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1、<p>  字數(shù):英文2884單詞,16605字符;中文5177漢字</p><p>  出處:Hyun G J, Han D H, Lee Y S, et al. Risk factors associated with online game addiction: a hierarchical model[J]. Computers in human behavior, 2015, 48: 706-

2、713.</p><p><b>  外文文獻: </b></p><p>  Risk factors associated with online game addiction: </p><p>  A hierarchical model</p><p>  Abstract Online gaming add

3、iction has been increasingly recognized as a mental disorder. However, the predictive factors that lead to online gaming addiction are not well established. The aim of this study was to identify factors that may infiuenc

4、e the development of online gaming addiction. A total of 263 patients with problematic online gaming addiction (255 males (97%) and 8 females (3%), age: mean = 20.4 ± 5.8 years) and 153 healthy comparison subjects (

5、118 males (77%) and 35 females (23%), </p><p>  Key words: Online gaming addiction; Social interaction; Psychopathology Individual factors; Cognitive functions </p><p>  1.Introduction</p>

6、<p>  Recently, it has been suggested that internet addiction is a mental health problem (Lam, Peng, Mai, & Jing, 2009). Internet addiction may impair daily life, academic performance, family relationships, an

7、d emotional development, particularly among adolescents. Since 1996, when the concept of ‘‘internet addiction’’ was introduced as a new clinical disorder, internet addiction has been studied in terms of the physical and

8、psychological consequences, particularly in China, Korea. However, the causes</p><p>  In general, individual factors related to online gaming addiction such as sex and age have been considered in previous s

9、tudies. Most studies report that the male sex conveys a 2–3 times higher risk for internet addiction than the female sex (Lee, Han, Kim, & Renshaw, 2013; Sasmaz et al., 2014). In addition, older age has been reported

10、 to be a risk factor for internet addiction among adolescents (Ahmadi & Saghafi, 2013).</p><p>  In terms of causal cognitive factors for online gaming addiction, IQ and cognitive fiexibility have been c

11、onsidered. A study by Park et al. (2011) noted that adolescents with internet addiction have lower comprehensive sub-item scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R) in comparison to healthy control subjects

12、. A study by Zhou, Yuan, and Yao (2012) indicated that patients with online gaming addiction demonstrate low mental fiexibility and response inhibition in modified versions o</p><p>  Psychopathological cond

13、itions that are often co-morbid with online gaming addiction, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), major depressive disorder (MDD), anxiety, and impulsivity have been considered. Several previous studies

14、of internet addiction have noted that some symptoms in patients with problematic internet use are the same as those observed in other psychopathologies (Aboujaoude et al., 2006). For example, ADHD and MDD are the most fr

15、equent comorbid disorders in a South </p><p>  In terms of social interaction factors that have been related to online gaming addiction, family environment, social anxiety, and self-esteem have been consider

16、ed. Based on an online survey of 1642 people (19–60 years of age), Wang and Wang (2013) reported that excessive internet use is motivated by cyberspace social encounters in individuals with poor offiine social support, i

17、ncluding support from family members. However, based on a survey of 2348 college students, Yen et al. (2012) suggested t</p><p>  Self-esteem is thought to mediate social interactions and preference for onli

18、ne social interactions (Caplan, 2005; Fioravanti, Dettore, & Casale, 2012; Stinson et al., 2008). Bozoglan, Demirer, and Sahin (2013) found that low self-esteem was associated with internet addiction in a sample of T

19、urkish university students 18– 24 years of age. A study by Lemenager et al. (2013) reported selfconfidence deficits in individuals characterized as major users of multiplayer online role-playing games.</p><p&g

20、t;  Each of these studies, however, focused on only one or two independent factors, without considering the hierarchical importance among variable risk factors. As observed in other addiction disorders as well as in chil

21、d and adolescent disorders (Lee et al., 2013), identifying the hierarchical importance of risk factors for online gaming addiction may infiuence policy and treatment. Based on patients with online gaming addiction consec

22、utively referred to the Online Game Clinic Center at OO Universi</p><p><b>  2.Method</b></p><p>  The current study screened 308 patients with problematic online gaming habits (296

23、males (96%) and 12 females (4%), age: mean = 21.0 ± 5.9 years, range: 12–45 years) who visited the Online Game Clinic Center at OO University Hospital from June 2011 to March 2013. Through advertisements posted at O

24、O University and OO University Medical Center, 153 healthy comparison subjects (118 males (77%) and 35 females (23%), age: 21.2 ± 5.5 years, range: 13–40 years) were recruited to voluntarily participate</p>&

25、lt;p>  The criteria for online game addiction in the current study were similar to those employed in other previous studies (Han, Hwang, & Renshaw, 2010; Ko et al., 2009). Factors associated with addiction include

26、d: (1) online game playing through the internet, more than 4 h per day or 30 h per week, (2) Internet Addiction Scale score >50 (Young, 1996), (3) irritable, anxious, and aggressive behaviors when compelled to stop on

27、line game playing, (4) impaired behaviors or distress, economic problems, or </p><p>  Exclusion criteria included: (1) a history or current episode of other Axis I psychiatric diseases, with the exception o

28、f MDD and ADHD, (2) IQ < 80, (3) substance abuse history, with the exception of alcohol or tobacco abuse, and (4) neurological or medical disorder. Ultimately, 263 patients with online gaming addiction (255 males (97%

29、) and 8 females (3%), age: mean = 20.4 ± 5.8 years, range: 12–45 years), consisting of 109 with only online gaming addiction (referred to herein as pure online gam</p><p>  3.Discussion</p><p

30、>  Of the four risk categories including individual factors, cognitive functions, psychopathologies, and social interactions, psychopathologies were the strongest risk factors for online gaming addiction in all patien

31、ts. Specifically, sex, self-esteem, attention, depressive moods, family environment, and perseverative errors were significantly associated with online gaming addiction. In patients with pure online gaming addiction, ass

32、ociations were found with individual factors, psychological factor</p><p>  3.1.Individual factors</p><p>  Of the two individual factors, sex was a risk factor for online gaming addiction in al

33、l patients. Both sex and age were also associated with online gaming addiction in patients with pure online gaming addiction.</p><p>  Sex differences may be due to different online use between males and fem

34、ales. Female adolescents typically use online networking for enhancing communication and sharing information via instant messaging, chatting, and visiting personal websites. However, male adolescents mainly use online ne

35、tworking for playing online games (Gross, 2004). In addition, temperamental characteristics, including higher levels of novelty seeking, higher comorbidity of ADHD, and higher levels of impulsivity in males a</p>

36、<p>  3.2.Cognitive factors</p><p>  Although there are controversies in terms of the relation between cognitive function and internet addiction, the results of the current study suggest that perseverat

37、ive errors but not IQ are associated with online gaming addiction. Disrupted perseverative responses have been reported in patients with internet addiction (Han, Kim, Lee, & Renshaw, 2012; Han, Lyoo et al., 2012; Zho

38、u et al., 2012). Relative to healthy comparison subjects, patients with online gaming addiction tend to show increased </p><p>  3.3.Psychopathological factors</p><p>  Psychopathologies, especi

39、ally ADHD and MDD, were the strongest risk factors for online gaming addiction in the current study. In a systematic review of 20 articles about comorbid psychopathologies and pathological internet use, Carli et al. (201

40、3) reported that 100% of articles claim that pathological internet use is associated with symptoms of ADHD, and 75% of the articles assert that pathological internet use is associated with MDD. According to a survey of 2

41、793 college students, adult ADHD is</p><p>  3.4.Social interaction factors</p><p>  The results of the current research show that the factor of family environment within the set of social inter

42、action factors is an important risk factor for an online gaming addiction. Tsai et al. (2009) demonstrated that offiine social support and interaction with family and colleagues in a study of 1360 university freshmen neg

43、atively correlated with internet addiction. In a study of family factors contributing to internet addiction, Yen, Yen, Chen, Chen, and Ko (2007) reported that a higher lev</p><p>  4.Limitations</p>&

44、lt;p>  There are several limitations to the current results. First, although we determined the statistical design in light of previous studies, the arbitrary classification of independent factors and the arbitrary inc

45、lusion criteria of ‘online gaming addiction’ may reduce the reliability for factors predicting online gaming addiction. In particular, the time spent gaming as an inclusion criterion for online gaming addiction is contro

46、versial (Charlton & Danforth, 2007; Skoric, Lay Ching Teo, & Lijie Neo</p><p>  5.Conclusion</p><p>  The current study assessed the hierarchical importance of four sets of risk factors

47、for online gaming addiction. These factor sets included individual factors, cognitive functions, psychopathologies, and social interactions in patients with online gaming addiction. Psychopathologies including ADHD and d

48、epression were the strongest risk factors for the addiction. Control and treatment of ADHD and major depressive disorder may be important for the prevention of online game addiction. Additionally,</p><p><

49、;b>  中文譯文:</b></p><p>  與網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮相關(guān)的風(fēng)險因素:層次模型</p><p>  摘要 網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮已被越來越多地認定為一種精神障礙。然而,導(dǎo)致網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的預(yù)測因素尚未確定。本研究的目的是找出可能會影響網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮發(fā)展的因素。共有263名有問題的網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮患者(男性255人(97%),女性8人(3%),年齡:平均= 20.4±5


51、網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的發(fā)展有關(guān)。如前所述,心理因素(注意力、情緒、焦慮和沖動)是網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮患者網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的最大風(fēng)險因素。包括注意缺陷多動障礙和抑郁癥在內(nèi)的精神病理因素是與個人網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮發(fā)展有關(guān)的最強因素。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮;社會互動;精神病理學(xué)的個體因素;認知功能</p><p><b>  1.引言</b></p><p&g

52、t;  最近,有人認為網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮是一種心理健康問題(林、彭、麥和靜,2009)。網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮可能會影響日常生活、學(xué)業(yè)成績、家庭關(guān)系和情緒發(fā)展,特別是對青少年。自1996年以來,當(dāng)“網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮”的概念被引入作為一種新的臨床疾病時,網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮就從生理和心理的角度進行了研究,特別是在中國、韓國。然而,盡管許多研究試圖在人口因素、精神病理因素、心理社會和家庭環(huán)境以及認知功能方面探索其原因(阿班,古蘭,加梅爾,拉奇和塞爾普,2006;河等人,2006;帕克

53、等人,2011;蔡等人,2009;王和汪,2013),但導(dǎo)致網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮的原因或加重因素仍然是未知的。</p><p>  在以往的研究中,一般都考慮到與網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮有關(guān)的個人因素,如性別和年齡。大多數(shù)研究報告說,與女性相比,男性的網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮風(fēng)險高出2-3倍(李,韓,金和倫肖,2013;薩斯曼等人,2014)。此外,據(jù)報道,年齡增大是青少年網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮的一個危險因素(艾哈邁迪和薩加菲,2013)。</p>&

54、lt;p>  在網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的因果認知因素方面,已經(jīng)考慮了智商和認知能力。帕克等人(2011)的一項研究指出,與健康對照者相比,網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮青少年在韋克斯勒成人智力量表(WAIS-R)中的綜合分項得分較低。周、元和姚(2012)的一項研究表明,網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的患者在go/nogo測試的修改版本中表現(xiàn)出低的心理智力和反應(yīng)抑制。在我們以前的研究中,網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的患者在威斯康星卡片分類測驗(韓,劉和倫肖,2012)中表現(xiàn)出持續(xù)性反應(yīng)和持續(xù)性錯

55、誤的數(shù)量在增加。</p><p>  在精神病理學(xué)因素中,已經(jīng)考慮了通常與網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮有關(guān)如注意缺陷多動障礙(ADHD)、重度抑郁癥(MDD)、焦慮和沖動的并發(fā)癥。以前對網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮的幾項研究已經(jīng)指出,有問題的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使用的患者的一些癥狀與其他精神病理學(xué)觀察到的癥狀相同(阿布賈德等人,2006)。例如,ADHD和MDD是韓國樣本人群中最常見的并發(fā)癥,而網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮的臨床特征與ADHD和MDD患者的臨床癥狀相似(河等人,20


57、增加了兒童的侵略行為(弗格森,新聞界)。</p><p>  在與網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮有關(guān)的社會互動因素方面,考慮了家庭環(huán)境、社交焦慮和自尊。王和汪(2013)根據(jù)對1642人(19-60歲)進行的在線調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),過度使用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是出于,在現(xiàn)實社會中得到較少支持的人,包括家庭成員的支持,可以在網(wǎng)絡(luò)社會中得到其他人的支持。然而,根據(jù)對2348名大學(xué)生的調(diào)查,延等人(2012)認為,對于有社交焦慮的個人來說,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是一個很好的選

58、擇。相比之下,李和Stapinski(2012)報道說,網(wǎng)上交流使社交焦慮程度較高的個體避免了面對面的障礙。</p><p>  自尊被認為可以調(diào)解社會互動和網(wǎng)絡(luò)社會互動偏好(卡普蘭,2005;菲奧拉萬蒂,德托雷和卡塞萊,2012;斯廷森等人,2008)。Bozoglan,德米雷爾和沙欣(2013)發(fā)現(xiàn),在18至24歲的土耳其大學(xué)生樣本中,低自尊與網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮有關(guān)。 Lemenager等人的研究(2013)報道了以多

59、人在線角色扮演游戲為主要用戶的個人缺乏自信。</p><p>  然而,這些研究僅關(guān)注于一個或兩個獨立因素,而不考慮變量風(fēng)險因素之間的分層重要性。正如其他成癮疾病以及兒童和青少年疾病所觀察到的,確定網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮風(fēng)險因素的分層重要性可能會影響政策和治療(李等人,2013)?;贠O大學(xué)醫(yī)院的網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲門診中心網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮患者的情況,我們旨在評估網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮患者的個體因素、認知功能、精神病理狀態(tài)以及社會心理和家庭支持水

60、平之間的分層重要性。</p><p><b>  2.方法</b></p><p>  目前的研究篩查了308名有問題的網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲患者(男性296人(96%),女性12人(4%),年齡:平均= 21.0±5.9歲,范圍:12-45歲),他們在2011年6月至2013年3月期間訪問了OO大學(xué)醫(yī)院的網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲診所。通過在OO大學(xué)和OO大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)中心發(fā)布的廣告,招募了1

61、53名健康對照者(男性118人(77%),女性35人(23%),年齡:平均= 21.0±5.5歲,范圍:13-40歲)自愿參加這項研究?;颊吆蛯φ照呔褂肈SM-IV結(jié)構(gòu)化臨床訪談進行了篩查(河等人,2006;Kusumakar,麥克馬斯特,蓋茨,斯帕克斯和卡恩,2001),患者被兩名兒童及青少年精神科醫(yī)生診斷為繼發(fā)性合并癥。所有受試者都被要求填寫關(guān)于網(wǎng)癮嚴重程度、個人因素、家庭環(huán)境、社會互動和合并癥的問卷。</p>

62、;<p>  在目前的研究中,網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與其他以前研究中所使用的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)類似(韓,黃和羅德曼,2010;柯等人,2009)。與成癮相關(guān)的因素包括:(1)通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)進行網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲,每天超過4小時或每周超過30小時;(2)網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮量表評分> 50(楊,1996);(3)被迫停止網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲時的急躁、焦慮和攻擊性行為;(4)由于沉溺網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲?qū)е碌男袨檎系K或苦惱、經(jīng)濟問題或正常生活的不適應(yīng)行為;(5)由于晝夜節(jié)律紊亂導(dǎo)致的不規(guī)

63、則生活行為(例如,白天睡覺,晚上游戲,不定期餐飲,不能保持個人衛(wèi)生),逃學(xué)或失業(yè)。</p><p>  排除標(biāo)準(zhǔn)包括:(1)除了MDD和ADHD之外的其他I型精神疾病的病史或現(xiàn)狀;(2)IQ<80;(3)除酗酒或煙草濫用外,藥物濫用史;(4)神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)或醫(yī)學(xué)疾病。最終,263名網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮患者(男性255人(97%),女性8人(3%),年齡:平均= 20.4±5.8歲,范圍:12-45歲),這項研究


65、</p><p><b>  3.討論</b></p><p>  在包括個人因素、認知功能、精神病理因素和社會互動在內(nèi)的四個風(fēng)險類別中,精神病理因素是所有患者網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮中最強的風(fēng)險因素。具體來說,性別、自尊、注意力、抑郁情緒、家庭環(huán)境和持續(xù)性錯誤與網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮有著顯著的關(guān)聯(lián)。在純網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮患者中,發(fā)現(xiàn)了個人因素、心理因素和社會互動的影響。在四個類別中,精神病理因

66、素是純網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮患者中網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的最強風(fēng)險因素。具體來說,性別、年齡、自尊、注意力、抑郁情緒和家庭環(huán)境與這些患者的網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮顯著相關(guān)。</p><p><b>  3.1.個人因素</b></p><p>  在兩個個別因素中,性別是所有患者網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的風(fēng)險因素。在網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮患者中,性別和年齡都與網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮相關(guān)。</p><p> 

67、 性別差異可能是由于男性和女性對網(wǎng)絡(luò)的使用不同。女性青少年使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)主要是,通過即時消息、聊天和訪問個人網(wǎng)站來加強交流和分享信息。然而,男性青少年使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)主要是用來玩網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲(格羅斯,2004)。此外,包括更高的獵奇心理、更高的ADHD并發(fā)癥以及更高的沖動程度的男性氣質(zhì)特征,導(dǎo)致男性的網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮率高于女性(博茲庫爾特,考斯登,阿亞丁,艾德克和澤爾格魯,2013;達爾布達克等人,2013;柯等人,2010;吳等人,2013)。帕克等人(2

68、013)的一項研究報道說,年齡增長是青少年患者網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的一個風(fēng)險因素。</p><p><b>  3.2.認知因素</b></p><p>  雖然在認知功能和網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮之間的關(guān)系方面存在爭議,但是目前的研究結(jié)果表明,持續(xù)性錯誤并非是智商問題,而是與網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮相關(guān)。網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮患者已經(jīng)表現(xiàn)出了持續(xù)的錯誤反應(yīng)(韓,金,李和羅德曼,2012;韓,劉等人,2012; 周等


70、的數(shù)量,合并癥的考慮,或其他危險因素之間的相互作用。</p><p>  3.3.精神病理因素</p><p>  精神病理學(xué),特別是ADHD和MDD,是目前研究中網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮最強的危險因素。在系統(tǒng)綜述了20篇關(guān)于并存病和病理性互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使用的文章后,卡利等人(2013)表示,100%的文章聲稱病理性互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使用與ADHD的癥狀相關(guān),75%的文章斷言病理性互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使用與MDD相關(guān)。根據(jù)對2793名

71、大學(xué)生的調(diào)查,成人ADHD也與網(wǎng)絡(luò)成癮有關(guān)(延,延,陳,唐和柯,2009)。病理性互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使用和ADHD之間的強烈聯(lián)系可能與ADHD的特征有關(guān),因為這兩組患者往往容易感到厭煩, 并在即時滿足的情況下茁壯成長(坎貝爾和馮施道芬堡,2009;卡利等人,2013)。此外,F(xiàn)ergurson和Ceranoglu表明,病理性游戲行為可能是潛在的ADHD癥狀,而不是獨特的疾?。‵ergurson和Ceranoglu,2014)。在我們的純網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮

72、患者組(即沒有合并ADHD和MDD的患者)中,K-ARS評分和K-BDI評分也與網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮相關(guān)。在德國游戲玩家中,相比于情感不太敏感的用戶,情感敏感的用戶更多地喜歡玩網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲(科維特等,2014)。這些結(jié)果表明,亞臨床ADHD和MDD可能會加劇網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮。雖然網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮組與健康</p><p>  3.4.社會互動因素</p><p>  目前研究的結(jié)果表明,一系列社會互動因素中的家



75、oglan等人,2013;Lemenager等人,2013)。藥物或酒精成癮</p><p><b>  4.局限性</b></p><p>  當(dāng)前的結(jié)果有幾個局限性。首先,雖然我們根據(jù)以往的研究確定了統(tǒng)計設(shè)計,但獨立因素的任意分類和“網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮”的任意入選標(biāo)準(zhǔn)可能會降低網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮預(yù)測因素的可靠性。特別是,把游戲時間作為網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是有爭議的(查爾頓和丹斯

76、,2007;斯科里克,張在慶和李杰新,2009)。第二,目前的研究沒有考慮使用其他在線設(shè)施,如智能手機服務(wù)、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)聊天或智能電視。第三,目前的研究中女性比例很低;因此,女性網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲成癮結(jié)果的普遍性是有限的。第三,由于游戲偏好和ADHD患病率與男性相關(guān),回歸分析中性別以外的危險因素的影響程度可能很小。讀者在解釋結(jié)果時應(yīng)考慮這些局限性。</p><p><b>  5.結(jié)論</b></p&


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