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1、<p>  在當今世界經(jīng)濟一體化日益加強的過程中,商業(yè)合作作為一種跨文化交流變得頻繁但也更危險,不當?shù)慕涣骺赡軙l(fā)更多的文化間,文化內(nèi)的沖突和碰撞,甚至也已經(jīng)導(dǎo)致兇險可怖的各種文化沖突或信仰的沖突,禮儀是思維作用下的產(chǎn)物,商務(wù)禮儀之于商務(wù)合作的作用,即規(guī)避由于不同文化沖撞下的不解和誤會,使商務(wù)合作能順利地進行。</p><p>  Chapter 1 International Business Co

2、operation and Cross-cultural Communication</p><p>  1.1 Definition of International Business Cooperation</p><p>  The definition of cooperation is that both sides which are involved in the inter

3、national business cooperation communicate information with each other for a certain kind of need. The purpose of the two parts is to coordinate the relationship between them through discussing so that they can win their

4、respective interests in the end (Li & Zhang, 2011:68). In the process of international business cooperation, both sides need to make a good communication and exchange with each other in order to reach</p><

5、p>  Business cooperation is focused on the economy, around demand trading conditions of the target, the behavior of the purpose of trading process. International business cooperation is in the international business a

6、ctivities, in different countries and regions, the parties to reach a deal, each other through the exchange of information, the behavior of the various elements of the trade negotiation process. International business co

7、operation not only has the characteristics of the general business </p><p>  1.2 Relationship between International Business Cooperation and Cross-cultural Communication</p><p>  Communication c

8、an be defined as the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. Cross-cultural communication, refers to any communication between two peoples who, in any particular field, d

9、o not share a common linguistic or cultural background (Huang, 2013:276). It is actually a process during which people in different cultural backgrounds undertake communicative activities.</p><p>  In its mo

10、st general sense, cross-cultural communication occurs when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture. We may simply say cross-cultural communication when referring to commu

11、nication between people from different cultures. But more precisely, cross-cultural communication is one kind of communication between peoples whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter th

12、e communication event. Cross-cultural communication</p><p>  International business cooperation refers to that in business activities, both sides have the destination to exchange information and resources, s

13、upport and contact with each other, so as to establish the mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit to promote the relationship between personal and business success. The international business cooperation is not only a com

14、mercial activity, but also the cultural exchange process, simultaneously a commercial interest gambling process (Qi, 2010:168). To mak</p><p>  In recent years, scholars and researchers have found that socia

15、l etiquette is a kind of the problems that is worth their attention because etiquette is the first step to personal intercourse; moreover, neither the oriented cultural nor English culture lays much stress on the signifi

16、cance of etiquette in communication.</p><p>  Chapter 2 International Business Etiquette</p><p>  2.1 Definition and Norms of International Business Etiquette</p><p>  2.1.1 Definit

17、ion of International Business Etiquette</p><p>  With the rapid development of world economy, business interactions are becoming more and more frequent. Most nations and many multinational business organizat

18、ions have international facilities and do business on a global basis. The most successful companies will be those who understand world economics and global competitiveness, and have the ability to communicate effectively

19、 with their international counterparts. In Letitia Baldrige’s New Manners for New Times: A Complete Guide to Etiquette, Le</p><p>  Etiquette is an important symbol of the progress of human civilization and

20、social advance. It involves every aspects of people’s life and reflects them in the order and the rank of the society (Jin, 2005:196). It is also the guidance of interpersonal interaction and the general code of conduct

21、that everyone should follow. In English the word “etiquette” is derived from French. The original meaning was the passport of entered the court. In ancient France, the rules of court were written on the pa</p><

22、;p>  1. From the point view of self-cultivation, etiquette can be said to be the external manifestations of a person’s inner cultivation and quality. In other words, etiquette is upbringing. Self-cultivation can be re

23、flected as the cognition and applications of etiquette.</p><p>  2. With the view of morality, etiquette can be defined as the code of people’s interaction.</p><p>  3. From the standpoint of co

24、mmunication, etiquette can be described as an art in interpersonal activities or a communicative means of method.</p><p>  4. In the eyes of esthetician, etiquette is a formal beauty which reflects People’s

25、soul.</p><p>  As a branch of etiquette, business etiquette can be defined as behavior norms that should be abide by business people in their activities. Business etiquette can be traced to the French royal

26、courts in the 17th century as a strict guide to social and business behavior. It is the set of written and unwritten rules of conduct that make social interactions run more smoothly (Zhang & Chen, 2009:98). Business

27、etiquette can vary significantly in different countries, which is invariably related to thei</p><p>  Business etiquette is behavioral norms that the business personnel should follow in business activities.

28、Business etiquette would restraint all kinds of behavior in business activities, mainly in order to reflect the mutual respect between people. It mainly includes the commercial activities of how warmly reception customer

29、, how to carry on the business negotiation, harmoniously how to successfully promote their products, how to various business ceremony grandly, how to properly resolve business</p><p>  2.1.2 Eight Norms of I

30、nternational Business Etiquette</p><p>  There are mainly 8 types of business etiquette that should be focused in international business cooperation.</p><p>  1.Greeting. Greeting language plays

31、 very important role in social communication. Whether in China or the West, when people meet, they will greet each other. The purpose of greeting is to establish contact or maintain relations. When people meet each other

32、 in business occasion, both Chinese and westerners usually greet each other. The purpose of greeting is to establish or maintain social contract, not to transfer information. So formulaic expressions are often used, but

33、such formulaic expression</p><p>  2. Business Meetings. Arrive on time for meetings since time and punctuality important. Time is money in the U.S., so people tend to get to the point quickly and are annoye

34、d by beating around the bush. With the emphasis on controlling time, business is conducted rapidly. Expect very little small talk before getting down to business. The second step in a business meeting is introduction whi

35、ch is shared by both the Chinese people and the western people is to make a good start for the future commun</p><p>  3. Address. Address is important as well as frequently used in the interaction of busines

36、s greeting. It is generally believed that the improper address form will probably bring a more negative impact and effect. Therefore, etiquette of addressing is focused in many countries of the world. Generally, people a

37、re addressed in kinship terms, professional titles, position titles, general terms, names, or personal pronouns in daily association. However, in business intercourse, address is required to </p><p>  4. Bus

38、iness Card. Business card has a universal use in modern times for its standard printing, brevity of language and being easy to carry and keep. When you offer a well-designed business card in business activity, a deep imp

39、ression will be left. Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. Cards are given at the beginning of a meeting. Business cards provide an effective way for your new acquaintance to remember your name, address an

40、d phone number. After you are introduced, shake hands,</p><p>  5. Business Entertaining. Business is usually not discussed until everyone has ordered their meal. Socializing occurs more often after business

41、 is concluded. Business entertaining is not to develop a personal relationship. Business entertaining is as varied as the country. It can be in the form of cocktail parties, golf games, and barbecues, formal or casual di

42、nners. Do not take a sip of drink until the host makes the first toast. If hosting the meal, he should make payment arrangements in order</p><p>  6. Giving Gift. Unlike many countries, business people in Ch

43、ina giving gifts do not carry any negative connotations. Gifts should always be exchanged for celebrations in order to thanks for assistance and even as a sweetener for future favors. Business gifts are always reciprocat

44、ed. They are seen as debts that must be repaid. When giving gifts, they can’t give cash and they need to be items of worth or beauty.</p><p>  7. Communication Style. Americans are direct in the way they com

45、municate. They value logic and linear thinking and expect people to speak clearly in a straightforward manner.</p><p>  8. Customs. In international business activities, inevitably there are some social acti

46、vities, such as party, playing or gifts exchange and so on. Negotiators come from different countries and nationalities, therefore their living habits and customs vary and are affected by geography, history, religion, et

47、c. Chinese people attach importance to their reputation in their daily life and work. They are very concerned about their image in the eyes of others, afraid of being laughed at and misundersto</p><p>  2.2

48、Influence of International Business Etiquette</p><p>  2.2.1 Theoretical Significance and Influence of International Business Etiquette</p><p>  Communication always involves face to face or int

49、erpersonal interactions. When people talk about interpersonal communication between different cultures, they should take etiquette into consideration either for the first meeting or for the subsequent meetings. No one wo

50、uld like to talk or with a rude person.</p><p>  As we all know, whether you are an engineer, machinist or other kind of worker, succeeding in doing a job requires specialized information and skills. But if

51、people want to get succeeded in the job, communication skills, especially etiquette, will be vital. An impressive collection of researches identifies etiquette as the most important factor in successful job performance,

52、especially in business activities. The success or failure of a company will be very deeply influenced by communication. An</p><p>  First, it helps to make clear the object of using business etiquette. Busin

53、ess Etiquette is mainly used by business people to communicate smoothly and deal with the interpersonal relationship effectively. On the contrary, it is not an effective interpersonal skill for common people.</p>

54、<p>  Secondly, it helps to restrict the boundary of using business etiquette. It is only in business activities that business etiquette can be used because business etiquette is not a common standard for other type

55、s of interpersonal communication.</p><p>  Thirdly; it helps to define the basic contents of business etiquette. Behavior norms of business people are the major part of business etiquette. It tells them what

56、 they can do and what criteria they should follow in business activities. Therefore, business etiquette can be regarded as standardized business practices for the manner that business people deal with.</p><p&g

57、t;  2.2.2 Practical Influence of International Business Etiquette</p><p>  Being as the guidance of behavior norms in business occasion, business etiquette has its unique characteristics which can be reflect

58、ed in four aspects.</p><p>  1. Being effective, practical, easy to learn and easy to handle is the major feature of business etiquette. With its general principles and norms of being able to be carried out

59、in a series of methods and ways in detail, business etiquette is easy to remember and implement and can be widely used in business activities. With its development, it will become more simple, convenient and easy to oper

60、ate in the future.</p><p>  2. Business etiquette is the behavior norms that should be abide by business people when they deal with other. Such norms are not only a restriction to the way that people behave

61、in business activities, but also a kind of “common language” adopted by people. In short, business etiquette is a criterion of common self-esteem. Therefore, if any person wants to perform properly in business, the etiqu

62、ette must be unconditionally complied.</p><p>  3. Although there is some common behavior norms that everyone should abide in business occasion, different regions, ethnic groups and social strata have differ

63、ent behavior norms in business activities because of different religious beliefs, social customs, geographical positions and cultural background. The difference of etiquette of direction in the west and the east can serv

64、e as an example to illustrate it (Chaney & Martin, 2002:61). In the eastern cultural tradition, people believe the “l(fā)eft”</p><p>  4. Essentially, business etiquette can be said to be a product of the de

65、velopment of society and history with a distinct feature of times. On one hand, it was formed and developed during the long history of human being’s business practices, and could never be invented by abstract thinking or

66、 completely divorced form any specific historic background. On the other hand, the development of society the progress of history and the appearance of many new characteristics and problems in business commun</p>

67、<p>  Chapter 3 Chinese Enterprises and International Business Cooperation</p><p>  3.1 Influence of Business Etiquette on International Business Cooperation</p><p>  Business etiquette is

68、a kind of proper social behavior includes learning cultural variations in making introductions, exchanging business cards, recognizing position and status, dinning practices, giving gifts and traveling. In this paper, th

69、e variable of concern with etiquette refers to the importance placed on the existence of and adherence to rules for acceptable self-representation and social behavior. It is a matter of formality which includes dress cod

70、es, extent of use of titles, location </p><p>  In different cultures, the degree of importance attached to etiquette, or the formality of the relations between the two negotiating parties are very different

71、. American culture is among the least formal cultures in the world. A generally familiar communication style is quiet common; first names are used, for example, while titles are ignored. While many European countries suc

72、h as France, Germany, England are very formal, and addressing someone while not using the proper title is considered high</p><p>  According to Weiss (1998:58), formalities are observed assiduously in China.

73、 Some basic social rules derive from keqi. Although it has no exact equivalent in English, it prescribes polite, courteous, and humble behavior-the attentiveness so apparent to American guests. Generally, Chinese have tr

74、aditionally been taught early exactly how to behave in relationships and circumstances that people in their status are likely to encounter. Status clear-cut; families with clans were “graded”; so were cla</p><

75、p>  Business etiquette can create a good atmosphere, close the distance. An enterprise, if can, generous and warm and thoughtful reception for customer, think of each other, help each other to solve problems, respect

76、each other, which will make customers feel you are a sincere person and willing to deal with you. In a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, negotiations will naturally shorten the distance between the two sides, easy to fi

77、nd a both sides can accept, and both can benefit from combining sit</p><p>  3.2 Case Analysis of Business Etiquette in International Business Cooperation</p><p>  3.2.1 Negative Cases Analysis&

78、lt;/p><p>  In this section, the author takes two negative cases to explain the influence of business etiquette on international business cooperation. Case 1 is based on business visiting during international b

79、usiness cooperation, and case 2 is based on the address. </p><p>  Business visiting plays a very important role in business cooperation, but every nation has their own practice when one is paying a visit in

80、 business occasion. In western the first step prior to visiting is to make an appointment for a visit to make sure whether the host is free or not. Due to the increasingly fast pace of life and work, business person in t

81、he west is afraid of interrupting others planned schedule unexpectedly, it’s a common practice to make an appointment in advance. He/She oft</p><p>  In China, hosts rarely ask the guests to take off their g

82、loves and caps although it’s polite to put off gloves and caps when entering into the office in western culture. After being asked to sit down, the host may offer something to drink like tea or coffee. The offer is norma

83、lly phrased as a question, such as “Would you like a cup of coffee?” The guest is expected to answer honestly, and if they say no, then the host will not offer any drink. If they accept the drink, they will be expected t

84、o d</p><p>  Let’s see the Negative Case 1.</p><p>  Mr. William, a 60 year-old Irish, who is obsessive about punctuality. So his Chinese employees think he is a person who doesn’t know order of

85、 importance and emergency. One day, a Chinese advertisement agent came to visit Mr. William as it was engaged. But the agent was late for about half an hour because the driver was unfamiliar with the road to the Mr. Will

86、iam’s company and they were caught in the traffic jam. When the agent hustled into the office, Mr. William already left the office without </p><p>  Case Analysis</p><p>  In this case, the fore

87、ign employer is too strict to be punctual to Chinese agent and hurt the feeling of the Chinese employee. It also influenced the subsequent job. On the other hand, the Chinese agent should connect with Mr. obsessive immed

88、iately when he met a series of incident. Maybe it would get a better result. </p><p>  Negative Case 2:</p><p>  Steve Morgan, having promoted to Sales Manager recently, was sent to China. After

89、 he was introduced to the Chinese colleagues, in order to create a relaxed atmosphere, he said to them “Please call me Steve instead of Mr. Morgan or Manager Morgan”. But in the days that followed, no one call him Steve,

90、 but Mr. Steve Morgan in office. Steve said to his friends that it is hard to get good relationships with his Chinese colleagues for they are too serious in daily life. And on the flip side, his Chin</p><p>

91、  Case Analysis</p><p>  In English, we can call Steve Morgan in three ways: ‘Mr. Steve Morgan’, ‘Mr. Morgan’ and ‘Steve’. People address Steve Morgan ‘Mr. Steve Morgan’ to show their highly respect. But in

92、real life, people seldom use the very formal way to address him because that means there is no closeness between the two people. Moreover, they think this is unfamiliarity on purpose. It is more acceptant and polite for

93、Chinese people to use ‘Mr. Morgan’ to address Steve Morgan. But in foreigner’s conception, they ho</p><p>  3.2.2 Positive Cases Analysis</p><p>  In the process of international business cooper

94、ation, we take the strategies and tactics throughout the whole process of negotiations, which determines the success of the cooperation. The negotiation strategy depends on its affiliated cultural background. The traditi

95、onal culture of China reveals that human behavior to reservation is moderate, even want to refuse, they also won’t directly say that. Americans are different, they are straight character, speak communication is also very

96、 direct, righ</p><p>  Positive Case 1:</p><p>  An African company invited a public bidding for a complete set of equipment. There were many big companies from different countries to bid for it

97、. Those big companies had their own advantages, for example, the German company was known for high technology and good quality in Africa. Under such circumstance, the Chinese A Company decided to participate in this bidd


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