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1、<p>  附錄1:外文資料翻譯</p><p>  A1.1:PLC和電氣工程技術概述(譯文)</p><p>  可編程邏輯控制器(PLC)或可編程控制器是一種數(shù)字化的計算機,應用于機電自動化過程的控制,如工廠流水線機械,游戲機,或照明裝置??删幊炭刂破骺捎糜谠S多工業(yè)和機器。不同于通用計算機,可編程控制器是專為多輸入多輸出控制要求而設計的裝置,PLC能適應更大的工作溫度范圍

2、,更高的抗電氣噪音干擾能力,以及更好的抗震抗沖擊能力??刂茩C器操作的程序通常存儲于備用電池或非揮發(fā)性內(nèi)存中。PLC是一個實時系統(tǒng)實例,因為,其輸出結果必須在輸入條件下滿足響應時間范圍才能產(chǎn)生。否則將會導致誤操作。plc 與其他控制系統(tǒng)的比較 。PLC 廣泛的適用于自動化類任務處理。在工業(yè)生產(chǎn)過程中,自動化系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)和維護成本占系統(tǒng)總成本較大比例,并且在使用壽命期內(nèi)系統(tǒng)的變化是可預期的。Plc 包含的輸入輸出設備和工業(yè)試驗裝置和控制元件相

3、兼容,小型電氣設計中的需求和設計問題集中在如何表達所需的操作程序。PLC 應用是典型的高度定制系統(tǒng),因此一個成套的PLC價格相較一個具體定制的控制器設計要低。另一方面,就大批量生產(chǎn)商品而言,用戶定制控制系統(tǒng)更經(jīng)濟,這歸因于該控制系統(tǒng)部件的成本更低,它是替代“泛型”解決方案的更好選擇,并且一次性成本</p><p>  基于微控制器的設計適用于數(shù)百或數(shù)千個器件的生產(chǎn),由此可令開發(fā)成本(電源設計,輸入/輸出硬件和必要


5、。</p><p>  可編程控制器廣泛的應用于運動控制,定位控制和轉(zhuǎn)矩控制。一些制造商生產(chǎn)的運動控制單元,將與PLC的集成,使plc(包括一臺數(shù)控機),可用于指導機器動作。{{引文摘要|July 2009}}</p><p>  PLC的可以包含單變量反饋邏輯模擬控制回路,一個“比例積分微分控制器”或“PID控制器?!崩纾粋€PID回路可以用在工業(yè)生產(chǎn)過程中的溫度控制上。早期的PLC配

6、置通常只有幾個模擬控制回路;當過程控制需要成百上千的回路時,便使用一種分布式控制系統(tǒng)DCS來替代。但隨著PLC越來越強大,DCS和PLC應用的分界線已經(jīng)越來越模糊</p><p>  PLC具有RTU 遠程終端單元的類似的功能,但是,RTU通常不支持控制算法或控制回路。由于硬件迅速變得更強大和更便宜,遠程終端單元|RTU,PLC和[[分布式控制系統(tǒng)| DCS系統(tǒng)]]開始越來越多地重疊部分職責,并且許多廠商銷售與P

7、LC具有相似的功能的RTUs,反之亦然。該行業(yè)的IEC 61131-3創(chuàng)建方案,運行在電大和PLC功能塊語言規(guī)范,雖然幾乎所有的廠商還提供專有的替代品和相關的開發(fā)環(huán)境。該行業(yè)出臺了[IEC 61131-3]將運行RTU和PLC的功能塊編程語言規(guī)范化,雖然幾乎所有的廠商還提供專有的備選方案和兼容的開發(fā)環(huán)境。</p><p>  電氣工程,通常被稱為電氣和電子工程(電器和電子設備),是指一般涉及電力,電子,電磁學的研


9、電力系統(tǒng)相關的問題,然而對于小規(guī)模的電子系統(tǒng),包括計算機和集成電路,進行研究被認為是電子工程。此外,電氣工程師通常關心的是使用電力傳輸能量,而電子工程師關心的是使用電力傳輸信息。最近,這種區(qū)分已被電力電子技術的發(fā)展模糊化了</p><p>  19世紀末期,在電報和電力供應商品化后,該領域首次成為一種獨立的行業(yè)?,F(xiàn)代電氣工程學科可以涵蓋一系列小學科,包括電力,微電子,超大規(guī)模集成電路,納米技術,控制系統(tǒng),機電一體

10、化,機器人,非線性系統(tǒng),計算機工程,系統(tǒng)的分析,信號處理,電信,數(shù)據(jù)通信,通信系統(tǒng),信息理論。</p><p>  電氣工程師通常擁有一個主修電氣工程的學位。修完這個學位通常是4到5年,完成后獲得學位是根據(jù)不同大學決定的,凡工程學士,理科學士,工程技術學士或應用科學學士。一般該學位涵蓋的學科有物理,數(shù)學,計算機科學,工程管理和電氣工程中特定學科。首先這些課題涵蓋了大部分,也許不是全部,的電氣工程學科,然后學生選擇

11、一個或多個專門學科完成對電氣工程學科學位的攻讀。 一些電器工程師也可以選擇攻讀一個碩士學位,如工程碩士/理學碩士(MEng/MSc),一個工程管理碩士,一個工程哲學博士學位(PhD),或一個工程學博士(EngD),或一個工程師的學位。碩士和工程師的學位包含研究或課程,或二者兼而有之。哲學博士和工程博士學位參與重大科技研究,常被看做是進入學術界的敲門磚。在英國和其他歐洲國家不同,工程碩士通常被認為是一個稍長一點時間的工程學士學位的本科

12、學位。</p><p>  本文來自wikipedia.com。</p><p>  A1.2: PLC and Electrical Engineering (原文)</p><p>  A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a digital computer u

13、sed for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or lighting fixtures. PLCs are used in many industries and machines. Unlike general-purpose comp

14、uters, the PLC is designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements, extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to vibration and impact. Programs to control m</p><p>  PLC c

15、ompared with other control systems</p><p>  PLCs are well-adapted to a range of automation tasks. </p><p>  These are typically industrial processes in manufacturing where the cost of developing

16、 and maintaining the automation system is high relative to the total cost of the automation, and where changes to the system would be expected during its operational life. PLCs contain input and output devices compatible

17、 with industrial pilot devices and controls; little electrical design is required, and the design problem centers on expressing the desired sequence of operations. </p><p>  PLC applications are typically hi

18、ghly customized systems so the cost of a packaged PLC is low compared to the cost of a specific custom-built controller design. On the other hand, in the case of mass-produced goods, customized control systems are econom

19、ic due to the lower cost of the components, which can be optimally chosen instead of a "generic" solution, and where the non-recurring engineering charges are spread over thousands or millions of units.</p&g

20、t;<p>  For high volume or very simple fixed automation tasks, different techniques are used. For example, a consumer dishwasher would be controlled by an electromechanical cam timer costing only a few dollars in

21、production quantities.</p><p>  A microcontroller-based design would be appropriate where hundreds or thousands of units will be produced and so the development cost (design of power supplies, input/output h

22、ardware and necessary testing and certification) can be spread over many sales, and where the end-user would not need to alter the control. </p><p>  Automotive applications are an example; millions of units

23、 are built each year, and very few end-users alter the programming of these controllers. However, some specialty vehicles such as transit busses economically use PLCs instead of custom-designed controls, because the volu

24、mes are low and the development cost would be uneconomic.</p><p>  Very complex process control, such as used in the chemical industry, may require algorithms and performance beyond the capability of even h

25、igh-performance PLCs. Very high-speed or precision controls may also require customized solutions; for example, aircraft flight controls</p><p>  Programmable controllers are widely used in motion control, p

26、ositioning control and torque control. Some manufacturers produce motion control units to be integrated with PLC so that plc (involving a CNC machine) can be used to instruct machine movements.{{Citation needed|date=July

27、 2009}}</p><p>  PLCs may include logic for single-variable feedback analog control loop, a "Proportion Integration Differentiation" or "PID controller." A PID loop could be used to contr

28、ol the temperature of a manufacturing process, for example. Historically PLCs were usually configured with only a few analog control loops; where processes required hundreds or thousands of loops, a distributed control s

29、ystem (DCS) would instead be used. As PLCs have become more powerful, the boundary between DCS and PLC applica</p><p>  PLCs have similar functionality as Remote Terminal Units. An RTU, however, usually does

30、 not support control algorithms or control loops. As hardware rapidly becomes more powerful and cheaper,Remote Terminal Unit|RTUs, PLCs and Distributed Control System|DCSs are increasingly beginning to overlap in respons

31、ibilities, and many vendors sell RTUs with PLC-like features and vice versa..The industry has standardized on the IEC 61131-3 functional block language for creating programs to run on RTUs and </p><p>  Elec

32、trical engineering, often referred to as the electrical and electronic engineering (EEE), is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. It

33、 is a very broad area that encompasses the design and study of various electrical & electronic systems, such as electrical circuits, electrical generators, electric motors, transformers, magnetic devices & materi

34、als, electromagnetic and electromechanical devices, electronic d</p><p>  Electrical engineering may or may not include electronic engineering. Where a distinction is made, usually outside of the United Stat

35、es, electrical engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated with large-scale electrical systems such as power transmission and motor control, whereas electronic engineering deals with the study of small

36、-scale electronic systems including computers and integrated circuits.Alternatively, electrical engineers are usually concerned with using electric</p><p>  The field first became an identifiable occupation

37、in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. The modern Electrical Engineering subject may cover a range of subtopics including power, microelectronics, VL

38、SI, nanotechnology, control systems, mechatronics, robotics, nonlinear systems, computer engineering, systems analysis, signal processing, telecommunications, data communications, communication systems, information theor

39、y.</p><p>  Electrical engineers typically possess an academic degree with a major in electrical engineering. The length of study for such a degree is usually four or five years and the completed degree may

40、 be designated as a Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Technology or Bachelor of Applied Science depending upon the university. The degree generally includes units covering physics, mathematics, co

41、mputer science, project management and specific topics in electrical engineering. Ini</p><p>  Some electrical engineers also choose to pursue a postgraduate degree such as a Master of Engineering/Master of

42、Science (MEng/MSc), a Master of Engineering Management, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering, an Engineering Doctorate (EngD), or an Engineer's degree. The Master and Engineer's degree may consist of eithe


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