已閱讀1頁(yè),還剩24頁(yè)未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、<p>  公路邊坡常見支護(hù)方法</p><p>  目前,我國(guó)山區(qū)高速公路建設(shè)迅猛發(fā)展。在高等級(jí)公路的修建中,出現(xiàn)大量的深挖路塹與高填路堤邊坡,其防護(hù)問題非常突出。為了滿足安全可靠和經(jīng)濟(jì)合理雙重目標(biāo),對(duì)高邊坡病害特征的深入分析和對(duì)其治理工程方案的慎重選擇顯得十分重要。</p><p>  公路邊坡沿公路分布的范圍廣,對(duì)自然環(huán)境的破壞范圍大,如果在防護(hù)的同時(shí),能夠注意保護(hù)環(huán)境和創(chuàng)

2、造環(huán)境,采用適當(dāng)?shù)木G化防護(hù)方法來(lái)進(jìn)行,則會(huì)使公路具有安全、舒適、美觀、與環(huán)境相協(xié)調(diào)等特點(diǎn),也將會(huì)產(chǎn)生可觀的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益、社會(huì)效益和生態(tài)效益。</p><p>  邊坡設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)遵循“安全綠色、水土保持、恢復(fù)自然、環(huán)保之路”的設(shè)計(jì)原則。</p><p>  對(duì)公路邊坡進(jìn)行防護(hù),必須考慮以下問題:</p><p> ?、龠吰路€(wěn)定:保護(hù)路基邊坡表面免受雨水沖刷,減緩溫差與溫度變化

3、的影響,防止和延緩軟巖土表面的風(fēng)化、破碎、剝蝕演變過程,從而保護(hù)路基的整體穩(wěn)定性。</p><p> ?、诃h(huán)境保護(hù):使工程對(duì)環(huán)境的擾亂程度減少到最小,并謀求人工構(gòu)造物與自然環(huán)境相協(xié)調(diào)。</p><p> ?、劬C合效應(yīng):綜合防光,防眩,防煙,誘導(dǎo)司機(jī)視線,改善景觀等目的進(jìn)行邊坡綠化防護(hù),充分發(fā)揮防護(hù)工程的綜合效益。</p><p><b>  1、工程防護(hù)&

4、lt;/b></p><p><b>  1.1 抹面與捶面</b></p><p>  1.1.1適用條件:</p><p> ?、賹?duì)各種易于風(fēng)化的軟巖層(如泥質(zhì)砂巖、頁(yè)巖、千枚巖、泥質(zhì)板巖等)邊坡,當(dāng)巖層風(fēng)化不甚嚴(yán)重時(shí);</p><p>  ②所防護(hù)的邊坡,本身必須是穩(wěn)定的,但其坡面形狀、陡度及平順性不受限制;

5、</p><p> ?、鬯雷o(hù)的邊坡,必須是干燥、無(wú)地下水的巖質(zhì)邊坡。</p><p>  1.1.2構(gòu)造要求:</p><p> ?、倌婧穸纫话銥?~7cm,捶面厚度為10~15cm,一般為等厚截面。</p><p> ?、谀媾c捶面工程的周邊與未防護(hù)坡面銜接處,應(yīng)嚴(yán)格封閉。如在其邊坡頂部做截水溝,溝底與溝邊也要做抹面或捶面防護(hù)。<

6、/p><p>  ③大面積抹面或捶面時(shí),每隔5~10m應(yīng)設(shè)伸縮縫。</p><p><b>  1.2 灌漿與勾縫</b></p><p>  灌漿適用于石質(zhì)堅(jiān)硬、不易風(fēng)化、巖層內(nèi)部節(jié)理發(fā)育,但裂縫寬度較小的巖質(zhì)路塹邊坡。</p><p>  勾縫適用于石質(zhì)較堅(jiān)硬、不易風(fēng)化、張開節(jié)理不甚發(fā)育,且節(jié)理縫較大較深的巖石路塹邊坡上

7、。</p><p><b>  1.3水泥土護(hù)坡</b></p><p>  1.3.1適用條件:</p><p> ?、龠m用于粉土、粉砂、粉質(zhì)粘土、粘土等填方邊坡。</p><p> ?、谝资芎樗偷穆坊罘竭吰隆?lt;/p><p> ?、劭捎糜邴}漬土地區(qū)。</p><p&g

8、t;  1.3.2構(gòu)造要求:水泥土護(hù)坡厚度一般為10~20cm.水泥摻量一般為8%~15%,具體摻量施工時(shí)根據(jù)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)試驗(yàn)確定。</p><p><b>  1.4 護(hù)面墻</b></p><p>  1.4.1適用條件:</p><p>  ①多用于易風(fēng)化的云母巖、綠泥片巖、千枚巖及其它風(fēng)化嚴(yán)重的軟質(zhì)巖層和較破碎的巖石地段,以防止繼續(xù)風(fēng)化;<

9、;/p><p> ?、谒雷o(hù)的邊坡本身必須是穩(wěn)固的;</p><p> ?、圩o(hù)面墻有實(shí)體護(hù)面墻、孔窗式護(hù)面墻、拱式護(hù)面墻和肋式護(hù)面墻。實(shí)體護(hù)面墻適用于一般土質(zhì)及碎石邊坡;空窗式護(hù)面墻用于邊坡緩于1:0.75,孔窗內(nèi)可采用捶面(坡面干燥時(shí))或干砌片石;拱式護(hù)面墻用于邊坡下部巖層較完整,而需要防護(hù)上部邊坡者或通過個(gè)別軟弱地段時(shí),邊坡巖層較完整且坡度較陡時(shí)采用肋式護(hù)面墻。</p>&l

10、t;p>  1.4.2構(gòu)造要求:</p><p><b>  1.實(shí)體護(hù)面墻</b></p><p>  ①厚度視墻高而定,一般采用0.4~0.6m,底寬一般等于頂寬加H/10~H/20;單級(jí)護(hù)墻的高度一般不超過15m,多級(jí)護(hù)墻的總高度一般不超過30m.</p><p> ?、谘貕ι黹L(zhǎng)度每隔10m設(shè)置一道2cm的伸縮縫,縫內(nèi)用瀝青麻筋填塞

11、。在泄水孔后用碎石和砂做成反濾層,以排除墻后排水。</p><p>  ③修筑護(hù)面墻前,對(duì)所有的邊坡清除風(fēng)化層至新鮮巖層,對(duì)風(fēng)化迅速的巖質(zhì)(如云母巖、綠泥片巖等)邊坡,清挖出新鮮巖面后,應(yīng)立即修筑護(hù)面墻。</p><p> ?、茼敳繎?yīng)用原土夯填,以免水流沖刷。</p><p><b>  2.孔窗式護(hù)面墻</b></p><

12、p>  孔窗式護(hù)面墻的窗孔通常為半圓拱形,高2.5~3.5m,寬2~3m,半徑1~1.5m.其基礎(chǔ)、厚度、伸縮縫等與實(shí)體護(hù)面墻相同,窗孔內(nèi)視具體情況,采用干砌片石、植草或捶面。</p><p><b>  3.拱式護(hù)面墻</b></p><p>  拱跨較小時(shí)(2~3m),拱圈可采用10#水泥砂漿砌片石,拱高視邊坡下面完整巖層高度而定,拱跨較大時(shí),可采用砼拱圈。

13、</p><p>  1.5 噴漿或噴射混凝土防護(hù)</p><p>  1.5.1適用條件:</p><p> ?、龠m用于巖性較差、強(qiáng)度較底、易風(fēng)化或堅(jiān)硬巖層風(fēng)化破碎、節(jié)理發(fā)育、其表層風(fēng)化剝落的巖質(zhì)邊坡;</p><p> ?、诋?dāng)巖質(zhì)邊坡因風(fēng)化剝落和節(jié)理切割而導(dǎo)致大面積碎落,以及局部小型坍塌、落石時(shí),可采用局部加固處理后,進(jìn)行大面積噴漿(噴射

14、混凝土)。</p><p> ?、蹖?duì)于上部巖層風(fēng)化破碎下部巖層堅(jiān)硬完整的高大路塹邊坡;</p><p> ?、懿荒艹惺苌襟w壓力,邊坡須是穩(wěn)定的。</p><p>  1.5.2構(gòu)造要求:</p><p> ?、賴姖{厚度不宜小于1.5~2cm,噴射混凝土的厚度以3~5cm為宜。</p><p>  ②為防止坡面水的沖刷,

15、沿噴漿(噴射混凝土)坡面頂緣外側(cè)設(shè)置一條小型截水溝。</p><p> ?、蹪{體兩側(cè)鑿槽嵌入巖層內(nèi)。</p><p><b>  1.6 噴錨防護(hù)</b></p><p>  1.6.1適用條件:</p><p>  凡易于噴漿(噴射混凝土)防護(hù)的巖質(zhì)邊坡,當(dāng)巖層風(fēng)化破碎嚴(yán)重、節(jié)理發(fā)育,在破碎巖層較厚的情況下,如果繼續(xù)風(fēng)

16、化,將導(dǎo)致墜石或小型崩塌,從而影響整個(gè)邊坡的穩(wěn)定性。它具有較高的強(qiáng)度,較好的抗裂性能,能使坡面內(nèi)一定深度內(nèi)的破碎巖層得以加強(qiáng),并能承受少量的破碎體所產(chǎn)生的側(cè)壓力。</p><p>  1.6.2構(gòu)造要求:</p><p> ?、贋榉乐蛊旅嫠臎_刷,沿噴漿(噴射混凝土)坡面頂緣外側(cè)設(shè)置一條小型截水溝。</p><p> ?、阱^固深度視邊坡巖層的破碎程度及破碎層的厚度而

17、定,用1:3的水泥沙漿固結(jié)。</p><p> ?、蹏姖{厚度不小于3cm,噴射混凝土的厚度不小于5cm.</p><p> ?、苠^桿的類型有樹脂錨桿、全長(zhǎng)砂漿錨桿、塑料錨桿、水泥錨桿和縫管錨桿。</p><p> ?、萏岣咤^桿承載力的措施主要有延長(zhǎng)錨固段長(zhǎng)度、二次壓漿、采用端頭擴(kuò)大或多段擴(kuò)大頭錨桿、重復(fù)高壓灌漿和改變錨桿傳力特征的剪力或壓力型錨桿。其中二次壓漿和重復(fù)

18、高壓灌漿比較實(shí)用有效。</p><p><b>  1.7 土釘墻</b></p><p>  土釘墻是一種較新式的結(jié)構(gòu)物,它主要由“釘”(即錨桿)、混凝土面板(掛網(wǎng)噴射混凝土)、錨板組成。</p><p><b>  1.7.1作用機(jī)理</b></p><p>  通過規(guī)則排列的錨桿(“釘”)、面

19、板、錨板將邊坡一定范圍內(nèi)的土體進(jìn)行原位加固,形成一種復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)式的墻——土釘墻,墻后土壓力由土釘墻承擔(dān)。</p><p><b>  1.7.2適用條件</b></p><p>  主要適用于風(fēng)化破碎較嚴(yán)重的巖石邊坡,也可用于粉土、礫石和砂土邊坡。承受土壓力一般,其最大優(yōu)點(diǎn)是從上往下逐層開挖土石方并及時(shí)對(duì)邊坡進(jìn)行封閉加固,能有效減少邊坡因開挖臨空而帶來(lái)的英里釋放,使邊坡

20、保持原來(lái)的穩(wěn)定結(jié)構(gòu),避免坍塌。</p><p>  1.7.3構(gòu)造要求:</p><p> ?、偈┕こ绦?yàn)椋撼煽祝蹇祝媒睿{-噴射第一層細(xì)石混凝土-裝掛鋼絲網(wǎng)-噴射第二層細(xì)石混凝土;</p><p> ?、诘谝粚蛹?xì)石混凝土厚7~10cm,第二層細(xì)石混凝土厚8cm.</p><p>  1.8 預(yù)應(yīng)力錨索梁</p><

21、p>  預(yù)應(yīng)力錨索梁是最近幾年發(fā)展起來(lái)的一種新型加固措施。結(jié)構(gòu)分為錨索和錨梁兩部分。</p><p><b>  1.8.1作用機(jī)理</b></p><p>  把破碎松散巖層組合連接成整體,并錨固在地層深部穩(wěn)固的巖體上,通過施加預(yù)應(yīng)力,使錨索長(zhǎng)度范圍內(nèi)的軟弱巖體(層)擠壓密實(shí),提高巖層層面間的正壓力和摩阻力,阻止開裂松散巖體位移,從而達(dá)到加固邊坡的目的。這種方

22、法的最大特點(diǎn)是:可保持既有坡面狀態(tài)下深入坡體內(nèi)部進(jìn)行大范圍加固;預(yù)先主動(dòng)對(duì)邊坡松散巖層施加正壓力,起到擠密鎖固作用;同時(shí),錨索孔高壓注漿,漿液充填裂隙和孔隙,又可提高破碎巖體的強(qiáng)度和整體性;結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)單、工期短、造價(jià)低廉。</p><p><b>  1.8.2適用條件</b></p><p>  裂隙和斷層發(fā)育、防緩邊坡工作量巨大的高陡邊坡。</p>&l

23、t;p>  1.8.3構(gòu)造要求:</p><p>  ①錨梁:錨梁為鋼筋混凝土梁,采用C30混凝土澆注,它不僅為預(yù)應(yīng)力錨索提供反力裝置,而且也對(duì)邊坡巖土有著框箍和壓緊作用。</p><p> ?、阱^梁的施工順序?yàn)椋悍谰€挖槽—綁扎鋼筋—支?!獫沧⒒炷?。</p><p> ?、坼^梁與錨索交叉部位預(yù)留塑料套管,便于錨索從中間穿過;在錨頭部位預(yù)埋承壓鋼板,并與錨梁澆

24、注成整體。</p><p>  ④預(yù)應(yīng)力錨索施工程序?yàn)椋悍劈c(diǎn)鉆孔—編制鋼絞線—注漿—張拉鎖定。</p><p> ?、菘膳c噴射混凝土或框格護(hù)坡相結(jié)合。</p><p><b>  2、植物防護(hù)</b></p><p><b>  2.1 種草</b></p><p><

25、b>  2.1.1適用條件</b></p><p>  邊坡穩(wěn)定、坡面沖刷輕微的路堤或路塹邊坡,一般要求邊坡坡度不陡于1:1,邊坡坡面水徑流速度不超過0.6m/s,長(zhǎng)期浸水邊坡不適用。</p><p><b>  2.1.2種植方式</b></p><p>  根據(jù)施工方法不同,有以下幾種方式:</p><

26、p> ?、俜N子撒播法:適用于邊坡土質(zhì)較軟,厚度在25mm以下的沙性土,23mm以下的粘性土,以及邊坡緩于1:1的情況。</p><p> ?、趪姴シǎ哼m用于礫間有砂的礫質(zhì)土,或厚度在25mm以下的砂質(zhì)土,厚度在23mm以下的粘性土、亞粘土土坡,或當(dāng)厚度在25mm以上的硬質(zhì)土?xí)r,在常降暴雨地區(qū),則與鋪席工程并用。</p><p> ?、劭屯羾姴シǎ嚎屯羾姴ゼ夹g(shù)是一種改善邊坡植生環(huán)境,促

27、進(jìn)植物生長(zhǎng),從而在普通條件下無(wú)法綠化或綠化效果差的邊坡上實(shí)現(xiàn)立體綠化、恢復(fù)自然植被的新技術(shù)??屯羾姴シň哂袕V泛的適應(yīng)性,土質(zhì)或巖質(zhì)邊坡都適用。</p><p><b>  ④點(diǎn)穴、挖溝法</b></p><p>  方法:點(diǎn)穴法是在邊坡上用鉆具挖掘直徑5~8cm、深10~15cm的洞,每平方米約8~12個(gè),將固體肥料等防入,用土、砂等將洞埋住后,再種種子。挖溝法是在邊

28、坡大致按水平間隔50cm左右,挖掘10~15cm深的溝,放入肥料后,撒播種子。</p><p>  適用于:公路兩側(cè)的綠化用地立地條件較差的情況,如硬質(zhì)土或花崗巖風(fēng)化砂土挖方邊坡。</p><p><b>  2.2 鋪草皮</b></p><p><b>  2.2.1適用條件</b></p><p&

29、gt;  各種土質(zhì)邊坡,特別是坡面沖刷比較嚴(yán)重、邊坡較陡(可達(dá)60°),徑流速度達(dá)0.6m/s時(shí)。</p><p>  2.2.2鋪草皮的方式</p><p>  平鋪、水平疊鋪、垂直坡面或與坡面成一半破腳的傾斜疊置,以及采用片石等鋪砌成方格或拱形邊框、方格內(nèi)鋪草皮等。</p><p><b>  2.3 植樹</b></p&g

30、t;<p>  適用于:各種土質(zhì)邊坡和風(fēng)化極嚴(yán)重的巖石邊坡,邊坡坡度不陡于1:1.5,在路基邊坡和漫水河灘上種植植物,對(duì)于加固路基與防護(hù)河岸收到良好的效果??梢越档退魉伲N在河灘上可促使泥沙淤積,防止水流直接沖刷路堤。植樹最好與植草相結(jié)合。高等級(jí)公路邊坡上嚴(yán)禁種喬木。</p><p><b>  3、柔性支護(hù)</b></p><p><b>

31、  3.1 三維植被網(wǎng)</b></p><p>  三維植被網(wǎng)又稱防侵蝕網(wǎng),以熱塑樹脂為原料。結(jié)構(gòu)分為上下兩層,上層為一個(gè)經(jīng)雙面拉伸的高模量基礎(chǔ)層,強(qiáng)度足以防止植被網(wǎng)的變形,并能有效防止水土流失,下層是一層彈性的、規(guī)則的、凹凸不平的網(wǎng)包組成。</p><p>  3.1.1作用機(jī)理:</p><p>  三維植被網(wǎng)是由多層塑料凹凸網(wǎng)和高強(qiáng)度平網(wǎng)復(fù)合而成的

32、立體網(wǎng)結(jié)構(gòu)。面層外觀凹凸不平。材質(zhì)疏松柔韌,留有90%以上的空間可填充土壤及沙粒,將草籽及表層土壤牢牢護(hù)在立體網(wǎng)中間。</p><p><b>  3.1.2特點(diǎn)</b></p><p> ?、?固土效果極好。實(shí)驗(yàn)證明:在草皮形成之前,當(dāng)坡度為45度時(shí),三維植被網(wǎng)的固土阻滯率高達(dá)97.5%.即使坡面角達(dá)到90°時(shí),三維植被網(wǎng)仍可保留阻滯住60%的土壤。<

33、;/p><p> ?、?抗沖刷能力強(qiáng)。三維網(wǎng)墊及植物根系可起到淺層加筋的作用,這種復(fù)合體系具有及強(qiáng)的抗沖刷能力,能夠達(dá)到有效防護(hù)邊坡的目的。</p><p>  ③ 網(wǎng)墊原材料采用聚乙烯,無(wú)毒且化學(xué)性質(zhì)穩(wěn)定可靠,埋在地下壽命可達(dá)50年以上,即使暴露在陽(yáng)光下壽命也長(zhǎng)達(dá)10多年。</p><p> ?、?草種采用混合草種,生長(zhǎng)成坪快;抗逆性強(qiáng)、耐貧瘠、耐粗放式管理等。<

34、;/p><p><b>  3.1.3適用條件</b></p><p>  設(shè)計(jì)穩(wěn)定的土質(zhì)和巖質(zhì)邊坡,特別是土質(zhì)貧瘠的邊坡和土石混填的邊坡可以起到固土防沖并改善植草質(zhì)量的良好效果。</p><p>  3.2 鋼繩網(wǎng)主動(dòng)防護(hù)</p><p>  通過錨桿和支撐繩以固定方式將鋼繩網(wǎng)蓋在坡面上。</p><p

35、>  作用機(jī)理為通過固定在錨桿或支撐繩上并施以一定預(yù)張拉的鋼繩網(wǎng),以及在用作風(fēng)化剝落、溜塌或坍落防護(hù)中抑制細(xì)小顆粒、灑落或土體流失時(shí)鋪以金屬網(wǎng)或土工格柵,對(duì)整個(gè)邊坡形成連續(xù)支撐。其預(yù)張拉作業(yè)使系統(tǒng)緊貼坡面形成了局部巖坡或土體移動(dòng)或發(fā)生細(xì)小位移后將其裹縛于原位附近的預(yù)應(yīng)力,從而實(shí)現(xiàn)其主動(dòng)防護(hù)的功能。其系統(tǒng)作用原理類似噴錨支護(hù)等層面防護(hù)體系。然其柔性特征能使系統(tǒng)將局部體中下滑力向四周均勻傳遞以充分發(fā)揮整個(gè)系統(tǒng)的防護(hù)能力,從而使系統(tǒng)能承

36、受較大的下滑力,同時(shí)它與三維植被網(wǎng)一樣與植物配套實(shí)現(xiàn)植物防護(hù),使植物根系的固土作用與坡面防護(hù)系統(tǒng)結(jié)為一體,實(shí)現(xiàn)最佳邊坡防護(hù)和環(huán)保。</p><p>  3.3鋼繩網(wǎng)被動(dòng)防護(hù)</p><p>  該方法是一種能攔截和堆存落石的柔性攔石網(wǎng),由鋼繩網(wǎng)、固定系統(tǒng)、減壓環(huán)和鋼柱四部分組成。</p><p>  3.3.1.適用條件</p><p>  

37、巖體交互發(fā)育、坡面整體性差,有巖崩可能的高路塹邊坡。</p><p><b>  3.3.2作用機(jī)理</b></p><p>  當(dāng)落石沖擊攔石網(wǎng)時(shí),其沖擊力通過網(wǎng)的柔性得以首先消散,并將剩余荷載從沖擊點(diǎn)向繩網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)周邊逐級(jí)加載,最終傳到錨固基巖和地層,且由錨桿及其基礎(chǔ)承受的最終剩余荷載以達(dá)很小的程度。</p><p><b>  4、

38、綜合防護(hù)</b></p><p>  4.1巖質(zhì)邊坡綠化噴播技術(shù)</p><p>  綠化噴播技術(shù),其核心是在巖質(zhì)坡面營(yíng)造一個(gè)既能讓植物生長(zhǎng)發(fā)育而種植基質(zhì)又不被沖刷的多孔穩(wěn)定結(jié)構(gòu)。它利用特制噴混機(jī)械將土壤、肥料、有機(jī)質(zhì)、保水材料、植物種子、水泥等混合干料加水后噴射到巖面上,由于水泥的粘結(jié)作用,上述混合物可在巖石表面形成一層具有連續(xù)空隙的硬化體。一定程度的硬化使種植免遭沖蝕,而空

39、隙內(nèi)填有種子、土壤、保水材料等,空隙既是種植基質(zhì)的填充空間,又是植物根系的生長(zhǎng)空間。</p><p><b>  4.1.1適用條件</b></p><p>  不僅適用于所有開挖后的巖體邊坡,而且對(duì)于巖堆、軟巖、碎裂巖、散體巖、極酸性土巖以及擋土墻、護(hù)面墻、混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)邊坡等不宜綠化的惡劣環(huán)境。</p><p><b>  4.1.2

40、施工方法</b></p><p><b> ?、傩拚吰?lt;/b></p><p>  在高速公路邊坡支護(hù)工程中,坡面比較平整,一般只需清除表面雜物即可。如有非常凹凸的地方須進(jìn)行處理。</p><p><b> ?、阱^桿、掛網(wǎng)</b></p><p>  先在坡面上打孔,然后將機(jī)編網(wǎng)開卷鋪

41、掛在坡面上,再用錨桿或錨釘固定。對(duì)于坡度較?。?gt;1:1)、巖體結(jié)構(gòu)穩(wěn)定的邊坡,或已做拱架的陡坡,可不掛網(wǎng),面向巖面直接噴射混合好的材料。</p><p><b> ?、蹏娀?lt;/b></p><p>  材料按比例混合后利用特制噴混機(jī)械將混合物加水及PH緩沖劑后噴射到巖面上。噴射分兩次進(jìn)行,首先噴射不含種子的混合料,噴射厚度7~8cm,緊接著第二次噴射含有種子的混

42、合料,噴射厚度2~3cm.噴射混合材料平均厚度10cm,變幅為3~15cm.</p><p><b> ?、芨采w</b></p><p>  可在噴射后覆蓋無(wú)紡布、草簾、遮蔭網(wǎng)、稻草等保濕及防止雨水沖刷。</p><p><b>  ⑤養(yǎng)護(hù)</b></p><p>  噴播后如未下雨則需每天澆水保持

43、土壤濕潤(rùn)。一般7天左右發(fā)芽,一個(gè)月成坪,兩個(gè)月覆蓋率達(dá)90%以上,成坪后可逐漸減少澆水次數(shù)。</p><p><b>  4.2框格護(hù)坡</b></p><p>  4.2.1適用條件:</p><p>  風(fēng)化較嚴(yán)重的巖質(zhì)邊坡和坡面穩(wěn)定的較高土質(zhì)邊坡。</p><p>  4.2.2框格形式選擇</p>

44、<p>  框格護(hù)坡可選用菱形框格、六邊形框格、主從式框格等</p><p>  4.2.3構(gòu)造要求:</p><p> ?、倏蚋駜?nèi)植草,通常采用借土噴播法或植草皮等方法。</p><p>  ②框格形式主要有正方形、菱形、拱形、主肋加斜向橫肋或波浪形橫肋以及幾種幾何圖形組合等形式,框格及橫肋寬0.4~0.6m,主肋寬一般1m左右,框格間距2.5~3.5m

45、.</p><p> ?、蹜?yīng)根據(jù)情況設(shè)置固定樁或錨固筋固定。</p><p>  Highway Slope Common Supporting Method</p><p>  At present, our country mountainous area highway to construct rapid development. In first-clas

46、s highway construction, were massively deep cut cutting and high embankment slope, its protection outstanding issues. In order to meet the safe and reliable and reasonable economy dual goals, the high slope of disease of

47、 thorough analysis and characteristics of its governance engineering scheme discreet choice is very important. </p><p>  Highway slope along the road to the distribution of wide, natural environmental damage

48、 range, if the protection at the same time, can protect the environment and create an environment, the adoption of appropriate greening methods for, can make highway has safe, comfortable, beautiful, in harmony with the

49、environment and other characteristics, which will create considerable economic benefit and social benefit and ecological benefits. </p><p>  Slope design should follow the "safe green, water and soil co

50、nservation and restoration of natural, environmental protection way" design principle. </p><p>  On the highway slope protection, must consider the following questions: </p><p>  (1) the sl

51、ope stability: protect embankment slope surface from the rains washed out, slowing down the influence of temperature and temperature changes, to prevent and delay the surface of soft rock weathering, broken, eroding evol

52、ution process, thus protect the overall stability of roadbed. </p><p>  (2) the environmental protection: make the project on environment to minimize the disturbing degree, and seek artificially alkali-silic

53、a coordinated with the natural environment. </p><p>  (3) comprehensive effects: comprehensive against the light, prevent dazzle, smoke, induction of driver line of sight, improve landscape slope greening pu

54、rpose, give full play to the comprehensive benefit protection project. </p><p>  1, Engineering protection </p><p>  1.1 plaster and beat noodles </p><p>  1.1.1 applicable conditio

55、n: </p><p>  (1) to all sorts of easy weathering of soft rock (such as shaly sands, shale, thousand pieces of rock, shale SLATE) slope, when rock weathering not very serious when; </p><p>  (2)

56、the slope protection by itself must be stable, but the slope shape, gradient and smooth unrestrained; </p><p>  (3) the slope protection, which must be dry, no groundwater rocky slope. </p><p> 

57、 1.1.2 structural requirements: </p><p>  (1) the plaster ply is commonly 5 ~ 7cm, beat surface thickness for 10 ~ 15cm, generally for thickness sections. </p><p>  (2) the plaster and beat surf

58、ace engineering peripheral and not protective slope cohesion place, should strictly closed. As in the slope top do cut ditch, or GouBian also to do with plaster or beat surface protection. </p><p>  (3) on l

59、arge surface, precausions or every 5 ~ 10m should set is adjustable seam. </p><p>  1.2 grouting and tick off seam </p><p>  Grouting applies to the rocky hard, not easy weathering, rock joints

60、 growth inside, but the crack width of smaller rocky cutting slope. </p><p>  Tick off seam is applicable to the rocky, difficult to weathering, open hard very not development, and joints of deep seams large

61、r jointed rock cutting slope. </p><p>  1.3 soil-cement slope protection </p><p>  1.3.1 applicable condition: </p><p>  (1) suitable for silty and sand, silty clay, clay etc fill

62、slope. </p><p>  (2) the vulnerable to flood inundated the roadbed fill slope. </p><p>  (3) can be used in saline soil area. </p><p>  1.3.2 structural requirements: soil-cement re

63、vetment thickness for 10 ~ 20cm. General admixture of general 8% of cement concrete ~ 15%, according to the site during the construction of the admixture was confirmed. </p><p>  1.4 HuMianQiang </p>

64、<p>  1.4.1 applicable condition: </p><p>  (1) more for easy weathering of mica rocks, LuNi schist, 1000 pieces rock and other weathering serious soft rock formations and a broken rock location, to pr

65、event continue to weathering; </p><p>  (2) the slope protection by itself must be substantial; </p><p>  (3) HuMianQiang, hole HuMianQiang have entity HuMianQiang, arch casing HuMianQiang HuMia

66、nQiang and rib type. Entity HuMianQiang used in general soil and rock slope; Empty HuMianQiang used for slope slow in casing 1-0. 75, hole in the window can be used on slope surface (dry) or dry build by laying bricks or

67、 stones PianShi; HuMianQiang arch for slope, while the lower strata relatively complete upper slope or those who need protection by individual weak area, slope rock slope steep intact and used</p><p>  1.4.2

68、 structural requirements: </p><p>  1. HuMianQiang entities </p><p>  (1) high and decide on wall thickness, use commonly 0.4 ~ 0.6 m, width is equal to the general DingKuan add H / 10 ~ H / 20;

69、 The height of the single stage counterfort 15m usually less than the total height, multilevel wall as usually less than. </p><p>  (2) along the wall body length set a 2cm every 10m within the expansion joi

70、nts with reinforced asphalt hemp seam padded. After discharge holes in the sand with rubble and make reverse filter layer to exclude wall drainage. </p><p>  (3) to build HuMianQiang ago, all the slope rock

71、weathering layer to fresh cleared to weathering quickly, the rocky (like mica rocks, LuNi schist, etc) slope, clear dug fresh gape, shall be immediately repaired after HuMianQiang. </p><p>  (4) the soils ra

72、mming fill top application, lest flow washout. </p><p>  2. HuMianQiang casing hole </p><p>  HuMianQiang window casing hole hole for semicircle arch, usually high 2.5 ~ 3.5 m, width 2 ~ 3m, rad

73、ius 1 ~ 1.5 m. its base, thickness, expansion joints, such as HuMianQiang identical with the entity within hole, according to specific situation PianShi, electrode using dry build by laying bricks or stones on grass, or

74、face. </p><p>  3. HuMianQiang arch </p><p>  Arch than hours (across 2 ~ 3m), the arch ring can use 10 # cement mortar build by laying bricks or stones, PianShi arch height depending on the slo

75、pe rock under complete and decide, arch height, can be made larger span concrete arch ring. </p><p>  1.5 shortcreting or sprayed concrete protective </p><p>  1.5.1 applicable condition: </p

76、><p>  (1) applies to the lithology is bad, the intensity is bottom, easy weathering or hard rock weathering crushing, joints growth, its surface weathering falling rock slope; </p><p>  (2) when r

77、ock slope cutting by weathering peel and joints caused widespread broken down, and local small collapsed, rockfalls, can use local reinforcement, for wide after spray (shotcrete). </p><p>  (3) the upper str

78、ata for decency is broken rock hard and complete tall cutting slope; </p><p>  (4) cannot bear mountain pressure, slope must is stable. </p><p>  1.5.2 structural requirements: </p><p

79、>  (1) the shotcreting thickness is less than 1.5 ~ 2cm, not the thickness of sprayed concrete in 3 ~ 5cm advisable. </p><p>  (2) to prevent slope surface water erosion along the shotcreting (sprayed con

80、crete, the top margin slope lateral) set up a small cut ditch. </p><p>  (3) cut groove slurry embedded within both sides strata. </p><p>  1.6 spray anchor protection </p><p>  1.6

81、.1 applicable condition: </p><p>  Whoever easy shortcreting (jet concrete) protection, when rock slope rock weathering broken joints growth, seriously, in broken rock thicker cases, if continue to weatherin

82、g, will lead to drop stones or small avalanches, thus affecting the stability of the slope. It has high intensity, good anti-cracking performance, can make certain depth within the slope was increased the broken rock wit

83、hin, and can withstand a small amount of broken body produces the lateral pressure. </p><p>  1.6.2 structural requirements: </p><p>  (1) to prevent slope surface water erosion along the shotcr

84、eting (sprayed concrete, the top margin slope lateral) set up a small cut ditch. </p><p>  (2) the anchorage depth depending on the slope strata of broken degree and breaking layer thickness and decide, use

85、1:3 to cement mortar consolidation. </p><p>  (3) not less than 3cm, spray thickness of sprayed concrete thickness not less than 5cm. </p><p>  (4) the type of bolt anchor rod, a resin mortar an

86、chor, plastic anchor length, cement anchor and tube anchor. </p><p>  (5) the bearing capacity of major measures improve anchor length, prolong anchorage second pressure pulp, adopt end expand or more paragr

87、aphs expand head bolt, repeat high-pressure grouting and change the force transmission characteristics of the anchor rod anchor rod shear or pressure type. One second grouting and repeat high-pressure grouting is more pr

88、actical and effective. </p><p>  1.7 soil-nail wall </p><p>  Soil-nail wall is a relatively new structures, it mainly consists of "nail" (i.e., anchor), concrete panel (hang nets shot

89、crete), anchor plate compositions. </p><p>  1.7.1 mechanism </p><p>  The anchor (via regular arrangement "spike"), panel, anchor plate will slope certain limits soil in situ reinforc

90、ement, form a kind of composite soil nailing wall - structured wall, the wall by soil nailing wall and pressure assume. </p><p>  1.7.2 application conditions </p><p>  Mainly applies to weather

91、ing crushing more serious rock slope, also can used for powder soil, gravel and sandy soil slope. Inherit the earth pressure generally, its greatest advantage on the excavation step by step down from conditions are close

92、d on the slope and timely reinforcement, can effectively reduce slope excavation airport and brings for release, make the slope keep miles to the stability of the original structure, to avoid the collapse. </p>&l

93、t;p>  1.7.3 structural requirements: </p><p>  (1) the construction procedure for: into hole - hole cleaning - buy muscle - grouting - spray layer 1 fine stone concrete - pack hanging steel net - spray la

94、yer 2 fine stone concrete; </p><p>  (2) the first layer of fine stone concrete thick 7 ~ 10cm and second fine stone concrete thick 8cm. </p><p>  1.8 prestressed anchor beam </p><p&g

95、t;  Prestressed anchor beam is developed in recent years, a new type of reinforcement measures. Structure is divided into anchor and anchor beam two parts. </p><p>  1.8.1 mechanism </p><p>  Pu

96、t the broken loose rock combination connected into the overall, and anchor in the rock formation deep solid by prestress anchor length, within the scope of the weak rock (layers) extrusion close-grained, improve level of

97、 positive pressure between rock and friction, stop cracking loose rock displacement, so as to achieve the purpose of reinforced slope. This kind of method is: the biggest characteristic of slope can maintain both deeply

98、slope under the internal state of widespread reinforcement</p><p>  1.8.2 application conditions </p><p>  Fracture and faults development, prevent slow slope workload huge high and steep slope.

99、 </p><p>  1.8.3 structural requirements: </p><p>  (1) the anchor beam: anchor beam for reinforced concrete beam C30 concrete pouring, adopt prestressed anchor cable, it is not only for providi

100、ng counterforce device, but also has a box of slope rock pressure effect. With straps </p><p>  (2) the anchor beam construction order: defense mode - assembling reinforced - mode branch - pouring concrete.

101、</p><p>  (3) the anchor beam and anchor reserve plastic casing, cross parts from through the middle for anchor; At anchor head bits embedded with anchor plate, and pressure casting into whole beam. </p&g

102、t;<p>  (4) the procedures for the construction of prestressed anchor put some drilling -- -- -- grouting compiled tension steel lock. </p><p>  (5) but with shotcrete or frame space revetment combine

103、d. </p><p>  2 Plant Protection </p><p>  2.1 grass </p><p>  2.1.1 application conditions </p><p>  Slope stability, slope erosion slight embankment or cutting slope,

104、 general requirement slope not steep in 1:1, surface water runoff speed geogrid does not exceed 0.6 m/s, long-term immersion slope doesn't apply. </p><p>  2.1.2 cropping pattern </p><p>  A

105、ccording to the construction method is different, have the following several ways: </p><p>  (1) the seed sown method: for the soft soil retaining mm, ply is in the sand soil, under the 23mm below of cohesiv

106、e soil slope, and the situation in 1:1 slowly. </p><p>  (2) YuLi hydroseeder law: there is between sand gravel in thickness, or pledge soil sandy soil under mm in 23mm below, thickness of cohesive soil, and

107、 clay soil, or when the thickness of hard soil in more than 25 mm in often drops when heavy rains and shop area, the table with engineering. </p><p>  (3) hydroseeder law: replace with out-soil replace with

108、out-soil hydroseeder technology is a kind of plant life environment, improve slope promotes plant growth in common conditions, thus unable to afforest or afforested effect on poor slope greening, restore realize stereo n


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