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1、 提 要 目的: 目的:分析體外受精-胚胎移植(In vitro fertilisation-embryo transfer,IVF-ET)妊娠早期先兆流產(chǎn)合并絨毛膜下血腫(Sub-chorionic haematoma,SCH)的相關(guān)因素。觀察壽胎丸加味方聯(lián)合西藥治療 IVF 妊娠早期先兆流產(chǎn)合并 SCH 的臨床療效。 方法 方法 第一部分: 第一部分: 收集 2010 年 1 月到 2012 年 2 月于山東中醫(yī)藥大學附屬醫(yī)院

2、婦科門診及病房早期先兆流產(chǎn)合并 SCH 的 60 例患者,其中 IVF 組 30 例非 IVF 組 30 例。分析比較患者年齡、孕齡、墮胎次數(shù)、陰道流血起始時間、陰道流血持續(xù)時間、SCH面積、SCH 面積/孕囊面積及血清 β-人絨毛膜促性腺激素(β-Human chorionic gonadotrophin,β-HCG) 、雌激素(Estradiol,E2)孕酮(Progesterone,P) 。探討 IVF妊娠早期先兆流產(chǎn)合并 SCH

3、 的相關(guān)因素。 第二部分: 第二部分: 收集2010年1月到2012年2月于山東中醫(yī)藥大學附屬醫(yī)院婦科門診及病房符合納入標準的IVF妊娠患者68例,分為兩組:A組:20-30歲,33例;B組:31-40歲,35例。觀察壽胎丸加味方聯(lián)合西藥對IVF妊娠早期先兆流產(chǎn)合并SCH患者治療后的臨床療效。觀察治療前后腰膝酸軟、小腹墜痛、頭暈耳鳴、夜尿頻多、眼眶黯黑等癥狀的改善情況;治療前后SCH面積、SCH面積/孕囊面積、血清β-hCG、E2、P、

4、的變化情況。 結(jié)果 結(jié)果 1. IVF 組與非 IVF 組年齡、孕齡、陰道流血起始時間、SCH 面積/孕囊面積及停經(jīng) 42 天、停經(jīng) 56 天血清 E2、P 水平比較,有極顯著性差異(P﹤0.01)。IVF 組與非 IVF 組陰道流血持續(xù)時間及停經(jīng) 56 天血清 β-hCG 水平比較,有顯著性差異(P﹤0.05)。IVF 組與非 IVF 組自然流產(chǎn)次數(shù)、SCH 面積及停經(jīng) 42 天血清 β-hCG 水平比較,無顯著性差異(P﹥0.05)

5、。 2. 壽胎丸加味方聯(lián)合西藥治療 IVF 妊娠早期先兆流產(chǎn)合并 SCH 有效率為80.88%, 治療前后 SCH 面積比較、 SCH 面積/孕囊面積比較、 中醫(yī)腎虛證候積分比較,有極顯著性差異(P﹤0.01)。A 組與 B 組治療后療效比較、SCH 面積比較、SCH 面Clinical observation of combined therapy using modified Shou Tai Wan and western med

6、icine for treating early threatened abortion with sub-chorionic haematoma in in vitro fertilisation pregnancy. Specialty:Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medical Author:ONG Yu Pey Tutor:Associate Prof.ZHANG Jian-wei Ab

7、stract Purpose: To analyse relevant factors which affect early threatened abortion (ETA) with sub-chorionic haematoma (SCH) in early in vitro fertilisation-embryo transfer (IVF) pregnancy, and to observe the clinical eff

8、icacy of combined therapy using modified Shou Tai Wan and western medicine in treating it. Method First Part: To collect data of 60 hospitalised and outpatient samples which are diagnosed with ETA with SCH at the Departm

9、ent of Gynaecology, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital between January 2010 and February 2012. Amongst them, 30 samples are categorised as IVF group; the other 30 are non-IVF group. T

10、hese samples are then analysed and compared for the patients’s ages, their gestational ages, the total number of natural miscarriages, the onset timing of vaginal bleedings, the duration of vaginal bleedings, the SCH are

11、a, the proportion of SCH area and gestational sac area, and the blood serum level of β-Human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG), Estradiol (E2) and Progesterone (P). This is to investigate factors which might be relevant to

12、 ETA with SCH in early IVF pregnancy. Second Part: To collect 68 hospitalised and outpatient samples which fit into the defined standards of IVF pregnancy at the Department of Gynaecology, Shandong University of Traditio

13、nal Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital between January 2010 and February 2012, and separate them into two groups according to the following conditions: group A, 20-30 years old, 33 samples; group B, 31-40 years old, 35


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