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1、<p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p>  顛覆了復(fù)雜規(guī)范的東漢普頓景觀——保護(hù)罕見(jiàn)的自然原始景觀。</p><p>  夏季的時(shí)候,在紐約州長(zhǎng)島南岸的東漢普敦,世界各國(guó)的社交名人聚集在此,享受著奢侈生活的樂(lè)趣。這各小鎮(zhèn)上只有一條主要街道,但在7月和8月份的時(shí)候,繁華地區(qū)就會(huì)充滿了著名人物以及有影響力的人。在此期間,餐館預(yù)定達(dá)到了高峰,高檔奢侈

2、品專(zhuān)賣(mài)店從清晨營(yíng)業(yè)至到深夜,時(shí)髦的夫婦參加各種奢華的慈善活動(dòng),而且各色各樣誘人的晚會(huì)吸引著不同發(fā)的名人。雖然東漢普頓以其奢侈和浮華聞名于世,但不為人知的是它與眾不同的,罕見(jiàn)的,異常美麗的自然風(fēng)景,它擁有一片無(wú)比遼闊的天空,有著深藍(lán)色的水面,以及綿延海濱數(shù)百英里的沙丘微地形。這些沙丘有著古董象牙的色調(diào),就是那種有著煙霧繚繞感覺(jué)的米色,在美麗的月光下會(huì)散發(fā)出動(dòng)人的光芒。</p><p>  這個(gè)穿過(guò)了東漢普頓的村莊和

3、哈得遜的兩點(diǎn)五英里的大西洋海灘組成了美國(guó)地質(zhì)上最不尋常的生態(tài)敏感地區(qū)之一。3000多年前,在大西洋的自然潮汐作用下,形成了一個(gè)復(fù)合沙丘和濕地系統(tǒng)特性的,性質(zhì)介于這兩者之間的特殊地貌。在這個(gè)環(huán)境中棲息著東方蟾蜍,紅狐貍,鹿,海龜,和老鼠,以及以這些物種為食的重要遷徙動(dòng)物——老鷹。復(fù)合沙丘也是各種原生植物,甚至是蘭花的繁衍生息的場(chǎng)所。</p><p>  四十年前,鎮(zhèn)上的官員和來(lái)自大自然保護(hù)協(xié)會(huì)的專(zhuān)家說(shuō)服超過(guò)20個(gè)以

4、上的海濱房屋的擁有者放棄在自然保護(hù)區(qū)范圍內(nèi)的房產(chǎn)以換取稅收減免。這些被捐贈(zèng)的土地就是后來(lái)廣為人知的大西洋復(fù)合沙丘保護(hù)區(qū)。</p><p>  紐約市的景觀設(shè)計(jì)師埃德蒙·霍蘭德在東漢普頓的項(xiàng)目上工作了很多年。當(dāng)一個(gè)老客戶委托他觀察一個(gè)位于復(fù)合沙丘保護(hù)區(qū)內(nèi)的具有特殊屬性的連續(xù)的沙丘時(shí),他非常清楚地知道這片地域的敏感性。這個(gè)客戶述求于將住宅戶外的前后外環(huán)境加以現(xiàn)代化處理,以使住宅可以最大化的欣賞到濱海風(fēng)景。&

5、lt;/p><p>  霍蘭德從小生長(zhǎng)在紐約,他非常喜歡戶外活動(dòng)和自然風(fēng)景。在獲得賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)景觀建筑學(xué)位之前,他在位于紐約米爾的紐約植物園和卡里生態(tài)系統(tǒng)研究所學(xué)習(xí)了園藝的相關(guān)知識(shí)。而在賓夕法尼亞大學(xué), 霍蘭德和伊恩養(yǎng)成了一段非常親密的關(guān)系。伊恩是一位具有遠(yuǎn)見(jiàn)的部門(mén)創(chuàng)始人,而且直到畢業(yè)以后,他們還一起工作室進(jìn)行授課?;氐郊~約后不久, 霍蘭德得到了一份工作,是在位于韋斯特韋的克拉克公司擔(dān)任項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理,這個(gè)項(xiàng)目的目的在于


7、 在東漢普頓四英畝的地域上,位于大西洋后大約500英尺的位置上有一幢七十年代的,具有現(xiàn)代風(fēng)格的住宅。其外環(huán)境是一片沿海的由唐棣以及古老的櫻桃樹(shù)加上一些東方紅雪松和落葉木蘭組成的森林。在住宅的后面,生長(zhǎng)著數(shù)量眾多而種類(lèi)復(fù)雜的侵入性植物,包括俄羅斯橄欖,蜀羊泉,葡萄和野薔薇,它們將復(fù)合沙丘和海洋的美麗景色完全的阻擋了。</p><p>  雖然霍蘭德認(rèn)為這一片地域是無(wú)與倫比的,但首先他必須和其他的志愿者一起查明到底是

8、什么原因?qū)е铝诉@種復(fù)雜的交織的情況,然后在四個(gè)月之內(nèi)決定出他所能做的是什么,到那個(gè)時(shí)候他的客戶和未婚妻就要計(jì)劃在那里結(jié)婚了。</p><p>  在住宅的后方,有一個(gè)靠近別墅建筑的游泳池,但這并沒(méi)有多少設(shè)計(jì)的特點(diǎn)。客戶非常需要一片露臺(tái),這樣不論春夏秋冬,他們都可以在那里進(jìn)行戶外活動(dòng),雖然夏季氣候會(huì)因?yàn)閺?qiáng)烈的陽(yáng)光、海水和風(fēng)力變得比較惡劣。他們要求廚房附近要有一個(gè)用餐區(qū),游泳池旁也要有一片可供招待家人和朋友的場(chǎng)地,在

9、這里他們可以坐下來(lái)休息放松同時(shí)欣賞美麗的景色。他們還希望住宅前有一個(gè)停車(chē)場(chǎng)可以供客人泊車(chē),其它還要求有一個(gè)網(wǎng)球場(chǎng),最后還需要一條可以通往海灘的道路。</p><p>  霍蘭德說(shuō)他的設(shè)計(jì)主要由三大因素決定:資金、建筑和客戶的要求?!斑@就是一個(gè)三方的關(guān)系,它需要將這三個(gè)組件之間的敏感性進(jìn)行平衡?!彼f(shuō),“我們總是先從地域下手考慮,然后考察建筑的形式,最后融合客戶提出的要求。有一件事需要經(jīng)過(guò)多年的學(xué)習(xí),即我們不是在為

10、我們自己設(shè)計(jì),有的時(shí)候我們需要對(duì)客戶進(jìn)行引導(dǎo)和細(xì)致的勸說(shuō),盡可能的找到一個(gè)最好的解決方案。”</p><p>  有一個(gè)挑戰(zhàn)是簡(jiǎn)單地清除入侵植物并且清理出從戶內(nèi)到戶外空間場(chǎng)地。盡管霍蘭德非常熟悉東漢普頓的房地產(chǎn)行業(yè),但他從來(lái)沒(méi)有見(jiàn)過(guò)這片特殊地域上的樹(shù)木。一個(gè)生長(zhǎng)著古老唐棣的人間仙境,這些樹(shù)木在海鹽和風(fēng)力的影響下,有著粗糙的飽經(jīng)風(fēng)霜的樹(shù)干,它們大多已經(jīng)生長(zhǎng)了50年了,有的也許已經(jīng)75年?!斑@里是如此神奇!”他說(shuō),“

11、現(xiàn)在的問(wèn)題是如何在不對(duì)沙丘和自然森林環(huán)境做任何傷害的前提下,人為的對(duì)其進(jìn)行具有敏感性的入侵改造?!?lt;/p><p>  霍蘭德說(shuō)他最初的設(shè)計(jì)靈感來(lái)自被不同屬性的聲音所吸引。他回憶道,這處住宅的景觀和現(xiàn)代風(fēng)格有一個(gè)特別的精神,同時(shí)房子又十分的休閑舒適,所以他決定充分利用大自然的優(yōu)勢(shì),并且利用建筑的優(yōu)勢(shì)和這片地域的特殊性來(lái)創(chuàng)造極佳的活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所。</p><p>  通往住宅的道路筆直而且距離較長(zhǎng)

12、,狹窄的車(chē)道寬度僅能容納一輛車(chē),而且道路兩側(cè)都被茂盛的植被所包圍。那里有一小片停車(chē)場(chǎng),剛剛從停車(chē)的位置過(guò)去,霍蘭德就設(shè)計(jì)了一條紐約式的青石路徑,這樣可以讓行人觀測(cè)到前方的情況:之字形的人行道穿越黑暗的近乎神秘的森林,然后就出現(xiàn)了驚人的、完整的、在陽(yáng)光的照射下被簡(jiǎn)樸的粉刷成白色的住宅和景觀。 </p><p>  霍蘭德設(shè)計(jì)了一條蜿蜒曲折的道路穿越開(kāi)滿鮮花喬木和灌木,然后蜿蜒穿過(guò)樹(shù)林到達(dá)車(chē)庫(kù),客人停車(chē)區(qū)域和住宅。承

13、包商仔細(xì)的將森林以外的一些沙生植物移植走以獲得一片網(wǎng)球場(chǎng)地。工人們用雙手將美洲沙德挖去再填以微生物和土壤添加劑,霍蘭德說(shuō)有這對(duì)植被的生長(zhǎng)有很大的影響和差異性。網(wǎng)球場(chǎng)上本身有一個(gè)多孔表面,這有利于自然排水。它的周?chē)h(huán)繞著粗獷而又低調(diào)的雪松柵欄,它們組成了一份深棕色的網(wǎng),這樣就可以形成一個(gè)60 - 120英尺的網(wǎng)球場(chǎng)。</p><p>  霍蘭德對(duì)他首先在賓夕法尼亞遇到的中大西洋植物比較偏愛(ài)。通過(guò)他自己的試驗(yàn),他發(fā)現(xiàn)

14、他最喜歡的植物之一紫薇,如果放置在一個(gè)受保護(hù)的區(qū)域,就可以適應(yīng)寒冷的氣候,生存在遙遠(yuǎn)的北方。因此他在這個(gè)住宅入口處的一側(cè)種植了黑紗米爾的小樹(shù)苗。盡管他并不期望它們來(lái)達(dá)到20到30英尺的正常高度,但是如果健康的長(zhǎng)到 15英尺高就說(shuō)明他做得相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)了。</p><p>  在住宅的后方,設(shè)計(jì)的目的是在不破壞海洋生態(tài)環(huán)境的前提下連接建筑與海洋?;籼m德將用餐區(qū)與廚房之間的空間壓縮,以突顯復(fù)合沙丘與海洋的景色。餐廳的地板下

15、面有一個(gè)青石天井。還有一個(gè)雪松涼亭上面布滿了新鮮的黎明玫瑰、葡萄、紫藤,它在陽(yáng)光明媚的夏日成為一處受歡迎的遮陰場(chǎng)所。一個(gè)新的由玻璃和不銹鋼組成的柵欄包圍著游泳池,這允許人們的視線直接看到院子里的風(fēng)景,同時(shí)也可以保護(hù)小孩,以防他們不小心掉進(jìn)水里。</p><p>  在安裝完成后, 霍蘭德聘請(qǐng)了一位當(dāng)?shù)氐木坝^公司顧問(wèn)來(lái)保護(hù)西鯡森林,修剪和細(xì)化樹(shù)木從而為它們提供生長(zhǎng)所需的光線和空氣。而沙丘種植則幾乎不需要人為的修剪,

16、雖然細(xì)葉芒現(xiàn)在作為外來(lái)物種入侵長(zhǎng)島,不過(guò)如果它們長(zhǎng)出來(lái)的話,雇傭工人手動(dòng)除草就可以了。</p><p>  霍蘭德說(shuō)他從未真正離開(kāi)一個(gè)項(xiàng)目,即使是項(xiàng)目完成了,因?yàn)橐磺卸际请S時(shí)間變化而變化的。他喜歡留意生活中的細(xì)節(jié),這樣可以使他對(duì)景觀的認(rèn)知不斷提升。最重要的是,,他說(shuō)他喜歡“提升我們所擁有的,創(chuàng)造出美好的空間以使人們生活在那里,同時(shí)嘗試開(kāi)發(fā)一種適合當(dāng)?shù)靥厣脑催h(yuǎn)流長(zhǎng)的景觀?!爱?dāng)整個(gè)區(qū)域的各個(gè)部分相互作用得很和諧時(shí),

17、他補(bǔ)充說(shuō),”人類(lèi)也會(huì)成為景觀的一部分,他們并不是獨(dú)立于它而存在的?!?lt;/p><p>  Residential design </p><p>  An ode to the dunes An east Hampton landscape defies the glitzy norm to preserve a rare natural landscape.</p><

18、;p>  In summer time, east Hampton, New York, on long island’s south fork, is jumping with world-class partygoers in pursuit of luxurious pleasure. It’s a small town with one main street, but in July and August the aff

19、luent enclave is filled with well-known and influential people. Restaurants are booked solid for the season; pricey boutiques are packed from early morning to late at night, stylish couples attend lavish charity galas, a

20、nd glittery soirees attract celebrities of every kind .While East Ha</p><p>  The two and half miles of Atlantic Ocean barrier beach that run through the villages of East Hampton and Amagansett comprise one

21、of the most geologically unusual and ecologically sensitive areas in the United States. More than 3,000 years ago, the natural rhythm of Atlantic Ocean waves created a double dune system, with freshwaters wetlands in bet

22、ween the two that support a rich habitat for the threatened eastern spade foot toad, red fox, deer, box turtles, and mice that are important prey for m</p><p>  Forty years ago, town officials and experts fr

23、om the Nature Conservancy persuaded oceanfront home owners to give up more than 20 parcels for a nature preserve in exchange for tax abatements. The donated land is known as the Atlantic Double Dunes Preserve.</p>

24、<p>  New York City landscape architect Edmund Hollander, FASLA, who’s worked on projects in East Hampton for many years, was well aware of the site’s sensitivity when an old client engaged him to take a look at a

25、special property contiguous with part of the dune preserve. The client wanted to discuss ideas to modernize the outdoor areas in front and back of the residence and make the most of the seaside ambience.</p><p

26、>  Hollander was born and raised in New York City, and he always loved the outdoors and nature. He studied horticulture at the New York botanical garden and the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New Yo

27、rk, before earning a degree in landscape architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. While at Penn, Hollander formed a closed relationship with environmental visionary and department founder Ian McHarg and even taug

28、ht studios with him following graduation. Shortly after returning </p><p>  The approximately four-acre east Hampton site included a 1960s contemporary style house situated on a rise about 500 feet back from

29、 the Atlantic. The surrounding landscape was maritime forest populated with native shadbush and old cherries, along with some eastern red cedars and deciduous magnolias. In back of the house, a huge tangle of overgrown i

30、nvasive plants, including Russian olive, bittersweet, grapes, and multiflora rose, completely blocked views of the double dunes and the ocean.</p><p>  Hollander felt that the site was simply incomparable, b

31、ut he first needed to find out exactly what was embedded in the terrain and intertwined with the vines and other volunteers, and then decide what he could do within four months, when the client and his fiancée plann

32、ed to get married there.</p><p>  In the rear, there was an infinity-edge swimming pool close to the house, but not much else in the way of designed features. The clients wanted terraces where they could liv

33、e outside in spring, summer, and fall, despite the harsh summertime climate of intense sun, saltwater, and wind. They asked for a dining area near the kitchen, a place to hang out around the pool that was large enough to

34、 entertain family and friends, and areas where they could sit down, relax, and enjoy the views. They also w</p><p>  Hollander describes his style as being dictated by three main considerations: the property

35、, the architecture, and the client.” It’s kind of like a three-way marriage requiring sensitivity and balance between these three components,” he says.” We always start with the site, then look at the architecture and fi

36、nally plug in the requirements of the client. One thing that took years to learn was that we weren’t designing for ourselves, and sometimes we need to guide clients with thoughtful persuasio</p><p>  The fir

37、st challenge was simply to clear out the invasive and expose the grades from the house out into the landscape. Although Hollander was quite familiar with east Hampton real estate, he’d never seen anything like the trees

38、on this particular site: a wonderland of old shadbushes, trunks gnarled and weather-beaten by salt and wind, many of them 50, perhaps 75 years old.” What was here was so magical,” he says,” that the question was how to m

39、ake a sensitive intrusion into this” without doing an</p><p>  第Hollander drew his initial design inspiration from” just listening to the property.” He recalls that there was a particular “spirit” to the lan

40、dscape and to the modern style, yet laid-back house, so he decided to” take advantage of mother nature, take advantage of the architecture, and take advantage of the site and create some wonderful places.”</p><

41、;p>  The drive into the property travels straight down a long, narrow lane just wide enough for one vehicle, hemmed in on both sides by vegetation. There’s a small parking area, and the drive then veers off to the lef

42、t. Just past the parking pad, Hollander installed an angular New York bluestone path that gives pedestrians a preview of what lies ahead. The walkway zigzags through a dark and almost mystical ”forest” of twisted shad a

43、nd emerges into a startling, full-scale, sun blasted view of the aus</p><p>  Hollander designed the drive(of crushed pea grit set on loamy soil) to curve around past flowering shrubs and trees, then meander

44、 through the woods to the garage, guest parking area ,and residence. Beyond the forest, contractors carefully transplanted some of the shad to make way for the tennis court. The shad were dug out by hand and replanted wi

45、th microbial soil additives, which Hollander says makes a huge difference in the survival. The tennis court itself has a porous har tru surface that al</p><p>  Hollander has an affinity for a number of Mid-

46、Atlantic plants that he first encountered at Penn. Through his own trials, he has discovered that one of his favorites, the crape myrtle, will survive in climates farther north if it’s placed in a protected area. He ther

47、efore planted a grove of crape myrtles at the entry side of the property, and although he doesn’t expect them to reach their normal height of 20 to 30 feet, they are doing perfectly well at healthy 15 or so feet tall.<

48、;/p><p>  Behind the residence, the goal was to connect the house to the ocean beyond without disrupting the sensitive ecology. Hollander squeezed in a dining area between the kitchen door and the existing pool

49、 with views out over the dunes to the ocean. The dining patio has a bluestone floor underneath and a cedar pergola overhead that is covered in new dawn roses, grapes, and wisteria to provide welcome shade on hot, sunny s

50、ummer days. A new fence of stainless steel and glass now surrounds the pool. It </p><p>  After the installation was completed, Hollander hired a local landscape company to preserve the shad forest, pruning

51、and thinning as necessary to allow the circulation of light and air. The dune plantings require almost no maintenance, although maiden grass is now invasive on long island, and clumps of it are dug out by hand when they

52、appear. </p><p>  Hollander says he never really leaves a project once it’s completed, because the reality is that everything changes over time. He like to keep an eye on things too so that his vision for

53、the landscape endures. Above all, he says he likes to “ improve on what we have, create wonderful spaces for the people who live here, and try to develop a landscape that will be appropriate for this location and will co


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