back,Will the sport be played RIGHT AFTER being admitted to the OLYMPIC program?,They Cannot be played at the OLYMPIC GAMES until 7 years after their admittance,back,.Which of the following

40、stories was not written by the Grimm Brothers? A. Snow White. B. Cinderella. C. The Little Mermaid. D. Sleeping Beauty.,C,back,Which of the following is(are) the least useful to a fire fighter? A. A helmet.

41、 B. Breathing equipment. C. Cutters. D. Binoculars .,D,back,If two’s company and three’s crowd,what’s four and five?,Nine!,back,The designer of the Statue of Liberty was _______. A. American B. French C.

42、Danish. D. English.,B,back,.When did Doctor Bethune arrive in China? A. In 1937. B. In 1938. C. In 1939. D.In 1940.,B,back,What falls often but never gets hurt?,Snowflakes!,back,With which hand do you write?,Ne

43、ither.I use a pen!,back,10. Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics in _________.A. 1921 B. 1922 C. 1923 D. 1924,A,back,The first collection of stories the Grimm Brothers published was _______. A. Children’s

44、 and Household Tales B. Hansel and Gretel C. The Golden Key D. The Star Money,A,back,The building of the Tower of Pisa lasted_______ years. A. around 50 B. around 100 C. around 150 D. aroun

45、d 200,D,back,Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt.why?,He fell off the last step!,back,How many active volcanoes are there in the world? A. More than 500. B. More than 5,000. C. More than 50,000.

46、D. More than 500,000.,A,back,___________once said, “If I’ve seen further, it’s because I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants.”A. Einstein B. Galileo C. Newton D. Edison,C,back,Why does a cat look first to one


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