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1、<p><b>  中文5182字</b></p><p>  文獻出處:YANG J. The Research on Financial Leasing and China’s Small Micro Enterprises[J]. International Business and Management, 2012, 5(1): 33-37.</p><

2、p><b>  文獻一:</b></p><p>  The Research on Financial Leasing and China’s Small Micro Enterprises</p><p>  Abstract:The financing difficulties is China’s small micro enterprises exis

3、tence a universal problem, it has become the main small micro enterprises development of a bottleneck. The financial leasing in the service of small micro enterprises has marked effect. First, to broaden the financing ch

4、annels of small micro enterprises, second, reduce the fund pressure of small micro enterprises, and the third, promote the technology innovation of small micro enterprises, fourth, promote the market devel</p><

5、;p>  Key words: Small micro enterprises; Financial leasing; Role; Problems; Suggestions</p><p>  INTRODUCTION:</p><p>  Small micro enterprises in the process of economic development of China

6、 plays a more and more prominent role, however, China’s small micro enterprises generally faced the difficulty of shortage of funds. How to solve the financing problems of small micro enterprises is a hot issue in China’

7、s economic development. Studies have shown that financial leasing is an effective way to solve the financing difficulties of small micro enterprises in China. Positive development of financial leasing, can eff</p>

8、<p>  Financial Leasing as a new way to trade, it put the traditional rental, trade and financial way all organic combination up, be understood as a financing bank loans and capital markets after the third road. Fi

9、nancial leasing has the dual function of financing and financial objects, has its unique advantages in the service of the real economy, especially in services to small micro enterprises. In 2010 June, Chinese financial a

10、uthorities issued further completes the small micro enterprise financial</p><p>  1. FINANCIAL LEASING IS THE IDEAL FINANCING OPTIONS FOR SMES IN CHINA</p><p>  Because China’s small micro ente

11、rprises financing channel is narrow, the financial leasing in service for small companies can give full play to the advantages provided a condition.The enterprise financing way has stockholder’s rights financing and the

12、creditor’s rights financing two types. Stockholder’s rights financing can be divided into two forms: public offering and private collect. The public to raise financing is IPO financing. From the present situation of the

13、development of China’s capit</p><p>  2. THE ROLE PLAYED BY FINANCIAL LEASING SERVICES TO SMES</p><p>  Financial leasing advantage decided it has a unique role in service for small micro enter

14、prises. Financial leasing has the following advantages: First, provides professional services for small micro enterprises. Leasing companies often choose some specific industry to carry out leasing business, can provide

15、enterprises with professional services. In the process of cooperation with the enterprise, the leasing company in addition to providing financing service outside, with the development of it i</p><p>  2.1 Ex

16、pand the Small Micro Enterprise’s </p><p>  Financing Channel Bank considers to the safety of the credit funds to set up corresponding assets loan mortgage conditions, the small micro enterprises are restric

17、ted by many factors, it is difficult to obtain loan from the bank. Compared with the cumbersome procedure of the bank loans, financial leasing often do not require the lessee to provide credit guarantee finance simplicit

18、y, therefore, the financial leasing for those in the early days, there’s no mortgage assets, the lack of complete cre</p><p>  2.2 Reduce the Small Micro Enterprise’s Fund Pressure Compared with corporate s

19、elf-purchase of equipment, through financial leasing, the lessee pays the rent way to obtain the right to use of machinery and equipment, a combination of financing and investment, to create the operating profit. Althoug

20、h the equipment not getting the ownership of the equipment, but, the enterprise to pay the rent for the far less than the amount needed for the lump sum investment financing volume. With the aid of f</p><p>

21、;  2.3 Promote the Small Micro Enterprise’s Technological Innovation Financial leasing can make both supply and demand meet directly, reduce the intermediate link, so as to facilitate the equipment into the fields, and

22、drive enterprise production development, financial leasing to become the link of enterprises cohesion production and sales. Due to the strength of strong small micro enterprises reduce the full risk of equipment investme

23、nt, so that enterprises have more energy to track changes in th</p><p>  2.4 Promote the Small Micro Enterprise to Develop the Market Financing and the sale are two difficult problems which the small micro e

24、nterprises faces. Financial leasing has not only solved enterprise's financing problem, moreover the help enterprise has developed the market. May reduce the selling expenses through financial leasing, reduces purcha

25、ses the threshold, enhancement customer purchase ability, to reduce sells link's account receivable and the time sale risk. At the same time, because </p><p>  3. THE PROBLEMS OF CHINA’S FINANCIAL LEASI

26、NG AND WHY</p><p>  2011 China financial leasing industry development report shows, to the end of 2011, 286 Chinese operations in the book all types of financial leasing companies, financial leasing contract

27、 balance of approximately 930 billion yuan. Should say, financial leasing industry development scale and the development of the Chinese economy condition is don’t match</p><p>  3.1 Problems of Financial Lea

28、sing</p><p>  Although China financial leasing business started in 1981, but look on the whole, it is still a new business in China, is still in the initial stage of development, the external market environm

29、ent, the legal environment is still not perfect and mature. As the main body of market rental company professional skills, management level, risk control ability has yet to be further improved. 2011 China financial leas

30、ing industry development report listed the problems of China’s financial leasing indust</p><p>  3.2 The Cause of the Problems</p><p>  The main reason is to influence the development of China’s

31、 financial leasing: First, the society lacks the enough understanding to financial leasing. Looking from the idea angle, the China’s enterprise is accustomed to have equipment’s property rights, makes every effort itself

32、 to have the machinery equipment. This has created the partial machinery equipment idle condition to a certain extent. In fact, the lease can greatly improve the utilization of equipment. Second, a comprehensive policy p

33、ac</p><p>  difficult to meet the demand for rental business.</p><p>  4. THE SUGGESTIONS OF PROMOTE CHINA’S FINANCIAL LEASING </p><p>  DEVELOPMENT</p><p>  In view o

34、f the financial leasing to small micro enterprises with outstanding advantage, the state should be the development of financial leasing to give more accommodative policy. China since launching financial leasing business

35、since, after more than 30 years of development, has initially formed a certain scale, but, due to the management system of unity, leasing company business scope narrow, rental agencies such as less problems affecting the

36、 development of financial leasing and function. To </p><p>  4.1 To Establish a Unified Financial Leasing Management System Due to the management system, financial leasing management is not uniform, the patt

37、ern of inconsistent regulatory system. Different types of leasing companies have different management practices; their ability to finance is not the same, large differences in market activity, unequal competition within

38、the industry, thus affecting the development of financial leasing. The Government should set up a national leasing association, to est</p><p>  4.2 Improve the Relevant Supporting Policies</p><p&g

39、t;  Speeding up the financial leasing legislation, establish and perfect the financial leasing regulations, standardize all kinds of financial leasing company’s products, clear all kinds of financial leasing company equa

40、l legal status. Perfect the corresponding preferential policies. Because of the financial leasing has strong cross industry characteristics, facing the tax, license, registration of property rights, import and export tax

41、 rebate and a series of policy issues, in addition, each of the </p><p>  4.3 Expand Financial Leasing Funds</p><p>  Because capital source of a single, long on bank lending, the leasing compan

42、y development power and the risk control ability is insufficient. The government should make the financial leasing loan guidelines, given the financial leasing companies greater credit support. Promote the docking of the

43、 financial lease and bond markets, capital markets, study the management approach on leasing companies to issue bonds or IPO, effectively solve the leasing company capital source. In addition, to strength</p><

44、p>  5.Conclusion</p><p>  Small micro enterprises play an increasingly prominent role in economic development, therefore, the promotion of small micro enterprises development is an important driving force

45、 of China’s economy in the future be able to maintain sustained growth. If do not solve the financing difficulties of small micro enterprises, it will affect the sustainable development of China’s economy. The financing

46、difficulties of small micro enterprises in China are a widespread problem. Analysis of the financing c</p><p><b>  翻譯一:</b></p><p>  金融租賃和中國的小微企業(yè)的研究</p><p>  摘要:融資難是中國的小

47、微企業(yè)存在的一個普遍問題,它已成為小微企業(yè)發(fā)展一個主要的瓶頸。金融租賃在小的微型企業(yè)具有顯著的效果。首先,能拓寬小微企業(yè)融資渠道,第二,降低小微企業(yè)的資金壓力,第三,推動小微企業(yè)技術創(chuàng)新,第四,推動市場發(fā)展小微企業(yè)。由于缺乏對金融租賃必要的知識,相應的政策不完善,缺乏必要的資金供給,影響金融租賃的發(fā)展。為了促進金融租賃的發(fā)展,中國應建立統(tǒng)一的管理制度,完善的相關政策,擴大財政資金來源租賃。 關鍵詞:小微企業(yè),金融租賃;作

48、用;問題; 建議</p><p>  介紹:小微企業(yè)在中國的經濟過程發(fā)展起著越來越突出的作用,但是,中國的小微企業(yè)普遍面臨資金短缺的困難。如何解決小微企業(yè)的融資問題是一個熱門問題。在中國的經濟發(fā)展有研究表明金融租賃是解決小微企業(yè)融資難的有效途徑。金融租賃的良性發(fā)展,可以有效解決小微企業(yè)融資難題,從而促進經濟發(fā)展。金融租賃作為一種新的交易方式,它把傳統(tǒng)的租賃,貿易與金融方式有機的組合起來,可以理解為融資銀行貸款而后

49、的第三條道路資本市場。融資租賃具有融資和財務目標的雙重功能,在實際的服務中的獨特經濟優(yōu)勢,特別是對小微企業(yè)的服務。2010年6月,??中國金融機構進一步發(fā)行完成了小微企業(yè)金融服務工作的若干意見,和要求發(fā)展的融資租賃業(yè)務。充分展示金融租賃的功能,可促進小微企業(yè)的發(fā)展。 </p><p>  1.金融租賃是理想的融資方案。</p><p>  中國的中小企業(yè)因為中國的小微企業(yè)融資渠道



52、的長期債務融資,是根據(jù)出租人承租人的需要,提前按照合同,承租人指定一個人買承租人</p><p>  2 。發(fā)揮金融租賃的對中小企業(yè)的服務的作用。</p><p>  融資租賃的優(yōu)勢決定了它具有獨特的服務小微企業(yè)作用。融資租賃具有以下優(yōu)點:第一,提供專業(yè)的服務,為小微企業(yè)。租賃公司往往會選擇一些特定的行業(yè)開展租賃業(yè)務,可以為企業(yè)提供專業(yè)的服務。在與企業(yè)合作的過程中,租賃公司除了提供融資服務


54、企業(yè)降低經營風險。買不起的生產設備,承租人通過融資租賃的設備,從該項目獲得投產,從早投早受益提高運營效率。金融租賃以減少資金流出來為企業(yè)裝備。金融租賃方案被設計成具有一定程度的靈活性,租賃公司可以根據(jù)對企業(yè)的現(xiàn)金流量身定做租金還款計劃,避免企業(yè)還款壓力過于集中,從而降低財務風險。訂立租賃合同,該設備價格,租金及其他重要問題是確定一個時</p><p>  2.1擴大小微企業(yè)的融資渠道</p><

55、;p>  銀行考慮到信貸資金的安全設置和相應的資產抵押貸款的條件,小微型企業(yè)是由許多因素的制約,它是很難從銀行獲得貸款。與銀行貸款比較,融資租賃的繁瑣程序往往不需要承租人提供信用擔保,因此,金融租賃為那些在創(chuàng)業(yè)初期,沒有抵押資產,缺乏完整的信用記錄,資產負債率較高的小微型企業(yè),特別是小微企業(yè)在啟動階段提供了現(xiàn)實的融資降低小微企業(yè)的基金壓力。與企業(yè)自購買設備相比,通過金融租賃,承租人支付租金的方式要獲得使用機器設備的權利,融資和投資


57、;<p>  2.2與企業(yè)自購買設備相比降低小微企業(yè)的資金壓力。</p><p>  通過金融租賃,承租人支付租金的方式獲得使用機器設備的權利,融資和投資的組合,創(chuàng)造經營利潤。雖然設備沒有得到設備的所有權,但企業(yè)支付的租金比所需的一筆投資資金量的金額少得多。隨著金融租賃的幫助下,承租人是由設備,返回的錢,即租的方式來支付設備。承租人和出租人的租金分期付款金額無論是在他們的考慮之后的現(xiàn)金流狀況確定的,

58、以承租人的現(xiàn)金流有好處,管理企業(yè)的資本支出,減少資金壓力。由于融資租賃此外,不包括在本公司的資產負債表,通過融資租賃企業(yè)可以降低資產負債率,為企業(yè)的發(fā)展奠定了其他與籌資活動奠定了基礎</p><p>  2.3促進小微企業(yè)的技術創(chuàng)新</p><p>  融資租賃可以使供需雙方見面直接,減少了中間環(huán)節(jié),以便利于設備快速使用,并驅動企業(yè)的生產發(fā)展,融資租賃成為鏈接企業(yè)的生產和銷售凝聚力。為強大

59、的小微企業(yè)實力降低全設備投資的風險,使企業(yè)擁有更多的精力來跟蹤市場變化,加快技術創(chuàng)新步伐,生產更具競爭力產品。小微企業(yè)通過財務租賃,以減少設備投資的負擔,快速獲得所需要的技術和設備。這樣可以縮短的技術改造唄企業(yè)更新設備周期,通過連續(xù)租先進的設備,以縮短機器設備的時間使用,從而加快生產設備更新,保持生產技術領先,并搶占市場機會。</p><p>  2.4促進小微企業(yè),以開拓市場。</p><p

60、>  融資和銷售是小微企業(yè)面臨的兩個難題的。金融租賃有不僅解決了企業(yè)的融資問題,而且?guī)椭髽I(yè)開發(fā)市場??赡軙档屯ㄟ^融資租賃的銷售費用,降低了購買門檻,增強客戶購買能力,減少銷售環(huán)節(jié)的應收賬款和的時間內出售的風險。與此同時,由于金融租賃是一種管理行為,出租人與租戶保持持續(xù)的良好的溝通條件,承租人可以根據(jù)顧客采取行動反饋的信息,進行更新和完善的產品,保持產品的良好。通過融資租賃,可以溝通金融,貿易,生產三個市場,指導資本的合理順序是

61、移動,促進金融資本,產業(yè)資本和貿易資本的融合。</p><p>  3.中國的融資租賃問題及為什么2011中國金融租賃行業(yè)發(fā)展報告顯示,到2011年, 286在中國運營的所有類型的金融租賃公司的結束,財務的約有930名十億租賃合同余額元。應該說,金融租賃業(yè)發(fā)展規(guī)模和中國經濟的發(fā)展條件不匹配 3.1存在的問題</p><p>  雖然中國的金融租賃業(yè)務起步于1981年,但總體上看

62、,它仍然是一個新的業(yè)務。在中國,目前還處于發(fā)展的初級階段,外部市場環(huán)境,法律環(huán)境還不夠完善和成熟。作為市場的主體租賃公司的專業(yè)技能,管理水平,風險控制能力還有待進一步提高。 2011上市的中國金融租賃行業(yè)發(fā)展報告,中國金融租賃業(yè)存在的問題:第一,金融租賃行業(yè)的理解存在誤區(qū)。有關部門思考金融租賃將推動通脹,因此,金融租賃公司先后通過了規(guī)模控制政策,資金租用企業(yè)的資源來下的影響。在第二個方面,融資租賃業(yè)務各地發(fā)展不均衡。由于90 %的全部類

63、型的金融租賃公司都集中在30個城市,包括北京,上海,天津,而全國200多個地級以上城市,包括一些省會城市的其余部分,還沒有一個金融租賃公司。第三,相關法律法規(guī)不完美的。金融租賃業(yè)的發(fā)展仍然缺乏一個統(tǒng)一的,有效的司法保障。四,金融租賃公司的風險意識還比較薄弱。相關監(jiān)管國家部門的監(jiān)管體系不健全。許多租賃企業(yè)沒有建立有效的風險控制機制。一些租賃企業(yè)規(guī)模較小,但生意很快推進,資本充足率甚至小于1% 。在一些綜合租賃企業(yè)業(yè)務的發(fā)展,售后回的比例

64、租金是太大了。此外,中國的金融租賃行業(yè)監(jiān)管不統(tǒng)一。中國金融租賃業(yè),根據(jù)</p><p>  3.2存在的問題及原因。</p><p>  主要的影響發(fā)展中國金融租賃的原因:一,社會缺乏足夠的認識到金融租賃。尋找從這個想法角度看,中國的企業(yè)習慣于有設備的產權,力求本身具有的機械設備。這就形成部分機器設備空閑狀態(tài)到一定的程度。事實上,租賃可以大大提高設備利用率。第二,全面的政策打包的問題。租賃

65、滲透率遠低于發(fā)達國家與速度和不兼容中國經濟發(fā)展的發(fā)展水平,一個重要原因是相關法制建設滯后租賃業(yè)的發(fā)展。在中國,缺乏統(tǒng)一的融資租賃立法和配套法規(guī)還不健全,在現(xiàn)行合同法,法律制度的現(xiàn)實,租金的權力是關系得到有效的保障與難度。第三,貨幣供應量的問題。租賃企業(yè)缺乏必要的融資渠道,根據(jù)融資方式融資租賃是不獨立募集資金的市場需求,因此,難以滿足租賃業(yè)務的需求。</p><p>  4.中國融資租賃發(fā)展推進的建議</p

66、><p>  鑒于金融租賃給小微企業(yè)突出的優(yōu)勢,國家應該對金融租賃的發(fā)展給予更多的寬松的貨幣政策。中國自開展金融自租賃業(yè)務,經過30多年的發(fā)展,已初步形成了一定的規(guī)模,但由于租賃公司的管理制度,業(yè)務范圍狹窄,租賃公司少,影響金融租賃業(yè)發(fā)展的問題。要加快金融發(fā)展租賃,應該團結金融租賃管理制度,加強租賃管理。該政府應該建立和完善金融租賃立法,完善優(yōu)惠政策。通過擴大在融資租賃的資金來源,并金融租賃的發(fā)展</p>

67、<p>  4.1建立統(tǒng)一的金融租賃管理體系</p><p>  由于,金融租賃管理是不均勻的,不一致的監(jiān)管體系。不同類型的租賃公司有不同的管理辦法,自己的能力金融是不是在市場上是相同的,差別大行業(yè)內的活動,不平等競爭,從而影響金融租賃的發(fā)展。政府應該設立一個全國性租賃協(xié)會,建立統(tǒng)一的管理系統(tǒng),實現(xiàn)了統(tǒng)一管理的融資租賃。制定統(tǒng)一的行業(yè)規(guī)范,統(tǒng)一的行業(yè)自律管理發(fā)出措施,明確各類市場準入條件的租賃公司

68、的業(yè)務范圍及經營程序,完善監(jiān)督制度,管理指標。 4.2完善相關配套政策 加快融資租賃立法,建立健全金融租賃法規(guī),規(guī)范各類金融租賃公司的產品,清除各類金融租賃公司同等的法律。完善相應的優(yōu)惠政策。由于融資租賃具有很強的跨行業(yè)的特點,面臨的稅收,執(zhí)照,注冊產權,進口和出口退稅等一系列政策問題,此外,各個地方的政策不一致的標準,優(yōu)先租賃政策不統(tǒng)一,金融租賃在實際操作過程中存在一定的風險。該政府應協(xié)調政策的各個方面,為發(fā)展金融

69、租賃創(chuàng)造了良好的政策環(huán)境。 4.3展開金融租賃基金 因為一個單一的,長期對銀行貸款的資金來源,租賃公司發(fā)展的動力和風險控制能力不足。政府應使金融租賃貸款的指引,讓金融租賃公司更大的信貸支持。促進金融租賃和債券</p><p>  5.總結:小微企業(yè)在經濟發(fā)展中發(fā)揮的作用越來越突出,因此,促進小微企業(yè)發(fā)展的是中國的經濟在未來的驅動力可以保持持續(xù)增長的一個重要方面。如果不解決融資小微企業(yè)的困難,就會影


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