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1、<p>  The Contractor of FIDIC</p><p>  International Advisory Engineer Association</p><p>  Keyword:The Employer ,Contract,The Contractor</p><p>  1 The Contractor’s General Ob

2、ligations</p><p>  The Contractor shall design, execute and complete the Works in accordance with the Contract, and shall remedy any defects in the Works. When completed, the Works shall be fit for the purpo

3、ses for which the Works are intended as defined in the Contract.</p><p>  The Contractor shall provide the Plant and Contractor’s Documents specified in the Contract, and all contractor’s Personnel, Goods, c

4、onsumables and other things and services, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for this design, execution, completion and remedying of defects.</p><p>  The Works shall include any wor

5、k which is necessary to satisfy the Employer’s Requirements, or is implied by the Contract, and all works which (although not mentioned in the Contract) are necessary for stability or for the completion, or safe and prop

6、er operation, of the Works.</p><p>  The Contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy, stability and safety of all Site operations, of all methods of construction and of all the Works.</p><p&g

7、t;  The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Employer, submit details of the arrangements and methods which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the Works. No significant alteration to these arrang

8、ements and methods shall be made without this having previously been notified to the Employer.</p><p>  2 Performance security</p><p>  The Contractor shall obtain (at his cost) a Performance Se

9、curity for proper performance, in the amount and currencies stated in the Particular Conditions if an amount is not stated in the Particular Conditions, this Sub-Clause shall not apply.</p><p>  The Contract

10、or shall deliver the Performance Security to the Employer within 28 days after both Parties have signed the Contract Agreement. The Performance Security shall be issued by an entity and from within a country (or other ju

11、risdiction) approved by the Employer, and shall be in the form annexed to the Particular Conditions or in another form approved by the Employer.</p><p>  The Contractor shall ensure that the Performance Secu

12、rity is valid and enforceable until the Contractor has executed and completed the Works and remedied any defects. If the terms of the Performance Security specify its expiry date, and the Contractor has not become entitl

13、ed to receive the Performance Certificate by the date 28 days prior to the expiry date, the Contractor shall extend the validity of the Performance Security until the Works have been completed and any defects have been r

14、emedied</p><p>  The Employer shall not make a claim under the Performance Security, except for amounts to which the Employer is entitled under the Contract in the event of:failure by the Contractor to exten

15、d the validity of the Performance Security as described in the preceding paragraph, in which event the Employer may claim the full amount of the Performance Security,</p><p>  failure by the Contractor to pa

16、y the Employer an amount due, as either agreed by the Contractor or determined under Sub-clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] or Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration], within 42 days after this agreement or determinatio

17、n,</p><p>  failure by the Contractor to remedy a default within 42 days after receiving the Employer’s notice requiring the default to be remedied, or</p><p>  circumstances which entitle the E

18、mployer to termination under Sub-Clause 15.2 [Termination by Employer], irrespective of whether notice of termination has been given.</p><p>  The Employer shall indemnify and hold the Contractor harmless ag

19、ainst and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) resulting from a claim under the Performance Security to the extent to which the Employer was not entitled to make the claim.</p>

20、<p>  The Employer shall return the Performance Security to the Contractor within 21 days after the Contractor has become entitled to receive the Performance Certificate.</p><p>  3 Contractor’s Repres

21、entative </p><p>  The Contractor shall appoint the Contractor’s Representative and shall give him all authority necessary to act on the Contractor’s behalf under the Contract.</p><p>  Unless t

22、he Contractor’s Representative is named in the Contract, the Contractor shall, prior to the Commencement Date, submit to the Employer for consent the name and particulars of the person the Contractor proposes to appoint

23、as Contractor’s Representative. If consent is withheld or subsequently revoked, or if the appointed person fails to act as Contractor’s Representative, the Contractor shall similarly submit the name and particulars of an

24、other suitable person for such appointment.</p><p>  The Contractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Employer, revoke the appointment of the Contractor’s Representative or appoint a replacement.&l

25、t;/p><p>  The Contractor’s Representative shall, on behalf of the Contractor, receive instructions under Sub-Clause 3.4 [Instructions].</p><p>  The Contractor’s Representative may delegate any po

26、wers, functions and authority to any competent person, and may at any time revoke the delegation. Any delegation or revocation shall not take effect until the Employer has received prior notice signed by the Contractor’s

27、 Representative, naming the person and specifying the powers, functions and authority being delegated or revoked.</p><p>  The Contractor’s Representative and all these persons shall be fluent in the languag

28、e for communications defined in Sub-Clause 1.4 [Law and Language].</p><p>  4 Subcontractors</p><p>  The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works.</p><p>  The Contr

29、actor shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any Subcontractor, his agents or employees, as if they were the acts or defaults of the Contractor. Where specified in the Particular Conditions, the Contractor shal

30、l give the Employer not less than 28 days’ notice of:</p><p>  (a) the intended appointment of the Subcontractor, with detailed particulars which shall include his relevant experience,</p><p>  

31、(b) the intended commencement of the Subcontractor’s work, and</p><p>  (c) the intended commencement of the Subcontractor’s work on the Site.</p><p>  5 Nominated Subcontractors</p><

32、p>  In this Sub-Clause, “nominated Subcontractor” means a Subcontractor whom the Employer, under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments], instructs the Contractor to employ as a Subcontractor. The Contractor shall not

33、be under any obligation to employ a nominated Subcontractor against whom the Contractor raises reasonable objection by notice to the Employer as soon as practicable, with supporting particulars.</p><p>  6 C

34、o-operation</p><p>  The Contractor shall, as specified in the Contract or as instructed by the Employer, allow appropriate opportunities for carrying out work to:</p><p>  (a) the Employer’s pe

35、rsonnel,</p><p>  (b) any other contractors employed by the Employer, and</p><p>  (c) the personnel of any legally constituted public authorities,</p><p>  who may be employed in t

36、he execution on or near the Site of any work not included in the Contract.</p><p>  Any such instruction shall constitute a variation if and to the extent that it causes the Contractor to incur Cost in an am

37、ount which was not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender. Services for these personnel and other contractors may include the use of Contractor’s Equipment, Temporary

38、 Works or access arrangements which are the responsibility of the Contractor.</p><p>  The Contractor shall be responsible for his construction activities on the Site, and shall co-ordinate his own activitie

39、s with those of other contractors to the extent (if any) specified in the Employer’s Requirements.</p><p>  If, under the Contract, the Employer is required to give to the Contractor possession of any founda

40、tion, structure, plant or means of access in accordance with Contractors Documents, the Contractor shall submit such documents to the Employer in the time and manner stated in the Employer’s Requirements.</p><

41、p>  7 Setting out </p><p>  The Contractor shall set out the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference specified in the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the corr

42、ect positioning of all parts of the works, and shall rectify any error in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignment of the Works.</p><p>  8 Safety procedures</p><p>  The Contractor shall:

43、</p><p>  (a) comply with all applicable safety regulations,</p><p>  (b) take care for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the Site,</p><p>  use reasonable efforts to keep

44、 the Site and Works clear of unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to these persons,</p><p>  (c) providing fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the Works until completion and taking over

45、 under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over], and</p><p>  (d) provide any Temporary Works (including roadways, footways, guards and fences) which may be necessary, because of the execution of the Works, for th

46、e use and protection of the pubic and of owners and occupiers of adjacent land.</p><p>  9 Quality Assurance</p><p>  The Contractor shall institute a quality assurance system to demonstrate com

47、pliance with the requirements of the Contract. The system shall be in accordance with the details stated in the Contract. The Employer shall be entitled to audit any aspect of the system.</p><p>  Details of

48、 all procedures and compliance documents shall be submitted to the Employer for information before each design and execution stage is commenced. When any document of a technical nature is issued to the Employer, evidence

49、 of the prior approval by the Contractor himself shall be apparent on the document itself.</p><p>  Compliance with the quality assurance system shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties, obligat

50、ions or responsibilities under the Contract.</p><p>  10 Site Data</p><p>  The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor for his information, prior to the Base Date, all relevant dat

51、a in the Employer’s possession on subsurface and hydrological conditions at the Site, including environmental aspects. The Employer shall similarly make available to the Contractor all such data which come into the Emplo

52、yer’s possession after the Base Date.</p><p>  The contractor shall be responsible for verifying and interpreting all such data. The Employer shall have no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of

53、such data, except as stated in Sub-Clause 5.1 [General Design Responsibilities].</p><p>  11 Sufficiency of the Contract Price</p><p>  The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself a

54、s to the correctness and sufficiency of the Contract Price.</p><p>  Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contract price covers all the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract (including those un

55、der Provisional Sums, if any) and all things necessary for the proper design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects.</p><p>  12 Unforeseeable Difficulties</p><p&g

56、t;  Except as otherwise stated in the Contract:</p><p>  (a) the Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence o

57、r affect the Works;</p><p>  (b) by signing the Contract, the Contractor accepts total responsibility for having foreseen all difficulties and costs of successfully completing the Works; and</p><p

58、>  (c) the Contract Price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties or costs.</p><p>  13 Rights of way and Facilities</p><p>  The Contractor shall bear all costs

59、and charges for special and/or temporary rights-of-way which he may require, including those for access to the Site. The Contractor shall also obtain, at his risk and cost, any additional facilities outside the Site whic

60、h he may require for purposes of the Works.</p><p>  14 Avoidance of Interference</p><p>  The Contractor shall not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with:</p><p>  (a) the conv

61、enience of the public, or</p><p>  (b) the access to and use and occupation of all roads and footpaths, irrespective of whether they are public or in the possession of the Employer or of others.</p>&

62、lt;p>  The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) resulting from any such unnecessary or improper interference.&

63、lt;/p><p>  15 Access Route</p><p>  The Contractor shall be deemed to have been satisfied as to the suitability and availability of access routes to the Site. The Contractor shall use reasonable e

64、fforts to prevent any road or bridge from being damaged by the Contractor’s traffic or by the Contractor’s Personnel. These efforts shall include the proper use of appropriate vehicles and routes.</p><p>  E

65、xcept as otherwise stated in these Conditions:</p><p>  (a) the Contractor shall (as between the Parties) be responsible for any maintenance which may be required for his use of access routes;</p><

66、;p>  (b) the Contractor shall provide all necessary signs or directions along access routes, and shall obtain any permission which may be required from the relevant authorities for his use of routs, signs and directio

67、ns;</p><p>  (c) the Employer shall not be responsible for any claims which may arise from the use or otherwise of any access route,</p><p>  (d) the Employer does not guarantee the suitability

68、or availability of particular access routes, and</p><p>  (e) Costs due to non-suitability or non-availability, for the use required by the Contractor, of access routes shall be borne by the Contractor.</

69、p><p>  16 Transport of Goods</p><p>  Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions.</p><p>  (a) the Contractor shall give the Employer not less than 21 days’ notice of the da

70、te on which any Plant or a major item of other Goods will be delivered to the Site;</p><p>  (b) the Contractor shall be responsible for packing, loading, transporting, receiving, unloading, storing and prot

71、ecting all Goods and other things required for the Works; and</p><p>  (c) the Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fee

72、s and expenses) resulting from the transport of Goods, and shall negotiate and pay all claims arising from their transport.</p><p>  17 Contractor’s Equipment</p><p>  The Contractor shall be re

73、sponsible for all Contractor’s Equipment. When brought on to the Site, Contractor’s Equipment shall be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works.</p><p>  18 Protection of the Environm

74、ent</p><p>  The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment (both on and off the Site) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and property resulting from pollution, noise and o

75、ther results of his operations.</p><p>  The Contractor shall ensure that emissions, surface discharges and effluent from the Contractor’s activities shall not exceed the values indicated in the Employer’s R

76、equirements, and shall not exceed the values prescribed by applicable Laws.</p><p>  19 Electricity, Water and Gas</p><p>  The Contractor shall, except as stated below, be responsible for the p

77、rovision of all power, water and other services he may require.</p><p>  The Contractor shall be entitled to use for the purposes of the Works such supplies of electricity, water, gas and other services as m

78、ay be available on the Site and of which details and prices are given in the Employer’s Requirements. The Contractor shall, at his risk and cost, provide any apparatus necessary for his use of these services and for meas

79、uring the quantities consumed.</p><p>  The quantities consumed and the amounts due (at these prices) for such services shall be agreed or determined in accordance with Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] and

80、 Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations]. The Contractor shall pay these amounts to the Employer.</p><p>  20Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material</p><p>  The Employer shall make the Employer’s

81、Equipment (if any) available for the use of the Contractor in the execution of the Works in accordance with the details, arrangements and prices stated in the Employer’s Requirements. Unless otherwise stated in the Emplo

82、yer’s Requirements:</p><p>  (a) the Employer shall be responsible for the Employer’s Equipment, except that</p><p>  (b) the Contractor shall be responsible for each item of Employer’s Equipmen

83、t whilst any of the Contractor’s Personnel is operating it, driving it, directing it or in possession or control of it.</p><p>  The appropriate quantities and the amounts due (at such stated price) for the

84、use of Employer’s Equipment shall be agreed or determined in accordance with Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] and Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations]. The Contractor shall pay these amounts to the Employer.</p><

85、p>  The Employer shall supply, free of charge, the “free-issue material” (if any) in accordance with the details stated in the Employer’s Requirement. The Employer shall, at his risk and cost, provide these materials

86、at the time and place specified in the contractor. The Contractor shall then visually inspect them, and shall promptly give notice to the Employer of any shortage, defect or default in these materials. Unless otherwise a

87、greed by both Parties, the Employer shall immediately rectify the n</p><p>  After this visual inspection, the free-issue materials shall come under the care, custody and control of the Contractor. The Contr

88、actor’s obligations of inspection, care, custody and control shall not relieve the Employer of liability for any shortage, defect or default not apparent from a visual inspection.</p><p>  21 Progress Report

89、s</p><p>  Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, monthly progress reports shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer in six copies. The first report shall cover the per

90、iod up to the end of the first calendar month following the Commencement Date. Reports shall be submitted monthly thereafter, each within 7 days after the last day of the period to which it relates.</p><p> 

91、 Reporting shall continue until the Contractor has completed all work which is known to be outstanding at the completion date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works.</p><p>  Each report shall i

92、nclude:</p><p>  (a) charts and detailed descriptions of progress, including each stage of design, Contractor’s Documents, procurement, manufacture, delivery to Site, construction, erection, testing, commiss

93、ioning and trial operation;</p><p>  (b) photographs showing the status of manufacture and of progress on the Site;</p><p>  (c) for the manufacture of each main item of Plant and Materials, the

94、 name of the manufacturer, manufacture location, percentage progress, and the actual or expected dated of:</p><p>  (i) commencement of manufacture</p><p>  (ii) Contractor’s inspections</p&g

95、t;<p>  (iii) test, and</p><p>  (iv) shipment and arrival at the Site;</p><p>  (a) the details described in Sub-Clause 6.10 [Records of Contractor’s personnel and Equipment];</p>

96、<p>  (b) copies of quality assurance document documents, test results and certificates of Materials;</p><p>  (c) list of Variations, notices given under Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] and notices

97、 given under Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims];</p><p>  (d) safety statistic, including details of any hazardous incidents and activities relating to environmental aspect and public relations; and</p

98、><p>  (e) comparisons of actual and planned progress, with details of any events or circumstances which may jeopardize the completion in accordance with the Contract, and the measures being (or to be) adopted

99、to overcome delays.</p><p>  22 Security of the Site</p><p>  Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions:</p><p>  (a) the Contractor shall be responsible for keeping unau

100、thorized persons off the Site, and</p><p>  (b) authorized persons shall be limited to the Contractor’s personnel and the Employer’s Personnel; and to any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by (or o


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