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1、<p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Design of Fault Diagnosis Monitor System for the Locomotive </p><p>  Bearings Based on DSP Technology</p><p><b>  Abstract</b>

2、;</p><p>  The rolling bearing is one of the key parts of the locomotive running components, because it condition is directly related to the performance and safety of locomotive. In this paper, the monitor s

3、ystem for the locomotive bearings based on DSP TMS320LF2407A is designed. This system diagnoses the rolling bearing fault using vibration analysis method. It is based on comprehensive resonance demodulation and fast Four

4、ier transform technique, and it adopts "related methods" to handle the result of the</p><p>  Key words: resonance demodulation technology; digital signal processor; related methods </p><

5、;p>  I. Introduction</p><p>  The higher safety is required to the trains because its speed is raised constantly. Bearing fault is one of the major factors causing eventful traffic accidents and affecting

6、 rail safety. Currently the railway system usually uses the bearing temperature detector to monitor the locomotive bearing condition. Theoretical analysis and a lot of practice show that the bearing temperature detector

7、can prevent accidents from occurring to some extent, but most of the bearing fault is not sensitive to tem</p><p>  II. System composing and work process </p><p>  Based on the need, the monitor

8、 of the bearing fault monitoring system to the locomotive bearing sets two detections: itineration detections and fixed detections. The itineration detection is used in the normal conditions, and the fixed detection is u

9、sed for the continuous monitoring of the fault bearing. The system adopts special composite sensor to collect the vibration of the bearing and the temperature signal at the same time. After the data processing, the corre

10、sponding fault levels and rise</p><p>  III. The key technology of the design for the monitoring system</p><p>  The spectrum analysis means for diagnosing bearing fault</p><p>  Un

11、der normal circumstances, all parts of the rolling bearing (inner circle, outer circle, roller, holding frame) will retain the stable relative movement state. If the surface of some element (except for holding frame) has

12、 crack, and this crack is in the surface of the rolling adjacent component, the instantaneous vibration impulse must be produced.</p><p>  Assumed that the number of the roller in the bearing is Z; the diame

13、ter of the roller is d; the average diameter of the bearing inner circle and the bearing outer circle (the diameter of the roller revolution path) is D; the frequency of the bearing rotation is f0. Assumed that the inner

14、 circle is fixed and the outer circle is circumvolved, the vibration frequency brought by the surface defects of different bearing components can be derived.</p><p>  These frequencies can be called the faul

15、t characteristics frequency of the inner circle, outer circle and the roller.</p><p>  B. Resonance demodulation technology</p><p>  We can collect vibration signal using the resonance of the be

16、aring components, and detect the envelope of the fault signal using envelop detector, which can fulfill the analysis to the fault character. This is called “resonance demodulation technology”. The component surfaces such

17、 as the inner circle, the outer circle and the roller of the rolling bearing are easily damaged in local place in the course of operation (such as pitting and peeling off, cracking, scratching etc.). If the surface of s&

18、lt;/p><p>  With resonance demodulation technology, the electric resonator which resonant frequency is much higher than normal vibration frequency and limited high-harmonic frequency is designed. Therefore, it

19、can effectively restrain the low-frequency signal including normal vibration signal. The resonance response magnifies the signal amplitude of the impulse signal and the time of its oscillation islonger, thus the fault si

20、gnal is broadened in the time domain signal. After the envelope detection and low-</p><p>  C. Envelope detection</p><p>  A bearing with fault in the course of rolling will bring regular vibrat

21、ion. Different fault has different character frequency. The character frequency system detecting is the frequency of the signal envelope (the frequency which is accrued by the collision of the fault on bearing element),

22、not the vibration frequency of the bearing. When we analyze the fault signal, the resonant frequency (carrier wave) must be removed by envelope demodulation. Because the envelope signal has fully included all </p>

23、<p>  IV. Hardware and software design</p><p>  The hardware block diagram of the monitor for the bearing fault is shown in Fig. 3. </p><p>  The circuit includes two parts: the vibration

24、signal pretreatments and the bearing state analysis. The signal preprocessing part fulfills the amplification, conversion, resonance demodulation of the signal; the bearing state analysis part fulfills spectrum analysis

25、of the signal, "correlation method" processing, fault grading processing, the bearings status report and communicating with peripheral equipment and so on.</p><p>  There are mainly three kinds of

26、FFT algorithm to realize in DSP: (1) only including addition and subtraction operations without operations of the plural rotation factor; (2) including the operation of the plural rotation factor; (3) the operation of bi

27、ts location inversion. After data is processed by this way, the workload of vibration component calculation in DSP is reduced evidently. The real-time capacity of system response can be advanced.</p><p>  Mo

28、dularization design is adopted in the design of the software, which includes collections of the vibration signal and the temperature increment signal, A/D conversions, data pretreatments, FFT transforms, calculations of

29、the power spectrum, judgments of the fault grading, saves of the data, displays of the data and transmissions of the data. The task dispatch is carried through by the way of event triggers and time triggers. To remove th

30、e interference, the “correlation means” processing to the </p><p>  V. Conclusion</p><p>  FFT methods of vibration signal is adopted in system design,at same time differential temperature measu

31、rement methods is added into system to judge synthetically. The high capability DSP completes signal processing. This system can commendably satisfy the requirement for real-time processing. It monitors the signal of vib

32、rations and temperatures with combining locomotive monitor and ground analysis. The earlier diagnosis and alarm for locomotive bearings fault can be given in order to assure loc</p><p>  REFERENCES</p>

33、<p>  [1] Wang Dezhi,The diagnosis and maintain of rolling bearing[M],Beijing: China Railway Publishing House, 1994, </p><p>  [2] Shi Huafeng,Yin Guohua,etc,Fault diagnosis of locomotive bearing[J],E

34、lectric Drive For Locomotive, 2004,(2): 40~43, </p><p>  [3] Mei Hongbin,The libration monitoring and diagnosis of rolling bearing[M],Beijing:China Machine Press,1996, </p><p>  [4] Mei Hongbin,

35、The fault diagnosis for rolling bearings using envelope analysis,Bearing,1993 ,(8):30~34, </p><p>  [5] Feng Gengbin,The libration diagnosis technology of the locomotive fault[M],Beijing: China Railway Publi

36、shing House,1994. </p><p>  [6] Jiang Simi. The hardware exploiture of TMS320LF240x DSP. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2003. </p><p>  [7] Qing Yuan Science and Technology. The application desig

37、n of TMS320LF240XDS. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2003. </p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  基于DSP技術(shù)為機車軸承設(shè)計故障診斷監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  滾動軸承是機

38、車運行組件的關(guān)鍵部件之一,因為它直接關(guān)系到機車的性能和安全。在本文章中,監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)為機車軸承基于DSP TMS320LF2407A的設(shè)計。這個系統(tǒng)使用振動分析方法來診斷滾動軸承的故障。它是在全面的共振解調(diào)和快速傅立葉變換技術(shù)基礎(chǔ)上,采用”相關(guān)的方法”來處理FFT的結(jié)果。它有效的提高了軸承故障監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)的反應(yīng)特性,靈敏度,辨別和測量精度,它可以預(yù)測火車頭運行中的故障和監(jiān)測瞬態(tài)故障。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞: 共

39、振解調(diào)技術(shù);數(shù)字信號處理器;相關(guān)方法</p><p><b>  1引言</b></p><p>  列車有較高的安全需求是因為它的速度在不斷提高。軸承故障是造成多樣的交通事故和影響鐵路安全的主要因素之一。目前,鐵路系統(tǒng)通常采用軸承溫度探測器來監(jiān)察機車軸承的狀況。理論分析和大量的實踐證明,軸承溫度探測器可以在一定程度上防止意外發(fā)生,但大部分的軸承故障對溫度是不敏感的。

40、當(dāng)軸承的溫度超過范圍系統(tǒng)將發(fā)出警報,但不幸的是這時候軸承損傷已經(jīng)發(fā)生,甚至是事故已發(fā)生。因此,為了更早期更準(zhǔn)確的找到故障, 必須采用更先進的監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)。大部分的軸承故障對振動信號非常的敏感。故障可能會導(dǎo)致軸承的振動增加。經(jīng)分析和處理結(jié)果表明與監(jiān)測軸承溫度相比振動信號比溫度的手段有更多的優(yōu)勢。</p><p>  2系統(tǒng)的組成和工作過程</p><p>  根據(jù)需要,監(jiān)視器的軸承故障監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)為

41、機車軸承配置了兩套偵測系統(tǒng):itineration檢測和固定的檢測。 Itineration檢測是用在正常情況條件下,而固定檢測用在軸承故障的連續(xù)檢測。這個系統(tǒng)采用特殊復(fù)合傳感器在同一時間收集軸承的振動和溫度信號。經(jīng)過數(shù)據(jù)處理,將獲得相應(yīng)的故障水平和上升了的溫度。在這個系統(tǒng)中設(shè)計數(shù)據(jù)采集單元。報警信息通過接口會傳送至所有的車廂,使工作人員可以及時的處理,與此同時,故障數(shù)據(jù)和列車的相關(guān)信息如目前的位置和速度將通過全球定位系統(tǒng)轉(zhuǎn)交給派遣中心

42、,派遣中心將采用相應(yīng)的措施.該系統(tǒng)方框圖如圖1。</p><p>  3為監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)設(shè)計的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)</p><p><b>  3.1頻譜分析</b></p><p>  在正常情況下,滾動軸承的各部分(內(nèi)圈,外圈,滾動體,保持架)將保持相對穩(wěn)定的工作狀態(tài)。如果一些元素的表面(保持架除外)已有裂縫,而且這些裂縫在相鄰表面也有,這時瞬時脈沖振動必須

43、開啟。</p><p>  假設(shè)在軸承中滾動體的數(shù)量為Z;滾動體的直徑為d;軸承的內(nèi)圈和外圈的平均直徑為D;軸承的頻率是。假設(shè)內(nèi)圈是固定的,外圈是回轉(zhuǎn)的,振動頻率可以通過不同軸承零件的表面缺陷得到。</p><p>  這些頻率可以被稱為內(nèi)圈,外圈和滾動體的特色故障頻密程度。</p><p><b>  3.2共振解調(diào)技術(shù)</b></p&

44、gt;<p>  我們根據(jù)軸承零件的共振可以收集振動信號,并使用包絡(luò)線探測器檢測故障信號的包絡(luò)線, 包絡(luò)線探測器可以充分的分析故障的性質(zhì),這就是”共振解調(diào)技術(shù)”。一個零件的表面,如滾動軸承的內(nèi)圈,外圈和滾動體極易在運作的過程中損壞(如點蝕,剝落,裂縫和劃痕等)。如果一些軸承零件的表面在操作過程中有局部損傷和壓力機故障斑點,必然會給操作帶來影響。如果影響持續(xù)的時間很短,而且能源分歧的頻率范圍是廣泛的,那么振動頻率的能源與范圍


46、承故障的診斷。</p><p>  共振解調(diào)技術(shù),電動諧振器的共振頻率的設(shè)計高于正常的振動頻率和有限高次諧波的頻率。因此,可以有效的抵制低頻信號包括正常的振動信號。共振回應(yīng)放大信號振幅的脈沖信號和它的振蕩時間加長。因此,故障信號是擴大在時域上的信號。在包絡(luò)檢測和低通過濾器之后,低頻共振解調(diào)信號高噪聲信號比被輸出。信號處理系統(tǒng)如圖2所示。</p><p>  在軸承組件帶來共振的影響下,形成

47、的振蕩不斷衰減。通過研究每個衰減振蕩,我們可以看到,其頻率是軸承組件的固有頻率,振幅衰減振蕩是受到故障強度的影響。振幅包絡(luò)信號的衰減振蕩反映故障的大小,而且頻密的重復(fù)程度取決于對故障的定位。系統(tǒng)有抗干擾低頻振動,高信號與噪聲的比例的表現(xiàn)。</p><p><b>  3.3包絡(luò)檢測</b></p><p>  軸承故障在軋制過程中經(jīng)?;匾鹫饎?。不同的故障有不同的字頻

48、。該字頻系統(tǒng)檢測是包絡(luò)信號的頻率(這個頻率被積累通過對軸承元件碰撞的故障),而不是軸承的振動頻率。當(dāng)我們分析故障信號,共振頻率(載波)必須除去包絡(luò)解調(diào)。因為包絡(luò)信號已充分包括了所有故障的信息,消除載波,將不會有任何不利于分析的影響。</p><p><b>  4硬件和軟件設(shè)計</b></p><p><b>  硬件框圖如圖3所示</b><

49、;/p><p>  該電路包括兩部分:振動信號預(yù)處理和軸承狀態(tài)分析。信號預(yù)處理部分符合信號的擴增,轉(zhuǎn)換和共振解調(diào)。軸承狀態(tài)分析部分滿足頻譜分析信號,”相關(guān)法”處理,故障分級處理,軸承狀況報告和與周邊設(shè)備溝通等。</p><p>  實現(xiàn)DSP主要有3種FFT算法:1、只包括加法和減法,沒有運作的復(fù)數(shù)旋轉(zhuǎn)因子。2、包括運作的復(fù)數(shù)旋轉(zhuǎn)因子。3、比特位置反演的運作。通過這樣的數(shù)據(jù)處理,振動元件計算在

50、DSP中的工作量明顯減少。系統(tǒng)反應(yīng)的時間可以得到改進。</p><p>  模塊化設(shè)計是通過軟件的設(shè)計來實現(xiàn)的,軟件的設(shè)計包括振動信號的集合和溫度增量信號,A/D轉(zhuǎn)換,數(shù)據(jù)預(yù)處理,F(xiàn)FT轉(zhuǎn)換,計算功率譜,故障分級的判斷,保存數(shù)據(jù),顯示數(shù)據(jù)和傳送數(shù)據(jù)。任務(wù)調(diào)度是通過事件觸發(fā)和時間觸發(fā)這種方式進行的。用來消除干擾,”相關(guān)的意思是”FFT變換的結(jié)果進行處理,以保證故障回升信號有效。</p><p&g

51、t;<b>  5結(jié)語</b></p><p>  振動處理的FFT方法是采用系統(tǒng)設(shè)計,在同一時間差溫測量方法中加入綜合評定的系統(tǒng)。高能力的DSP完成信號處理。這個系統(tǒng)可以滿足實時處理的要求。它結(jié)合機車監(jiān)控和地面分析監(jiān)測振動的信號和溫度。早期診斷和報警裝置為機車軸承故障提供保障能保證機車運行安全。</p><p><b>  參考資料</b>&l

52、t;/p><p>  [1] 王德志. 診斷和保持軋制軸承[M]. 北京:中國鐵道出版社,1994</p><p>  [2] 石華豐,殷存毅華. 故障診斷機車軸承[j]. 電氣傳動機車,2004</p><p>  [3] 梅紅冰. 振動監(jiān)測與診斷滾動軸承[M]. 北京:中國機械出版社,1996</p><p>  [4] 梅紅冰. 故障診斷滾

53、動軸承使用包絡(luò)分析,軸承,1993</p><p>  [5] 馮耿賓. 振動診斷技術(shù)的研究機車故障[M]. 北京:中國鐵道出版眾議院,1994</p><p>  [6] 姜思米. 硬件開發(fā)tms320lf240x DSP [M]. 北京:中國機械出版社,2003</p><p>  [7] 慶袁. 應(yīng)用設(shè)計tms320lf240xds [M]. 北京:中國機床出


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